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+# Dependencies
+Ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7, CUDA 8.0, cudnn 5.1, h5py (2.6.0), SimpleITK (0.10.0), numpy (1.11.3), nvidia-ml-py (7.352.0), matplotlib (2.0.0), scikit-image (0.12.3), scipy (0.18.1), pyparsing (2.1.4), pytorch (0.1.10+ac9245a) (anaconda is recommended)
+This is my configuration, I am not sure about the compatability of other versions
+# Instructions for runing
+1. unzip the stage 2 data
+2. go to root folder
+3. open config_submit.py, filling in datapath with the stage 2 data path
+4. python main.py
+5. get the results from prediction.csv
+if you have bug about short of memory, set the 'n_worker_preprocessing' in config\_submit.py to a int that is smaller than your core number.
+1. Install all dependencies
+2. Prepare stage1 data, LUNA data, and LUNA segment results (https://luna16.grand-challenge.org/download/), unzip them to separate folders
+3. Go to ./training and open config_training.py
+4. Filling in stage1_data_path, luna_raw, luna_segment with the path mentioned above
+5. Filling in luna_data, preprocess_result_path, with tmp folders
+6. bash run_training.sh and wait for the finishing of training (it may take several days)
+If you do not have 8 GPUs or your the memory of your GPUs is less than 12 GB, decrease the number of -b and -b2 in run\_training.sh, and modify the 'CUDA\_VISIBLE\_DEVICES=0,1,..,n\_your\_gpu'. The time of training is very long (3~4 days with 8 TITANX).
+# Brief Introduction to algorithm
+Extra Data and labels: we use LUNA16 as extra data, and we manually labeled the locations of nodules in the stage1 training dataset. We also manually washed the label of LUNA16, deleting those that we think irrelavent to cancer. The labels are stored in ./training./detector./labels.
+The training involves four steps
+1. prepare data
+ All data are resized to 1x1x1 mm, the luminance is clipped between -1200 and 600, scaled to 0-255 and converted to uint8. A mask that include the lungs is calculated, luminance of every pixel outside the mask is set to 170. The results will be stored in 'preprocess_result_path' defined in config_training.py along with their corresponding detection labels.
+2. training a nodule detector
+ in this part, a 3d faster-rcnn is used as the detector. The input size is 128 x 128 x 128, an online hard negative sample mining method is used. The network structure is based on U-net.
+3. get all proposals
+ The model trained in part 2 was tested on all data, giving all suspicious nodule locations and confidences (proposals)
+4. training a cancer classifier
+ For each case, 5 proposals are samples according to its confidence, and for each proposal a 96 x 96 x 96 cubes centered at the proposal center is cropped.
+ These proposals are fed to the detector and the feature in the last convolutional layer is extracted for each proposal. These features are fed to a fully-connected network and a cancer probability $P_i$ is calculated for each proposal. The cancer probability for this case is calculated as:
+ $P = 1-(1-P_d)\Pi(1-P_i)$,
+ where the $P_d$ stand for the probability of cancer of a dummy nodule, which is a trainable constant. It account for any possibility that the nodule is missed by the detector or this patient do not have a nodule now. Then the classification loss is calculated as the cross entropy between this $P$ and the label.
+ The second loss term is defined as: $-\log(P)\boldsymbol{1}(y_{nod}=1 \& P<0.03)$, which means that if this proposal is manually labeled as nodule and its probability is lower than 3%, this nodule would be forced to have higher cancer probability. Yet the effect of this term has not been carefully studied.
+ To prevent overfitting, the network is alternatively trained on detection task and classification task.
+The network archetecture is shown below
diff --git a/bbox_result/.gitignore b/bbox_result/.gitignore
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index 0000000..76bedae
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+++ b/bbox_result/.gitignore
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+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/config_submit.py b/config_submit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8d8012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config_submit.py
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+config = {'datapath':'/work/DataBowl3/stage2/stage2/',
+ 'preprocess_result_path':'./prep_result/',
+ 'outputfile':'prediction.csv',
+ 'detector_model':'net_detector',
+ 'detector_param':'./model/detector.ckpt',
+ 'classifier_model':'net_classifier',
+ 'classifier_param':'./model/classifier.ckpt',
+ 'n_gpu':8,
+ 'n_worker_preprocessing':None,
+ 'use_exsiting_preprocessing':False,
+ 'skip_preprocessing':False,
+ 'skip_detect':False}
diff --git a/data_classifier.py b/data_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b0e73
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+++ b/data_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+import os
+import time
+import collections
+import random
+from layers import iou
+from scipy.ndimage import zoom
+import warnings
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+from layers import nms,iou
+import pandas
+class DataBowl3Classifier(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, split, config, phase = 'train'):
+ assert(phase == 'train' or phase == 'val' or phase == 'test')
+ self.random_sample = config['random_sample']
+ self.T = config['T']
+ self.topk = config['topk']
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.augtype = config['augtype']
+ self.filling_value = config['filling_value']
+ #self.labels = np.array(pandas.read_csv(config['labelfile']))
+ datadir = config['datadir']
+ bboxpath = config['bboxpath']
+ self.phase = phase
+ self.candidate_box = []
+ self.pbb_label = []
+ idcs = split
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(datadir, '%s_clean.npy' % idx.split('-')[0]) for idx in idcs]
+ if self.phase!='test':
+ self.yset = 1-np.array([f.split('-')[1][2] for f in idcs]).astype('int')
+ for idx in idcs:
+ pbb = np.load(os.path.join(bboxpath,idx+'_pbb.npy'))
+ pbb = pbb[pbb[:,0]>config['conf_th']]
+ pbb = nms(pbb, config['nms_th'])
+ lbb = np.load(os.path.join(bboxpath,idx+'_lbb.npy'))
+ pbb_label = []
+ for p in pbb:
+ isnod = False
+ for l in lbb:
+ score = iou(p[1:5], l)
+ if score > config['detect_th']:
+ isnod = True
+ break
+ pbb_label.append(isnod)
+# if idx.startswith()
+ self.candidate_box.append(pbb)
+ self.pbb_label.append(np.array(pbb_label))
+ self.crop = simpleCrop(config,phase)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx,split=None):
+ t = time.time()
+ np.random.seed(int(str(t%1)[2:7]))#seed according to time
+ pbb = self.candidate_box[idx]
+ pbb_label = self.pbb_label[idx]
+ conf_list = pbb[:,0]
+ T = self.T
+ topk = self.topk
+ img = np.load(self.filenames[idx])
+ if self.random_sample and self.phase=='train':
+ chosenid = sample(conf_list,topk,T=T)
+ #chosenid = conf_list.argsort()[::-1][:topk]
+ else:
+ chosenid = conf_list.argsort()[::-1][:topk]
+ croplist = np.zeros([topk,1,self.crop_size[0],self.crop_size[1],self.crop_size[2]]).astype('float32')
+ coordlist = np.zeros([topk,3,self.crop_size[0]/self.stride,self.crop_size[1]/self.stride,self.crop_size[2]/self.stride]).astype('float32')
+ padmask = np.concatenate([np.ones(len(chosenid)),np.zeros(self.topk-len(chosenid))])
+ isnodlist = np.zeros([topk])
+ for i,id in enumerate(chosenid):
+ target = pbb[id,1:]
+ isnod = pbb_label[id]
+ crop,coord = self.crop(img,target)
+ if self.phase=='train':
+ crop,coord = augment(crop,coord,
+ ifflip=self.augtype['flip'],ifrotate=self.augtype['rotate'],
+ ifswap = self.augtype['swap'],filling_value = self.filling_value)
+ crop = crop.astype(np.float32)
+ croplist[i] = crop
+ coordlist[i] = coord
+ isnodlist[i] = isnod
+ if self.phase!='test':
+ y = np.array([self.yset[idx]])
+ return torch.from_numpy(croplist).float(), torch.from_numpy(coordlist).float(), torch.from_numpy(isnodlist).int(), torch.from_numpy(y)
+ else:
+ return torch.from_numpy(croplist).float(), torch.from_numpy(coordlist).float()
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.phase != 'test':
+ return len(self.candidate_box)
+ else:
+ return len(self.candidate_box)
+class simpleCrop():
+ def __init__(self,config,phase):
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.scaleLim = config['scaleLim']
+ self.radiusLim = config['radiusLim']
+ self.jitter_range = config['jitter_range']
+ self.isScale = config['augtype']['scale'] and phase=='train'
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.filling_value = config['filling_value']
+ self.phase = phase
+ def __call__(self,imgs,target):
+ if self.isScale:
+ radiusLim = self.radiusLim
+ scaleLim = self.scaleLim
+ scaleRange = [np.min([np.max([(radiusLim[0]/target[3]),scaleLim[0]]),1])
+ ,np.max([np.min([(radiusLim[1]/target[3]),scaleLim[1]]),1])]
+ scale = np.random.rand()*(scaleRange[1]-scaleRange[0])+scaleRange[0]
+ crop_size = (np.array(self.crop_size).astype('float')/scale).astype('int')
+ else:
+ crop_size = np.array(self.crop_size).astype('int')
+ if self.phase=='train':
+ jitter_range = target[3]*self.jitter_range
+ jitter = (np.random.rand(3)-0.5)*jitter_range
+ else:
+ jitter = 0
+ start = (target[:3]- crop_size/2 + jitter).astype('int')
+ pad = [[0,0]]
+ for i in range(3):
+ if start[i]<0:
+ leftpad = -start[i]
+ start[i] = 0
+ else:
+ leftpad = 0
+ if start[i]+crop_size[i]>imgs.shape[i+1]:
+ rightpad = start[i]+crop_size[i]-imgs.shape[i+1]
+ else:
+ rightpad = 0
+ pad.append([leftpad,rightpad])
+ imgs = np.pad(imgs,pad,'constant',constant_values =self.filling_value)
+ crop = imgs[:,start[0]:start[0]+crop_size[0],start[1]:start[1]+crop_size[1],start[2]:start[2]+crop_size[2]]
+ normstart = np.array(start).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])-0.5
+ normsize = np.array(crop_size).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(normstart[0],normstart[0]+normsize[0],self.crop_size[0]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[1],normstart[1]+normsize[1],self.crop_size[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[2],normstart[2]+normsize[2],self.crop_size[2]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ if self.isScale:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ crop = zoom(crop,[1,scale,scale,scale],order=1)
+ newpad = self.crop_size[0]-crop.shape[1:][0]
+ if newpad<0:
+ crop = crop[:,:-newpad,:-newpad,:-newpad]
+ elif newpad>0:
+ pad2 = [[0,0],[0,newpad],[0,newpad],[0,newpad]]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad2,'constant',constant_values =self.filling_value)
+ return crop,coord
+def sample(conf,N,T=1):
+ if len(conf)>N:
+ target = range(len(conf))
+ chosen_list = []
+ for i in range(N):
+ chosenidx = sampleone(target,conf,T)
+ chosen_list.append(target[chosenidx])
+ target.pop(chosenidx)
+ conf = np.delete(conf, chosenidx)
+ return chosen_list
+ else:
+ return np.arange(len(conf))
+def sampleone(target,conf,T):
+ assert len(conf)>1
+ p = softmax(conf/T)
+ p = np.max([np.ones_like(p)*0.00001,p],axis=0)
+ p = p/np.sum(p)
+ return np.random.choice(np.arange(len(target)),size=1,replace = False, p=p)[0]
+def softmax(x):
+ maxx = np.max(x)
+ return np.exp(x-maxx)/np.sum(np.exp(x-maxx))
+def augment(sample, coord, ifflip = True, ifrotate=True, ifswap = True,filling_value=0):
+ # angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ if ifrotate:
+ validrot = False
+ counter = 0
+ angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ size = np.array(sample.shape[2:4]).astype('float')
+ rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi),-np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi)],[np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi),np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi)]])
+ sample = rotate(sample,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False,cval=filling_value)
+ if ifswap:
+ if sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[2] and sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[3]:
+ axisorder = np.random.permutation(3)
+ sample = np.transpose(sample,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ coord = np.transpose(coord,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ if ifflip:
+ flipid = np.array([np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ sample = np.ascontiguousarray(sample[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ coord = np.ascontiguousarray(coord[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ return sample, coord
diff --git a/data_detector.py b/data_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f0874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+import os
+import time
+import collections
+import random
+from layers import iou
+from scipy.ndimage import zoom
+import warnings
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation,generate_binary_structure
+class DataBowl3Detector(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, split, config, phase = 'train',split_comber=None):
+ assert(phase == 'train' or phase == 'val' or phase == 'test')
+ self.phase = phase
+ self.max_stride = config['max_stride']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ sizelim = config['sizelim']/config['reso']
+ sizelim2 = config['sizelim2']/config['reso']
+ sizelim3 = config['sizelim3']/config['reso']
+ self.blacklist = config['blacklist']
+ self.isScale = config['aug_scale']
+ self.r_rand = config['r_rand_crop']
+ self.augtype = config['augtype']
+ data_dir = config['datadir']
+ self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
+ self.split_comber = split_comber
+ idcs = split
+ if phase!='test':
+ idcs = [f for f in idcs if f not in self.blacklist]
+ self.channel = config['chanel']
+ if self.channel==2:
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_merge.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
+ elif self.channel ==1:
+ if 'cleanimg' in config and config['cleanimg']:
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_clean.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
+ else:
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_img.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
+ self.kagglenames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])>20]
+ self.lunanames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])<20]
+ labels = []
+ for idx in idcs:
+ if config['luna_raw'] ==True:
+ try:
+ l = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_label_raw.npy' % idx))
+ except:
+ l = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_label.npy' %idx))
+ else:
+ l = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_label.npy' %idx))
+ labels.append(l)
+ self.sample_bboxes = labels
+ if self.phase!='test':
+ self.bboxes = []
+ for i, l in enumerate(labels):
+ if len(l) > 0 :
+ for t in l:
+ if t[3]>sizelim:
+ self.bboxes.append([np.concatenate([[i],t])])
+ if t[3]>sizelim2:
+ self.bboxes+=[[np.concatenate([[i],t])]]*2
+ if t[3]>sizelim3:
+ self.bboxes+=[[np.concatenate([[i],t])]]*4
+ self.bboxes = np.concatenate(self.bboxes,axis = 0)
+ self.crop = Crop(config)
+ self.label_mapping = LabelMapping(config, self.phase)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx,split=None):
+ t = time.time()
+ np.random.seed(int(str(t%1)[2:7]))#seed according to time
+ isRandomImg = False
+ if self.phase !='test':
+ if idx>=len(self.bboxes):
+ isRandom = True
+ idx = idx%len(self.bboxes)
+ isRandomImg = np.random.randint(2)
+ else:
+ isRandom = False
+ else:
+ isRandom = False
+ if self.phase != 'test':
+ if not isRandomImg:
+ bbox = self.bboxes[idx]
+ filename = self.filenames[int(bbox[0])]
+ imgs = np.load(filename)[0:self.channel]
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[int(bbox[0])]
+ isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, bbox[1:], bboxes,isScale,isRandom)
+ if self.phase=='train' and not isRandom:
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord,
+ ifflip = self.augtype['flip'], ifrotate=self.augtype['rotate'], ifswap = self.augtype['swap'])
+ else:
+ randimid = np.random.randint(len(self.kagglenames))
+ filename = self.kagglenames[randimid]
+ imgs = np.load(filename)[0:self.channel]
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[randimid]
+ isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, [], bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=True)
+ label = self.label_mapping(sample.shape[1:], target, bboxes)
+ sample = sample.astype(np.float32)
+ #if filename in self.kagglenames:
+ # label[label==-1]=0
+ sample = (sample.astype(np.float32)-128)/128
+ return torch.from_numpy(sample), torch.from_numpy(label), coord
+ else:
+ imgs = np.load(self.filenames[idx])
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[idx]
+ nz, nh, nw = imgs.shape[1:]
+ pz = int(np.ceil(float(nz) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ ph = int(np.ceil(float(nh) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ pw = int(np.ceil(float(nw) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ imgs = np.pad(imgs, [[0,0],[0, pz - nz], [0, ph - nh], [0, pw - nw]], 'constant',constant_values = self.pad_value)
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[2]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[3]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ imgs, nzhw = self.split_comber.split(imgs)
+ coord2, nzhw2 = self.split_comber.split(coord,
+ side_len = self.split_comber.side_len/self.stride,
+ max_stride = self.split_comber.max_stride/self.stride,
+ margin = self.split_comber.margin/self.stride)
+ assert np.all(nzhw==nzhw2)
+ imgs = (imgs.astype(np.float32)-128)/128
+ return torch.from_numpy(imgs.astype(np.float32)), bboxes, torch.from_numpy(coord2.astype(np.float32)), np.array(nzhw)
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.phase == 'train':
+ return len(self.bboxes)/(1-self.r_rand)
+ elif self.phase =='val':
+ return len(self.bboxes)
+ else:
+ return len(self.filenames)
+def augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord, ifflip = True, ifrotate=True, ifswap = True):
+ # angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ if ifrotate:
+ validrot = False
+ counter = 0
+ while not validrot:
+ newtarget = np.copy(target)
+ angle1 = (np.random.rand()-0.5)*20
+ size = np.array(sample.shape[2:4]).astype('float')
+ rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi),-np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi)],[np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi),np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi)]])
+ newtarget[1:3] = np.dot(rotmat,target[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
+ if np.all(newtarget[:3]>target[3]) and np.all(newtarget[:3]< np.array(sample.shape[1:4])-newtarget[3]):
+ validrot = True
+ target = newtarget
+ sample = rotate(sample,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ coord = rotate(coord,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ for box in bboxes:
+ box[1:3] = np.dot(rotmat,box[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
+ else:
+ counter += 1
+ if counter ==3:
+ break
+ if ifswap:
+ if sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[2] and sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[3]:
+ axisorder = np.random.permutation(3)
+ sample = np.transpose(sample,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ coord = np.transpose(coord,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ target[:3] = target[:3][axisorder]
+ bboxes[:,:3] = bboxes[:,:3][:,axisorder]
+ if ifflip:
+# flipid = np.array([np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ flipid = np.array([1,np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ sample = np.ascontiguousarray(sample[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ coord = np.ascontiguousarray(coord[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ for ax in range(3):
+ if flipid[ax]==-1:
+ target[ax] = np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-target[ax]
+ bboxes[:,ax]= np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-bboxes[:,ax]
+ return sample, target, bboxes, coord
+class Crop(object):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.bound_size = config['bound_size']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
+ def __call__(self, imgs, target, bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=False):
+ if isScale:
+ radiusLim = [8.,100.]
+ scaleLim = [0.75,1.25]
+ scaleRange = [np.min([np.max([(radiusLim[0]/target[3]),scaleLim[0]]),1])
+ ,np.max([np.min([(radiusLim[1]/target[3]),scaleLim[1]]),1])]
+ scale = np.random.rand()*(scaleRange[1]-scaleRange[0])+scaleRange[0]
+ crop_size = (np.array(self.crop_size).astype('float')/scale).astype('int')
+ else:
+ crop_size=self.crop_size
+ bound_size = self.bound_size
+ target = np.copy(target)
+ bboxes = np.copy(bboxes)
+ start = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ if not isRand:
+ r = target[3] / 2
+ s = np.floor(target[i] - r)+ 1 - bound_size
+ e = np.ceil (target[i] + r)+ 1 + bound_size - crop_size[i]
+ else:
+ s = np.max([imgs.shape[i+1]-crop_size[i]/2,imgs.shape[i+1]/2+bound_size])
+ e = np.min([crop_size[i]/2, imgs.shape[i+1]/2-bound_size])
+ target = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan])
+ if s>e:
+ start.append(np.random.randint(e,s))#!
