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PCUICAst defines the syntax of terms of PCUIC: term. Utility functions on this syntax can be found in PCUICAstUtils, while PCUICInduction provides induction principles on the syntax, while taking care of special constructors like tCase (pattern-maching), tFix (fixed points) and tCoFix (co-fixed points) which take lists of terms as arguments. PCUICLiftSubst defines renaming, lifting and susbtitution. PCUICUnivSubst defines universe substitution (for universe polymorphism). PCUICReflect contains the definition of the ReflectEq type class, coming with boolean equality eqb which reflects equality, and give many instances of that class.

Typing and Meta Theory

Typing in PCUIC is defined in PCUICTyping, it also comes with the definition of reduction, conversion and cumulativity. Some results about reduction (including the definition of parallel reduction) can be found in PCUICReduction. In PCUICPosition, we define the notion of position in a term, as well as the notion of stack, how they are related and a well-founded order on positions (in a given term). In PCUICNameless we define a notion of nameless terms (without any pretty-printing annotations) and the nl function to remove such names in a term. Weakening on environments is done in PCUICWeakeningEnv. The notion of closed terms is defined in PCUICClosed. In PCUICSigmaCalculus we show type preservation for σ-calculus instantiation. Then PCUICWeakening contains the weakening lemma. Some properties on cumulativity are proven in PCUICCumulativity, it also includes some other properties about eq_term but they can mainly be found in PCUICEquality. PCUICSubstitution contains the substitution lemma. All inversion lemmata on typing are in PCUICInversion. PCUICGeneration on the other hand is about admissibility lemmata on typing, for instance typing of n-ary application mkApps. PCUICParallelReduction and PCUICParallelReductionConfluence have self-explanatory names, they define parallel reduction and show it is confluent as a stepping stone to prove confluence of the "usual" reduction in PCUICConfluence. We prove principality (if a term has two types, it can be typed with a subtype of both) in PCUICPrincipality. PCUICUnivSubstitution contains more universe substitution lemmata. PCUICValidity allows us to show that every type A such that Γ ⊢ t : A is valid, meaning it is sorted or a well-formed arity. Subject reduction is addressed in PCUICSR. PCUICWcbvEval defines the weak head call by value evaluation strategy.

PCUICMetaTheory sums up the meta-theory? (probably outdated)

Fueled type checker

PCUICChecker contains a fueled type checker for PCUIC whose completeness can be found in PCUICCheckerCompleteness. PCUICRetyping provides a type_of function to get the type of well-typed expression, it doesn't check again that the term is well-typed, so it can go faster.

Relation with TemplateCoq

TemplateToPCUIC, as the name implies, contains a translation from TemplateCoq syntax to PCUIC syntax. TemplateToPCUICCorrectness shows that this translation is type-preserving.


PCUICErasedTerm contains the AST for the erased terms (proofs are identified). PCUICElimination defines information about elimination of proofs.

Preliminaries for Safe Checker

In PCUICNormal we define the notion of (weak head) neutral and normal terms. PCUICSafeLemmata mostly contains lemmata that should be moved, but also the definition of welltyped and wellformed which are Prop variants of typing, stating that a term is well typed (or is an arity in the case of wellformed). The file includes lemmata about it. PCUICSN defines the normalisation axiom as well-foundedness of the co-reduction, as well as related lemmata.