- Update README
- Update README
- Fix typo in README
- changing the speed of set_angles
- changes in stiffness when shutting down
- updating joint comparison
- fixing the diagnostics
- adding electical current and battery info to Diagnostics
- adding a possibility to change stiffness
- few changes in ReadJoints
- Read joints names from pepper_control config reading joints names from yaml file
- adding headers
- define controlled joints from ROS controllers
- removed joint publishing from ALMotion
- removing velocity control and adding moveto subscriber since velocity control is already in Naoqi Driver
- Smooth robot motion
- Merge pull request #1 from ros-naoqi/update_links updated repo URL
- smooth changed in stiffness
- update repo urls
- few changes in log
- reduce Naoqi log
- fix reading motor groups from launch
- fixing crash at shutting down
- clean robot.hpp
- fixing typos
- Contributors: Mikael Arguedas, Natalia Lyubova
- fixed Autonomous Life call
- wakeup the robot during initialization
- Contributors: nlyubova
- refactoring
- adding a wrapper for Memory Proxy
- updating the README
- exit Touch service
- adding the diagnostics class
- adding tools for AnyValue conversion
- fixing velocity control
- initial commit
- Contributors: Natalia Lyubova