+ else:
+ start.append(int(target[i])-crop_size[i]/2+np.random.randint(-bound_size/2,bound_size/2))
+ normstart = np.array(start).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])-0.5
+ normsize = np.array(crop_size).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(normstart[0],normstart[0]+normsize[0],self.crop_size[0]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[1],normstart[1]+normsize[1],self.crop_size[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[2],normstart[2]+normsize[2],self.crop_size[2]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ pad = []
+ pad.append([0,0])
+ for i in range(3):
+ leftpad = max(0,-start[i])
+ rightpad = max(0,start[i]+crop_size[i]-imgs.shape[i+1])
+ pad.append([leftpad,rightpad])
+ crop = imgs[:,
+ max(start[0],0):min(start[0] + crop_size[0],imgs.shape[1]),
+ max(start[1],0):min(start[1] + crop_size[1],imgs.shape[2]),
+ max(start[2],0):min(start[2] + crop_size[2],imgs.shape[3])]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
+ for i in range(3):
+ target[i] = target[i] - start[i]
+ for i in range(len(bboxes)):
+ for j in range(3):
+ bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j] - start[j]
+ if isScale:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ crop = zoom(crop,[1,scale,scale,scale],order=1)
+ newpad = self.crop_size[0]-crop.shape[1:][0]
+ if newpad<0:
+ crop = crop[:,:-newpad,:-newpad,:-newpad]
+ elif newpad>0:
+ pad2 = [[0,0],[0,newpad],[0,newpad],[0,newpad]]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad2,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
+ for i in range(4):
+ target[i] = target[i]*scale
+ for i in range(len(bboxes)):
+ for j in range(4):
+ bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j]*scale
+ return crop, target, bboxes, coord
+class LabelMapping(object):
+ def __init__(self, config, phase):
+ self.stride = np.array(config['stride'])
+ self.num_neg = int(config['num_neg'])
+ self.th_neg = config['th_neg']
+ self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
+ self.phase = phase
+ if phase == 'train':
+ self.th_pos = config['th_pos_train']
+ elif phase == 'val':
+ self.th_pos = config['th_pos_val']
+ def __call__(self, input_size, target, bboxes):
+ stride = self.stride
+ num_neg = self.num_neg
+ th_neg = self.th_neg
+ anchors = self.anchors
+ th_pos = self.th_pos
+ struct = generate_binary_structure(3,1)
+ output_size = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ assert(input_size[i] % stride == 0)
+ output_size.append(input_size[i] / stride)
+ label = np.zeros(output_size + [len(anchors), 5], np.float32)
+ offset = ((stride.astype('float')) - 1) / 2
+ oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ for bbox in bboxes:
+ for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
+ iz, ih, iw = select_samples(bbox, anchor, th_neg, oz, oh, ow)
+ label[iz, ih, iw, i, 0] = 1
+ label[:,:,:, i, 0] = binary_dilation(label[:,:,:, i, 0].astype('bool'),structure=struct,iterations=1).astype('float32')
+ label = label-1
+ if self.phase == 'train' and self.num_neg > 0:
+ neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = np.where(label[:, :, :, :, 0] == -1)
+ neg_idcs = random.sample(range(len(neg_z)), min(num_neg, len(neg_z)))
+ neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = neg_z[neg_idcs], neg_h[neg_idcs], neg_w[neg_idcs], neg_a[neg_idcs]
+ label[:, :, :, :, 0] = 0
+ label[neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a, 0] = -1
+ if np.isnan(target[0]):
+ return label
+ iz, ih, iw, ia = [], [], [], []
+ for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
+ iiz, iih, iiw = select_samples(target, anchor, th_pos, oz, oh, ow)
+ iz.append(iiz)
+ ih.append(iih)
+ iw.append(iiw)
+ ia.append(i * np.ones((len(iiz),), np.int64))
+ iz = np.concatenate(iz, 0)
+ ih = np.concatenate(ih, 0)
+ iw = np.concatenate(iw, 0)
+ ia = np.concatenate(ia, 0)
+ flag = True
+ if len(iz) == 0:
+ pos = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ pos.append(max(0, int(np.round((target[i] - offset) / stride))))
+ idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log(target[3] / anchors)))
+ pos.append(idx)
+ flag = False
+ else:
+ idx = random.sample(range(len(iz)), 1)[0]
+ pos = [iz[idx], ih[idx], iw[idx], ia[idx]]
+ dz = (target[0] - oz[pos[0]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dh = (target[1] - oh[pos[1]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dw = (target[2] - ow[pos[2]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dd = np.log(target[3] / anchors[pos[3]])
+ label[pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], :] = [1, dz, dh, dw, dd]
+ return label
+def select_samples(bbox, anchor, th, oz, oh, ow):
+ z, h, w, d = bbox
+ max_overlap = min(d, anchor)
+ min_overlap = np.power(max(d, anchor), 3) * th / max_overlap / max_overlap
+ if min_overlap > max_overlap:
+ return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
+ else:
+ s = z - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = z + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mz = np.logical_and(oz >= s, oz <= e)
+ iz = np.where(mz)[0]
+ s = h - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = h + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mh = np.logical_and(oh >= s, oh <= e)
+ ih = np.where(mh)[0]
+ s = w - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = w + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mw = np.logical_and(ow >= s, ow <= e)
+ iw = np.where(mw)[0]
+ if len(iz) == 0 or len(ih) == 0 or len(iw) == 0:
+ return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
+ lz, lh, lw = len(iz), len(ih), len(iw)
+ iz = iz.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
+ ih = ih.reshape((1, -1, 1))
+ iw = iw.reshape((1, 1, -1))
+ iz = np.tile(iz, (1, lh, lw)).reshape((-1))
+ ih = np.tile(ih, (lz, 1, lw)).reshape((-1))
+ iw = np.tile(iw, (lz, lh, 1)).reshape((-1))
+ centers = np.concatenate([
+ oz[iz].reshape((-1, 1)),
+ oh[ih].reshape((-1, 1)),
+ ow[iw].reshape((-1, 1))], axis = 1)
+ r0 = anchor / 2
+ s0 = centers - r0
+ e0 = centers + r0
+ r1 = d / 2
+ s1 = bbox[:3] - r1
+ s1 = s1.reshape((1, -1))
+ e1 = bbox[:3] + r1
+ e1 = e1.reshape((1, -1))
+ overlap = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(e0, e1) - np.maximum(s0, s1))
+ intersection = overlap[:, 0] * overlap[:, 1] * overlap[:, 2]
+ union = anchor * anchor * anchor + d * d * d - intersection
+ iou = intersection / union
+ mask = iou >= th
+ #if th > 0.4:
+ # if np.sum(mask) == 0:
+ # print(['iou not large', iou.max()])
+ # else:
+ # print(['iou large', iou[mask]])
+ iz = iz[mask]
+ ih = ih[mask]
+ iw = iw[mask]
+ return iz, ih, iw
+def collate(batch):
+ if torch.is_tensor(batch[0]):
+ return [b.unsqueeze(0) for b in batch]
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], np.ndarray):
+ return batch
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], int):
+ return torch.LongTensor(batch)
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Iterable):
+ transposed = zip(*batch)
+ return [collate(samples) for samples in transposed]
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/images/casenet.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e4b99
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/nodulenet.png differ
diff --git a/layers.py b/layers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..939b7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+import math
+class PostRes2d(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, stride = 1):
+ super(PostRes2d, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 3, stride = stride, padding = 1)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(n_out, n_out, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out)
+ if stride != 1 or n_out != n_in:
+ self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 1, stride = stride),
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out))
+ else:
+ self.shortcut = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ if self.shortcut is not None:
+ residual = self.shortcut(x)
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class PostRes(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, stride = 1):
+ super(PostRes, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv3d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 3, stride = stride, padding = 1)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv3d(n_out, n_out, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out)
+ if stride != 1 or n_out != n_in:
+ self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 1, stride = stride),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out))
+ else:
+ self.shortcut = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ if self.shortcut is not None:
+ residual = self.shortcut(x)
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class Rec3(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n0, n1, n2, n3, p = 0.0, integrate = True):
+ super(Rec3, self).__init__()
+ self.block01 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n0, n1, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block11 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block21 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(n2, n1, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block12 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n2, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block22 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block32 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(n3, n2, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block23 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n3, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3))
+ self.block33 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3))
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.p = p
+ self.integrate = integrate
+ def forward(self, x0, x1, x2, x3):
+ if self.p > 0 and self.training:
+ coef = torch.bernoulli((1.0 - self.p) * torch.ones(8))
+ out1 = coef[0] * self.block01(x0) + coef[1] * self.block11(x1) + coef[2] * self.block21(x2)
+ out2 = coef[3] * self.block12(x1) + coef[4] * self.block22(x2) + coef[5] * self.block32(x3)
+ out3 = coef[6] * self.block23(x2) + coef[7] * self.block33(x3)
+ else:
+ out1 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block01(x0) + self.block11(x1) + self.block21(x2))
+ out2 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block12(x1) + self.block22(x2) + self.block32(x3))
+ out3 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block23(x2) + self.block33(x3))
+ if self.integrate:
+ out1 += x1
+ out2 += x2
+ out3 += x3
+ return x0, self.relu(out1), self.relu(out2), self.relu(out3)
+def hard_mining(neg_output, neg_labels, num_hard):
+ _, idcs = torch.topk(neg_output, min(num_hard, len(neg_output)))
+ neg_output = torch.index_select(neg_output, 0, idcs)
+ neg_labels = torch.index_select(neg_labels, 0, idcs)
+ return neg_output, neg_labels
+class Loss(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, num_hard = 0):
+ super(Loss, self).__init__()
+ self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
+ self.classify_loss = nn.BCELoss()
+ self.regress_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
+ self.num_hard = num_hard
+ def forward(self, output, labels, train = True):
+ batch_size = labels.size(0)
+ output = output.view(-1, 5)
+ labels = labels.view(-1, 5)
+ pos_idcs = labels[:, 0] > 0.5
+ pos_idcs = pos_idcs.unsqueeze(1).expand(pos_idcs.size(0), 5)
+ pos_output = output[pos_idcs].view(-1, 5)
+ pos_labels = labels[pos_idcs].view(-1, 5)
+ neg_idcs = labels[:, 0] < -0.5
+ neg_output = output[:, 0][neg_idcs]
+ neg_labels = labels[:, 0][neg_idcs]
+ if self.num_hard > 0 and train:
+ neg_output, neg_labels = hard_mining(neg_output, neg_labels, self.num_hard * batch_size)
+ neg_prob = self.sigmoid(neg_output)
+ #classify_loss = self.classify_loss(
+ # torch.cat((pos_prob, neg_prob), 0),
+ # torch.cat((pos_labels[:, 0], neg_labels + 1), 0))
+ if len(pos_output)>0:
+ pos_prob = self.sigmoid(pos_output[:, 0])
+ pz, ph, pw, pd = pos_output[:, 1], pos_output[:, 2], pos_output[:, 3], pos_output[:, 4]
+ lz, lh, lw, ld = pos_labels[:, 1], pos_labels[:, 2], pos_labels[:, 3], pos_labels[:, 4]
+ regress_losses = [
+ self.regress_loss(pz, lz),
+ self.regress_loss(ph, lh),
+ self.regress_loss(pw, lw),
+ self.regress_loss(pd, ld)]
+ regress_losses_data = [l.data[0] for l in regress_losses]
+ classify_loss = 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ pos_prob, pos_labels[:, 0]) + 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ neg_prob, neg_labels + 1)
+ pos_correct = (pos_prob.data >= 0.5).sum()
+ pos_total = len(pos_prob)
+ else:
+ regress_losses = [0,0,0,0]
+ classify_loss = 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ neg_prob, neg_labels + 1)
+ pos_correct = 0
+ pos_total = 0
+ regress_losses_data = [0,0,0,0]
+ classify_loss_data = classify_loss.data[0]
+ loss = classify_loss
+ for regress_loss in regress_losses:
+ loss += regress_loss
+ neg_correct = (neg_prob.data < 0.5).sum()
+ neg_total = len(neg_prob)
+ return [loss, classify_loss_data] + regress_losses_data + [pos_correct, pos_total, neg_correct, neg_total]
+class GetPBB(object):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
+ def __call__(self, output,thresh = -3, ismask=False):
+ stride = self.stride
+ anchors = self.anchors
+ output = np.copy(output)
+ offset = (float(stride) - 1) / 2
+ output_size = output.shape
+ oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ output[:, :, :, :, 1] = oz.reshape((-1, 1, 1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 1] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 2] = oh.reshape((1, -1, 1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 2] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 3] = ow.reshape((1, 1, -1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 3] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 4] = np.exp(output[:, :, :, :, 4]) * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ mask = output[..., 0] > thresh
+ xx,yy,zz,aa = np.where(mask)
+ output = output[xx,yy,zz,aa]
+ if ismask:
+ return output,[xx,yy,zz,aa]
+ else:
+ return output
+ #output = output[output[:, 0] >= self.conf_th]
+ #bboxes = nms(output, self.nms_th)
+def nms(output, nms_th):
+ if len(output) == 0:
+ return output
+ output = output[np.argsort(-output[:, 0])]
+ bboxes = [output[0]]
+ for i in np.arange(1, len(output)):
+ bbox = output[i]
+ flag = 1
+ for j in range(len(bboxes)):
+ if iou(bbox[1:5], bboxes[j][1:5]) >= nms_th:
+ flag = -1
+ break
+ if flag == 1:
+ bboxes.append(bbox)
+ bboxes = np.asarray(bboxes, np.float32)
+ return bboxes
+def iou(box0, box1):
+ r0 = box0[3] / 2
+ s0 = box0[:3] - r0
+ e0 = box0[:3] + r0
+ r1 = box1[3] / 2
+ s1 = box1[:3] - r1
+ e1 = box1[:3] + r1
+ overlap = []
+ for i in range(len(s0)):
+ overlap.append(max(0, min(e0[i], e1[i]) - max(s0[i], s1[i])))
+ intersection = overlap[0] * overlap[1] * overlap[2]
+ union = box0[3] * box0[3] * box0[3] + box1[3] * box1[3] * box1[3] - intersection
+ return intersection / union
+def acc(pbb, lbb, conf_th, nms_th, detect_th):
+ pbb = pbb[pbb[:, 0] >= conf_th]
+ pbb = nms(pbb, nms_th)
+ tp = []
+ fp = []
+ fn = []
+ l_flag = np.zeros((len(lbb),), np.int32)
+ for p in pbb:
+ flag = 0
+ bestscore = 0
+ for i, l in enumerate(lbb):
+ score = iou(p[1:5], l)
+ if score>bestscore:
+ bestscore = score
+ besti = i
+ if bestscore > detect_th:
+ flag = 1
+ if l_flag[besti] == 0:
+ l_flag[besti] = 1
+ tp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ else:
+ fp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ if flag == 0:
+ fp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ for i,l in enumerate(lbb):
+ if l_flag[i]==0:
+ score = []
+ for p in pbb:
+ score.append(iou(p[1:5],l))
+ if len(score)!=0:
+ bestscore = np.max(score)
+ else:
+ bestscore = 0
+ if bestscore0:
+ fn = np.concatenate([fn,tp[fn_i,:5]])
+ else:
+ fn = fn
+ if len(tp_in_topk)>0:
+ tp = tp[tp_in_topk]
+ else:
+ tp = []
+ if len(fp_in_topk)>0:
+ fp = newallp[fp_in_topk]
+ else:
+ fp = []
+ return tp, fp , fn
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da479e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+from preprocessing import full_prep
+from config_submit import config as config_submit
+import torch
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from layers import acc
+from data_detector import DataBowl3Detector,collate
+from data_classifier import DataBowl3Classifier
+from utils import *
+from split_combine import SplitComb
+from test_detect import test_detect
+from importlib import import_module
+import pandas
+datapath = config_submit['datapath']
+prep_result_path = config_submit['preprocess_result_path']
+skip_prep = config_submit['skip_preprocessing']
+skip_detect = config_submit['skip_detect']
+if not skip_prep:
+ testsplit = full_prep(datapath,prep_result_path,
+ n_worker = config_submit['n_worker_preprocessing'],
+ use_existing=config_submit['use_exsiting_preprocessing'])
+ testsplit = os.listdir(datapath)
+nodmodel = import_module(config_submit['detector_model'].split('.py')[0])
+config1, nod_net, loss, get_pbb = nodmodel.get_model()
+checkpoint = torch.load(config_submit['detector_param'])
+nod_net = nod_net.cuda()
+cudnn.benchmark = True
+nod_net = DataParallel(nod_net)
+bbox_result_path = './bbox_result'
+if not os.path.exists(bbox_result_path):
+ os.mkdir(bbox_result_path)
+#testsplit = [f.split('_clean')[0] for f in os.listdir(prep_result_path) if '_clean' in f]
+if not skip_detect:
+ margin = 32
+ sidelen = 144
+ config1['datadir'] = prep_result_path
+ split_comber = SplitComb(sidelen,config1['max_stride'],config1['stride'],margin,pad_value= config1['pad_value'])
+ dataset = DataBowl3Detector(testsplit,config1,phase='test',split_comber=split_comber)
+ test_loader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = 1,
+ shuffle = False,num_workers = 32,pin_memory=False,collate_fn =collate)
+ test_detect(test_loader, nod_net, get_pbb, bbox_result_path,config1,n_gpu=config_submit['n_gpu'])
+casemodel = import_module(config_submit['classifier_model'].split('.py')[0])
+casenet = casemodel.CaseNet(topk=5)
+config2 = casemodel.config
+checkpoint = torch.load(config_submit['classifier_param'])
+casenet = casenet.cuda()
+cudnn.benchmark = True
+casenet = DataParallel(casenet)
+filename = config_submit['outputfile']
+def test_casenet(model,testset):
+ data_loader = DataLoader(
+ testset,
+ batch_size = 1,
+ shuffle = False,
+ num_workers = 32,
+ pin_memory=True)
+ #model = model.cuda()
+ model.eval()
+ predlist = []
+ # weight = torch.from_numpy(np.ones_like(y).float().cuda()
+ for i,(x,coord) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ coord = Variable(coord).cuda()
+ x = Variable(x).cuda()
+ nodulePred,casePred,_ = model(x,coord)
+ predlist.append(casePred.data.cpu().numpy())
+ #print([i,data_loader.dataset.split[i,1],casePred.data.cpu().numpy()])
+ predlist = np.concatenate(predlist)
+ return predlist
+config2['bboxpath'] = bbox_result_path
+config2['datadir'] = prep_result_path
+dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(testsplit, config2, phase = 'test')
+predlist = test_casenet(casenet,dataset).T
+anstable = np.concatenate([[testsplit],predlist],0).T
+df = pandas.DataFrame(anstable)
diff --git a/model/classifier.ckpt b/model/classifier.ckpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e9523
Binary files /dev/null and b/model/classifier.ckpt differ
diff --git a/model/detector.ckpt b/model/detector.ckpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04215a7
Binary files /dev/null and b/model/detector.ckpt differ
diff --git a/net_classifier.py b/net_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d467404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+import numpy as np
+import os
+config = {}
+config['topk'] = 5
+config['resample'] = None
+config['datadir'] = '/run/shm/preprocess_1_3/'
+config['preload_train'] = True
+config['bboxpath'] = '../cpliangming/results/res18_prep3/bbox/'
+config['labelfile'] = '../stage1_labels.csv'
+config['preload_val'] = True
+config['padmask'] = False
+config['crop_size'] = [96,96,96]
+config['scaleLim'] = [0.85,1.15]
+config['radiusLim'] = [6,100]
+config['jitter_range'] = 0.15
+config['isScale'] = True
+config['random_sample'] = True
+config['T'] = 1
+config['topk'] = 5
+config['stride'] = 4
+config['augtype'] = {'flip':True,'swap':False,'rotate':False,'scale':False}
+config['detect_th'] = 0.05
+config['conf_th'] = -1
+config['nms_th'] = 0.05
+config['filling_value'] = 160
+config['startepoch'] = 20
+config['lr_stage'] = np.array([50,100,140,160])
+config['lr'] = [0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001]
+config['miss_ratio'] = 1
+config['miss_thresh'] = 0.03
+config['anchors'] = [10,30,60]
+class Net(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Net, self).__init__()
+ # The first few layers consumes the most memory, so use simple convolution to save memory.
+ # Call these layers preBlock, i.e., before the residual blocks of later layers.
+ self.preBlock = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(1, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(24, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ # 3 poolings, each pooling downsamples the feature map by a factor 2.
+ # 3 groups of blocks. The first block of each group has one pooling.
+ num_blocks_forw = [2,2,3,3]
+ num_blocks_back = [3,3]
+ self.featureNum_forw = [24,32,64,64,64]
+ self.featureNum_back = [128,64,64]
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_forw)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_forw[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i+1], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ setattr(self, 'forw' + str(i + 1), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_back)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_back[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ if i==0:
+ addition = 3
+ else:
+ addition = 0
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i+1]+self.featureNum_forw[i+2]+addition, self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i], self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ setattr(self, 'back' + str(i + 2), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool4 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.unmaxpool1 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.unmaxpool2 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.path1 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.path2 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.2, inplace = False)
+ self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv3d(self.featureNum_back[0], 64, kernel_size = 1),
+ nn.ReLU(),
+ #nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.3),
+ nn.Conv3d(64, 5 * len(config['anchors']), kernel_size = 1))
+ def forward(self, x, coord):
+ out = self.preBlock(x)#16
+ out_pool,indices0 = self.maxpool1(out)
+ out1 = self.forw1(out_pool)#32
+ out1_pool,indices1 = self.maxpool2(out1)
+ out2 = self.forw2(out1_pool)#64
+ #out2 = self.drop(out2)
+ out2_pool,indices2 = self.maxpool3(out2)
+ out3 = self.forw3(out2_pool)#96
+ out3_pool,indices3 = self.maxpool4(out3)
+ out4 = self.forw4(out3_pool)#96
+ #out4 = self.drop(out4)
+ rev3 = self.path1(out4)
+ comb3 = self.back3(torch.cat((rev3, out3), 1))#96+96
+ #comb3 = self.drop(comb3)
+ rev2 = self.path2(comb3)
+ feat = self.back2(torch.cat((rev2, out2,coord), 1))#64+64
+ comb2 = self.drop(feat)
+ out = self.output(comb2)
+ size = out.size()
+ out = out.view(out.size(0), out.size(1), -1)
+ #out = out.transpose(1, 4).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).contiguous()
+ out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(size[0], size[2], size[3], size[4], len(config['anchors']), 5)
+ #out = out.view(-1, 5)
+ return feat,out
+class CaseNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,topk):
+ super(CaseNet,self).__init__()
+ self.NoduleNet = Net()
+ self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128,64)
+ self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64,1)
+ self.pool = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2)
+ self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
+ self.baseline = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([-30.0]).float())
+ self.Relu = nn.ReLU()
+ def forward(self,xlist,coordlist):
+# xlist: n x k x 1x 96 x 96 x 96
+# coordlist: n x k x 3 x 24 x 24 x 24
+ xsize = xlist.size()
+ corrdsize = coordlist.size()
+ xlist = xlist.view(-1,xsize[2],xsize[3],xsize[4],xsize[5])
+ coordlist = coordlist.view(-1,corrdsize[2],corrdsize[3],corrdsize[4],corrdsize[5])
+ noduleFeat,nodulePred = self.NoduleNet(xlist,coordlist)
+ nodulePred = nodulePred.contiguous().view(corrdsize[0],corrdsize[1],-1)
+ featshape = noduleFeat.size()#nk x 128 x 24 x 24 x24
+ centerFeat = self.pool(noduleFeat[:,:,featshape[2]/2-1:featshape[2]/2+1,
+ featshape[3]/2-1:featshape[3]/2+1,
+ featshape[4]/2-1:featshape[4]/2+1])
+ centerFeat = centerFeat[:,:,0,0,0]
+ out = self.dropout(centerFeat)
+ out = self.Relu(self.fc1(out))
+ out = torch.sigmoid(self.fc2(out))
+ out = out.view(xsize[0],xsize[1])
+ base_prob = torch.sigmoid(self.baseline)
+ casePred = 1-torch.prod(1-out,dim=1)*(1-base_prob.expand(out.size()[0]))
+ return nodulePred,casePred,out
diff --git a/net_detector.py b/net_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e993c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+config = {}
+config['anchors'] = [ 10.0, 30.0, 60.]
+config['chanel'] = 1
+config['crop_size'] = [128, 128, 128]
+config['stride'] = 4
+config['datadir'] = '/run/shm/preprocess_1_3/'
+config['max_stride'] = 16
+config['num_neg'] = 800
+config['th_neg'] = 0.02
+config['th_pos_train'] = 0.5
+config['th_pos_val'] = 1
+config['num_hard'] = 2
+config['bound_size'] = 12
+config['reso'] = 1
+config['sizelim'] = 6. #mm
+config['sizelim2'] = 30
+config['sizelim3'] = 40
+config['aug_scale'] = True
+config['r_rand_crop'] = 0.3
+config['pad_value'] = 170
+config['luna_raw'] = True
+config['cleanimg'] = True
+config['augtype'] = {'flip':True,'swap':False,'scale':True,'rotate':False}
+config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','adc3bbc63d40f8761c59be10f1e504c3']
+config['lr_stage'] = np.array([50,100,120])
+config['lr'] = [0.01,0.001,0.0001]
+#config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','d92998a73d4654a442e6d6ba15bbb827','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','820245d8b211808bd18e78ff5be16fdb','adc3bbc63d40f8761c59be10f1e504c3',
+# '417','077','188','876','057','087','130','468']
+class Net(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Net, self).__init__()
+ # The first few layers consumes the most memory, so use simple convolution to save memory.
+ # Call these layers preBlock, i.e., before the residual blocks of later layers.
+ self.preBlock = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(1, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(24, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ # 3 poolings, each pooling downsamples the feature map by a factor 2.
+ # 3 groups of blocks. The first block of each group has one pooling.
+ num_blocks_forw = [2,2,3,3]
+ num_blocks_back = [3,3]
+ self.featureNum_forw = [24,32,64,64,64]
+ self.featureNum_back = [128,64,64]
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_forw)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_forw[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i+1], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ setattr(self, 'forw' + str(i + 1), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_back)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_back[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ if i==0:
+ addition = 3
+ else:
+ addition = 0
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i+1]+self.featureNum_forw[i+2]+addition, self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i], self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ setattr(self, 'back' + str(i + 2), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool4 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.unmaxpool1 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.unmaxpool2 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.path1 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.path2 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.2, inplace = False)
+ self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv3d(self.featureNum_back[0], 64, kernel_size = 1),
+ nn.ReLU(),
+ #nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.3),
+ nn.Conv3d(64, 5 * len(config['anchors']), kernel_size = 1))
+ def forward(self, x, coord):
+ out = self.preBlock(x)#16
+ out_pool,indices0 = self.maxpool1(out)
+ out1 = self.forw1(out_pool)#32
+ out1_pool,indices1 = self.maxpool2(out1)
+ out2 = self.forw2(out1_pool)#64
+ #out2 = self.drop(out2)
+ out2_pool,indices2 = self.maxpool3(out2)
+ out3 = self.forw3(out2_pool)#96
+ out3_pool,indices3 = self.maxpool4(out3)
+ out4 = self.forw4(out3_pool)#96
+ #out4 = self.drop(out4)
+ rev3 = self.path1(out4)
+ comb3 = self.back3(torch.cat((rev3, out3), 1))#96+96
+ #comb3 = self.drop(comb3)
+ rev2 = self.path2(comb3)
+ feat = self.back2(torch.cat((rev2, out2,coord), 1))#64+64
+ comb2 = self.drop(feat)
+ out = self.output(comb2)
+ size = out.size()
+ out = out.view(out.size(0), out.size(1), -1)
+ #out = out.transpose(1, 4).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).contiguous()
+ out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(size[0], size[2], size[3], size[4], len(config['anchors']), 5)
+ #out = out.view(-1, 5)
+ return out
+def get_model():
+ net = Net()
+ loss = Loss(config['num_hard'])
+ get_pbb = GetPBB(config)
+ return config, net, loss, get_pbb
diff --git a/prep_result/.gitignore b/prep_result/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76bedae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prep_result/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/preprocessing/AddSegmentation.asv b/preprocessing/AddSegmentation.asv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac82c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocessing/AddSegmentation.asv
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function AddSegmentation(SegmentDataFolder, FolderDelimiter, BatchSize, ParFor_flag, IgnoreExisting_flag)
+if ParFor_flag
+ if isempty(gcp('nocreate'))
+ parpool;
+ end
+ delete(gcp('nocreate'));
+fprintf('Lung segmentation...\n');
+FileList = dir(SegmentDataFolder); FileList = FileList(3:end);
+FileList = FileList(~strcmp({FileList.name}, 'DatasetInfo.mat'));
+SampleNum = length(FileList);
+I_Mask = zeros(SampleNum, 1); I_BB = zeros(SampleNum, 1);
+tStart = tic; msgTxt = '';
+warned = false(1, SampleNum);
+if ParFor_flag
+ parfor j = 1:SampleNum
+ [I_Mask(j), I_BB(j), warned(j)] = LungSegmentation(sprintf('%s%s%s', SegmentDataFolder, FolderDelimiter, FileList(j).name), 'IgnoreExisting_flag', IgnoreExisting_flag);
+ tElapse = toc(tStart); tRemain = tElapse / eInd * (SampleNum - eInd);
+ if ~isempty(find(warned(sInd:eInd), 1))
+ msgPre = '';
+ else
+ msgPre = repmat('\b', 1, length(msgTxt) - 1);
+ end
+ msgTxt = sprintf('Progress (%d/%d): %.2f%%%%, %dmin %4.1fsec elapsed, %dmin %4.1fsec to go.\n', ...
