Table of Contents
- Training ML-Agents
For a broad overview of reinforcement learning, imitation learning and all the training scenarios, methods and options within the ML-Agents Toolkit, see ML-Agents Toolkit Overview.
Once your learning environment has been created and is ready for training, the
next step is to initiate a training run. Training in the ML-Agents Toolkit is
powered by a dedicated Python package, mlagents
. This package exposes a
command mlagents-learn
that is the single entry point for all training
workflows (e.g. reinforcement leaning, imitation learning, curriculum learning).
Its implementation can be found at
is the main training utility provided by the ML-Agents Toolkit.
It accepts a number of CLI options in addition to a YAML configuration file that
contains all the configurations and hyperparameters to be used during training.
The set of configurations and hyperparameters to include in this file depend on
the agents in your environment and the specific training method you wish to
utilize. Keep in mind that the hyperparameter values can have a big impact on
the training performance (i.e. your agent's ability to learn a policy that
solves the task). In this page, we will review all the hyperparameters for all
training methods and provide guidelines and advice on their values.
To view a description of all the CLI options accepted by mlagents-learn
, use
the --help
mlagents-learn --help
The basic command for training is:
mlagents-learn <trainer-config-file> --env=<env_name> --run-id=<run-identifier>
is the file path of the trainer configuration YAML. This contains all the hyperparameter values. We offer a detailed guide on the structure of this file and the meaning of the hyperparameters (and advice on how to set them) in the dedicated Training Configurations section below.<env_name>
(Optional) is the name (including path) of your Unity executable containing the agents to be trained. If<env_name>
is not passed, the training will happen in the Editor. Press the Play button in Unity when the message "Start training by pressing the Play button in the Unity Editor" is displayed on the screen.<run-identifier>
is a unique name you can use to identify the results of your training runs.
See the
Getting Started Guide
for a sample execution of the mlagents-learn
Regardless of which training methods, configurations or hyperparameters you
provide, the training process will always generate three artifacts, all found
in the results/<run-identifier>
- Summaries: these are training metrics that are updated throughout the training process. They are helpful to monitor your training performance and may help inform how to update your hyperparameter values. See Using TensorBoard for more details on how to visualize the training metrics.
- Models: these contain the model checkpoints that
are updated throughout training and the final model file (
). This final model file is generated once either when training completes or is interrupted. - Timers file (under
): this contains aggregated metrics on your training process, including time spent on specific code blocks. See Profiling in Python for more information on the timers generated.
These artifacts are updated throughout the training process and finalized when training is completed or is interrupted.
To interrupt training and save the current progress, hit Ctrl+C
once and wait
for the model(s) to be saved out.
To resume a previously interrupted or completed training run, use the --resume
flag and make sure to specify the previously used run ID.
If you would like to re-run a previously interrupted or completed training run
and re-use the same run ID (in this case, overwriting the previously generated
artifacts), then use the --force
You can also use this mode to run inference of an already-trained model in
Python by using both the --resume
and --inference
flags. Note that if you
want to run inference in Unity, you should use the
Additionally, if the network architecture changes, you may still load an existing model,
but ML-Agents will only load the parts of the model it can load and ignore all others. For instance,
if you add a new reward signal, the existing model will load but the new reward signal
will be initialized from scratch. If you have a model with a visual encoder (CNN) but
change the hidden_units
, the CNN will be loaded but the body of the network will be
initialized from scratch.
Alternatively, you might want to start a new training run but initialize it
using an already-trained model. You may want to do this, for instance, if your
environment changed and you want a new model, but the old behavior is still
better than random. You can do this by specifying
, where <run-identifier>
is the old run
The Unity ML-Agents Toolkit provides a wide range of training scenarios, methods and options. As such, specific training runs may require different training configurations and may generate different artifacts and TensorBoard statistics. This section offers a detailed guide into how to manage the different training set-ups withing the toolkit.
