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Liu-Cheng Xu edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 6 revisions

The examples here are community-driven and not guaranteed to be bug-free.

Ensure your code is tested at least by yourself before adding it here.

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Open dotfiles

let g:clap_provider_dotfiles = {
      \ 'source': ['~/.vimrc', '~/.spacevim', '~/.bashrc', '~/.tmux.conf'],
      \ 'sink': 'e',
      \ }

Use :Clap dotfiles to open some dotfiles quickly.

Execute custom commands

let g:clap_provider_commands = {
      \ 'source': ['Clap debug', 'UltiSnipsEdit'],
      \ 'sink': { selected -> execute(selected, '')},
      \ }

Use :Clap commands to execute the custom commands.

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