+ eInd, SampleNum, eInd / SampleNum * 100, floor(tElapse / 60), mod(tElapse, 60), floor(tRemain / 60), mod(tRemain, 60));
+ fprintf([msgPre, msgTxt]);
+ end
+ for j = 1:SampleNum
+ [I_Mask(j), I_BB(j), warned(j)] = LungSegmentation(sprintf('%s%s%s', SegmentDataFolder, FolderDelimiter, FileList(j).name), 'IgnoreExisting_flag', IgnoreExisting_flag);
+ end
+fprintf('Average intensity in mask: %.2f\n', mean(I_Mask));
+fprintf('Average intensity in bounding box: %.2f\n', mean(I_BB));
+save(sprintf('%s%s%s', SegmentDataFolder, FolderDelimiter, 'DatasetInfo.mat'), 'I_Mask', 'I_BB','-v7');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocessing/__init__.py b/preprocessing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c31eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocessing/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from full_prep import full_prep,savenpy
diff --git a/preprocessing/full_prep.py b/preprocessing/full_prep.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d751600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocessing/full_prep.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.io import loadmat
+import h5py
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
+from skimage import measure
+import warnings
+from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation,generate_binary_structure
+from skimage.morphology import convex_hull_image
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from functools import partial
+from step1 import step1_python
+import warnings
+def process_mask(mask):
+ convex_mask = np.copy(mask)
+ for i_layer in range(convex_mask.shape[0]):
+ mask1 = np.ascontiguousarray(mask[i_layer])
+ if np.sum(mask1)>0:
+ mask2 = convex_hull_image(mask1)
+ if np.sum(mask2)>2*np.sum(mask1):
+ mask2 = mask1
+ else:
+ mask2 = mask1
+ convex_mask[i_layer] = mask2
+ struct = generate_binary_structure(3,1)
+ dilatedMask = binary_dilation(convex_mask,structure=struct,iterations=10)
+ return dilatedMask
+# def savenpy(id):
+id = 1
+def lumTrans(img):
+ lungwin = np.array([-1200.,600.])
+ newimg = (img-lungwin[0])/(lungwin[1]-lungwin[0])
+ newimg[newimg<0]=0
+ newimg[newimg>1]=1
+ newimg = (newimg*255).astype('uint8')
+ return newimg
+def resample(imgs, spacing, new_spacing,order = 2):
+ if len(imgs.shape)==3:
+ new_shape = np.round(imgs.shape * spacing / new_spacing)
+ true_spacing = spacing * imgs.shape / new_shape
+ resize_factor = new_shape / imgs.shape
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ imgs = zoom(imgs, resize_factor, mode = 'nearest',order=order)
+ return imgs, true_spacing
+ elif len(imgs.shape)==4:
+ n = imgs.shape[-1]
+ newimg = []
+ for i in range(n):
+ slice = imgs[:,:,:,i]
+ newslice,true_spacing = resample(slice,spacing,new_spacing)
+ newimg.append(newslice)
+ newimg=np.transpose(np.array(newimg),[1,2,3,0])
+ return newimg,true_spacing
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('wrong shape')
+def savenpy(id,filelist,prep_folder,data_path,use_existing=True):
+ resolution = np.array([1,1,1])
+ name = filelist[id]
+ if use_existing:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(prep_folder,name+'_label.npy')) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(prep_folder,name+'_clean.npy')):
+ print(name+' had been done')
+ return
+ try:
+ im, m1, m2, spacing = step1_python(os.path.join(data_path,name))
+ Mask = m1+m2
+ newshape = np.round(np.array(Mask.shape)*spacing/resolution)
+ xx,yy,zz= np.where(Mask)
+ box = np.array([[np.min(xx),np.max(xx)],[np.min(yy),np.max(yy)],[np.min(zz),np.max(zz)]])
+ box = box*np.expand_dims(spacing,1)/np.expand_dims(resolution,1)
+ box = np.floor(box).astype('int')
+ margin = 5
+ extendbox = np.vstack([np.max([[0,0,0],box[:,0]-margin],0),np.min([newshape,box[:,1]+2*margin],axis=0).T]).T
+ extendbox = extendbox.astype('int')
+ convex_mask = m1
+ dm1 = process_mask(m1)
+ dm2 = process_mask(m2)
+ dilatedMask = dm1+dm2
+ Mask = m1+m2
+ extramask = dilatedMask ^ Mask
+ bone_thresh = 210
+ pad_value = 170
+ im[np.isnan(im)]=-2000
+ sliceim = lumTrans(im)
+ sliceim = sliceim*dilatedMask+pad_value*(1-dilatedMask).astype('uint8')
+ bones = sliceim*extramask>bone_thresh
+ sliceim[bones] = pad_value
+ sliceim1,_ = resample(sliceim,spacing,resolution,order=1)
+ sliceim2 = sliceim1[extendbox[0,0]:extendbox[0,1],
+ extendbox[1,0]:extendbox[1,1],
+ extendbox[2,0]:extendbox[2,1]]
+ sliceim = sliceim2[np.newaxis,...]
+ np.save(os.path.join(prep_folder,name+'_clean'),sliceim)
+ np.save(os.path.join(prep_folder,name+'_label'),np.array([[0,0,0,0]]))
+ except:
+ print('bug in '+name)
+ raise
+ print(name+' done')
+def full_prep(data_path,prep_folder,n_worker = None,use_existing=True):
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+ if not os.path.exists(prep_folder):
+ os.mkdir(prep_folder)
+ print('starting preprocessing')
+ pool = Pool(n_worker)
+ filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(data_path)]
+ partial_savenpy = partial(savenpy,filelist=filelist,prep_folder=prep_folder,
+ data_path=data_path,use_existing=use_existing)
+ N = len(filelist)
+ _=pool.map(partial_savenpy,range(N))
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ print('end preprocessing')
+ return filelist
diff --git a/preprocessing/step1.py b/preprocessing/step1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae75cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocessing/step1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+import numpy as np # linear algebra
+import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
+import dicom
+import os
+import scipy.ndimage
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from skimage import measure, morphology
+def load_scan(path):
+ slices = [dicom.read_file(path + '/' + s) for s in os.listdir(path)]
+ slices.sort(key = lambda x: float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))
+ if slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[2] == slices[1].ImagePositionPatient[2]:
+ sec_num = 2;
+ while slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[2] == slices[sec_num].ImagePositionPatient[2]:
+ sec_num = sec_num+1;
+ slice_num = int(len(slices) / sec_num)
+ slices.sort(key = lambda x:float(x.InstanceNumber))
+ slices = slices[0:slice_num]
+ slices.sort(key = lambda x:float(x.ImagePositionPatient[2]))
+ try:
+ slice_thickness = np.abs(slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[2] - slices[1].ImagePositionPatient[2])
+ except:
+ slice_thickness = np.abs(slices[0].SliceLocation - slices[1].SliceLocation)
+ for s in slices:
+ s.SliceThickness = slice_thickness
+ return slices
+def get_pixels_hu(slices):
+ image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
+ # Convert to int16 (from sometimes int16),
+ # should be possible as values should always be low enough (<32k)
+ image = image.astype(np.int16)
+ # Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)
+ for slice_number in range(len(slices)):
+ intercept = slices[slice_number].RescaleIntercept
+ slope = slices[slice_number].RescaleSlope
+ if slope != 1:
+ image[slice_number] = slope * image[slice_number].astype(np.float64)
+ image[slice_number] = image[slice_number].astype(np.int16)
+ image[slice_number] += np.int16(intercept)
+ return np.array(image, dtype=np.int16), np.array([slices[0].SliceThickness] + slices[0].PixelSpacing, dtype=np.float32)
+def binarize_per_slice(image, spacing, intensity_th=-600, sigma=1, area_th=30, eccen_th=0.99, bg_patch_size=10):
+ bw = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=bool)
+ # prepare a mask, with all corner values set to nan
+ image_size = image.shape[1]
+ grid_axis = np.linspace(-image_size/2+0.5, image_size/2-0.5, image_size)
+ x, y = np.meshgrid(grid_axis, grid_axis)
+ d = (x**2+y**2)**0.5
+ nan_mask = (d area_th and prop.eccentricity < eccen_th:
+ valid_label.add(prop.label)
+ current_bw = np.in1d(label, list(valid_label)).reshape(label.shape)
+ bw[i] = current_bw
+ return bw
+def all_slice_analysis(bw, spacing, cut_num=0, vol_limit=[0.68, 8.2], area_th=6e3, dist_th=62):
+ # in some cases, several top layers need to be removed first
+ if cut_num > 0:
+ bw0 = np.copy(bw)
+ bw[-cut_num:] = False
+ label = measure.label(bw, connectivity=1)
+ # remove components access to corners
+ mid = int(label.shape[2] / 2)
+ bg_label = set([label[0, 0, 0], label[0, 0, -1], label[0, -1, 0], label[0, -1, -1], \
+ label[-1-cut_num, 0, 0], label[-1-cut_num, 0, -1], label[-1-cut_num, -1, 0], label[-1-cut_num, -1, -1], \
+ label[0, 0, mid], label[0, -1, mid], label[-1-cut_num, 0, mid], label[-1-cut_num, -1, mid]])
+ for l in bg_label:
+ label[label == l] = 0
+ # select components based on volume
+ properties = measure.regionprops(label)
+ for prop in properties:
+ if prop.area * spacing.prod() < vol_limit[0] * 1e6 or prop.area * spacing.prod() > vol_limit[1] * 1e6:
+ label[label == prop.label] = 0
+ # prepare a distance map for further analysis
+ x_axis = np.linspace(-label.shape[1]/2+0.5, label.shape[1]/2-0.5, label.shape[1]) * spacing[1]
+ y_axis = np.linspace(-label.shape[2]/2+0.5, label.shape[2]/2-0.5, label.shape[2]) * spacing[2]
+ x, y = np.meshgrid(x_axis, y_axis)
+ d = (x**2+y**2)**0.5
+ vols = measure.regionprops(label)
+ valid_label = set()
+ # select components based on their area and distance to center axis on all slices
+ for vol in vols:
+ single_vol = label == vol.label
+ slice_area = np.zeros(label.shape[0])
+ min_distance = np.zeros(label.shape[0])
+ for i in range(label.shape[0]):
+ slice_area[i] = np.sum(single_vol[i]) * np.prod(spacing[1:3])
+ min_distance[i] = np.min(single_vol[i] * d + (1 - single_vol[i]) * np.max(d))
+ if np.average([min_distance[i] for i in range(label.shape[0]) if slice_area[i] > area_th]) < dist_th:
+ valid_label.add(vol.label)
+ bw = np.in1d(label, list(valid_label)).reshape(label.shape)
+ # fill back the parts removed earlier
+ if cut_num > 0:
+ # bw1 is bw with removed slices, bw2 is a dilated version of bw, part of their intersection is returned as final mask
+ bw1 = np.copy(bw)
+ bw1[-cut_num:] = bw0[-cut_num:]
+ bw2 = np.copy(bw)
+ bw2 = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(bw2, iterations=cut_num)
+ bw3 = bw1 & bw2
+ label = measure.label(bw, connectivity=1)
+ label3 = measure.label(bw3, connectivity=1)
+ l_list = list(set(np.unique(label)) - {0})
+ valid_l3 = set()
+ for l in l_list:
+ indices = np.nonzero(label==l)
+ l3 = label3[indices[0][0], indices[1][0], indices[2][0]]
+ if l3 > 0:
+ valid_l3.add(l3)
+ bw = np.in1d(label3, list(valid_l3)).reshape(label3.shape)
+ return bw, len(valid_label)
+def fill_hole(bw):
+ # fill 3d holes
+ label = measure.label(~bw)
+ # idendify corner components
+ bg_label = set([label[0, 0, 0], label[0, 0, -1], label[0, -1, 0], label[0, -1, -1], \
+ label[-1, 0, 0], label[-1, 0, -1], label[-1, -1, 0], label[-1, -1, -1]])
+ bw = ~np.in1d(label, list(bg_label)).reshape(label.shape)
+ return bw
+def two_lung_only(bw, spacing, max_iter=22, max_ratio=4.8):
+ def extract_main(bw, cover=0.95):
+ for i in range(bw.shape[0]):
+ current_slice = bw[i]
+ label = measure.label(current_slice)
+ properties = measure.regionprops(label)
+ properties.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)
+ area = [prop.area for prop in properties]
+ count = 0
+ sum = 0
+ while sum < np.sum(area)*cover:
+ sum = sum+area[count]
+ count = count+1
+ filter = np.zeros(current_slice.shape, dtype=bool)
+ for j in range(count):
+ bb = properties[j].bbox
+ filter[bb[0]:bb[2], bb[1]:bb[3]] = filter[bb[0]:bb[2], bb[1]:bb[3]] | properties[j].convex_image
+ bw[i] = bw[i] & filter
+ label = measure.label(bw)
+ properties = measure.regionprops(label)
+ properties.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)
+ bw = label==properties[0].label
+ return bw
+ def fill_2d_hole(bw):
+ for i in range(bw.shape[0]):
+ current_slice = bw[i]
+ label = measure.label(current_slice)
+ properties = measure.regionprops(label)
+ for prop in properties:
+ bb = prop.bbox
+ current_slice[bb[0]:bb[2], bb[1]:bb[3]] = current_slice[bb[0]:bb[2], bb[1]:bb[3]] | prop.filled_image
+ bw[i] = current_slice
+ return bw
+ found_flag = False
+ iter_count = 0
+ bw0 = np.copy(bw)
+ while not found_flag and iter_count < max_iter:
+ label = measure.label(bw, connectivity=2)
+ properties = measure.regionprops(label)
+ properties.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True)
+ if len(properties) > 1 and properties[0].area/properties[1].area < max_ratio:
+ found_flag = True
+ bw1 = label == properties[0].label
+ bw2 = label == properties[1].label
+ else:
+ bw = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion(bw)
+ iter_count = iter_count + 1
+ if found_flag:
+ d1 = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(bw1 == False, sampling=spacing)
+ d2 = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(bw2 == False, sampling=spacing)
+ bw1 = bw0 & (d1 < d2)
+ bw2 = bw0 & (d1 > d2)
+ bw1 = extract_main(bw1)
+ bw2 = extract_main(bw2)
+ else:
+ bw1 = bw0
+ bw2 = np.zeros(bw.shape).astype('bool')
+ bw1 = fill_2d_hole(bw1)
+ bw2 = fill_2d_hole(bw2)
+ bw = bw1 | bw2
+ return bw1, bw2, bw
+def step1_python(case_path):
+ case = load_scan(case_path)
+ case_pixels, spacing = get_pixels_hu(case)
+ bw = binarize_per_slice(case_pixels, spacing)
+ flag = 0
+ cut_num = 0
+ cut_step = 2
+ bw0 = np.copy(bw)
+ while flag == 0 and cut_num < bw.shape[0]:
+ bw = np.copy(bw0)
+ bw, flag = all_slice_analysis(bw, spacing, cut_num=cut_num, vol_limit=[0.68,7.5])
+ cut_num = cut_num + cut_step
+ bw = fill_hole(bw)
+ bw1, bw2, bw = two_lung_only(bw, spacing)
+ return case_pixels, bw1, bw2, spacing
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ INPUT_FOLDER = '/work/DataBowl3/stage1/stage1/'
+ patients = os.listdir(INPUT_FOLDER)
+ patients.sort()
+ case_pixels, m1, m2, spacing = step1_python(os.path.join(INPUT_FOLDER,patients[25]))
+ plt.imshow(m1[60])
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.imshow(m2[60])
+# first_patient = load_scan(INPUT_FOLDER + patients[25])
+# first_patient_pixels, spacing = get_pixels_hu(first_patient)
+# plt.hist(first_patient_pixels.flatten(), bins=80, color='c')
+# plt.xlabel("Hounsfield Units (HU)")
+# plt.ylabel("Frequency")
+# plt.show()
+# # Show some slice in the middle
+# h = 80
+# plt.imshow(first_patient_pixels[h], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
+# plt.show()
+# bw = binarize_per_slice(first_patient_pixels, spacing)
+# plt.imshow(bw[h], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
+# plt.show()
+# flag = 0
+# cut_num = 0
+# while flag == 0:
+# bw, flag = all_slice_analysis(bw, spacing, cut_num=cut_num)
+# cut_num = cut_num + 1
+# plt.imshow(bw[h], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
+# plt.show()
+# bw = fill_hole(bw)
+# plt.imshow(bw[h], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
+# plt.show()
+# bw1, bw2, bw = two_lung_only(bw, spacing)
+# plt.imshow(bw[h], cmap=plt.cm.gray)
+# plt.show()
diff --git a/split_combine.py b/split_combine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b5b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/split_combine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+class SplitComb():
+ def __init__(self,side_len,max_stride,stride,margin,pad_value):
+ self.side_len = side_len
+ self.max_stride = max_stride
+ self.stride = stride
+ self.margin = margin
+ self.pad_value = pad_value
+ def split(self, data, side_len = None, max_stride = None, margin = None):
+ if side_len==None:
+ side_len = self.side_len
+ if max_stride == None:
+ max_stride = self.max_stride
+ if margin == None:
+ margin = self.margin
+ assert(side_len > margin)
+ assert(side_len % max_stride == 0)
+ assert(margin % max_stride == 0)
+ splits = []
+ _, z, h, w = data.shape
+ nz = int(np.ceil(float(z) / side_len))
+ nh = int(np.ceil(float(h) / side_len))
+ nw = int(np.ceil(float(w) / side_len))
+ nzhw = [nz,nh,nw]
+ self.nzhw = nzhw
+ pad = [ [0, 0],
+ [margin, nz * side_len - z + margin],
+ [margin, nh * side_len - h + margin],
+ [margin, nw * side_len - w + margin]]
+ data = np.pad(data, pad, 'edge')
+ for iz in range(nz):
+ for ih in range(nh):
+ for iw in range(nw):
+ sz = iz * side_len
+ ez = (iz + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ sh = ih * side_len
+ eh = (ih + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ sw = iw * side_len
+ ew = (iw + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ split = data[np.newaxis, :, sz:ez, sh:eh, sw:ew]
+ splits.append(split)
+ splits = np.concatenate(splits, 0)
+ return splits,nzhw
+ def combine(self, output, nzhw = None, side_len=None, stride=None, margin=None):
+ if side_len==None:
+ side_len = self.side_len
+ if stride == None:
+ stride = self.stride
+ if margin == None:
+ margin = self.margin
+ if nzhw==None:
+ nz = self.nz
+ nh = self.nh
+ nw = self.nw
+ else:
+ nz,nh,nw = nzhw
+ assert(side_len % stride == 0)
+ assert(margin % stride == 0)
+ side_len /= stride
+ margin /= stride
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = -1000000 * np.ones((
+ nz * side_len,
+ nh * side_len,
+ nw * side_len,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ idx = 0
+ for iz in range(nz):
+ for ih in range(nh):
+ for iw in range(nw):
+ sz = iz * side_len
+ ez = (iz + 1) * side_len
+ sh = ih * side_len
+ eh = (ih + 1) * side_len
+ sw = iw * side_len
+ ew = (iw + 1) * side_len
+ split = splits[idx][margin:margin + side_len, margin:margin + side_len, margin:margin + side_len]
+ output[sz:ez, sh:eh, sw:ew] = split
+ idx += 1
+ return output
diff --git a/test_classifier.py b/test_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/test_detect.py b/test_detect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70163a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_detect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import time
+import numpy as np
+from importlib import import_module
+import shutil
+from utils import *
+import sys
+from split_combine import SplitComb
+import torch
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from layers import acc
+def test_detect(data_loader, net, get_pbb, save_dir, config,n_gpu):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ net.eval()
+ split_comber = data_loader.dataset.split_comber
+ for i_name, (data, target, coord, nzhw) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ s = time.time()
+ target = [np.asarray(t, np.float32) for t in target]
+ lbb = target[0]
+ nzhw = nzhw[0]
+ name = data_loader.dataset.filenames[i_name].split('-')[0].split('/')[-1]
+ shortname = name.split('_clean')[0]
+ data = data[0][0]
+ coord = coord[0][0]
+ isfeat = False
+ if 'output_feature' in config:
+ if config['output_feature']:
+ isfeat = True
+ n_per_run = n_gpu
+ print(data.size())
+ splitlist = range(0,len(data)+1,n_gpu)
+ if splitlist[-1]!=len(data):
+ splitlist.append(len(data))
+ outputlist = []
+ featurelist = []
+ for i in range(len(splitlist)-1):
+ input = Variable(data[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]], volatile = True).cuda()
+ inputcoord = Variable(coord[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]], volatile = True).cuda()
+ if isfeat:
+ output,feature = net(input,inputcoord)
+ featurelist.append(feature.data.cpu().numpy())
+ else:
+ output = net(input,inputcoord)
+ outputlist.append(output.data.cpu().numpy())
+ output = np.concatenate(outputlist,0)
+ output = split_comber.combine(output,nzhw=nzhw)
+ if isfeat:
+ feature = np.concatenate(featurelist,0).transpose([0,2,3,4,1])[:,:,:,:,:,np.newaxis]
+ feature = split_comber.combine(feature,sidelen)[...,0]
+ thresh = -3
+ pbb,mask = get_pbb(output,thresh,ismask=True)
+ if isfeat:
+ feature_selected = feature[mask[0],mask[1],mask[2]]
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, shortname+'_feature.npy'), feature_selected)
+ #tp,fp,fn,_ = acc(pbb,lbb,0,0.1,0.1)
+ #print([len(tp),len(fp),len(fn)])
+ print([i_name,shortname])
+ e = time.time()
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, shortname+'_pbb.npy'), pbb)
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, shortname+'_lbb.npy'), lbb)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ print('elapsed time is %3.2f seconds' % (end_time - start_time))
+ print
+ print
diff --git a/training/classifier/adapt_ckpt.py b/training/classifier/adapt_ckpt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2361e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/adapt_ckpt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+import argparse
+from importlib import import_module
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='network surgery')
+parser.add_argument('--model1', '-m1', metavar='MODEL', default='base',
+ help='model')
+parser.add_argument('--model2', '-m2', metavar='MODEL', default='base',
+ help='model')
+parser.add_argument('--resume', default='', type=str, metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to latest checkpoint (default: none)')
+# args = parser.parse_args(['--model1','net_detector_3','--model2','net_classifier_3','--resume','../detector/results/res18-20170419-153425/020.ckpt'])
+args = parser.parse_args()
+nodmodel = import_module(args.model1)
+config1, nod_net, loss, get_pbb = nodmodel.get_model()
+checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume)
+state_dict = checkpoint['state_dict']
+casemodel = import_module(args.model2)
+config2 = casemodel.config
+args.lr_stage2 = config2['lr_stage']
+args.lr_preset2 = config2['lr']
+topk = config2['topk']
+case_net = casemodel.CaseNet(topk = topk,nodulenet=nod_net)
+new_state_dict = case_net.state_dict()
+torch.save({'state_dict': new_state_dict,'epoch':0},'results/start.ckpt')
diff --git a/training/classifier/data_classifier.py b/training/classifier/data_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8335c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/data_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+import os
+import time
+import collections
+import random
+from layers import iou
+from scipy.ndimage import zoom
+import warnings
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+from layers import nms,iou
+import pandas
+class DataBowl3Classifier(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, split, config, phase = 'train'):
+ assert(phase == 'train' or phase == 'val' or phase == 'test')
+ self.random_sample = config['random_sample']
+ self.T = config['T']
+ self.topk = config['topk']
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.augtype = config['augtype']
+ #self.labels = np.array(pandas.read_csv(config['labelfile']))
+ datadir = config['datadir']
+ bboxpath = config['bboxpath']
+ self.phase = phase
+ self.candidate_box = []
+ self.pbb_label = []
+ idcs = split
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(datadir, '%s_clean.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
+ labels = np.array(pandas.read_csv(config['labelfile']))
+ if phase !='test':
+ self.yset = np.array([labels[labels[:,0]==f.split('-')[0].split('_')[0],1] for f in split]).astype('int')
+ idcs = [f.split('-')[0] for f in idcs]
+ for idx in idcs:
+ pbb = np.load(os.path.join(bboxpath,idx+'_pbb.npy'))
+ pbb = pbb[pbb[:,0]>config['conf_th']]
+ pbb = nms(pbb, config['nms_th'])
+ lbb = np.load(os.path.join(bboxpath,idx+'_lbb.npy'))
+ pbb_label = []
+ for p in pbb:
+ isnod = False
+ for l in lbb:
+ score = iou(p[1:5], l)
+ if score > config['detect_th']:
+ isnod = True
+ break
+ pbb_label.append(isnod)
+# if idx.startswith()
+ self.candidate_box.append(pbb)
+ self.pbb_label.append(np.array(pbb_label))
+ self.crop = simpleCrop(config,phase)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx,split=None):
+ t = time.time()
+ np.random.seed(int(str(t%1)[2:7]))#seed according to time
+ pbb = self.candidate_box[idx]
+ pbb_label = self.pbb_label[idx]
+ conf_list = pbb[:,0]
+ T = self.T
+ topk = self.topk
+ img = np.load(self.filenames[idx])
+ if self.random_sample and self.phase=='train':
+ chosenid = sample(conf_list,topk,T=T)
+ #chosenid = conf_list.argsort()[::-1][:topk]
+ else:
+ chosenid = conf_list.argsort()[::-1][:topk]
+ croplist = np.zeros([topk,1,self.crop_size[0],self.crop_size[1],self.crop_size[2]]).astype('float32')