More specifically, this section offers a detailed guide on the command-line
flags for mlagents-learn
that control the training configurations:
: defines the training hyperparameters for each Behavior in the scene, and the set-ups for the environment parameters (Curriculum Learning and Environment Parameter Randomization)
It is important to highlight that successfully training a Behavior in the
ML-Agents Toolkit involves tuning the training hyperparameters and
configuration. This guide contains some best practices for tuning the training
process when the default parameters don't seem to be giving the level of
performance you would like. We provide sample configuration files for our
example environments in the config/ directory. The
was used to train the 3D Balance Ball in the
Getting Started guide. That configuration file uses the
PPO trainer, but we also have configuration files for SAC and GAIL.
Additionally, the set of configurations you provide depend on the training functionalities you use (see ML-Agents Toolkit Overview for a description of all the training functionalities). Each functionality you add typically has its own training configurations. For instance:
- Use PPO or SAC?
- Use Recurrent Neural Networks for adding memory to your agents?
- Use the intrinsic curiosity module?
- Ignore the environment reward signal?
- Pre-train using behavioral cloning? (Assuming you have recorded demonstrations.)
- Include the GAIL intrinsic reward signals? (Assuming you have recorded demonstrations.)
- Use self-play? (Assuming your environment includes multiple agents.)
The trainer config file, <trainer-config-file>
, determines the features you will
use during training, and the answers to the above questions will dictate its contents.
The rest of this guide breaks down the different sub-sections of the trainer config file
and explains the possible settings for each. If you need a list of all the trainer
configurations, please see Training Configuration File.
NOTE: The configuration file format has been changed between 0.17.0 and 0.18.0 and
between 0.18.0 and onwards. To convert
an old set of configuration files (trainer config, curriculum, and sampler files) to the new
format, a script has been provided. Run python -m mlagents.trainers.upgrade_config -h
in your
console to see the script's usage.
Additionally, within the training configuration YAML file, you can also add the
CLI arguments (such as --num-envs
Reminder that a detailed description of all the CLI arguments can be found by using the help utility:
mlagents-learn --help
These additional CLI arguments are grouped into environment, engine, checkpoint and torch. The available settings and example values are shown below.
env_path: FoodCollector
env_args: null
base_port: 5005
num_envs: 1
timeout_wait: 10
seed: -1
max_lifetime_restarts: 10
restarts_rate_limit_n: 1
restarts_rate_limit_period_s: 60
width: 84
height: 84
quality_level: 5
time_scale: 20
target_frame_rate: -1
capture_frame_rate: 60
no_graphics: false
run_id: foodtorch
initialize_from: null
load_model: false
resume: false
force: true
train_model: false
inference: false
device: cpu
The primary section of the trainer config file is a
set of configurations for each Behavior in your scene. These are defined under
the sub-section behaviors
in your trainer config file. Some of the
configurations are required while others are optional. To help us get started,
below is a sample file that includes all the possible settings if we're using a
PPO trainer with all the possible training functionalities enabled (memory,
behavioral cloning, curiosity, GAIL and self-play). You will notice that
curriculum and environment parameter randomization settings are not part of the behaviors
configuration, but in their own section called environment_parameters
trainer_type: ppo
# Hyperparameters common to PPO and SAC
batch_size: 1024
buffer_size: 10240
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
learning_rate_schedule: linear
# PPO-specific hyperparameters
beta: 5.0e-3
beta_schedule: constant
epsilon: 0.2
epsilon_schedule: linear
lambd: 0.95
num_epoch: 3
shared_critic: False
# Configuration of the neural network (common to PPO/SAC)
vis_encode_type: simple
normalize: false
hidden_units: 128
num_layers: 2
# memory
sequence_length: 64
memory_size: 256
# Trainer configurations common to all trainers
max_steps: 5.0e5
time_horizon: 64
summary_freq: 10000
keep_checkpoints: 5
checkpoint_interval: 50000
threaded: false
init_path: null
# behavior cloning
demo_path: Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Pyramids/Demos/ExpertPyramid.demo
strength: 0.5
steps: 150000
batch_size: 512
num_epoch: 3
samples_per_update: 0
# environment reward (default)
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.99
# curiosity module
strength: 0.02
gamma: 0.99
encoding_size: 256
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
strength: 0.01
gamma: 0.99
encoding_size: 128
demo_path: Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Pyramids/Demos/ExpertPyramid.demo
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
use_actions: false
use_vail: false
# self-play
window: 10
play_against_latest_model_ratio: 0.5
save_steps: 50000
swap_steps: 2000
team_change: 100000
Here is an equivalent file if we use an SAC trainer instead. Notice that the configurations for the additional functionalities (memory, behavioral cloning, curiosity and self-play) remain unchanged.
