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Node.js library that implements Matrix Identity Service API and this proposal


Example using express:

import express from 'express'
import FederatedIdentityService from '@twake/federated-identity-service'

// if configuration is in default file (/etc/twake/federated-identity-service.conf)
const federatedIdentityService = new FederatedIdentityService()

// else if configuration is in a different file, set TWAKE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_SERVICE_CONF
process.env.TWAKE_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_SERVICE_CONF = '/path/to/config/file'
const federatedIdentityService = new FederatedIdentityService()

// You can also give configuration directly
const federatedIdentityService = new FederatedIdentityService(config)

const app = express()

federatedIdentityService.ready.then( () => {

Configuration file

Configuration file is a JSON file. The default values are in src/config.json.

How to use it with a client

Sending requests to the federated identity service requires to be logged on this server. The token allowing to send requests to Tom-server does not work with the federated identity service.

After the user signed in, the client has to send a GET request to /.well-known/matrix/client endpoint or /.well-known/twake/client endpoint. If the response body contains the m.federated_identity_services key then at least one federated identity service is available. Keep the value of the base_urls field that you will find inside the m.federated_identity_services object.

These are the steps to obtain a token that works on the federated identity service:

  1. Send a POST request to the URL https://<matrix_server_address>/_matrix/client/v3/user/<userId>/openid/request_token, you have to replace matrix_server_address by the address of the Matrix server selected by the user, and userId by the Matrix id of the user. The request body has to be empty and you have to set the Authorization header with the value Bearer <user_matrix_token> where user_matrix_token is the token retrieved on sign in. For more details see Matrix specification. NB: The access_token given in response can be used to register into any Matrix identity service or to ask for a Token exchange into a yadd/lemonldap-ng-portal server
  2. The response body of the previous request now should be sent to the URL https://<federated_identity_service>/_matrix/identity/v2/account/register. federated_identity_service has to be replaced by each federated identity service address retrieved in the response body of the request sent on the first step. One request by federated identity service. The Authorization header does not need to be set. If the request does not work, maybe the value of matrix_server_name in the body is not the good one. For more details see Matrix specification
    • The response body JSON of each request will contain a token field whose the value will allow to be authenticated on the matching federated identity service.


Federation Identity Service is available on Docker. You can configure it using environment variables:

  • Required parameters:
    • TRUSTED_SERVERS_ADDRESSES: the space separated list of Tom-Servers allowed to push data. Networks or IP addresses
    • BASE_URL; the public URL of this service (example:
  • Optional parameters:
    • CRON_SERVICE (true/false): enable ot disable cron tasks. It is required to have at least one active federated-odentity-service with CRON_SERVICE active per database
    • Logs:
      • LOG_TRANSPORTS: set to Console
      • LOG_LEVEL: default to "error", possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "http", "verbose", "debug", "silly"

A federation server is also a Matrix Identity Service, thus all parameters of this service can also be enabled but this is interseting only if this instance is also used as ToM-Server.

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2023-present Linagora