+ coordlist = np.zeros([topk,3,self.crop_size[0]/self.stride,self.crop_size[1]/self.stride,self.crop_size[2]/self.stride]).astype('float32')
+ padmask = np.concatenate([np.ones(len(chosenid)),np.zeros(self.topk-len(chosenid))])
+ isnodlist = np.zeros([topk])
+ for i,id in enumerate(chosenid):
+ target = pbb[id,1:]
+ isnod = pbb_label[id]
+ crop,coord = self.crop(img,target)
+ if self.phase=='train':
+ crop,coord = augment(crop,coord,
+ ifflip=self.augtype['flip'],ifrotate=self.augtype['rotate'],
+ ifswap = self.augtype['swap'])
+ crop = crop.astype(np.float32)
+ croplist[i] = crop
+ coordlist[i] = coord
+ isnodlist[i] = isnod
+ if self.phase!='test':
+ y = np.array([self.yset[idx]])
+ return torch.from_numpy(croplist).float(), torch.from_numpy(coordlist).float(), torch.from_numpy(isnodlist).int(), torch.from_numpy(y)
+ else:
+ return torch.from_numpy(croplist).float(), torch.from_numpy(coordlist).float(), torch.from_numpy(isnodlist).int()
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.phase != 'test':
+ return len(self.candidate_box)
+ else:
+ return len(self.candidate_box)
+class simpleCrop():
+ def __init__(self,config,phase):
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.scaleLim = config['scaleLim']
+ self.radiusLim = config['radiusLim']
+ self.jitter_range = config['jitter_range']
+ self.isScale = config['augtype']['scale'] and phase=='train'
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.filling_value = config['filling_value']
+ self.phase = phase
+ def __call__(self,imgs,target):
+ if self.isScale:
+ radiusLim = self.radiusLim
+ scaleLim = self.scaleLim
+ scaleRange = [np.min([np.max([(radiusLim[0]/target[3]),scaleLim[0]]),1])
+ ,np.max([np.min([(radiusLim[1]/target[3]),scaleLim[1]]),1])]
+ scale = np.random.rand()*(scaleRange[1]-scaleRange[0])+scaleRange[0]
+ crop_size = (np.array(self.crop_size).astype('float')/scale).astype('int')
+ else:
+ crop_size = np.array(self.crop_size).astype('int')
+ if self.phase=='train':
+ jitter_range = target[3]*self.jitter_range
+ jitter = (np.random.rand(3)-0.5)*jitter_range
+ else:
+ jitter = 0
+ start = (target[:3]- crop_size/2 + jitter).astype('int')
+ pad = [[0,0]]
+ for i in range(3):
+ if start[i]<0:
+ leftpad = -start[i]
+ start[i] = 0
+ else:
+ leftpad = 0
+ if start[i]+crop_size[i]>imgs.shape[i+1]:
+ rightpad = start[i]+crop_size[i]-imgs.shape[i+1]
+ else:
+ rightpad = 0
+ pad.append([leftpad,rightpad])
+ imgs = np.pad(imgs,pad,'constant',constant_values =self.filling_value)
+ crop = imgs[:,start[0]:start[0]+crop_size[0],start[1]:start[1]+crop_size[1],start[2]:start[2]+crop_size[2]]
+ normstart = np.array(start).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])-0.5
+ normsize = np.array(crop_size).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(normstart[0],normstart[0]+normsize[0],self.crop_size[0]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[1],normstart[1]+normsize[1],self.crop_size[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[2],normstart[2]+normsize[2],self.crop_size[2]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ if self.isScale:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ crop = zoom(crop,[1,scale,scale,scale],order=1)
+ newpad = self.crop_size[0]-crop.shape[1:][0]
+ if newpad<0:
+ crop = crop[:,:-newpad,:-newpad,:-newpad]
+ elif newpad>0:
+ pad2 = [[0,0],[0,newpad],[0,newpad],[0,newpad]]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad2,'constant',constant_values =self.filling_value)
+ return crop,coord
+def sample(conf,N,T=1):
+ if len(conf)>N:
+ target = range(len(conf))
+ chosen_list = []
+ for i in range(N):
+ chosenidx = sampleone(target,conf,T)
+ chosen_list.append(target[chosenidx])
+ target.pop(chosenidx)
+ conf = np.delete(conf, chosenidx)
+ return chosen_list
+ else:
+ return np.arange(len(conf))
+def sampleone(target,conf,T):
+ assert len(conf)>1
+ p = softmax(conf/T)
+ p = np.max([np.ones_like(p)*0.00001,p],axis=0)
+ p = p/np.sum(p)
+ return np.random.choice(np.arange(len(target)),size=1,replace = False, p=p)[0]
+def softmax(x):
+ maxx = np.max(x)
+ return np.exp(x-maxx)/np.sum(np.exp(x-maxx))
+def augment(sample, coord, ifflip = True, ifrotate=True, ifswap = True):
+ # angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ if ifrotate:
+ validrot = False
+ counter = 0
+ angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ size = np.array(sample.shape[2:4]).astype('float')
+ rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi),-np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi)],[np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi),np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi)]])
+ sample = rotate(sample,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ if ifswap:
+ if sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[2] and sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[3]:
+ axisorder = np.random.permutation(3)
+ sample = np.transpose(sample,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ coord = np.transpose(coord,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ if ifflip:
+ flipid = np.array([np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ sample = np.ascontiguousarray(sample[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ coord = np.ascontiguousarray(coord[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ return sample, coord
diff --git a/training/classifier/data_detector.py b/training/classifier/data_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199c69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/data_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+import os
+import time
+import collections
+import random
+from layers import iou
+from scipy.ndimage import zoom
+import warnings
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation,generate_binary_structure
+class DataBowl3Detector(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, split, config, phase = 'train',split_comber=None):
+ assert(phase == 'train' or phase == 'val' or phase == 'test')
+ self.phase = phase
+ self.max_stride = config['max_stride']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ sizelim = config['sizelim']/config['reso']
+ sizelim2 = config['sizelim2']/config['reso']
+ sizelim3 = config['sizelim3']/config['reso']
+ self.blacklist = config['blacklist']
+ self.isScale = config['aug_scale']
+ self.r_rand = config['r_rand_crop']
+ self.augtype = config['augtype']
+ data_dir = config['datadir']
+ self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
+ self.split_comber = split_comber
+ idcs = split
+ if phase!='test':
+ idcs = [f for f in idcs if f not in self.blacklist]
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_clean.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
+ self.kagglenames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])>20]
+ self.lunanames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])<20]
+ labels = []
+ for idx in idcs:
+ l = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_label.npy' %idx))
+ if np.all(l==0):
+ l=np.array([])
+ labels.append(l)
+ self.sample_bboxes = labels
+ self.bboxes = []
+ for i, l in enumerate(labels):
+ if len(l) > 0 :
+ for t in l:
+ if t[3]>sizelim:
+ self.bboxes.append([np.concatenate([[i],t])])
+ if t[3]>sizelim2:
+ self.bboxes+=[[np.concatenate([[i],t])]]*2
+ if t[3]>sizelim3:
+ self.bboxes+=[[np.concatenate([[i],t])]]*4
+ if len(self.bboxes)>0:
+ self.bboxes = np.concatenate(self.bboxes,axis = 0)
+ else:
+ self.bboxes = np.array(self.bboxes)
+ self.crop = Crop(config)
+ self.label_mapping = LabelMapping(config, self.phase)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx,split=None):
+ t = time.time()
+ np.random.seed(int(str(t%1)[2:7]))#seed according to time
+ isRandomImg = False
+ if self.phase !='test':
+ if idx>=len(self.bboxes):
+ isRandom = True
+ idx = idx%len(self.bboxes)
+ isRandomImg = np.random.randint(2)
+ else:
+ isRandom = False
+ else:
+ isRandom = False
+ if self.phase != 'test':
+ if not isRandomImg:
+ bbox = self.bboxes[idx]
+ filename = self.filenames[int(bbox[0])]
+ imgs = np.load(filename)
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[int(bbox[0])]
+ isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, bbox[1:], bboxes,isScale,isRandom)
+ if self.phase=='train' and not isRandom:
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord,
+ ifflip = self.augtype['flip'], ifrotate=self.augtype['rotate'], ifswap = self.augtype['swap'])
+ else:
+ randimid = np.random.randint(len(self.kagglenames))
+ filename = self.kagglenames[randimid]
+ imgs = np.load(filename)
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[randimid]
+ isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, [], bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=True)
+ label = self.label_mapping(sample.shape[1:], target, bboxes)
+ sample = sample.astype(np.float32)
+ #if filename in self.kagglenames:
+ # label[label==-1]=0
+ return torch.from_numpy(sample), torch.from_numpy(label), coord
+ else:
+ imgs = np.load(self.filenames[idx])
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[idx]
+ nz, nh, nw = imgs.shape[1:]
+ pz = int(np.ceil(float(nz) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ ph = int(np.ceil(float(nh) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ pw = int(np.ceil(float(nw) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ imgs = np.pad(imgs, [[0,0],[0, pz - nz], [0, ph - nh], [0, pw - nw]], 'constant',constant_value = self.pad_value)
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[2]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[3]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ imgs, nzhw = self.split_comber.split(imgs)
+ coord2, nzhw2 = self.split_comber.split(coord,
+ side_len = self.split_comber.side_len/self.stride,
+ max_stride = self.split_comber.max_stride/self.stride,
+ margin = self.split_comber.margin/self.stride)
+ assert np.all(nzhw==nzhw2)
+ return torch.from_numpy(imgs), bboxes, torch.from_numpy(coord2), np.array(nzhw)
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.phase == 'train':
+ return len(self.bboxes)/(1-self.r_rand)
+ elif self.phase =='val':
+ return len(self.bboxes)
+ else:
+ return len(self.sample_bboxes)
+def augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord, ifflip = True, ifrotate=True, ifswap = True):
+ # angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ if ifrotate:
+ validrot = False
+ counter = 0
+ while not validrot:
+ newtarget = np.copy(target)
+ angle1 = (np.random.rand()-0.5)*20
+ size = np.array(sample.shape[2:4]).astype('float')
+ rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi),-np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi)],[np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi),np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi)]])
+ newtarget[1:3] = np.dot(rotmat,target[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
+ if np.all(newtarget[:3]>target[3]) and np.all(newtarget[:3]< np.array(sample.shape[1:4])-newtarget[3]):
+ validrot = True
+ target = newtarget
+ sample = rotate(sample,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ coord = rotate(coord,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ for box in bboxes:
+ box[1:3] = np.dot(rotmat,box[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
+ else:
+ counter += 1
+ if counter ==3:
+ break
+ if ifswap:
+ if sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[2] and sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[3]:
+ axisorder = np.random.permutation(3)
+ sample = np.transpose(sample,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ coord = np.transpose(coord,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ target[:3] = target[:3][axisorder]
+ bboxes[:,:3] = bboxes[:,:3][:,axisorder]
+ if ifflip:
+# flipid = np.array([np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ flipid = np.array([1,np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ sample = np.ascontiguousarray(sample[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ coord = np.ascontiguousarray(coord[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ for ax in range(3):
+ if flipid[ax]==-1:
+ target[ax] = np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-target[ax]
+ bboxes[:,ax]= np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-bboxes[:,ax]
+ return sample, target, bboxes, coord
+class Crop(object):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.bound_size = config['bound_size']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
+ def __call__(self, imgs, target, bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=False):
+ if isScale:
+ radiusLim = [8.,100.]
+ scaleLim = [0.75,1.25]
+ scaleRange = [np.min([np.max([(radiusLim[0]/target[3]),scaleLim[0]]),1])
+ ,np.max([np.min([(radiusLim[1]/target[3]),scaleLim[1]]),1])]
+ scale = np.random.rand()*(scaleRange[1]-scaleRange[0])+scaleRange[0]
+ crop_size = (np.array(self.crop_size).astype('float')/scale).astype('int')
+ else:
+ crop_size=self.crop_size
+ bound_size = self.bound_size
+ target = np.copy(target)
+ bboxes = np.copy(bboxes)
+ start = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ if not isRand:
+ r = target[3] / 2
+ s = np.floor(target[i] - r)+ 1 - bound_size
+ e = np.ceil (target[i] + r)+ 1 + bound_size - crop_size[i]
+ else:
+ s = np.max([imgs.shape[i+1]-crop_size[i]/2,imgs.shape[i+1]/2+bound_size])
+ e = np.min([crop_size[i]/2, imgs.shape[i+1]/2-bound_size])
+ target = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan])
+ if s>e:
+ start.append(np.random.randint(e,s))#!
+ else:
+ start.append(int(target[i])-crop_size[i]/2+np.random.randint(-bound_size/2,bound_size/2))
+ normstart = np.array(start).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])-0.5
+ normsize = np.array(crop_size).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(normstart[0],normstart[0]+normsize[0],self.crop_size[0]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[1],normstart[1]+normsize[1],self.crop_size[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[2],normstart[2]+normsize[2],self.crop_size[2]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ pad = []
+ pad.append([0,0])
+ for i in range(3):
+ leftpad = max(0,-start[i])
+ rightpad = max(0,start[i]+crop_size[i]-imgs.shape[i+1])
+ pad.append([leftpad,rightpad])
+ crop = imgs[:,
+ max(start[0],0):min(start[0] + crop_size[0],imgs.shape[1]),
+ max(start[1],0):min(start[1] + crop_size[1],imgs.shape[2]),
+ max(start[2],0):min(start[2] + crop_size[2],imgs.shape[3])]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
+ for i in range(3):
+ target[i] = target[i] - start[i]
+ for i in range(len(bboxes)):
+ for j in range(3):
+ bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j] - start[j]
+ if isScale:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ crop = zoom(crop,[1,scale,scale,scale],order=1)
+ newpad = self.crop_size[0]-crop.shape[1:][0]
+ if newpad<0:
+ crop = crop[:,:-newpad,:-newpad,:-newpad]
+ elif newpad>0:
+ pad2 = [[0,0],[0,newpad],[0,newpad],[0,newpad]]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad2,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
+ for i in range(4):
+ target[i] = target[i]*scale
+ for i in range(len(bboxes)):
+ for j in range(4):
+ bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j]*scale
+ return crop, target, bboxes, coord
+class LabelMapping(object):
+ def __init__(self, config, phase):
+ self.stride = np.array(config['stride'])
+ self.num_neg = int(config['num_neg'])
+ self.th_neg = config['th_neg']
+ self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
+ self.phase = phase
+ if phase == 'train':
+ self.th_pos = config['th_pos_train']
+ elif phase == 'val':
+ self.th_pos = config['th_pos_val']
+ def __call__(self, input_size, target, bboxes):
+ stride = self.stride
+ num_neg = self.num_neg
+ th_neg = self.th_neg
+ anchors = self.anchors
+ th_pos = self.th_pos
+ struct = generate_binary_structure(3,1)
+ output_size = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ assert(input_size[i] % stride == 0)
+ output_size.append(input_size[i] / stride)
+ label = np.zeros(output_size + [len(anchors), 5], np.float32)
+ offset = ((stride.astype('float')) - 1) / 2
+ oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ for bbox in bboxes:
+ for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
+ iz, ih, iw = select_samples(bbox, anchor, th_neg, oz, oh, ow)
+ label[iz, ih, iw, i, 0] = 1
+ label[:,:,:, i, 0] = binary_dilation(label[:,:,:, i, 0].astype('bool'),structure=struct,iterations=1).astype('float32')
+ label = label-1
+ if self.phase == 'train' and self.num_neg > 0:
+ neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = np.where(label[:, :, :, :, 0] == -1)
+ neg_idcs = random.sample(range(len(neg_z)), min(num_neg, len(neg_z)))
+ neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = neg_z[neg_idcs], neg_h[neg_idcs], neg_w[neg_idcs], neg_a[neg_idcs]
+ label[:, :, :, :, 0] = 0
+ label[neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a, 0] = -1
+ if np.isnan(target[0]):
+ return label
+ iz, ih, iw, ia = [], [], [], []
+ for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
+ iiz, iih, iiw = select_samples(target, anchor, th_pos, oz, oh, ow)
+ iz.append(iiz)
+ ih.append(iih)
+ iw.append(iiw)
+ ia.append(i * np.ones((len(iiz),), np.int64))
+ iz = np.concatenate(iz, 0)
+ ih = np.concatenate(ih, 0)
+ iw = np.concatenate(iw, 0)
+ ia = np.concatenate(ia, 0)
+ flag = True
+ if len(iz) == 0:
+ pos = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ pos.append(max(0, int(np.round((target[i] - offset) / stride))))
+ idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log(target[3] / anchors)))
+ pos.append(idx)
+ flag = False
+ else:
+ idx = random.sample(range(len(iz)), 1)[0]
+ pos = [iz[idx], ih[idx], iw[idx], ia[idx]]
+ dz = (target[0] - oz[pos[0]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dh = (target[1] - oh[pos[1]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dw = (target[2] - ow[pos[2]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dd = np.log(target[3] / anchors[pos[3]])
+ label[pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], :] = [1, dz, dh, dw, dd]
+ return label
+def select_samples(bbox, anchor, th, oz, oh, ow):
+ z, h, w, d = bbox
+ max_overlap = min(d, anchor)
+ min_overlap = np.power(max(d, anchor), 3) * th / max_overlap / max_overlap
+ if min_overlap > max_overlap:
+ return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
+ else:
+ s = z - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = z + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mz = np.logical_and(oz >= s, oz <= e)
+ iz = np.where(mz)[0]
+ s = h - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = h + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mh = np.logical_and(oh >= s, oh <= e)
+ ih = np.where(mh)[0]
+ s = w - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = w + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mw = np.logical_and(ow >= s, ow <= e)
+ iw = np.where(mw)[0]
+ if len(iz) == 0 or len(ih) == 0 or len(iw) == 0:
+ return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
+ lz, lh, lw = len(iz), len(ih), len(iw)
+ iz = iz.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
+ ih = ih.reshape((1, -1, 1))
+ iw = iw.reshape((1, 1, -1))
+ iz = np.tile(iz, (1, lh, lw)).reshape((-1))
+ ih = np.tile(ih, (lz, 1, lw)).reshape((-1))
+ iw = np.tile(iw, (lz, lh, 1)).reshape((-1))
+ centers = np.concatenate([
+ oz[iz].reshape((-1, 1)),
+ oh[ih].reshape((-1, 1)),
+ ow[iw].reshape((-1, 1))], axis = 1)
+ r0 = anchor / 2
+ s0 = centers - r0
+ e0 = centers + r0
+ r1 = d / 2
+ s1 = bbox[:3] - r1
+ s1 = s1.reshape((1, -1))
+ e1 = bbox[:3] + r1
+ e1 = e1.reshape((1, -1))
+ overlap = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(e0, e1) - np.maximum(s0, s1))
+ intersection = overlap[:, 0] * overlap[:, 1] * overlap[:, 2]
+ union = anchor * anchor * anchor + d * d * d - intersection
+ iou = intersection / union
+ mask = iou >= th
+ #if th > 0.4:
+ # if np.sum(mask) == 0:
+ # print(['iou not large', iou.max()])
+ # else:
+ # print(['iou large', iou[mask]])
+ iz = iz[mask]
+ ih = ih[mask]
+ iw = iw[mask]
+ return iz, ih, iw
+def collate(batch):
+ if torch.is_tensor(batch[0]):
+ return [b.unsqueeze(0) for b in batch]
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], np.ndarray):
+ return batch
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], int):
+ return torch.LongTensor(batch)
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Iterable):
+ transposed = zip(*batch)
+ return [collate(samples) for samples in transposed]
diff --git a/training/classifier/full.npy b/training/classifier/full.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1345bfd
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/full.npy differ
diff --git a/training/classifier/full_label.csv b/training/classifier/full_label.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55294f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/full_label.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1596 @@
diff --git a/training/classifier/kaggle_full.npy b/training/classifier/kaggle_full.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40016ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/kaggle_full.npy differ
diff --git a/training/classifier/kaggleluna_full.npy b/training/classifier/kaggleluna_full.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ff74c
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/kaggleluna_full.npy differ
diff --git a/training/classifier/layers.py b/training/classifier/layers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..939b7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/layers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+import math
+class PostRes2d(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, stride = 1):
+ super(PostRes2d, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 3, stride = stride, padding = 1)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(n_out, n_out, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out)
+ if stride != 1 or n_out != n_in:
+ self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 1, stride = stride),
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out))
+ else:
+ self.shortcut = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ if self.shortcut is not None:
+ residual = self.shortcut(x)
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class PostRes(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, stride = 1):
+ super(PostRes, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv3d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 3, stride = stride, padding = 1)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv3d(n_out, n_out, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out)
+ if stride != 1 or n_out != n_in:
+ self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 1, stride = stride),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out))
+ else:
+ self.shortcut = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ if self.shortcut is not None:
+ residual = self.shortcut(x)
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class Rec3(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n0, n1, n2, n3, p = 0.0, integrate = True):
+ super(Rec3, self).__init__()
+ self.block01 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n0, n1, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block11 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block21 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(n2, n1, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block12 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n2, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block22 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block32 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(n3, n2, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block23 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n3, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3))
+ self.block33 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3))
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.p = p
+ self.integrate = integrate