trainer_type: sac
# Trainer configs common to PPO/SAC (excluding reward signals)
# same as PPO config
# SAC-specific configs (replaces the hyperparameters section above)
# Hyperparameters common to PPO and SAC
# Same as PPO config
# SAC-specific hyperparameters
# Replaces the "PPO-specific hyperparameters" section above
buffer_init_steps: 0
tau: 0.005
steps_per_update: 10.0
save_replay_buffer: false
init_entcoef: 0.5
reward_signal_steps_per_update: 10.0
# Configuration of the neural network (common to PPO/SAC)
# Same as PPO config
# Trainer configurations common to all trainers
# <Same as PPO config>
# pre-training using behavior cloning
# same as PPO config
# environment reward
# same as PPO config
# curiosity module
# same as PPO config
# same as PPO config
# self-play
# same as PPO config
We now break apart the components of the configuration file and describe what each of these parameters mean and provide guidelines on how to set them. See Training Configuration File for a detailed description of all the configurations listed above, along with their defaults. Unless otherwise specified, omitting a configuration will revert it to its default.
In some cases, you may want to specify a set of default configurations for your Behaviors.
This may be useful, for instance, if your Behavior names are generated procedurally by
the environment and not known before runtime, or if you have many Behaviors with very similar
settings. To specify a default configuraton, insert a default_settings
section in your YAML.
This section should be formatted exactly like a configuration for a Behavior.
# < Same as Behavior configuration >
# < Same as above >
Behaviors found in the environment that aren't specified in the YAML will now use the default_settings
and unspecified settings in behavior configurations will default to the values in default_settings
specified there.
In order to control the EnvironmentParameters
in the Unity simulation during training,
you need to add a section called environment_parameters
. For example you can set the
value of an EnvironmentParameter
called my_environment_parameter
to 3.0
the following code :
# < Same as above >
# Add this section
my_environment_parameter: 3.0
Inside the Unity simulation, you can access your Environment Parameters by doing :
Academy.Instance.EnvironmentParameters.GetWithDefault("my_environment_parameter", 0.0f);
To enable environment parameter randomization, you need to edit the environment_parameters
section of your training configuration yaml file. Instead of providing a single float value
for your environment parameter, you can specify a sampler instead. Here is an example with
three environment parameters called mass
, length
and scale
# < Same as above >
# Add this section
sampler_type: uniform
min_value: 0.5
max_value: 10
sampler_type: multirangeuniform
intervals: [[7, 10], [15, 20]]
sampler_type: gaussian
mean: 2
st_dev: .3
Setting | Description |
sampler_type |
A string identifier for the type of sampler to use for this Environment Parameter . |
sampler_parameters |
The parameters for a given sampler_type . Samplers of different types can have different sampler_parameters |
Below is a list of the sampler_type
values supported by the toolkit.
- Uniform sampler- Uniformly samples a single float value from a range with a given minimum and maximum value (inclusive).
- parameters -
- Gaussian sampler- Samples a single float value from a normal distribution with a given mean and standard deviation.
- parameters -
- Multirange uniform sampler- First, samples an interval from a set of intervals in proportion to relative
length of the intervals. Then, uniformly samples a single float value from the
sampled interval (inclusive). This sampler can take an arbitrary number of
intervals in a list in the following format:
], [interval_2_min
], ...] - parameters -
- First, samples an interval from a set of intervals in proportion to relative
length of the intervals. Then, uniformly samples a single float value from the
sampled interval (inclusive). This sampler can take an arbitrary number of
intervals in a list in the following format:
The implementation of the samplers can be found in the Samplers.cs file.
