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216 lines (161 loc) · 7.22 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (161 loc) · 7.22 KB


Small compiler project created for TC3048 - Compiler Design course at Tec de Monterrey

Test & Linting status

Table of contents

Project structure

├── app                     # app's source code
│   ├──         # Uses all programs to generate the execution point for the small-compiler
│   ├──              # lexer implementation using PLY
│   ├──            # parser implementation using PLY
│   └──              # Generates thee address code from parse tree of parser
├── tests                   # Unit testing directory
│   ├── input_tests         # directory with valid and invalid input code for testing
│   ├── output_tests        # output code from compiler used for testing
│   └── parse_trees         # generated parse trees by compiler used for testing
├──                 # Execute different functions of the project
└── requirements.txt        # List of dependencies (update with "pip freeze > requirements.txt")


  • Python3 & PIP3

How to run?

Using script

Execute main program: ./ run

usage: ./ run [-h] [arguments]
Compile input code into three address code

positional arguments:
  input_file   input file path - required
  output_file  output file path - optional

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Run tests: ./ test <extra optional parameters for pytest>

Run lint: ./ lint

Install requirements: ./ install

Create python's virtual environment: ./ env

Source python virtual environment: . ./ source or source ./ activate

Using commands directly

Before everything you need to install the virtual environment, this can be done with: python3 -m venv env

Once you have the env folder, every time you work with the project you need to source it first using: source ./env/bin/activate

Before running any test or the main program you need to install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run tests: pytest <optional parameters for pytest>

To run lint: python3 -m flake8 ./app --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics

To run the main program (not doing anything yet): python3 -m app

usage: python3 -m app [-h] [arguments]
Compile input code into three address code

positional arguments:
  input_file   input file path - required
  output_file  output file path - optional

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Libraries used


definition Terminal Regular expression
int declaration INT int
float declaration FLOAT float
string declaration STRING string
boolean declaration BOOLEAN bool
if reserved word IF if
else reserved word ELSE else
elif reserved word ELIF elif
while reserved word WHILE while
print reserved word PRINT print
read reserved word READ read
do reserved word DO do
for reserved word FOR for
boolean value true BOOLEAN_VALUE_T true
boolean value false BOOLEAN_VALUE_F false
one character symbols <same as the character> [=+-*/^><(){};]
equals EQUALS ==
different DIFFERENT !=
great or equal GREAT_EQUAL >=
less or equal LESS_EQUAL <=
and AND &&
or OR ||
int value INT_VALUE [0-9]+
float value FLOAT_VALUE [0-9]*.[0-9]+
string value STRING_VALUE ".*"
id ID [a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*
comment //.*

Syntax specification

prog prog expression │ expression
expression closed_statement │ selection_statement │ iteration_statement
selection_statement IF special_statement │ IF special_statement ELSE blocked_content │ IF special_statement elif ELSE blocked_content
iteration_statement WHILE special_statement │ DO blocked_content WHILE blocked_op ';' │ FOR '(' for_first for_second ')' blocked_content │ FOR '(' for_first for_second op_expression ')' blocked_content
elif ELIF special_statement │ elif ELIF special_statement
blocked_content '{' prog '}'
blocked_op '(' op_expression ')'
special_statement blocked_op blocked_content
closed_statement ';' │ statement ';'
for_first ';' │ assign_op ';' │ declaration ';'
for_second ';' │ op_expression ';'
statement print │ read │ op_expression │ declaration
print PRINT '(' op_expression ')'
read READ '(' ID ')'
declaration type ID │ type ID '=' op_expression
op_expression val │ assign_op │ bin_op │ '(' op_expression ')'│
assign_op ID '=' op_expression
bin_op op_expression symbol op_expression
val ID │ lit_val
symbol '+' │ '-' │ '*' │ '/' │ '^' │ '>' │ '<' │ AND │ OR │ EQUALS │ DIFFERENT │ GREAT_EQUAL │ LESS_EQUAL

Operator precedence

precedence associativity operators
8 right =
7 left AND, OR
5 nonassoc <, >, GREAT_EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL
4 left +, -
3 left *, /
2 left ^
1 nonassoc Unary -

Example input:

Random Input

Code 1: ok1.txt

Code 2: ok2.txt

Some more real code:

Code 3: ok3.txt

Code 4: ok4.txt


Currently when running the parser it generates a file, which is used by the parser in future process to accelerate it. Also it creates the parser.out file which describes the parser path and decision making.

Runing the full compiler produces three address code like the following files:

Code 1 generated from ok1.txt

Code 2 generated from ok2.txt

Code 3 generated from ok3.txt

Code 4 generated from ok4.txt