+ def forward(self, x0, x1, x2, x3):
+ if self.p > 0 and self.training:
+ coef = torch.bernoulli((1.0 - self.p) * torch.ones(8))
+ out1 = coef[0] * self.block01(x0) + coef[1] * self.block11(x1) + coef[2] * self.block21(x2)
+ out2 = coef[3] * self.block12(x1) + coef[4] * self.block22(x2) + coef[5] * self.block32(x3)
+ out3 = coef[6] * self.block23(x2) + coef[7] * self.block33(x3)
+ else:
+ out1 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block01(x0) + self.block11(x1) + self.block21(x2))
+ out2 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block12(x1) + self.block22(x2) + self.block32(x3))
+ out3 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block23(x2) + self.block33(x3))
+ if self.integrate:
+ out1 += x1
+ out2 += x2
+ out3 += x3
+ return x0, self.relu(out1), self.relu(out2), self.relu(out3)
+def hard_mining(neg_output, neg_labels, num_hard):
+ _, idcs = torch.topk(neg_output, min(num_hard, len(neg_output)))
+ neg_output = torch.index_select(neg_output, 0, idcs)
+ neg_labels = torch.index_select(neg_labels, 0, idcs)
+ return neg_output, neg_labels
+class Loss(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, num_hard = 0):
+ super(Loss, self).__init__()
+ self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
+ self.classify_loss = nn.BCELoss()
+ self.regress_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
+ self.num_hard = num_hard
+ def forward(self, output, labels, train = True):
+ batch_size = labels.size(0)
+ output = output.view(-1, 5)
+ labels = labels.view(-1, 5)
+ pos_idcs = labels[:, 0] > 0.5
+ pos_idcs = pos_idcs.unsqueeze(1).expand(pos_idcs.size(0), 5)
+ pos_output = output[pos_idcs].view(-1, 5)
+ pos_labels = labels[pos_idcs].view(-1, 5)
+ neg_idcs = labels[:, 0] < -0.5
+ neg_output = output[:, 0][neg_idcs]
+ neg_labels = labels[:, 0][neg_idcs]
+ if self.num_hard > 0 and train:
+ neg_output, neg_labels = hard_mining(neg_output, neg_labels, self.num_hard * batch_size)
+ neg_prob = self.sigmoid(neg_output)
+ #classify_loss = self.classify_loss(
+ # torch.cat((pos_prob, neg_prob), 0),
+ # torch.cat((pos_labels[:, 0], neg_labels + 1), 0))
+ if len(pos_output)>0:
+ pos_prob = self.sigmoid(pos_output[:, 0])
+ pz, ph, pw, pd = pos_output[:, 1], pos_output[:, 2], pos_output[:, 3], pos_output[:, 4]
+ lz, lh, lw, ld = pos_labels[:, 1], pos_labels[:, 2], pos_labels[:, 3], pos_labels[:, 4]
+ regress_losses = [
+ self.regress_loss(pz, lz),
+ self.regress_loss(ph, lh),
+ self.regress_loss(pw, lw),
+ self.regress_loss(pd, ld)]
+ regress_losses_data = [l.data[0] for l in regress_losses]
+ classify_loss = 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ pos_prob, pos_labels[:, 0]) + 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ neg_prob, neg_labels + 1)
+ pos_correct = (pos_prob.data >= 0.5).sum()
+ pos_total = len(pos_prob)
+ else:
+ regress_losses = [0,0,0,0]
+ classify_loss = 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ neg_prob, neg_labels + 1)
+ pos_correct = 0
+ pos_total = 0
+ regress_losses_data = [0,0,0,0]
+ classify_loss_data = classify_loss.data[0]
+ loss = classify_loss
+ for regress_loss in regress_losses:
+ loss += regress_loss
+ neg_correct = (neg_prob.data < 0.5).sum()
+ neg_total = len(neg_prob)
+ return [loss, classify_loss_data] + regress_losses_data + [pos_correct, pos_total, neg_correct, neg_total]
+class GetPBB(object):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
+ def __call__(self, output,thresh = -3, ismask=False):
+ stride = self.stride
+ anchors = self.anchors
+ output = np.copy(output)
+ offset = (float(stride) - 1) / 2
+ output_size = output.shape
+ oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ output[:, :, :, :, 1] = oz.reshape((-1, 1, 1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 1] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 2] = oh.reshape((1, -1, 1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 2] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 3] = ow.reshape((1, 1, -1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 3] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 4] = np.exp(output[:, :, :, :, 4]) * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ mask = output[..., 0] > thresh
+ xx,yy,zz,aa = np.where(mask)
+ output = output[xx,yy,zz,aa]
+ if ismask:
+ return output,[xx,yy,zz,aa]
+ else:
+ return output
+ #output = output[output[:, 0] >= self.conf_th]
+ #bboxes = nms(output, self.nms_th)
+def nms(output, nms_th):
+ if len(output) == 0:
+ return output
+ output = output[np.argsort(-output[:, 0])]
+ bboxes = [output[0]]
+ for i in np.arange(1, len(output)):
+ bbox = output[i]
+ flag = 1
+ for j in range(len(bboxes)):
+ if iou(bbox[1:5], bboxes[j][1:5]) >= nms_th:
+ flag = -1
+ break
+ if flag == 1:
+ bboxes.append(bbox)
+ bboxes = np.asarray(bboxes, np.float32)
+ return bboxes
+def iou(box0, box1):
+ r0 = box0[3] / 2
+ s0 = box0[:3] - r0
+ e0 = box0[:3] + r0
+ r1 = box1[3] / 2
+ s1 = box1[:3] - r1
+ e1 = box1[:3] + r1
+ overlap = []
+ for i in range(len(s0)):
+ overlap.append(max(0, min(e0[i], e1[i]) - max(s0[i], s1[i])))
+ intersection = overlap[0] * overlap[1] * overlap[2]
+ union = box0[3] * box0[3] * box0[3] + box1[3] * box1[3] * box1[3] - intersection
+ return intersection / union
+def acc(pbb, lbb, conf_th, nms_th, detect_th):
+ pbb = pbb[pbb[:, 0] >= conf_th]
+ pbb = nms(pbb, nms_th)
+ tp = []
+ fp = []
+ fn = []
+ l_flag = np.zeros((len(lbb),), np.int32)
+ for p in pbb:
+ flag = 0
+ bestscore = 0
+ for i, l in enumerate(lbb):
+ score = iou(p[1:5], l)
+ if score>bestscore:
+ bestscore = score
+ besti = i
+ if bestscore > detect_th:
+ flag = 1
+ if l_flag[besti] == 0:
+ l_flag[besti] = 1
+ tp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ else:
+ fp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ if flag == 0:
+ fp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ for i,l in enumerate(lbb):
+ if l_flag[i]==0:
+ score = []
+ for p in pbb:
+ score.append(iou(p[1:5],l))
+ if len(score)!=0:
+ bestscore = np.max(score)
+ else:
+ bestscore = 0
+ if bestscore0:
+ fn = np.concatenate([fn,tp[fn_i,:5]])
+ else:
+ fn = fn
+ if len(tp_in_topk)>0:
+ tp = tp[tp_in_topk]
+ else:
+ tp = []
+ if len(fp_in_topk)>0:
+ fp = newallp[fp_in_topk]
+ else:
+ fp = []
+ return tp, fp , fn
diff --git a/training/classifier/main.py b/training/classifier/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e58a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import time
+import numpy as np
+from importlib import import_module
+import shutil
+import sys
+from split_combine import SplitComb
+import torch
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from layers import acc
+from trainval_detector import *
+from trainval_classifier import *
+from data_detector import DataBowl3Detector
+from data_classifier import DataBowl3Classifier
+from utils import *
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch DataBowl3 Detector')
+parser.add_argument('--model1', '-m1', metavar='MODEL', default='base',
+ help='model')
+parser.add_argument('--model2', '-m2', metavar='MODEL', default='base',
+ help='model')
+parser.add_argument('-j', '--workers', default=32, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='number of data loading workers (default: 32)')
+parser.add_argument('--epochs', default=None, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='number of total epochs to run')
+parser.add_argument('--start-epoch', default=0, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='manual epoch number (useful on restarts)')
+parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', default=16, type=int,
+ metavar='N', help='mini-batch size (default: 16)')
+parser.add_argument('-b2', '--batch-size2', default=3, type=int,
+ metavar='N', help='mini-batch size (default: 16)')
+parser.add_argument('--lr', '--learning-rate', default=None, type=float,
+ metavar='LR', help='initial learning rate')
+parser.add_argument('--momentum', default=0.9, type=float, metavar='M',
+ help='momentum')
+parser.add_argument('--weight-decay', '--wd', default=1e-4, type=float,
+ metavar='W', help='weight decay (default: 1e-4)')
+parser.add_argument('--save-freq', default='5', type=int, metavar='S',
+ help='save frequency')
+parser.add_argument('--resume', default='', type=str, metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to latest checkpoint (default: none)')
+parser.add_argument('--save-dir', default='', type=str, metavar='SAVE',
+ help='directory to save checkpoint (default: none)')
+parser.add_argument('--test1', default=0, type=int, metavar='TEST',
+ help='do detection test')
+parser.add_argument('--test2', default=0, type=int, metavar='TEST',
+ help='do classifier test')
+parser.add_argument('--test3', default=0, type=int, metavar='TEST',
+ help='do classifier test')
+parser.add_argument('--split', default=8, type=int, metavar='SPLIT',
+ help='In the test phase, split the image to 8 parts')
+parser.add_argument('--gpu', default='all', type=str, metavar='N',
+ help='use gpu')
+parser.add_argument('--n_test', default=8, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='number of gpu for test')
+parser.add_argument('--debug', default=0, type=int, metavar='TEST',
+ help='debug mode')
+parser.add_argument('--freeze_batchnorm', default=0, type=int, metavar='TEST',
+ help='freeze the batchnorm when training')
+def main():
+ global args
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ torch.manual_seed(0)
+ ##################################
+ nodmodel = import_module(args.model1)
+ config1, nod_net, loss, get_pbb = nodmodel.get_model()
+ args.lr_stage = config1['lr_stage']
+ args.lr_preset = config1['lr']
+ save_dir = args.save_dir
+ ##################################
+ casemodel = import_module(args.model2)
+ config2 = casemodel.config
+ args.lr_stage2 = config2['lr_stage']
+ args.lr_preset2 = config2['lr']
+ topk = config2['topk']
+ case_net = casemodel.CaseNet(topk = topk,nodulenet=nod_net)
+ args.miss_ratio = config2['miss_ratio']
+ args.miss_thresh = config2['miss_thresh']
+ if args.debug:
+ args.save_dir = 'debug'
+ ###################################
+ ################################
+ start_epoch = args.start_epoch
+ if args.resume:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume)
+ if start_epoch == 0:
+ start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1
+ if not save_dir:
+ save_dir = checkpoint['save_dir']
+ else:
+ save_dir = os.path.join('results',save_dir)
+ case_net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'])
+ else:
+ if start_epoch == 0:
+ start_epoch = 1
+ if not save_dir:
+ exp_id = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S', time.localtime())
+ save_dir = os.path.join('results', args.model1 + '-' + exp_id)
+ else:
+ save_dir = os.path.join('results',save_dir)
+ if args.epochs == None:
+ end_epoch = args.lr_stage2[-1]
+ else:
+ end_epoch = args.epochs
+ ################################
+ if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
+ os.makedirs(save_dir)
+ logfile = os.path.join(save_dir,'log')
+ if args.test1!=1 and args.test2!=1 :
+ sys.stdout = Logger(logfile)
+ pyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('./') if f.endswith('.py')]
+ for f in pyfiles:
+ shutil.copy(f,os.path.join(save_dir,f))
+ ################################
+ torch.cuda.set_device(0)
+ #nod_net = nod_net.cuda()
+ case_net = case_net.cuda()
+ loss = loss.cuda()
+ cudnn.benchmark = True
+ if not args.debug:
+ case_net = DataParallel(case_net)
+ nod_net = DataParallel(nod_net)
+ ################################
+ if args.test1 == 1:
+ testsplit = np.load('full.npy')
+ dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(testsplit, config2, phase = 'test')
+ predlist = test_casenet(case_net,dataset).T
+ anstable = np.concatenate([[testsplit],predlist],0).T
+ df = pandas.DataFrame(anstable)
+ df.columns={'id','cancer'}
+ df.to_csv('allstage1.csv',index=False)
+ return
+ if args.test2 ==1:
+ testsplit = np.load('test.npy')
+ dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(testsplit, config2, phase = 'test')
+ predlist = test_casenet(case_net,dataset).T
+ anstable = np.concatenate([[testsplit],predlist],0).T
+ df = pandas.DataFrame(anstable)
+ df.columns={'id','cancer'}
+ df.to_csv('quick',index=False)
+ return
+ if args.test3 == 1:
+ testsplit3 = np.load('stage2.npy')
+ dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(testsplit3,config2,phase = 'test')
+ predlist = test_casenet(case_net,dataset).T
+ anstable = np.concatenate([[testsplit3],predlist],0).T
+ df = pandas.DataFrame(anstable)
+ df.columns={'id','cancer'}
+ df.to_csv('stage2_ans.csv',index=False)
+ return
+ print(save_dir)
+ print(args.save_freq)
+ trainsplit = np.load('kaggleluna_full.npy')
+ valsplit = np.load('valsplit.npy')
+ testsplit = np.load('test.npy')
+ dataset = DataBowl3Detector(trainsplit,config1,phase = 'train')
+ train_loader_nod = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = args.batch_size,
+ shuffle = True,num_workers = args.workers,pin_memory=True)
+ dataset = DataBowl3Detector(valsplit,config1,phase = 'val')
+ val_loader_nod = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = args.batch_size,
+ shuffle = False,num_workers = args.workers,pin_memory=True)
+ optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(nod_net.parameters(),
+ args.lr,momentum = 0.9,weight_decay = args.weight_decay)
+ trainsplit = np.load('full.npy')
+ dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(trainsplit,config2,phase = 'train')
+ train_loader_case = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = args.batch_size2,
+ shuffle = True,num_workers = args.workers,pin_memory=True)
+ dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(valsplit,config2,phase = 'val')
+ val_loader_case = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = max([args.batch_size2,1]),
+ shuffle = False,num_workers = args.workers,pin_memory=True)
+ dataset = DataBowl3Classifier(trainsplit,config2,phase = 'val')
+ all_loader_case = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = max([args.batch_size2,1]),
+ shuffle = False,num_workers = args.workers,pin_memory=True)
+ optimizer2 = torch.optim.SGD(case_net.parameters(),
+ args.lr,momentum = 0.9,weight_decay = args.weight_decay)
+ for epoch in range(start_epoch, end_epoch + 1):
+ if epoch ==start_epoch:
+ lr = args.lr
+ debug = args.debug
+ args.lr = 0.0
+ args.debug = True
+ train_casenet(epoch,case_net,train_loader_case,optimizer2,args)
+ args.lr = lr
+ args.debug = debug
+ if epochconfig2['startepoch']:
+ train_casenet(epoch,case_net,train_loader_case,optimizer2,args)
+ val_casenet(epoch,case_net,val_loader_case,args)
+ val_casenet(epoch,case_net,all_loader_case,args)
+ if epoch % args.save_freq == 0:
+ state_dict = case_net.module.state_dict()
+ for key in state_dict.keys():
+ state_dict[key] = state_dict[key].cpu()
+ torch.save({
+ 'epoch': epoch,
+ 'save_dir': save_dir,
+ 'state_dict': state_dict,
+ 'args': args},
+ os.path.join(save_dir, '%03d.ckpt' % epoch))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/training/classifier/net_classifier_3.py b/training/classifier/net_classifier_3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae30a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/net_classifier_3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import sys
+from config_training import config as config_training
+config = {}
+config['topk'] = 5
+config['resample'] = None
+config['datadir'] = config_training['preprocess_result_path']
+config['preload_train'] = True
+config['bboxpath'] = config_training['bbox_path']
+config['labelfile'] = './full_label.csv'
+config['preload_val'] = True
+config['padmask'] = False
+config['crop_size'] = [96,96,96]
+config['scaleLim'] = [0.85,1.15]
+config['radiusLim'] = [6,100]
+config['jitter_range'] = 0.15
+config['isScale'] = True
+config['random_sample'] = True
+config['T'] = 1
+config['topk'] = 5
+config['stride'] = 4
+config['augtype'] = {'flip':True,'swap':False,'rotate':False,'scale':False}
+config['detect_th'] = 0.05
+config['conf_th'] = -1
+config['nms_th'] = 0.05
+config['filling_value'] = 160
+config['startepoch'] = 20
+config['lr_stage'] = np.array([50,100,140,160])
+config['lr'] = [0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001]
+config['miss_ratio'] = 1
+config['miss_thresh'] = 0.03
+class CaseNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,topk,nodulenet):
+ super(CaseNet,self).__init__()
+ self.NoduleNet = nodulenet
+ self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128,64)
+ self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64,1)
+ self.pool = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2)
+ self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
+ self.baseline = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([-30.0]).float())
+ self.Relu = nn.ReLU()
+ def forward(self,xlist,coordlist):
+# xlist: n x k x 1x 96 x 96 x 96
+# coordlist: n x k x 3 x 24 x 24 x 24
+ xsize = xlist.size()
+ corrdsize = coordlist.size()
+ xlist = xlist.view(-1,xsize[2],xsize[3],xsize[4],xsize[5])
+ coordlist = coordlist.view(-1,corrdsize[2],corrdsize[3],corrdsize[4],corrdsize[5])
+ noduleFeat,nodulePred = self.NoduleNet(xlist,coordlist)
+ nodulePred = nodulePred.contiguous().view(corrdsize[0],corrdsize[1],-1)
+ featshape = noduleFeat.size()#nk x 128 x 24 x 24 x24
+ centerFeat = self.pool(noduleFeat[:,:,featshape[2]/2-1:featshape[2]/2+1,
+ featshape[3]/2-1:featshape[3]/2+1,
+ featshape[4]/2-1:featshape[4]/2+1])
+ centerFeat = centerFeat[:,:,0,0,0]
+ out = self.dropout(centerFeat)
+ out = self.Relu(self.fc1(out))
+ out = torch.sigmoid(self.fc2(out))
+ out = out.view(xsize[0],xsize[1])
+ base_prob = torch.sigmoid(self.baseline)
+ casePred = 1-torch.prod(1-out,dim=1)*(1-base_prob.expand(out.size()[0]))
+ return nodulePred,casePred,out
diff --git a/training/classifier/net_classifier_4.py b/training/classifier/net_classifier_4.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953ba21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/net_classifier_4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+import numpy as np
+import os
+config = {}
+config['topk'] = 5
+config['resample'] = None
+config['datadir'] = '/work/DataBowl3/stage1/preprocess_1_3/'
+config['preload_train'] = True
+config['bboxpath'] = '../cpliangming/results/res18_mylabel/bbox/'
+config['labelfile'] = 'full_label.csv'
+config['preload_val'] = True
+config['padmask'] = False
+config['crop_size'] = [96,96,96]
+config['scaleLim'] = [0.85,1.15]
+config['radiusLim'] = [6,100]
+config['jitter_range'] = 0.15
+config['isScale'] = True
+config['random_sample'] = True
+config['T'] = 1
+config['topk'] = 5
+config['stride'] = 4
+config['augtype'] = {'flip':True,'swap':True,'rotate':True,'scale':True}
+config['detect_th'] = 0.05
+config['conf_th'] = -1
+config['nms_th'] = 0.05
+config['filling_value'] = 160
+config['startepoch'] = 20
+config['lr_stage'] = np.array([50,100,140,160,180])
+config['lr'] = [0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001,0.000001]
+config['miss_ratio'] = 1
+config['miss_thresh'] = 0.03
+class CaseNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,topk,nodulenet):
+ super(CaseNet,self).__init__()
+ self.NoduleNet = nodulenet
+ self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128,64)
+ self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64,1)
+ self.pool = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2)
+ self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
+ self.baseline = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([-30.0]).float())
+ self.Relu = nn.ReLU()
+ def forward(self,xlist,coordlist):
+# xlist: n x k x 1x 96 x 96 x 96
+# coordlist: n x k x 3 x 24 x 24 x 24
+ xsize = xlist.size()
+ corrdsize = coordlist.size()
+ xlist = xlist.view(-1,xsize[2],xsize[3],xsize[4],xsize[5])
+ coordlist = coordlist.view(-1,corrdsize[2],corrdsize[3],corrdsize[4],corrdsize[5])
+ noduleFeat,nodulePred = self.NoduleNet(xlist,coordlist)
+ nodulePred = nodulePred.contiguous().view(corrdsize[0],corrdsize[1],-1)
+ featshape = noduleFeat.size()#nk x 128 x 24 x 24 x24
+ centerFeat = self.pool(noduleFeat[:,:,featshape[2]/2-1:featshape[2]/2+1,
+ featshape[3]/2-1:featshape[3]/2+1,
+ featshape[4]/2-1:featshape[4]/2+1])
+ centerFeat = centerFeat[:,:,0,0,0]
+ out = self.dropout(centerFeat)
+ out = self.Relu(self.fc1(out))
+ out = torch.sigmoid(self.fc2(out))
+ out = out.view(xsize[0],xsize[1])
+ base_prob = torch.sigmoid(self.baseline)
+ casePred = 1-torch.prod(1-out,dim=1)*(1-base_prob.expand(out.size()[0]))
+ return nodulePred,casePred,out
diff --git a/training/classifier/net_detector_3.py b/training/classifier/net_detector_3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2277ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/net_detector_3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+import sys
+from config_training import config as config_training
+config = {}
+config['anchors'] = [ 10.0, 30.0, 60.]
+config['chanel'] = 1
+config['crop_size'] = [128, 128, 128]
+config['stride'] = 4
+config['datadir'] = config_training['preprocess_result_path']
+config['max_stride'] = 16
+config['num_neg'] = 800
+config['th_neg'] = 0.02
+config['th_pos_train'] = 0.5
+config['th_pos_val'] = 1
+config['num_hard'] = 2
+config['bound_size'] = 12
+config['reso'] = 1
+config['sizelim'] = 6. #mm
+config['sizelim2'] = 30
+config['sizelim3'] = 40
+config['aug_scale'] = True
+config['r_rand_crop'] = 0.3
+config['pad_value'] = 170
+config['augtype'] = {'flip':True,'swap':False,'scale':True,'rotate':False}
+config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','adc3bbc63d40f8761c59be10f1e504c3']
+config['lr_stage'] = np.array([50,100,140,160])
+config['lr'] = [0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001]
+#config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','d92998a73d4654a442e6d6ba15bbb827','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','820245d8b211808bd18e78ff5be16fdb','adc3bbc63d40f8761c59be10f1e504c3',
+# '417','077','188','876','057','087','130','468']
+class Net(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Net, self).__init__()
+ # The first few layers consumes the most memory, so use simple convolution to save memory.
+ # Call these layers preBlock, i.e., before the residual blocks of later layers.
+ self.preBlock = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(1, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(24, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ # 3 poolings, each pooling downsamples the feature map by a factor 2.
+ # 3 groups of blocks. The first block of each group has one pooling.
+ num_blocks_forw = [2,2,3,3]
+ num_blocks_back = [3,3]
+ self.featureNum_forw = [24,32,64,64,64]
+ self.featureNum_back = [128,64,64]
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_forw)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_forw[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i+1], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ setattr(self, 'forw' + str(i + 1), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_back)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_back[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ if i==0:
+ addition = 3
+ else:
+ addition = 0
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i+1]+self.featureNum_forw[i+2]+addition, self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i], self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ setattr(self, 'back' + str(i + 2), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool4 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.unmaxpool1 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.unmaxpool2 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.path1 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.path2 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.2, inplace = False)
+ self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv3d(self.featureNum_back[0], 64, kernel_size = 1),
+ nn.ReLU(),
+ #nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.3),
+ nn.Conv3d(64, 5 * len(config['anchors']), kernel_size = 1))
+ def forward(self, x, coord):
+ #x = (x-128.)/128.
