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File metadata and controls

86 lines (61 loc) · 5.45 KB


A tool for game masters to display their Stars Without Number sector map. Stars Without Number is a tabletop roleplaying game authored by Kevin Crawford. Kevin Crawford is the copyright owner for all elements taken from the rule book.

What it is

Static Animation

An interactive interface to visualize your sector, to get it out of the spreadsheet it usually lives in. Features for now include:

  • displaying of planet details like Planetary Government, TL, population, atmosphere, temperature, biosphere, planet tags and orbiting objects
  • displaying of asset details like custom lore, owner, HP, Cost, TL, Attack and Counter stats, special abilities and its range in case it can move itself or other assets
  • displaying of faction details like attributes, HP, income, balance, XP, faction tag and faction goal

Here is a live example. Just mouseover different elements on the map, chances are a popup with more details will appear!

How to use

  1. Look at this spreadsheet. It is the backend for what displays. Make a copy of this sheet by clicking File > Make A Copy.

  2. In the SectorSize tab, specify the dimensions of your sector. How many rows, how many columns. Keep in mind that indexing starts at 0, so if you have columns 00 through 09, that makes 10 columns. Same for rows.

  3. Replace the example factions in the FactionTracker tab, their assets in the AssetTracker tab, planets in the PlanetMap tab and system objects in the SystemObjects tab with the ones from your sector. You can add new rows as needed. Some of the automation within the sheet sometimes doesn't catch new rows. I recommend exploring the sheet to see which cells depend on which rows and adjust things whenever needed.

  4. If that is all set and done, have a look at the Publishing tab. Here you need to fill in the publishing links to the individual tabs of your sheet. Click on File > Publish to the web. A popup dialog appears:


  1. Choose Publishing and Tab-separated values (.tsv) in the two dropdown menus (and don't mind all the tabs that show up in the first dropdown menu, they include hidden tabs used for housekeeping purposes). This will generate a link to a .tsv file containing the information of the specified tab. Copy the link and paste it in the Publishing tab next to where it says Publishing (so in cell B2).

  2. Repeat for the other tabs, so FactionTracker, AssetTracker, PlanetMap and SectorObjects. Paste their publishing links in the corresponding cells in the Publishing tab.

  3. If everything went according to plan, your sector is now available under the URL at the bottom of the Publishing tab. Click it and hopefully your sector will render in all its gloryness!


Missing sheets error

If you see anything like the image below, something went wrong (I know it's not the prettiest of error messages, working on it).


If all four of the essential sheets (FactionTracker, AssetTracker, PlanetMap and SectorObjects) are listed as missing, most likely there's a problem with the URL you pasted after If only some are listed as missing, then there's a problem with their specific publishing link.

Other common issues

  • Google Sheets can take up to five minutes to push changes in the sheets to the published .tsv files. Don't be surprised when changes do not immediately make it into the map.
  • sometimes, things will not render immediately — if you're seeing only the background image but no Missing Sheet error, simply try refreshing the page or emptying your cache
  • to be continued, but I appreciate bug reports, suggestions and pull requests.


  • the bare minimum
  • a landing page, possibly with a tutorial or at least with a link to this repository
  • search function to highlight individual assets, planets, systems and other game entities
  • dice roller to resolve fights between assets
  • scoring system to measure each faction's standing in the sector
  • politcal map overlay based on that scoring
  • ???
  • complete rework to support own database as backend and sector manipulation through an interface directly from the map


Kevin Crawford, OutrO, Dgaduin, NotShteve, LichMaster98.



2020 / 04 / 23

  • Custom lore can now be displayed on asset info cards by adding a column titled "Lore" to the AssetTracker tab (already included in the template). It will show up on asset info cards like this:
