- Fork the repository: forking a repository creates a copy of the repository on your accoount. This allows you to freely experiment changes without affecting the main repository.
After clicking the fork button in the image above, you'll complete the forking process by clicking the create fork button
- Create a branch of yours to make your contributions: creating a branch allows you to separate your changes from the main branch which can later be added to the main branch if there is no error or conflict. Else, discarded.
Input the name of your branch and then click "Create branch: branch-name" slightly below the branch name input area
- When you are done creating the branch, you can start making your contributions.
- When you're done making your contribution, compare & pull request
- Finally, send your pull request. You can also leave a comment to explain your contribution.
Fork the repository as in the first step above
Clone the forked repository to your local machine
git clone https://github.com/OSCA-Ado-Ekiti/Hacktoberfest2023-Ekiti.git
- Navigate to the cloned directory
cd Hacktoberfest2023-Ekiti
- Create a branch
git checkout -b branch_name (Creates and switches to the new branch created)
Make your contributions
Add, commit and push changes
git add file_name (use . to add every files and folders in the directory)
git commit -m 'commit message'
git push origin branch_name
If you are having any dificulty, check this article: https://codesandbox.io/post/how-to-make-your-first-open-source-contribution