+ out = self.preBlock(x)#16
+ out_pool,indices0 = self.maxpool1(out)
+ out1 = self.forw1(out_pool)#32
+ out1_pool,indices1 = self.maxpool2(out1)
+ out2 = self.forw2(out1_pool)#64
+ #out2 = self.drop(out2)
+ out2_pool,indices2 = self.maxpool3(out2)
+ out3 = self.forw3(out2_pool)#96
+ out3_pool,indices3 = self.maxpool4(out3)
+ out4 = self.forw4(out3_pool)#96
+ #out4 = self.drop(out4)
+ rev3 = self.path1(out4)
+ comb3 = self.back3(torch.cat((rev3, out3), 1))#96+96
+ #comb3 = self.drop(comb3)
+ rev2 = self.path2(comb3)
+ feat = self.back2(torch.cat((rev2, out2,coord), 1))#64+64
+ comb2 = self.drop(feat)
+ out = self.output(comb2)
+ size = out.size()
+ out = out.view(out.size(0), out.size(1), -1)
+ #out = out.transpose(1, 4).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).contiguous()
+ out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(size[0], size[2], size[3], size[4], len(config['anchors']), 5)
+ #out = out.view(-1, 5)
+ return feat,out
+def get_model():
+ net = Net()
+ loss = Loss(config['num_hard'])
+ get_pbb = GetPBB(config)
+ return config, net, loss, get_pbb
diff --git a/training/classifier/newtrain.npy b/training/classifier/newtrain.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..021977e
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/newtrain.npy differ
diff --git a/training/classifier/results/.gitignore b/training/classifier/results/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76bedae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/results/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/training/classifier/split_combine.py b/training/classifier/split_combine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e399a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/split_combine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+class SplitComb():
+ def __init__(self,side_len,max_stride,stride,margin):
+ self.side_len = side_len
+ self.max_stride = max_stride
+ self.stride = stride
+ self.margin = margin
+ def split(self, data, side_len = None, max_stride = None, margin = None):
+ if side_len==None:
+ side_len = self.side_len
+ if max_stride == None:
+ max_stride = self.max_stride
+ if margin == None:
+ margin = self.margin
+ assert(side_len > margin)
+ assert(side_len % max_stride == 0)
+ assert(margin % max_stride == 0)
+ splits = []
+ _, z, h, w = data.shape
+ nz = int(np.ceil(float(z) / side_len))
+ nh = int(np.ceil(float(h) / side_len))
+ nw = int(np.ceil(float(w) / side_len))
+ nzhw = [nz,nh,nw]
+ self.nzhw = nzhw
+ pad = [ [0, 0],
+ [margin, nz * side_len - z + margin],
+ [margin, nh * side_len - h + margin],
+ [margin, nw * side_len - w + margin]]
+ data = np.pad(data, pad, 'constant')
+ for iz in range(nz):
+ for ih in range(nh):
+ for iw in range(nw):
+ sz = iz * side_len
+ ez = (iz + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ sh = ih * side_len
+ eh = (ih + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ sw = iw * side_len
+ ew = (iw + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ split = data[np.newaxis, :, sz:ez, sh:eh, sw:ew]
+ splits.append(split)
+ splits = np.concatenate(splits, 0)
+ return splits,nzhw
+ def combine(self, output, nzhw = None, side_len=None, stride=None, margin=None):
+ if side_len==None:
+ side_len = self.side_len
+ if stride == None:
+ stride = self.stride
+ if margin == None:
+ margin = self.margin
+ if nzhw==None:
+ nz = self.nz
+ nh = self.nh
+ nw = self.nw
+ else:
+ nz,nh,nw = nzhw
+ assert(side_len % stride == 0)
+ assert(margin % stride == 0)
+ side_len /= stride
+ margin /= stride
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = -1000000 * np.ones((
+ nz * side_len,
+ nh * side_len,
+ nw * side_len,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ idx = 0
+ for iz in range(nz):
+ for ih in range(nh):
+ for iw in range(nw):
+ sz = iz * side_len
+ ez = (iz + 1) * side_len
+ sh = ih * side_len
+ eh = (ih + 1) * side_len
+ sw = iw * side_len
+ ew = (iw + 1) * side_len
+ split = splits[idx][margin:margin + side_len, margin:margin + side_len, margin:margin + side_len]
+ output[sz:ez, sh:eh, sw:ew] = split
+ idx += 1
+ return output
diff --git a/training/classifier/stage2.npy b/training/classifier/stage2.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4038e17
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/stage2.npy differ
diff --git a/training/classifier/test.npy b/training/classifier/test.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d21d0
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/test.npy differ
diff --git a/training/classifier/trainval_classifier.py b/training/classifier/trainval_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88951eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/trainval_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import time
+import random
+import warnings
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from torch.nn.functional import cross_entropy,sigmoid,binary_cross_entropy
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+def get_lr(epoch,args):
+ assert epoch<=args.lr_stage2[-1]
+ if args.lr==None:
+ lrstage = np.sum(epoch>args.lr_stage2)
+ lr = args.lr_preset2[lrstage]
+ else:
+ lr = args.lr
+ return lr
+def train_casenet(epoch,model,data_loader,optimizer,args):
+ model.train()
+ if args.freeze_batchnorm:
+ for m in model.modules():
+ if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm3d):
+ m.eval()
+ starttime = time.time()
+ lr = get_lr(epoch,args)
+ for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
+ param_group['lr'] = lr
+ loss1Hist = []
+ loss2Hist = []
+ missHist = []
+ lossHist = []
+ accHist = []
+ lenHist = []
+ tpn = 0
+ fpn = 0
+ fnn = 0
+# weight = torch.from_numpy(np.ones_like(y).float().cuda()
+ for i,(x,coord,isnod,y) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ if args.debug:
+ if i >4:
+ break
+ coord = Variable(coord).cuda()
+ x = Variable(x).cuda()
+ xsize = x.size()
+ isnod = Variable(isnod).float().cuda()
+ ydata = y.numpy()[:,0]
+ y = Variable(y).float().cuda()
+# weight = 3*torch.ones(y.size()).float().cuda()
+ optimizer.zero_grad()
+ nodulePred,casePred,casePred_each = model(x,coord)
+ loss2 = binary_cross_entropy(casePred,y[:,0])
+ missMask = (casePred_each0.5
+ tpn += np.sum(1==pred[ydata==1])
+ fpn += np.sum(1==pred[ydata==0])
+ fnn += np.sum(0==pred[ydata==1])
+ acc = np.mean(ydata==pred)
+ accHist.append(acc)
+ endtime = time.time()
+ lenHist = np.array(lenHist)
+ loss2Hist = np.array(loss2Hist)
+ lossHist = np.array(lossHist)
+ accHist = np.array(accHist)
+ mean_loss2 = np.sum(loss2Hist*lenHist)/np.sum(lenHist)
+ mean_missloss = np.sum(missHist*lenHist)/np.sum(lenHist)
+ mean_acc = np.sum(accHist*lenHist)/np.sum(lenHist)
+ print('Train, epoch %d, loss2 %.4f, miss loss %.4f, acc %.4f, tpn %d, fpn %d, fnn %d, time %3.2f, lr % .5f '
+ %(epoch,mean_loss2,mean_missloss,mean_acc,tpn,fpn, fnn, endtime-starttime,lr))
+def val_casenet(epoch,model,data_loader,args):
+ model.eval()
+ starttime = time.time()
+ loss1Hist = []
+ loss2Hist = []
+ lossHist = []
+ missHist = []
+ accHist = []
+ lenHist = []
+ tpn = 0
+ fpn = 0
+ fnn = 0
+ for i,(x,coord,isnod,y) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ coord = Variable(coord,volatile=True).cuda()
+ x = Variable(x,volatile=True).cuda()
+ xsize = x.size()
+ ydata = y.numpy()[:,0]
+ y = Variable(y).float().cuda()
+ isnod = Variable(isnod).float().cuda()
+ nodulePred,casePred,casePred_each = model(x,coord)
+ loss2 = binary_cross_entropy(casePred,y[:,0])
+ missMask = (casePred_each0.5
+ tpn += np.sum(1==pred[ydata==1])
+ fpn += np.sum(1==pred[ydata==0])
+ fnn += np.sum(0==pred[ydata==1])
+ acc = np.mean(ydata==pred)
+ accHist.append(acc)
+ endtime = time.time()
+ lenHist = np.array(lenHist)
+ loss2Hist = np.array(loss2Hist)
+ accHist = np.array(accHist)
+ mean_loss2 = np.sum(loss2Hist*lenHist)/np.sum(lenHist)
+ mean_missloss = np.sum(missHist*lenHist)/np.sum(lenHist)
+ mean_acc = np.sum(accHist*lenHist)/np.sum(lenHist)
+ print('Valid, epoch %d, loss2 %.4f, miss loss %.4f, acc %.4f, tpn %d, fpn %d, fnn %d, time %3.2f'
+ %(epoch,mean_loss2,mean_missloss,mean_acc,tpn,fpn, fnn, endtime-starttime))
+def test_casenet(model,testset):
+ data_loader = DataLoader(
+ testset,
+ batch_size = 4,
+ shuffle = False,
+ num_workers = 32,
+ pin_memory=True)
+ #model = model.cuda()
+ model.eval()
+ predlist = []
+ # weight = torch.from_numpy(np.ones_like(y).float().cuda()
+ for i,(x,coord) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ coord = Variable(coord).cuda()
+ x = Variable(x).cuda()
+ nodulePred,casePred,_ = model(x,coord)
+ predlist.append(casePred.data.cpu().numpy())
+ #print([i,data_loader.dataset.split[i,1],casePred.data.cpu().numpy()])
+ predlist = np.concatenate(predlist)
+ return predlist
diff --git a/training/classifier/trainval_detector.py b/training/classifier/trainval_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e02b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/trainval_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import os
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from layers import acc
+def get_lr(epoch,args):
+ assert epoch<=args.lr_stage[-1]
+ if args.lr==None:
+ lrstage = np.sum(epoch>args.lr_stage)
+ lr = args.lr_preset[lrstage]
+ else:
+ lr = args.lr
+ return lr
+def train_nodulenet(data_loader, net, loss, epoch, optimizer, args):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ net.train()
+ if args.freeze_batchnorm:
+ for m in net.modules():
+ if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm3d):
+ m.eval()
+ lr = get_lr(epoch,args)
+ for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
+ param_group['lr'] = lr
+ metrics = []
+ for i, (data, target, coord) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ if args.debug:
+ if i >4:
+ break
+ data = Variable(data.cuda(async = True))
+ target = Variable(target.cuda(async = True))
+ coord = Variable(coord.cuda(async = True))
+ _,output = net(data, coord)
+ loss_output = loss(output, target)
+ optimizer.zero_grad()
+ loss_output[0].backward()
+ #torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(net.parameters(), 1)
+ optimizer.step()
+ loss_output[0] = loss_output[0].data[0]
+ metrics.append(loss_output)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ metrics = np.asarray(metrics, np.float32)
+ print('Epoch %03d (lr %.5f)' % (epoch, lr))
+ print('Train: tpr %3.2f, tnr %3.2f, total pos %d, total neg %d, time %3.2f' % (
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 6]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 8]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ end_time - start_time))
+ print('loss %2.4f, classify loss %2.4f, regress loss %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f' % (
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 0]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 1]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 2]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 3]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 4]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 5])))
+ print
+def validate_nodulenet(data_loader, net, loss):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ net.eval()
+ metrics = []
+ for i, (data, target, coord) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ data = Variable(data.cuda(async = True), volatile = True)
+ target = Variable(target.cuda(async = True), volatile = True)
+ coord = Variable(coord.cuda(async = True), volatile = True)
+ _,output = net(data, coord)
+ loss_output = loss(output, target, train = False)
+ loss_output[0] = loss_output[0].data[0]
+ metrics.append(loss_output)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ metrics = np.asarray(metrics, np.float32)
+ print('Validation: tpr %3.2f, tnr %3.8f, total pos %d, total neg %d, time %3.2f' % (
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 6]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 8]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ end_time - start_time))
+ print('loss %2.4f, classify loss %2.4f, regress loss %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f' % (
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 0]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 1]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 2]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 3]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 4]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 5])))
+ print
+ print
+def test_nodulenet(data_loader, net, get_pbb, save_dir, config, n_per_run):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir,'bbox')
+ if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
+ os.makedirs(save_dir)
+ net.eval()
+ namelist = []
+ split_comber = data_loader.dataset.split_comber
+ for i_name, (data, target, coord, nzhw) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ s = time.time()
+ target = [np.asarray(t, np.float32) for t in target]
+ lbb = target[0]
+ nzhw = nzhw[0]
+ name = data_loader.dataset.filenames[i_name].split('-')[0].split('/')[-1]
+ data = data[0][0]
+ coord = coord[0][0]
+ isfeat = False
+ if 'output_feature' in config:
+ if config['output_feature']:
+ isfeat = True
+ print(data.size())
+ splitlist = range(0,len(data)+1,n_per_run)
+ if splitlist[-1]!=len(data):
+ splitlist.append(len(data))
+ outputlist = []
+ featurelist = []
+ for i in range(len(splitlist)-1):
+ input = Variable(data[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]], volatile = True).cuda()
+ inputcoord = Variable(coord[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]], volatile = True).cuda()
+ _,output = net(input,inputcoord)
+ outputlist.append(output.data.cpu().numpy())
+ output = np.concatenate(outputlist,0)
+ output = split_comber.combine(output,nzhw=nzhw)
+ thresh = -3
+ pbb,mask = get_pbb(output,thresh,ismask=True)
+ #tp,fp,fn,_ = acc(pbb,lbb,0,0.1,0.1)
+ #print([len(tp),len(fp),len(fn)])
+ print([i_name,name])
+ e = time.time()
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, name+'_pbb.npy'), pbb)
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, name+'_lbb.npy'), lbb)
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'namelist.npy'), namelist)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ print('elapsed time is %3.2f seconds' % (end_time - start_time))
+ print
+ print
diff --git a/training/classifier/utils.py b/training/classifier/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8743c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/classifier/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+def getFreeId():
+ import pynvml
+ pynvml.nvmlInit()
+ def getFreeRatio(id):
+ handle = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(id)
+ use = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle)
+ ratio = 0.5*(float(use.gpu+float(use.memory)))
+ return ratio
+ deviceCount = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount()
+ available = []
+ for i in range(deviceCount):
+ if getFreeRatio(i)<70:
+ available.append(i)
+ gpus = ''
+ for g in available:
+ gpus = gpus+str(g)+','
+ gpus = gpus[:-1]
+ return gpus
+def setgpu(gpuinput):
+ freeids = getFreeId()
+ if gpuinput=='all':
+ gpus = freeids
+ else:
+ gpus = gpuinput
+ if any([g not in freeids for g in gpus.split(',')]):
+ raise ValueError('gpu'+g+'is being used')
+ print('using gpu '+gpus)
+ os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=gpus
+ return len(gpus.split(','))
+class Logger(object):
+ def __init__(self,logfile):
+ self.terminal = sys.stdout
+ self.log = open(logfile, "a")
+ def write(self, message):
+ self.terminal.write(message)
+ self.log.write(message)
+ def flush(self):
+ #this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility.
+ #this handles the flush command by doing nothing.
+ #you might want to specify some extra behavior here.
+ pass
+def split4(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ data = torch.Tensor.numpy(data)
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.shape
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ pad = int(np.ceil(float(z)/max_stride)*max_stride)-z
+ leftpad = pad/2
+ pad = [[0,0],[0,0],[leftpad,pad-leftpad],[0,0],[0,0]]
+ data = np.pad(data,pad,'constant',constant_values=-1)
+ data = torch.from_numpy(data)
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, :h_width, :w_width])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, :h_width, -w_width:])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, -h_width:, :w_width])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, -h_width:, -w_width:])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine4(output, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ splits[0].shape[0],
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ h0 = output.shape[1] / 2
+ h1 = output.shape[1] - h0
+ w0 = output.shape[2] / 2
+ w1 = output.shape[2] - w0
+ splits[0] = splits[0][:, :h0, :w0, :, :]
+ output[:, :h0, :w0, :, :] = splits[0]
+ splits[1] = splits[1][:, :h0, -w1:, :, :]
+ output[:, :h0, -w1:, :, :] = splits[1]
+ splits[2] = splits[2][:, -h1:, :w0, :, :]
+ output[:, -h1:, :w0, :, :] = splits[2]
+ splits[3] = splits[3][:, -h1:, -w1:, :, :]
+ output[:, -h1:, -w1:, :, :] = splits[3]
+ return output
+def split8(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ c, z, h, w = data.shape
+ else:
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ splits.append(data[np.newaxis, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ else:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ return np.concatenate(splits, 0)
+ else:
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine8(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = z / 2
+ h_width = h / 2
+ w_width = w / 2
+ i = 0
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_width-z,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_width-h,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_width-w,None]]:
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split16(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_pos[0],z_pos[0]+z_width],[z_pos[1],z_pos[1]+z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine16(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = z / 4
+ h_width = h / 2
+ w_width = w / 2
+ splitzstart = splits[0].shape[0]/2-z_width/2
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ i = 0
+ for zz,zz2 in zip([[0,z_width],[z_width,z_width*2],[z_width*2,z_width*3],[z_width*3-z,None]],
+ [[0,z_width],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[z_width*3-z,None]]):
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_width-h,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_width-w,None]]:
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz2[0]:zz2[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split32(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_pos = [w*3/8-w_width/2,
+ w*5/8-w_width/2]
+ h_pos = [h*3/8-h_width/2,
+ h*5/8-h_width/2]
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_pos[0],h_pos[0]+h_width],[h_pos[1],h_pos[1]+h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_pos[0],w_pos[0]+w_width],[w_pos[1],w_pos[1]+w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine32(splits, z, h, w):
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = int(np.ceil(float(z) / 2))
+ h_width = int(np.ceil(float(h) / 4))
+ w_width = int(np.ceil(float(w) / 4))
+ splithstart = splits[0].shape[1]/2-h_width/2
+ splitwstart = splits[0].shape[2]/2-w_width/2
+ i = 0
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_width-z,None]]:
+ for hh,hh2 in zip([[0,h_width],[h_width,h_width*2],[h_width*2,h_width*3],[h_width*3-h,None]],
+ [[0,h_width],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[h_width*3-h,None]]):
+ for ww,ww2 in zip([[0,w_width],[w_width,w_width*2],[w_width*2,w_width*3],[w_width*3-w,None]],
+ [[0,w_width],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[w_width*3-w,None]]):
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz[0]:zz[1], hh2[0]:hh2[1], ww2[0]:ww2[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split64(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ w_pos = [w*3/8-w_width/2,
+ w*5/8-w_width/2]
+ h_pos = [h*3/8-h_width/2,
+ h*5/8-h_width/2]
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_pos[0],z_pos[0]+z_width],[z_pos[1],z_pos[1]+z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_pos[0],h_pos[0]+h_width],[h_pos[1],h_pos[1]+h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_pos[0],w_pos[0]+w_width],[w_pos[1],w_pos[1]+w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine64(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = int(np.ceil(float(z) / 4))
+ h_width = int(np.ceil(float(h) / 4))
+ w_width = int(np.ceil(float(w) / 4))
+ splitzstart = splits[0].shape[0]/2-z_width/2
+ splithstart = splits[0].shape[1]/2-h_width/2
+ splitwstart = splits[0].shape[2]/2-w_width/2
+ i = 0
+ for zz,zz2 in zip([[0,z_width],[z_width,z_width*2],[z_width*2,z_width*3],[z_width*3-z,None]],
+ [[0,z_width],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[z_width*3-z,None]]):
+ for hh,hh2 in zip([[0,h_width],[h_width,h_width*2],[h_width*2,h_width*3],[h_width*3-h,None]],
+ [[0,h_width],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[h_width*3-h,None]]):
+ for ww,ww2 in zip([[0,w_width],[w_width,w_width*2],[w_width*2,w_width*3],[w_width*3-w,None]],
+ [[0,w_width],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[w_width*3-w,None]]):
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz2[0]:zz2[1], hh2[0]:hh2[1], ww2[0]:ww2[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
diff --git a/training/classifier/valsplit.npy b/training/classifier/valsplit.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6aa141
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/classifier/valsplit.npy differ
diff --git a/training/config_training.py b/training/config_training.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20cd7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/config_training.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+config = {'stage1_data_path':'/work/DataBowl3/stage1/stage1/',
+ 'luna_raw':'/work/DataBowl3/luna/raw/',
+ 'luna_segment':'/work/DataBowl3/luna/seg-lungs-LUNA16/',
+ 'luna_data':'/work/DataBowl3/luna/allset',
+ 'preprocess_result_path':'/work/DataBowl3/stage1/preprocess/',
+ 'luna_abbr':'./detector/labels/shorter.csv',
+ 'luna_label':'./detector/labels/lunaqualified.csv',
+ 'stage1_annos_path':['./detector/labels/label_job5.csv',
+ './detector/labels/label_job4_2.csv',
+ './detector/labels/label_job4_1.csv',
+ './detector/labels/label_job0.csv',
+ './detector/labels/label_qualified.csv'],
+ 'bbox_path':'../detector/results/res18/bbox/',
+ 'preprocessing_backend':'python'
+ }
diff --git a/training/detector/data.py b/training/detector/data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdff4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+import os
+import time
+import collections
+import random
+from layers import iou
+from scipy.ndimage import zoom
+import warnings
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
+class DataBowl3Detector(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, data_dir, split_path, config, phase = 'train',split_comber=None):
+ assert(phase == 'train' or phase == 'val' or phase == 'test')
+ self.phase = phase
+ self.max_stride = config['max_stride']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ sizelim = config['sizelim']/config['reso']
+ sizelim2 = config['sizelim2']/config['reso']
+ sizelim3 = config['sizelim3']/config['reso']
+ self.blacklist = config['blacklist']
+ self.isScale = config['aug_scale']
+ self.r_rand = config['r_rand_crop']
+ self.augtype = config['augtype']
+ self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
+ self.split_comber = split_comber
+ idcs = np.load(split_path)
+ if phase!='test':
+ idcs = [f for f in idcs if (f not in self.blacklist)]
+ self.filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_clean.npy' % idx) for idx in idcs]
+ self.kagglenames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])>20]
+ self.lunanames = [f for f in self.filenames if len(f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])<20]
+ labels = []
+ for idx in idcs:
+ l = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, '%s_label.npy' %idx))
+ if np.all(l==0):
+ l=np.array([])
+ labels.append(l)
+ self.sample_bboxes = labels
+ if self.phase != 'test':
+ self.bboxes = []
+ for i, l in enumerate(labels):
+ if len(l) > 0 :
+ for t in l:
+ if t[3]>sizelim:
+ self.bboxes.append([np.concatenate([[i],t])])
+ if t[3]>sizelim2:
+ self.bboxes+=[[np.concatenate([[i],t])]]*2
+ if t[3]>sizelim3:
+ self.bboxes+=[[np.concatenate([[i],t])]]*4
+ self.bboxes = np.concatenate(self.bboxes,axis = 0)
+ self.crop = Crop(config)
+ self.label_mapping = LabelMapping(config, self.phase)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx,split=None):
+ t = time.time()
+ np.random.seed(int(str(t%1)[2:7]))#seed according to time
+ isRandomImg = False
+ if self.phase !='test':
+ if idx>=len(self.bboxes):
+ isRandom = True
+ idx = idx%len(self.bboxes)
+ isRandomImg = np.random.randint(2)
+ else:
+ isRandom = False
+ else:
+ isRandom = False
+ if self.phase != 'test':
+ if not isRandomImg:
+ bbox = self.bboxes[idx]
+ filename = self.filenames[int(bbox[0])]
+ imgs = np.load(filename)
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[int(bbox[0])]
+ isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, bbox[1:], bboxes,isScale,isRandom)
+ if self.phase=='train' and not isRandom:
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord,
+ ifflip = self.augtype['flip'], ifrotate=self.augtype['rotate'], ifswap = self.augtype['swap'])
+ else:
+ randimid = np.random.randint(len(self.kagglenames))
+ filename = self.kagglenames[randimid]
+ imgs = np.load(filename)
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[randimid]
+ isScale = self.augtype['scale'] and (self.phase=='train')
+ sample, target, bboxes, coord = self.crop(imgs, [], bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=True)
+ label = self.label_mapping(sample.shape[1:], target, bboxes)
+ sample = (sample.astype(np.float32)-128)/128
+ #if filename in self.kagglenames and self.phase=='train':
+ # label[label==-1]=0
+ return torch.from_numpy(sample), torch.from_numpy(label), coord
+ else:
+ imgs = np.load(self.filenames[idx])
+ bboxes = self.sample_bboxes[idx]
+ nz, nh, nw = imgs.shape[1:]
+ pz = int(np.ceil(float(nz) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ ph = int(np.ceil(float(nh) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ pw = int(np.ceil(float(nw) / self.stride)) * self.stride
+ imgs = np.pad(imgs, [[0,0],[0, pz - nz], [0, ph - nh], [0, pw - nw]], 'constant',constant_values = self.pad_value)
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[2]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,imgs.shape[3]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ imgs, nzhw = self.split_comber.split(imgs)
+ coord2, nzhw2 = self.split_comber.split(coord,
+ side_len = self.split_comber.side_len/self.stride,
+ max_stride = self.split_comber.max_stride/self.stride,
+ margin = self.split_comber.margin/self.stride)
+ assert np.all(nzhw==nzhw2)
+ imgs = (imgs.astype(np.float32)-128)/128
+ return torch.from_numpy(imgs), bboxes, torch.from_numpy(coord2), np.array(nzhw)
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.phase == 'train':
+ return len(self.bboxes)/(1-self.r_rand)
+ elif self.phase =='val':
+ return len(self.bboxes)
+ else:
+ return len(self.sample_bboxes)
+def augment(sample, target, bboxes, coord, ifflip = True, ifrotate=True, ifswap = True):
+ # angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ if ifrotate:
+ validrot = False
+ counter = 0
+ while not validrot:
+ newtarget = np.copy(target)
+ angle1 = np.random.rand()*180
+ size = np.array(sample.shape[2:4]).astype('float')
+ rotmat = np.array([[np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi),-np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi)],[np.sin(angle1/180*np.pi),np.cos(angle1/180*np.pi)]])
+ newtarget[1:3] = np.dot(rotmat,target[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
+ if np.all(newtarget[:3]>target[3]) and np.all(newtarget[:3]< np.array(sample.shape[1:4])-newtarget[3]):
+ validrot = True
+ target = newtarget
+ sample = rotate(sample,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ coord = rotate(coord,angle1,axes=(2,3),reshape=False)
+ for box in bboxes:
+ box[1:3] = np.dot(rotmat,box[1:3]-size/2)+size/2
+ else:
+ counter += 1
+ if counter ==3:
+ break
+ if ifswap:
+ if sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[2] and sample.shape[1]==sample.shape[3]:
+ axisorder = np.random.permutation(3)
+ sample = np.transpose(sample,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ coord = np.transpose(coord,np.concatenate([[0],axisorder+1]))
+ target[:3] = target[:3][axisorder]
+ bboxes[:,:3] = bboxes[:,:3][:,axisorder]
+ if ifflip:
+# flipid = np.array([np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ flipid = np.array([1,np.random.randint(2),np.random.randint(2)])*2-1
+ sample = np.ascontiguousarray(sample[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ coord = np.ascontiguousarray(coord[:,::flipid[0],::flipid[1],::flipid[2]])
+ for ax in range(3):
+ if flipid[ax]==-1:
+ target[ax] = np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-target[ax]
+ bboxes[:,ax]= np.array(sample.shape[ax+1])-bboxes[:,ax]
+ return sample, target, bboxes, coord
+class Crop(object):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.crop_size = config['crop_size']
+ self.bound_size = config['bound_size']
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.pad_value = config['pad_value']
+ def __call__(self, imgs, target, bboxes,isScale=False,isRand=False):
+ if isScale:
+ radiusLim = [8.,120.]
+ scaleLim = [0.75,1.25]
+ scaleRange = [np.min([np.max([(radiusLim[0]/target[3]),scaleLim[0]]),1])
+ ,np.max([np.min([(radiusLim[1]/target[3]),scaleLim[1]]),1])]
+ scale = np.random.rand()*(scaleRange[1]-scaleRange[0])+scaleRange[0]
+ crop_size = (np.array(self.crop_size).astype('float')/scale).astype('int')
+ else:
+ crop_size=self.crop_size
+ bound_size = self.bound_size
+ target = np.copy(target)
+ bboxes = np.copy(bboxes)
+ start = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ if not isRand:
+ r = target[3] / 2
+ s = np.floor(target[i] - r)+ 1 - bound_size
+ e = np.ceil (target[i] + r)+ 1 + bound_size - crop_size[i]
+ else:
+ s = np.max([imgs.shape[i+1]-crop_size[i]/2,imgs.shape[i+1]/2+bound_size])
+ e = np.min([crop_size[i]/2, imgs.shape[i+1]/2-bound_size])
+ target = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan])
+ if s>e:
+ start.append(np.random.randint(e,s))#!
