- Custom bash scripts transparent to source tree (folders are only used for better structure) - moved to makefiles, script (
apr.sh) is now obsolete - Math library
- 2D, 3D and 4D vectors
- 3x3 matrices
- multiplication
- normal matrix calculation
- 4x4 matrices
- multiplication
- rotation (over X,Y,Z or random axis), translation and scaling
- frustrum, orthographic and perspective
- inverse and transpose
- object and camera look-at
- Axis aligned bounding boxes (AABB for both 1D and 2D)
- Plane
- Frustrum
- reconstruction from view-projection matrix
- intersection with point
- intersection with sphere
- Sphere-sphere intersection
- 2D triangle determinant
- Line-line intersection
- Tangent/bitangent calculation (for normal/bump/parallax mapping)
- Time service
- Transparent resource system (automatic switch from assets to SD files or MVFS files)
- OpenGL 2.0 graphics service
- Shader loading and management
- Generic buffer object (VBO/IBO possibly PBO for OpenGL 3.0)
- 2D Texture loading
- support multiple filtering types (Point,Bilinear and Trilinear)
- load from RAW data, file or build-blank
- wraping mode
- Sprite rendering system
- Multi-layer sprite batcher (batch merging for each layer)
- Basic sprites
- Animated sprites
- Tiled background with parallax effect
- Multiple shading options built in fragment shader:
- alpha blending, alpha testing and none (does not take care of alpha)
- per vertex color
- Debug polygon and circle rendering
- Custom render calls
- Texture mapped font rendering
- load from raw font texture (16x16 grid, one per character)
- render as monospaced font
- automatic construction
- font size and color
- centering/alignment
- Particle system
- full flexibility
- emitters (spawner)
- circle emitter
- effectors (modifier)
- acceleration (gravity)
- linear interpolation between 2 colors
- Post effect rendering (pipelined) with built in:
- Camera system
- 2D camera (follow an object and spring system)
- 3D generic camera
- 3D free camera
- Basic UI scaling helper functions
- Basic caching for textures, shaders and buffer objects to reduce OGL calls
- Image loading from file (automatic switch to right format)
- PNG (pnglib)
- Targa
- Physics service
- AABB fast test
- Convex-convex polygon collision using SAT
- Circle-circle collision
- Circle-Convex polygon collision (SAT)
- Basic physics (linear velocity, linear acceleration, angular velocity and friction system)
- Misc
- General purpose animation player (AnimationPlayer)
- Forward, backward, loop
- Interpolation between frames (usefull for MD2 model animation)
- Random number generation (int, double, flip coin)
- Various string functions (StringEx):
- get extension (from path)
- upper, lower, to upper, to lower
- is printable, visible, control char, lower/upper case, alpha, digit, etc.
- to int, bool, double
- strip left, right, substr, slice
- memswap
- Uncopyable class
- General purpose animation player (AnimationPlayer)
- Debug
- Console/logcat printing
- Screen printing
- Assert on OpenGL or EGL error
- Multi-touch input (event-based)
- Pinch to zoom and rotate
- Virtual joystick
- Back key overwriting
- OpenSLES sound service
- WAV/MP3/OGG loading and playback
- Basic SFX
- Controller wrappers (please note that not all are supported on all devices) for:
- Play (Start/Pause/Resume)
- Volume
- Bass booster
- Pitch
- Stereo
- Seek
- Playback rate
- Group controllers (issue a regular controller action to multiple objects)
- Google Ads
- Window creation
- Debug
- File logger in html format
- Input
- Keyboard input
- Mouse input