After the sampler configuration is defined, we proceed by launching mlagents-learn
and specify trainer configuration with parameter randomization enabled. For example,
if we wanted to train the 3D ball agent with parameter randomization, we would run
mlagents-learn config/ppo/3DBall_randomize.yaml --run-id=3D-Ball-randomize
We can observe progress and metrics via TensorBoard.
To enable curriculum learning, you need to add a curriculum
sub-section to your environment
parameter. Here is one example with the environment parameter my_environment_parameter
# < Same as above >
# Add this section
- name: MyFirstLesson # The '-' is important as this is a list
measure: progress
behavior: my_behavior
signal_smoothing: true
min_lesson_length: 100
threshold: 0.2
value: 0.0
- name: MySecondLesson # This is the start of the second lesson
measure: progress
behavior: my_behavior
signal_smoothing: true
min_lesson_length: 100
threshold: 0.6
require_reset: true
sampler_type: uniform
min_value: 4.0
max_value: 7.0
- name: MyLastLesson
value: 8.0
Note that this curriculum only applies to my_environment_parameter
. The curriculum
contains a list of Lessons
. In the example, the lessons are named MyFirstLesson
, MySecondLesson
and MyLastLesson
Each Lesson
has 3 fields :
which is a user defined name for the lesson (The name of the lesson will be displayed in the console when the lesson changes)completion_criteria
which determines what needs to happen in the simulation before the lesson can be considered complete. When that condition is met, the curriculum moves on to the nextLesson
. Note that you do not need to specify acompletion_criteria
for the lastLesson
which is the value the environment parameter will take during the lesson. Note that this can be a float or a sampler.
There are the different settings of the completion_criteria
Setting | Description |
measure |
What to measure learning progress, and advancement in lessons by.reward uses a measure of received reward, progress uses the ratio of steps/max_steps, while Elo is available only for self-play situations and uses Elo score as a curriculum completion measure. |
behavior |
Specifies which behavior is being tracked. There can be multiple behaviors with different names, each at different points of training. This setting allows the curriculum to track only one of them. |
threshold |
Determines at what point in value of measure the lesson should be increased. |
min_lesson_length |
The minimum number of episodes that should be completed before the lesson can change. If measure is set to reward , the average cumulative reward of the last min_lesson_length episodes will be used to determine if the lesson should change. Must be nonnegative. Important: the average reward that is compared to the thresholds is different than the mean reward that is logged to the console. For example, if min_lesson_length is 100 , the lesson will increment after the average cumulative reward of the last 100 episodes exceeds the current threshold. The mean reward logged to the console is dictated by the summary_freq parameter defined above. |
signal_smoothing |
Whether to weight the current progress measure by previous values. |
require_reset |
Whether changing lesson requires the environment to reset (default: false) |
Once we have specified our metacurriculum and curricula, we can launch
to point to the config file containing
our curricula and PPO will train using Curriculum Learning. For example, to
train agents in the Wall Jump environment with curriculum learning, we can run:
mlagents-learn config/ppo/WallJump_curriculum.yaml --run-id=wall-jump-curriculum
We can then keep track of the current lessons and progresses via TensorBoard. If you've terminated
the run, you can resume it using --resume
and lesson progress will start off where it
In order to run concurrent Unity instances during training, set the number of
environment instances using the command line option --num-envs=<n>
when you
invoke mlagents-learn
. Optionally, you can also set the --base-port
, which
is the starting port used for the concurrent Unity instances.
Some considerations:
- Buffer Size - If you are having trouble getting an agent to train, even
with multiple concurrent Unity instances, you could increase
in the trainer config file. A common practice is to multiplybuffer_size
. - Resource Constraints - Invoking concurrent Unity instances is constrained
by the resources on the machine. Please use discretion when setting
. - Result Variation Using Concurrent Unity Instances - If you keep all the
hyperparameters the same, but change
, the results and model would likely change.