+ else:
+ start.append(int(target[i])-crop_size[i]/2+np.random.randint(-bound_size/2,bound_size/2))
+ normstart = np.array(start).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])-0.5
+ normsize = np.array(crop_size).astype('float32')/np.array(imgs.shape[1:])
+ xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(normstart[0],normstart[0]+normsize[0],self.crop_size[0]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[1],normstart[1]+normsize[1],self.crop_size[1]/self.stride),
+ np.linspace(normstart[2],normstart[2]+normsize[2],self.crop_size[2]/self.stride),indexing ='ij')
+ coord = np.concatenate([xx[np.newaxis,...], yy[np.newaxis,...],zz[np.newaxis,:]],0).astype('float32')
+ pad = []
+ pad.append([0,0])
+ for i in range(3):
+ leftpad = max(0,-start[i])
+ rightpad = max(0,start[i]+crop_size[i]-imgs.shape[i+1])
+ pad.append([leftpad,rightpad])
+ crop = imgs[:,
+ max(start[0],0):min(start[0] + crop_size[0],imgs.shape[1]),
+ max(start[1],0):min(start[1] + crop_size[1],imgs.shape[2]),
+ max(start[2],0):min(start[2] + crop_size[2],imgs.shape[3])]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
+ for i in range(3):
+ target[i] = target[i] - start[i]
+ for i in range(len(bboxes)):
+ for j in range(3):
+ bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j] - start[j]
+ if isScale:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ crop = zoom(crop,[1,scale,scale,scale],order=1)
+ newpad = self.crop_size[0]-crop.shape[1:][0]
+ if newpad<0:
+ crop = crop[:,:-newpad,:-newpad,:-newpad]
+ elif newpad>0:
+ pad2 = [[0,0],[0,newpad],[0,newpad],[0,newpad]]
+ crop = np.pad(crop,pad2,'constant',constant_values =self.pad_value)
+ for i in range(4):
+ target[i] = target[i]*scale
+ for i in range(len(bboxes)):
+ for j in range(4):
+ bboxes[i][j] = bboxes[i][j]*scale
+ return crop, target, bboxes, coord
+class LabelMapping(object):
+ def __init__(self, config, phase):
+ self.stride = np.array(config['stride'])
+ self.num_neg = int(config['num_neg'])
+ self.th_neg = config['th_neg']
+ self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
+ self.phase = phase
+ if phase == 'train':
+ self.th_pos = config['th_pos_train']
+ elif phase == 'val':
+ self.th_pos = config['th_pos_val']
+ def __call__(self, input_size, target, bboxes):
+ stride = self.stride
+ num_neg = self.num_neg
+ th_neg = self.th_neg
+ anchors = self.anchors
+ th_pos = self.th_pos
+ output_size = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ assert(input_size[i] % stride == 0)
+ output_size.append(input_size[i] / stride)
+ label = -1 * np.ones(output_size + [len(anchors), 5], np.float32)
+ offset = ((stride.astype('float')) - 1) / 2
+ oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ for bbox in bboxes:
+ for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
+ iz, ih, iw = select_samples(bbox, anchor, th_neg, oz, oh, ow)
+ label[iz, ih, iw, i, 0] = 0
+ if self.phase == 'train' and self.num_neg > 0:
+ neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = np.where(label[:, :, :, :, 0] == -1)
+ neg_idcs = random.sample(range(len(neg_z)), min(num_neg, len(neg_z)))
+ neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a = neg_z[neg_idcs], neg_h[neg_idcs], neg_w[neg_idcs], neg_a[neg_idcs]
+ label[:, :, :, :, 0] = 0
+ label[neg_z, neg_h, neg_w, neg_a, 0] = -1
+ if np.isnan(target[0]):
+ return label
+ iz, ih, iw, ia = [], [], [], []
+ for i, anchor in enumerate(anchors):
+ iiz, iih, iiw = select_samples(target, anchor, th_pos, oz, oh, ow)
+ iz.append(iiz)
+ ih.append(iih)
+ iw.append(iiw)
+ ia.append(i * np.ones((len(iiz),), np.int64))
+ iz = np.concatenate(iz, 0)
+ ih = np.concatenate(ih, 0)
+ iw = np.concatenate(iw, 0)
+ ia = np.concatenate(ia, 0)
+ flag = True
+ if len(iz) == 0:
+ pos = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ pos.append(max(0, int(np.round((target[i] - offset) / stride))))
+ idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log(target[3] / anchors)))
+ pos.append(idx)
+ flag = False
+ else:
+ idx = random.sample(range(len(iz)), 1)[0]
+ pos = [iz[idx], ih[idx], iw[idx], ia[idx]]
+ dz = (target[0] - oz[pos[0]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dh = (target[1] - oh[pos[1]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dw = (target[2] - ow[pos[2]]) / anchors[pos[3]]
+ dd = np.log(target[3] / anchors[pos[3]])
+ label[pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], :] = [1, dz, dh, dw, dd]
+ return label
+def select_samples(bbox, anchor, th, oz, oh, ow):
+ z, h, w, d = bbox
+ max_overlap = min(d, anchor)
+ min_overlap = np.power(max(d, anchor), 3) * th / max_overlap / max_overlap
+ if min_overlap > max_overlap:
+ return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
+ else:
+ s = z - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = z + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mz = np.logical_and(oz >= s, oz <= e)
+ iz = np.where(mz)[0]
+ s = h - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = h + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mh = np.logical_and(oh >= s, oh <= e)
+ ih = np.where(mh)[0]
+ s = w - 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) - (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ e = w + 0.5 * np.abs(d - anchor) + (max_overlap - min_overlap)
+ mw = np.logical_and(ow >= s, ow <= e)
+ iw = np.where(mw)[0]
+ if len(iz) == 0 or len(ih) == 0 or len(iw) == 0:
+ return np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64), np.zeros((0,), np.int64)
+ lz, lh, lw = len(iz), len(ih), len(iw)
+ iz = iz.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
+ ih = ih.reshape((1, -1, 1))
+ iw = iw.reshape((1, 1, -1))
+ iz = np.tile(iz, (1, lh, lw)).reshape((-1))
+ ih = np.tile(ih, (lz, 1, lw)).reshape((-1))
+ iw = np.tile(iw, (lz, lh, 1)).reshape((-1))
+ centers = np.concatenate([
+ oz[iz].reshape((-1, 1)),
+ oh[ih].reshape((-1, 1)),
+ ow[iw].reshape((-1, 1))], axis = 1)
+ r0 = anchor / 2
+ s0 = centers - r0
+ e0 = centers + r0
+ r1 = d / 2
+ s1 = bbox[:3] - r1
+ s1 = s1.reshape((1, -1))
+ e1 = bbox[:3] + r1
+ e1 = e1.reshape((1, -1))
+ overlap = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(e0, e1) - np.maximum(s0, s1))
+ intersection = overlap[:, 0] * overlap[:, 1] * overlap[:, 2]
+ union = anchor * anchor * anchor + d * d * d - intersection
+ iou = intersection / union
+ mask = iou >= th
+ #if th > 0.4:
+ # if np.sum(mask) == 0:
+ # print(['iou not large', iou.max()])
+ # else:
+ # print(['iou large', iou[mask]])
+ iz = iz[mask]
+ ih = ih[mask]
+ iw = iw[mask]
+ return iz, ih, iw
+def collate(batch):
+ if torch.is_tensor(batch[0]):
+ return [b.unsqueeze(0) for b in batch]
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], np.ndarray):
+ return batch
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], int):
+ return torch.LongTensor(batch)
+ elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Iterable):
+ transposed = zip(*batch)
+ return [collate(samples) for samples in transposed]
diff --git a/training/detector/detect.py b/training/detector/detect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378d285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/detect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import numpy as np
+from layers import nms, iou, acc
+import time
+import multiprocessing as mp
+save_dir = 'results/ma_offset40_res_n6_100-1/'
+pbb = np.load(save_dir + 'pbb.npy')
+lbb = np.load(save_dir + 'lbb.npy')
+conf_th = [-1, 0, 1]
+nms_th = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
+detect_th = [0.2, 0.3]
+def mp_get_pr(conf_th, nms_th, detect_th, num_procs = 64):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ num_samples = len(pbb)
+ split_size = int(np.ceil(float(num_samples) / num_procs))
+ num_procs = int(np.ceil(float(num_samples) / split_size))
+ manager = mp.Manager()
+ tp = manager.list(range(num_procs))
+ fp = manager.list(range(num_procs))
+ p = manager.list(range(num_procs))
+ procs = []
+ for pid in range(num_procs):
+ proc = mp.Process(
+ target = get_pr,
+ args = (
+ pbb[pid * split_size:min((pid + 1) * split_size, num_samples)],
+ lbb[pid * split_size:min((pid + 1) * split_size, num_samples)],
+ conf_th, nms_th, detect_th, pid, tp, fp, p))
+ procs.append(proc)
+ proc.start()
+ for proc in procs:
+ proc.join()
+ tp = np.sum(tp)
+ fp = np.sum(fp)
+ p = np.sum(p)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ print('conf_th %1.1f, nms_th %1.1f, detect_th %1.1f, tp %d, fp %d, p %d, recall %f, time %3.2f' % (conf_th, nms_th, detect_th, tp, fp, p, float(tp) / p, end_time - start_time))
+def get_pr(pbb, lbb, conf_th, nms_th, detect_th, pid, tp_list, fp_list, p_list):
+ tp, fp, p = 0, 0, 0
+ for i in range(len(pbb)):
+ tpi, fpi, pi = acc(pbb[i], lbb[i], conf_th, nms_th, detect_th)
+ tp += tpi
+ fp += fpi
+ p += pi
+ tp_list[pid] = tp
+ fp_list[pid] = fp
+ p_list[pid] = p
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for ct in conf_th:
+ for nt in nms_th:
+ for dt in detect_th:
+ mp_get_pr(ct, nt, dt)
diff --git a/training/detector/full.npy b/training/detector/full.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e013d7
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/detector/full.npy differ
diff --git a/training/detector/kaggleluna_full.npy b/training/detector/kaggleluna_full.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ff74c
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/detector/kaggleluna_full.npy differ
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/annos.csv b/training/detector/labels/annos.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d039c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/annos.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job0.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job0.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bdc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job0.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job0_full.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job0_full.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b53d85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job0_full.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job1.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1339e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job2.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c753709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job3.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job3.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0df4d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job3.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job4_1.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job4_1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11f776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job4_1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job4_2.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job4_2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fccab80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job4_2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_job5.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_job5.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89bb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_job5.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_qualified.csv b/training/detector/labels/label_qualified.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e21656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_qualified.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/label_stage1.m b/training/detector/labels/label_stage1.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78d490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/label_stage1.m
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+close all
+lungwindow = [-1900,1100];
+lumTrans = @(x) uint8((x-lungwindow(1))/(diff(lungwindow))*256);
+path = 'E:\Kaggle.Data\stage1';
+cases = dir(path);
+cases = {cases.name};
+cases = cases(3:end);
+ header = {'id', 'coordx1','coordx1','coordx1','diameter'};
+labelfile = 'label_job2.csv';
+if ~ exist(labelfile)
+ initial_label = header;
+ for i = 1:length(cases)
+ initial_label = [initial_label;{cases{i},'x','x','x','x'}];
+ end
+ cell2csv(labelfile,initial_label)
+ label_tabel = initial_label;
+ label_tabel = csv2cell(labelfile,'fromfile');
+label_tabel = label_tabel(2:end,:);
+fullnamelist = label_tabel(:,1);
+uniqueNameList = unique(fullnamelist, 'stable');
+% uniqueNameList = fullnamelist(ismember(fullnamelist, uniqueNameList));
+annos = label_tabel(:,2:end);
+for i = 1:size(fullnamelist)
+ if annos{i,1}=='x'
+ lineid = i;
+ name = fullnamelist{i};
+ id = find(strcmp(uniqueNameList,name));
+ break
+ end
+for id = id:length(uniqueNameList)
+ name = uniqueNameList{id};
+ disp(name)
+ found = 0;
+ folder = [path,'/',name];
+% info = dicom_folder_info(folder);
+ im = dicomfolder(folder);
+ imint8 = lumTrans(im);
+ rgbim = repmat(imint8,[1,1,1,3]);
+ h1 = figure(1);
+ imshow3D(rgbim)
+ while 1
+ in = input('add_square(a), add_diameter(b), delete_last(d), or next(n):','s');
+ if in =='n'
+ if found==0
+ label_tabel(lineid,:) = {name,0,0,0,0};
+ lineid = lineid+1;
+ end
+ break
+ elseif in =='d'
+ found = found-1;
+ lineid = lineid-1;
+ if found ==0
+ label_tabel(lineid,:) = {name,'x','x','x','x'};
+ elseif found>0
+ label_tabel(lineid,:) = [];
+ else
+ disp('invalid delete')
+ end
+ if found>=0
+ rgbim=rgbim_back;
+ imshow3D(rgbim)
+ end
+ figure(1);
+ elseif strcmp(in,'a')||strcmp(in,'b')
+ if found==0
+ label_tabel(lineid,:) = [];
+ end
+ if strcmp(in,'a')
+ anno = label_rect(im);
+ elseif strcmp(in,'b')
+ anno = label_line();
+ end
+ found=found+1;
+ label_tabel= [label_tabel(1:lineid-1,:);{name,anno(1),anno(2),anno(3),anno(4)};label_tabel(lineid:end,:)];
+ lineid = lineid+1;
+ rgbim_back = rgbim;
+ rgbim = drawRect(rgbim,anno,1);
+ imshow3D(rgbim)
+ else
+ figure(1);
+ continue
+ end
+% disp(label_tabel(max([1, (lineid - 4)]):lineid,:))
+ end
+ fulltable = [header;label_tabel];
+ cell2csv(labelfile,fulltable)
+function [anno] = label_line()
+pos = getPosition(h_obj);
+center = mean(pos,1);
+diameter = sqrt(sum(diff(pos).^2));
+h = gcf;
+strtmp = strsplit(h.Children(8).String,' ');
+id_layer = str2num(strtmp{2});
+anno = [center,id_layer,diameter];
+function [anno] = label_rect(im)
+h = gcf;
+label_pos = round(getPosition (h_rect));
+mask = createMask(h_rect);
+strtmp = strsplit(h.Children(8).String,' ');
+id_layer = str2num(strtmp{2});
+im_layer = squeeze( im(:,:,id_layer));
+patch = im_layer(label_pos(2):label_pos(2)+label_pos(4),label_pos(1):label_pos(1)+label_pos(3));
+bw = patch>-600;
+se = strel('disk',round(label_pos(3)/12));
+bw2 = imopen(bw,se);
+re = regionprops(bw2,'PixelIdxList','area','centroid');
+if isempty(re)
+ disp('wrong place')
+ h_rect.delete()
+ anno = label_rect(im);
+ return
+areas = [re.Area];
+[bigarea,id_re] = max(areas);
+bw3 = bw2-bw2;
+h2 = figure(2);
+diameter = (bigarea/pi).^0.5*2;
+centroid = re(id_re).Centroid+label_pos(1:2);
+anno = [centroid,id_layer,diameter];
+function rgbim = drawRect(rgbim,tmpannos,channel)
+n_annos = size(tmpannos,1);
+newim = squeeze(rgbim(:,:,:,channel));
+for i_annos = 1:n_annos
+ coord = tmpannos(i_annos,1:3);
+ diameter = tmpannos(i_annos,4);
+ layer = round(coord(3));
+ zspan = 2;
+ newimtmp = newim(:,:,layer-zspan:layer+zspan);
+ if diameter > 40
+ coeff = 1.5;
+ else
+ coeff= 2;
+ end
+ newimtmp = drawRectangleOnImg(round([coord(1:2)-diameter*coeff/2,diameter*coeff,diameter*coeff]),newimtmp);
+ newim(:,:,layer-zspan:layer+zspan) = newimtmp;
+function rgbI = drawRectangleOnImg (box,rgbI)
+x = box(2); y = box(1); w = box(4); h = box(3);
+rgbI(x:x+w,y,:) = 255;
+rgbI(x:x+w,y+h,:) = 255;
+rgbI(x,y:y+h,:) = 255;
+rgbI(x+w,y:y+h,:) = 255;
+% dicom_folder_info
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/lunaqualified.csv b/training/detector/labels/lunaqualified.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a011524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/lunaqualified.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/labels/shorter.csv b/training/detector/labels/shorter.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f2e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/labels/shorter.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
diff --git a/training/detector/layers.py b/training/detector/layers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..939b7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/layers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+import math
+class PostRes2d(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, stride = 1):
+ super(PostRes2d, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 3, stride = stride, padding = 1)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(n_out, n_out, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out)
+ if stride != 1 or n_out != n_in:
+ self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 1, stride = stride),
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(n_out))
+ else:
+ self.shortcut = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ if self.shortcut is not None:
+ residual = self.shortcut(x)
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class PostRes(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, stride = 1):
+ super(PostRes, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv3d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 3, stride = stride, padding = 1)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv3d(n_out, n_out, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out)
+ if stride != 1 or n_out != n_in:
+ self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n_in, n_out, kernel_size = 1, stride = stride),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n_out))
+ else:
+ self.shortcut = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ if self.shortcut is not None:
+ residual = self.shortcut(x)
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class Rec3(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n0, n1, n2, n3, p = 0.0, integrate = True):
+ super(Rec3, self).__init__()
+ self.block01 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n0, n1, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block11 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block21 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(n2, n1, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n1, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n1))
+ self.block12 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n1, n2, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block22 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block32 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(n3, n2, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n2, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n2))
+ self.block23 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n2, n3, kernel_size = 3, stride = 2, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3))
+ self.block33 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(n3, n3, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(n3))
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace = True)
+ self.p = p
+ self.integrate = integrate
+ def forward(self, x0, x1, x2, x3):
+ if self.p > 0 and self.training:
+ coef = torch.bernoulli((1.0 - self.p) * torch.ones(8))
+ out1 = coef[0] * self.block01(x0) + coef[1] * self.block11(x1) + coef[2] * self.block21(x2)
+ out2 = coef[3] * self.block12(x1) + coef[4] * self.block22(x2) + coef[5] * self.block32(x3)
+ out3 = coef[6] * self.block23(x2) + coef[7] * self.block33(x3)
+ else:
+ out1 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block01(x0) + self.block11(x1) + self.block21(x2))
+ out2 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block12(x1) + self.block22(x2) + self.block32(x3))
+ out3 = (1 - self.p) * (self.block23(x2) + self.block33(x3))
+ if self.integrate:
+ out1 += x1
+ out2 += x2
+ out3 += x3
+ return x0, self.relu(out1), self.relu(out2), self.relu(out3)
+def hard_mining(neg_output, neg_labels, num_hard):
+ _, idcs = torch.topk(neg_output, min(num_hard, len(neg_output)))
+ neg_output = torch.index_select(neg_output, 0, idcs)
+ neg_labels = torch.index_select(neg_labels, 0, idcs)
+ return neg_output, neg_labels
+class Loss(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, num_hard = 0):
+ super(Loss, self).__init__()
+ self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
+ self.classify_loss = nn.BCELoss()
+ self.regress_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
+ self.num_hard = num_hard
+ def forward(self, output, labels, train = True):
+ batch_size = labels.size(0)
+ output = output.view(-1, 5)
+ labels = labels.view(-1, 5)
+ pos_idcs = labels[:, 0] > 0.5
+ pos_idcs = pos_idcs.unsqueeze(1).expand(pos_idcs.size(0), 5)
+ pos_output = output[pos_idcs].view(-1, 5)
+ pos_labels = labels[pos_idcs].view(-1, 5)
+ neg_idcs = labels[:, 0] < -0.5
+ neg_output = output[:, 0][neg_idcs]
+ neg_labels = labels[:, 0][neg_idcs]
+ if self.num_hard > 0 and train:
+ neg_output, neg_labels = hard_mining(neg_output, neg_labels, self.num_hard * batch_size)
+ neg_prob = self.sigmoid(neg_output)
+ #classify_loss = self.classify_loss(
+ # torch.cat((pos_prob, neg_prob), 0),
+ # torch.cat((pos_labels[:, 0], neg_labels + 1), 0))
+ if len(pos_output)>0:
+ pos_prob = self.sigmoid(pos_output[:, 0])
+ pz, ph, pw, pd = pos_output[:, 1], pos_output[:, 2], pos_output[:, 3], pos_output[:, 4]
+ lz, lh, lw, ld = pos_labels[:, 1], pos_labels[:, 2], pos_labels[:, 3], pos_labels[:, 4]
+ regress_losses = [
+ self.regress_loss(pz, lz),
+ self.regress_loss(ph, lh),
+ self.regress_loss(pw, lw),
+ self.regress_loss(pd, ld)]
+ regress_losses_data = [l.data[0] for l in regress_losses]
+ classify_loss = 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ pos_prob, pos_labels[:, 0]) + 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ neg_prob, neg_labels + 1)
+ pos_correct = (pos_prob.data >= 0.5).sum()
+ pos_total = len(pos_prob)
+ else:
+ regress_losses = [0,0,0,0]
+ classify_loss = 0.5 * self.classify_loss(
+ neg_prob, neg_labels + 1)
+ pos_correct = 0
+ pos_total = 0
+ regress_losses_data = [0,0,0,0]
+ classify_loss_data = classify_loss.data[0]
+ loss = classify_loss
+ for regress_loss in regress_losses:
+ loss += regress_loss
+ neg_correct = (neg_prob.data < 0.5).sum()
+ neg_total = len(neg_prob)
+ return [loss, classify_loss_data] + regress_losses_data + [pos_correct, pos_total, neg_correct, neg_total]
+class GetPBB(object):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.stride = config['stride']
+ self.anchors = np.asarray(config['anchors'])
+ def __call__(self, output,thresh = -3, ismask=False):
+ stride = self.stride
+ anchors = self.anchors
+ output = np.copy(output)
+ offset = (float(stride) - 1) / 2
+ output_size = output.shape
+ oz = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[0] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ oh = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[1] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ ow = np.arange(offset, offset + stride * (output_size[2] - 1) + 1, stride)
+ output[:, :, :, :, 1] = oz.reshape((-1, 1, 1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 1] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 2] = oh.reshape((1, -1, 1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 2] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 3] = ow.reshape((1, 1, -1, 1)) + output[:, :, :, :, 3] * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ output[:, :, :, :, 4] = np.exp(output[:, :, :, :, 4]) * anchors.reshape((1, 1, 1, -1))
+ mask = output[..., 0] > thresh
+ xx,yy,zz,aa = np.where(mask)
+ output = output[xx,yy,zz,aa]
+ if ismask:
+ return output,[xx,yy,zz,aa]
+ else:
+ return output
+ #output = output[output[:, 0] >= self.conf_th]
+ #bboxes = nms(output, self.nms_th)
+def nms(output, nms_th):
+ if len(output) == 0:
+ return output
+ output = output[np.argsort(-output[:, 0])]
+ bboxes = [output[0]]
+ for i in np.arange(1, len(output)):
+ bbox = output[i]
+ flag = 1
+ for j in range(len(bboxes)):
+ if iou(bbox[1:5], bboxes[j][1:5]) >= nms_th:
+ flag = -1
+ break
+ if flag == 1:
+ bboxes.append(bbox)
+ bboxes = np.asarray(bboxes, np.float32)
+ return bboxes
+def iou(box0, box1):
+ r0 = box0[3] / 2
+ s0 = box0[:3] - r0
+ e0 = box0[:3] + r0
+ r1 = box1[3] / 2
+ s1 = box1[:3] - r1
+ e1 = box1[:3] + r1
+ overlap = []
+ for i in range(len(s0)):
+ overlap.append(max(0, min(e0[i], e1[i]) - max(s0[i], s1[i])))
+ intersection = overlap[0] * overlap[1] * overlap[2]
+ union = box0[3] * box0[3] * box0[3] + box1[3] * box1[3] * box1[3] - intersection
+ return intersection / union
+def acc(pbb, lbb, conf_th, nms_th, detect_th):
+ pbb = pbb[pbb[:, 0] >= conf_th]
+ pbb = nms(pbb, nms_th)
+ tp = []
+ fp = []
+ fn = []
+ l_flag = np.zeros((len(lbb),), np.int32)
+ for p in pbb:
+ flag = 0
+ bestscore = 0
+ for i, l in enumerate(lbb):
+ score = iou(p[1:5], l)
+ if score>bestscore:
+ bestscore = score
+ besti = i
+ if bestscore > detect_th:
+ flag = 1
+ if l_flag[besti] == 0:
+ l_flag[besti] = 1
+ tp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ else:
+ fp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ if flag == 0:
+ fp.append(np.concatenate([p,[bestscore]],0))
+ for i,l in enumerate(lbb):
+ if l_flag[i]==0:
+ score = []
+ for p in pbb:
+ score.append(iou(p[1:5],l))
+ if len(score)!=0:
+ bestscore = np.max(score)
+ else:
+ bestscore = 0
+ if bestscore0:
+ fn = np.concatenate([fn,tp[fn_i,:5]])
+ else:
+ fn = fn
+ if len(tp_in_topk)>0:
+ tp = tp[tp_in_topk]
+ else:
+ tp = []
+ if len(fp_in_topk)>0:
+ fp = newallp[fp_in_topk]
+ else:
+ fp = []
+ return tp, fp , fn
diff --git a/training/detector/main.py b/training/detector/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a31c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import data
+from importlib import import_module
+import shutil
+from utils import *
+import sys
+from split_combine import SplitComb
+import torch
+from torch.nn import DataParallel
+from torch.backends import cudnn
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch import optim
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+from config_training import config as config_training
+from layers import acc
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch DataBowl3 Detector')
+parser.add_argument('--model', '-m', metavar='MODEL', default='base',
+ help='model')
+parser.add_argument('-j', '--workers', default=32, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='number of data loading workers (default: 32)')
+parser.add_argument('--epochs', default=100, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='number of total epochs to run')
+parser.add_argument('--start-epoch', default=0, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='manual epoch number (useful on restarts)')
+parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', default=16, type=int,
+ metavar='N', help='mini-batch size (default: 16)')
+parser.add_argument('--lr', '--learning-rate', default=0.01, type=float,
+ metavar='LR', help='initial learning rate')
+parser.add_argument('--momentum', default=0.9, type=float, metavar='M',
+ help='momentum')
+parser.add_argument('--weight-decay', '--wd', default=1e-4, type=float,
