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Is it able to change the bg color of the which-key and floating windows? #430

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c02y opened this issue Aug 24, 2019 · 4 comments
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c02y commented Aug 24, 2019

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Problem Description

Currently when I'm using the feature of which-key or fzf, the background color of popup window is very ugly, is it able to change it?


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See liuchengxu/vim-which-key#58

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c02y commented Aug 26, 2019

You mean like this?

    if exists('&winhighlight')
        setlocal winhighlight=NormalFloat:WhichKeyFloating

It indeed changes the bg of the which-key, but is it the same as the theme (I disable the theme when using vim/nvim in terminal, so the theme here is the theme of the terminal), check the screenshot, I cannot distinguish the text in the buffer and the text in which-key popup window.

And the bg color of the floating window for fzf is still the same, check the screenshots.

I tried other configs in ~/.spacevim, none of them works, it seems it is fixed, either the same of the theme or the ugly color in the screenshot.

I want the bg of color for both which-key and floating window of fzf to be like #395 (comment) ,just slightly different from the theme.
What can I do?


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liuchengxu commented Aug 26, 2019

Your problem is mostly that you chose a wrong theme or you did something wrong in your .spacevim . Normally the highlight group of the floating window is linked to Pmenu by default. If you do love your current theme, you can try customizing the highlight by yourself:

hi link WhichKeyFloating Search

Also search the vim help :h hi.

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c02y commented Aug 27, 2019

I found the problem:
I'm using the following configuration:

    " disable theme in terminal vim
    if !has("gui_running")
        colorscheme default

Once I comment this part out, the bg color of which-key and floatwindow of fzf is quite normal.


hi link WhichKeyFloating Search

only affects for the bg color of which-key window, not for the bg color of floatwindow of fzf.

I have to redefine Pmenu, after some tests, this is what I'll use:

    " disable theme in terminal vim
    if !has("gui_running")
        colorscheme default
        " for which-key and floatwindow of fzf
        highlight Pmenu guibg=#3A3A3A

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