+ metavar='W', help='weight decay (default: 1e-4)')
+parser.add_argument('--save-freq', default='10', type=int, metavar='S',
+ help='save frequency')
+parser.add_argument('--resume', default='', type=str, metavar='PATH',
+ help='path to latest checkpoint (default: none)')
+parser.add_argument('--save-dir', default='', type=str, metavar='SAVE',
+ help='directory to save checkpoint (default: none)')
+parser.add_argument('--test', default=0, type=int, metavar='TEST',
+ help='1 do test evaluation, 0 not')
+parser.add_argument('--split', default=8, type=int, metavar='SPLIT',
+ help='In the test phase, split the image to 8 parts')
+parser.add_argument('--gpu', default='all', type=str, metavar='N',
+ help='use gpu')
+parser.add_argument('--n_test', default=8, type=int, metavar='N',
+ help='number of gpu for test')
+def main():
+ global args
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ torch.manual_seed(0)
+ torch.cuda.set_device(0)
+ model = import_module(args.model)
+ config, net, loss, get_pbb = model.get_model()
+ start_epoch = args.start_epoch
+ save_dir = args.save_dir
+ if args.resume:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume)
+ if start_epoch == 0:
+ start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1
+ if not save_dir:
+ save_dir = checkpoint['save_dir']
+ else:
+ save_dir = os.path.join('results',save_dir)
+ net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'])
+ else:
+ if start_epoch == 0:
+ start_epoch = 1
+ if not save_dir:
+ exp_id = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S', time.localtime())
+ save_dir = os.path.join('results', args.model + '-' + exp_id)
+ else:
+ save_dir = os.path.join('results',save_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
+ os.makedirs(save_dir)
+ logfile = os.path.join(save_dir,'log')
+ if args.test!=1:
+ sys.stdout = Logger(logfile)
+ pyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('./') if f.endswith('.py')]
+ for f in pyfiles:
+ shutil.copy(f,os.path.join(save_dir,f))
+ n_gpu = setgpu(args.gpu)
+ args.n_gpu = n_gpu
+ net = net.cuda()
+ loss = loss.cuda()
+ cudnn.benchmark = True
+ net = DataParallel(net)
+ datadir = config_training['preprocess_result_path']
+ if args.test == 1:
+ margin = 32
+ sidelen = 144
+ split_comber = SplitComb(sidelen,config['max_stride'],config['stride'],margin,config['pad_value'])
+ dataset = data.DataBowl3Detector(
+ datadir,
+ 'full.npy',
+ config,
+ phase='test',
+ split_comber=split_comber)
+ test_loader = DataLoader(
+ dataset,
+ batch_size = 1,
+ shuffle = False,
+ num_workers = args.workers,
+ collate_fn = data.collate,
+ pin_memory=False)
+ test(test_loader, net, get_pbb, save_dir,config)
+ return
+ #net = DataParallel(net)
+ dataset = data.DataBowl3Detector(
+ datadir,
+ 'kaggleluna_full.npy',
+ config,
+ phase = 'train')
+ train_loader = DataLoader(
+ dataset,
+ batch_size = args.batch_size,
+ shuffle = True,
+ num_workers = args.workers,
+ pin_memory=True)
+ dataset = data.DataBowl3Detector(
+ datadir,
+ 'valsplit.npy',
+ config,
+ phase = 'val')
+ val_loader = DataLoader(
+ dataset,
+ batch_size = args.batch_size,
+ shuffle = False,
+ num_workers = args.workers,
+ pin_memory=True)
+ optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
+ net.parameters(),
+ args.lr,
+ momentum = 0.9,
+ weight_decay = args.weight_decay)
+ def get_lr(epoch):
+ if epoch <= args.epochs * 0.5:
+ lr = args.lr
+ elif epoch <= args.epochs * 0.8:
+ lr = 0.1 * args.lr
+ else:
+ lr = 0.01 * args.lr
+ return lr
+ for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs + 1):
+ train(train_loader, net, loss, epoch, optimizer, get_lr, args.save_freq, save_dir)
+ validate(val_loader, net, loss)
+def train(data_loader, net, loss, epoch, optimizer, get_lr, save_freq, save_dir):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ net.train()
+ lr = get_lr(epoch)
+ for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
+ param_group['lr'] = lr
+ metrics = []
+ for i, (data, target, coord) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ data = Variable(data.cuda(async = True))
+ target = Variable(target.cuda(async = True))
+ coord = Variable(coord.cuda(async = True))
+ output = net(data, coord)
+ loss_output = loss(output, target)
+ optimizer.zero_grad()
+ loss_output[0].backward()
+ optimizer.step()
+ loss_output[0] = loss_output[0].data[0]
+ metrics.append(loss_output)
+ if epoch % args.save_freq == 0:
+ state_dict = net.module.state_dict()
+ for key in state_dict.keys():
+ state_dict[key] = state_dict[key].cpu()
+ torch.save({
+ 'epoch': epoch,
+ 'save_dir': save_dir,
+ 'state_dict': state_dict,
+ 'args': args},
+ os.path.join(save_dir, '%03d.ckpt' % epoch))
+ end_time = time.time()
+ metrics = np.asarray(metrics, np.float32)
+ print('Epoch %03d (lr %.5f)' % (epoch, lr))
+ print('Train: tpr %3.2f, tnr %3.2f, total pos %d, total neg %d, time %3.2f' % (
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 6]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 8]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ end_time - start_time))
+ print('loss %2.4f, classify loss %2.4f, regress loss %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f' % (
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 0]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 1]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 2]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 3]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 4]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 5])))
+ print
+def validate(data_loader, net, loss):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ net.eval()
+ metrics = []
+ for i, (data, target, coord) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ data = Variable(data.cuda(async = True), volatile = True)
+ target = Variable(target.cuda(async = True), volatile = True)
+ coord = Variable(coord.cuda(async = True), volatile = True)
+ output = net(data, coord)
+ loss_output = loss(output, target, train = False)
+ loss_output[0] = loss_output[0].data[0]
+ metrics.append(loss_output)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ metrics = np.asarray(metrics, np.float32)
+ print('Validation: tpr %3.2f, tnr %3.8f, total pos %d, total neg %d, time %3.2f' % (
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 6]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ 100.0 * np.sum(metrics[:, 8]) / np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 7]),
+ np.sum(metrics[:, 9]),
+ end_time - start_time))
+ print('loss %2.4f, classify loss %2.4f, regress loss %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f, %2.4f' % (
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 0]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 1]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 2]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 3]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 4]),
+ np.mean(metrics[:, 5])))
+ print
+ print
+def test(data_loader, net, get_pbb, save_dir, config):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir,'bbox')
+ if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
+ os.makedirs(save_dir)
+ print(save_dir)
+ net.eval()
+ namelist = []
+ split_comber = data_loader.dataset.split_comber
+ for i_name, (data, target, coord, nzhw) in enumerate(data_loader):
+ s = time.time()
+ target = [np.asarray(t, np.float32) for t in target]
+ lbb = target[0]
+ nzhw = nzhw[0]
+ name = data_loader.dataset.filenames[i_name].split('-')[0].split('/')[-1].split('_clean')[0]
+ data = data[0][0]
+ coord = coord[0][0]
+ isfeat = False
+ if 'output_feature' in config:
+ if config['output_feature']:
+ isfeat = True
+ n_per_run = args.n_test
+ print(data.size())
+ splitlist = range(0,len(data)+1,n_per_run)
+ if splitlist[-1]!=len(data):
+ splitlist.append(len(data))
+ outputlist = []
+ featurelist = []
+ for i in range(len(splitlist)-1):
+ input = Variable(data[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]], volatile = True).cuda()
+ inputcoord = Variable(coord[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]], volatile = True).cuda()
+ if isfeat:
+ output,feature = net(input,inputcoord)
+ featurelist.append(feature.data.cpu().numpy())
+ else:
+ output = net(input,inputcoord)
+ outputlist.append(output.data.cpu().numpy())
+ output = np.concatenate(outputlist,0)
+ output = split_comber.combine(output,nzhw=nzhw)
+ if isfeat:
+ feature = np.concatenate(featurelist,0).transpose([0,2,3,4,1])[:,:,:,:,:,np.newaxis]
+ feature = split_comber.combine(feature,sidelen)[...,0]
+ thresh = -3
+ pbb,mask = get_pbb(output,thresh,ismask=True)
+ if isfeat:
+ feature_selected = feature[mask[0],mask[1],mask[2]]
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, name+'_feature.npy'), feature_selected)
+ #tp,fp,fn,_ = acc(pbb,lbb,0,0.1,0.1)
+ #print([len(tp),len(fp),len(fn)])
+ print([i_name,name])
+ e = time.time()
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, name+'_pbb.npy'), pbb)
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, name+'_lbb.npy'), lbb)
+ np.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'namelist.npy'), namelist)
+ end_time = time.time()
+ print('elapsed time is %3.2f seconds' % (end_time - start_time))
+ print
+ print
+def singletest(data,net,config,splitfun,combinefun,n_per_run,margin = 64,isfeat=False):
+ z, h, w = data.size(2), data.size(3), data.size(4)
+ print(data.size())
+ data = splitfun(data,config['max_stride'],margin)
+ data = Variable(data.cuda(async = True), volatile = True,requires_grad=False)
+ splitlist = range(0,args.split+1,n_per_run)
+ outputlist = []
+ featurelist = []
+ for i in range(len(splitlist)-1):
+ if isfeat:
+ output,feature = net(data[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]])
+ featurelist.append(feature)
+ else:
+ output = net(data[splitlist[i]:splitlist[i+1]])
+ output = output.data.cpu().numpy()
+ outputlist.append(output)
+ output = np.concatenate(outputlist,0)
+ output = combinefun(output, z / config['stride'], h / config['stride'], w / config['stride'])
+ if isfeat:
+ feature = np.concatenate(featurelist,0).transpose([0,2,3,4,1])
+ feature = combinefun(feature, z / config['stride'], h / config['stride'], w / config['stride'])
+ return output,feature
+ else:
+ return output
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/training/detector/res18.py b/training/detector/res18.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e133f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/res18.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+config = {}
+config['anchors'] = [ 10.0, 30.0, 60.]
+config['chanel'] = 1
+config['crop_size'] = [128, 128, 128]
+config['stride'] = 4
+config['max_stride'] = 16
+config['num_neg'] = 800
+config['th_neg'] = 0.02
+config['th_pos_train'] = 0.5
+config['th_pos_val'] = 1
+config['num_hard'] = 2
+config['bound_size'] = 12
+config['reso'] = 1
+config['sizelim'] = 6. #mm
+config['sizelim2'] = 30
+config['sizelim3'] = 40
+config['aug_scale'] = True
+config['r_rand_crop'] = 0.3
+config['pad_value'] = 170
+config['augtype'] = {'flip':True,'swap':False,'scale':True,'rotate':False}
+config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','adc3bbc63d40f8761c59be10f1e504c3']
+#config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','d92998a73d4654a442e6d6ba15bbb827','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','820245d8b211808bd18e78ff5be16fdb','adc3bbc63d40f8761c59be10f1e504c3',
+# '417','077','188','876','057','087','130','468']
+class Net(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Net, self).__init__()
+ # The first few layers consumes the most memory, so use simple convolution to save memory.
+ # Call these layers preBlock, i.e., before the residual blocks of later layers.
+ self.preBlock = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(1, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(24, 24, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(24),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ # 3 poolings, each pooling downsamples the feature map by a factor 2.
+ # 3 groups of blocks. The first block of each group has one pooling.
+ num_blocks_forw = [2,2,3,3]
+ num_blocks_back = [3,3]
+ self.featureNum_forw = [24,32,64,64,64]
+ self.featureNum_back = [128,64,64]
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_forw)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_forw[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_forw[i+1], self.featureNum_forw[i+1]))
+ setattr(self, 'forw' + str(i + 1), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks_back)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks_back[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ if i==0:
+ addition = 3
+ else:
+ addition = 0
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i+1]+self.featureNum_forw[i+2]+addition, self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(self.featureNum_back[i], self.featureNum_back[i]))
+ setattr(self, 'back' + str(i + 2), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.maxpool4 = nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2,return_indices =True)
+ self.unmaxpool1 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.unmaxpool2 = nn.MaxUnpool3d(kernel_size=2,stride=2)
+ self.path1 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.path2 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(64, 64, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(64),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.5, inplace = False)
+ self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv3d(self.featureNum_back[0], 64, kernel_size = 1),
+ nn.ReLU(),
+ #nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.3),
+ nn.Conv3d(64, 5 * len(config['anchors']), kernel_size = 1))
+ def forward(self, x, coord):
+ out = self.preBlock(x)#16
+ out_pool,indices0 = self.maxpool1(out)
+ out1 = self.forw1(out_pool)#32
+ out1_pool,indices1 = self.maxpool2(out1)
+ out2 = self.forw2(out1_pool)#64
+ #out2 = self.drop(out2)
+ out2_pool,indices2 = self.maxpool3(out2)
+ out3 = self.forw3(out2_pool)#96
+ out3_pool,indices3 = self.maxpool4(out3)
+ out4 = self.forw4(out3_pool)#96
+ #out4 = self.drop(out4)
+ rev3 = self.path1(out4)
+ comb3 = self.back3(torch.cat((rev3, out3), 1))#96+96
+ #comb3 = self.drop(comb3)
+ rev2 = self.path2(comb3)
+ comb2 = self.back2(torch.cat((rev2, out2,coord), 1))#64+64
+ comb2 = self.drop(comb2)
+ out = self.output(comb2)
+ size = out.size()
+ out = out.view(out.size(0), out.size(1), -1)
+ #out = out.transpose(1, 4).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).contiguous()
+ out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(size[0], size[2], size[3], size[4], len(config['anchors']), 5)
+ #out = out.view(-1, 5)
+ return out
+def get_model():
+ net = Net()
+ loss = Loss(config['num_hard'])
+ get_pbb = GetPBB(config)
+ return config, net, loss, get_pbb
diff --git a/training/detector/res_pool.py b/training/detector/res_pool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42001d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/res_pool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from layers import *
+config = {}
+config['anchors'] = [ 10.0, 25.0, 40.0]
+config['chanel'] = 2
+config['crop_size'] = [64, 128, 128]
+config['stride'] = [2,4,4]
+config['max_stride'] = 16
+config['num_neg'] = 10
+config['th_neg'] = 0.2
+config['th_pos'] = 0.5
+config['num_hard'] = 1
+config['bound_size'] = 12
+config['reso'] = [1.5,0.75,0.75]
+config['sizelim'] = 6. #mm
+config['blacklist'] = ['868b024d9fa388b7ddab12ec1c06af38','d92998a73d4654a442e6d6ba15bbb827','990fbe3f0a1b53878669967b9afd1441','820245d8b211808bd18e78ff5be16fdb',
+ '417','077','188','876','057','087','130','468']
+class Net(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Net, self).__init__()
+ # The first few layers consumes the most memory, so use simple convolution to save memory.
+ # Call these layers preBlock, i.e., before the residual blocks of later layers.
+ self.preBlock = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(2, 16, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(16),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.Conv3d(16, 16, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(16),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ # 3 poolings, each pooling downsamples the feature map by a factor 2.
+ # 3 groups of blocks. The first block of each group has one pooling.
+ num_blocks = [6,6,6,6]
+ n_in = [16, 32, 64,96]
+ n_out = [32, 64, 96,96]
+ for i in range(len(num_blocks)):
+ blocks = []
+ for j in range(num_blocks[i]):
+ if j == 0:
+ if i ==0:
+ blocks.append(nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=[1,2,2]))
+ blocks.append(PostRes(n_in[i], n_out[i]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2))
+ blocks.append(PostRes(n_out[i], n_out[i]))
+ else:
+ blocks.append(PostRes(n_out[i], n_out[i]))
+ setattr(self, 'group' + str(i + 1), nn.Sequential(*blocks))
+ self.path1 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(64, 32, kernel_size = 3, padding = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(32),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.path2 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(96, 32, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(32),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.path3 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(96, 32, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(32),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True),
+ nn.ConvTranspose3d(32, 32, kernel_size = 2, stride = 2),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(32),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.combine = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv3d(96, 128, kernel_size = 1),
+ nn.BatchNorm3d(128),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace = True))
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.5, inplace = False)
+ self.output = nn.Conv3d(128, 5 * len(config['anchors']), kernel_size = 1)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = x.view(x.size(0), 2,x.size(2), x.size(3), x.size(4))
+ out = self.preBlock(x)
+ out1 = self.group1(out)
+ out2 = self.group2(out1)
+ out3 = self.group3(out2)
+ out4 = self.group4(out3)
+ out2 = self.path1(out2)
+ out3 = self.path2(out3)
+ out4 = self.path3(out4)
+ out = torch.cat((out2, out3, out4), 1)
+ out = self.combine(out)
+ out = self.drop(out)
+ out = self.output(out)
+ size = out.size()
+ out = out.view(out.size(0), out.size(1), -1)
+ #out = out.transpose(1, 4).transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).contiguous()
+ out = out.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(size[0], size[2], size[3], size[4], len(config['anchors']), 5)
+ #out = out.view(-1, 5)
+ return out
+def get_model():
+ net = Net()
+ loss = Loss(config['num_hard'])
+ get_pbb = GetPBB(config)
+ return config, net, loss, get_pbb
diff --git a/training/detector/results/.gitignore b/training/detector/results/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76bedae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/results/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/training/detector/split_combine.py b/training/detector/split_combine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b5b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/split_combine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+class SplitComb():
+ def __init__(self,side_len,max_stride,stride,margin,pad_value):
+ self.side_len = side_len
+ self.max_stride = max_stride
+ self.stride = stride
+ self.margin = margin
+ self.pad_value = pad_value
+ def split(self, data, side_len = None, max_stride = None, margin = None):
+ if side_len==None:
+ side_len = self.side_len
+ if max_stride == None:
+ max_stride = self.max_stride
+ if margin == None:
+ margin = self.margin
+ assert(side_len > margin)
+ assert(side_len % max_stride == 0)
+ assert(margin % max_stride == 0)
+ splits = []
+ _, z, h, w = data.shape
+ nz = int(np.ceil(float(z) / side_len))
+ nh = int(np.ceil(float(h) / side_len))
+ nw = int(np.ceil(float(w) / side_len))
+ nzhw = [nz,nh,nw]
+ self.nzhw = nzhw
+ pad = [ [0, 0],
+ [margin, nz * side_len - z + margin],
+ [margin, nh * side_len - h + margin],
+ [margin, nw * side_len - w + margin]]
+ data = np.pad(data, pad, 'edge')
+ for iz in range(nz):
+ for ih in range(nh):
+ for iw in range(nw):
+ sz = iz * side_len
+ ez = (iz + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ sh = ih * side_len
+ eh = (ih + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ sw = iw * side_len
+ ew = (iw + 1) * side_len + 2 * margin
+ split = data[np.newaxis, :, sz:ez, sh:eh, sw:ew]
+ splits.append(split)
+ splits = np.concatenate(splits, 0)
+ return splits,nzhw
+ def combine(self, output, nzhw = None, side_len=None, stride=None, margin=None):
+ if side_len==None:
+ side_len = self.side_len
+ if stride == None:
+ stride = self.stride
+ if margin == None:
+ margin = self.margin
+ if nzhw==None:
+ nz = self.nz
+ nh = self.nh
+ nw = self.nw
+ else:
+ nz,nh,nw = nzhw
+ assert(side_len % stride == 0)
+ assert(margin % stride == 0)
+ side_len /= stride
+ margin /= stride
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = -1000000 * np.ones((
+ nz * side_len,
+ nh * side_len,
+ nw * side_len,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ idx = 0
+ for iz in range(nz):
+ for ih in range(nh):
+ for iw in range(nw):
+ sz = iz * side_len
+ ez = (iz + 1) * side_len
+ sh = ih * side_len
+ eh = (ih + 1) * side_len
+ sw = iw * side_len
+ ew = (iw + 1) * side_len
+ split = splits[idx][margin:margin + side_len, margin:margin + side_len, margin:margin + side_len]
+ output[sz:ez, sh:eh, sw:ew] = split
+ idx += 1
+ return output
diff --git a/training/detector/test.npy b/training/detector/test.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d21d0
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/detector/test.npy differ
diff --git a/training/detector/utils.py b/training/detector/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8743c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detector/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+def getFreeId():
+ import pynvml
+ pynvml.nvmlInit()
+ def getFreeRatio(id):
+ handle = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(id)
+ use = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle)
+ ratio = 0.5*(float(use.gpu+float(use.memory)))
+ return ratio
+ deviceCount = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount()
+ available = []
+ for i in range(deviceCount):
+ if getFreeRatio(i)<70:
+ available.append(i)
+ gpus = ''
+ for g in available:
+ gpus = gpus+str(g)+','
+ gpus = gpus[:-1]
+ return gpus
+def setgpu(gpuinput):
+ freeids = getFreeId()
+ if gpuinput=='all':
+ gpus = freeids
+ else:
+ gpus = gpuinput
+ if any([g not in freeids for g in gpus.split(',')]):
+ raise ValueError('gpu'+g+'is being used')
+ print('using gpu '+gpus)
+ os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=gpus
+ return len(gpus.split(','))
+class Logger(object):
+ def __init__(self,logfile):
+ self.terminal = sys.stdout
+ self.log = open(logfile, "a")
+ def write(self, message):
+ self.terminal.write(message)
+ self.log.write(message)
+ def flush(self):
+ #this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility.
+ #this handles the flush command by doing nothing.
+ #you might want to specify some extra behavior here.
+ pass
+def split4(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ data = torch.Tensor.numpy(data)
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.shape
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ pad = int(np.ceil(float(z)/max_stride)*max_stride)-z
+ leftpad = pad/2
+ pad = [[0,0],[0,0],[leftpad,pad-leftpad],[0,0],[0,0]]
+ data = np.pad(data,pad,'constant',constant_values=-1)
+ data = torch.from_numpy(data)
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, :h_width, :w_width])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, :h_width, -w_width:])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, -h_width:, :w_width])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, -h_width:, -w_width:])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine4(output, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ splits[0].shape[0],
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ h0 = output.shape[1] / 2
+ h1 = output.shape[1] - h0
+ w0 = output.shape[2] / 2
+ w1 = output.shape[2] - w0
+ splits[0] = splits[0][:, :h0, :w0, :, :]
+ output[:, :h0, :w0, :, :] = splits[0]
+ splits[1] = splits[1][:, :h0, -w1:, :, :]
+ output[:, :h0, -w1:, :, :] = splits[1]
+ splits[2] = splits[2][:, -h1:, :w0, :, :]
+ output[:, -h1:, :w0, :, :] = splits[2]
+ splits[3] = splits[3][:, -h1:, -w1:, :, :]
+ output[:, -h1:, -w1:, :, :] = splits[3]
+ return output
+def split8(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ c, z, h, w = data.shape
+ else:
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ splits.append(data[np.newaxis, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ else:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ return np.concatenate(splits, 0)
+ else:
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine8(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = z / 2
+ h_width = h / 2
+ w_width = w / 2
+ i = 0
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_width-z,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_width-h,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_width-w,None]]:
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split16(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_pos[0],z_pos[0]+z_width],[z_pos[1],z_pos[1]+z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine16(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = z / 4
+ h_width = h / 2
+ w_width = w / 2
+ splitzstart = splits[0].shape[0]/2-z_width/2
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ i = 0
+ for zz,zz2 in zip([[0,z_width],[z_width,z_width*2],[z_width*2,z_width*3],[z_width*3-z,None]],
+ [[0,z_width],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[z_width*3-z,None]]):
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_width-h,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_width-w,None]]:
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz2[0]:zz2[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split32(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_pos = [w*3/8-w_width/2,
+ w*5/8-w_width/2]
+ h_pos = [h*3/8-h_width/2,
+ h*5/8-h_width/2]
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_pos[0],h_pos[0]+h_width],[h_pos[1],h_pos[1]+h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_pos[0],w_pos[0]+w_width],[w_pos[1],w_pos[1]+w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine32(splits, z, h, w):
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = int(np.ceil(float(z) / 2))
+ h_width = int(np.ceil(float(h) / 4))
+ w_width = int(np.ceil(float(w) / 4))
+ splithstart = splits[0].shape[1]/2-h_width/2
+ splitwstart = splits[0].shape[2]/2-w_width/2
+ i = 0
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_width-z,None]]:
+ for hh,hh2 in zip([[0,h_width],[h_width,h_width*2],[h_width*2,h_width*3],[h_width*3-h,None]],
+ [[0,h_width],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[h_width*3-h,None]]):
+ for ww,ww2 in zip([[0,w_width],[w_width,w_width*2],[w_width*2,w_width*3],[w_width*3-w,None]],
+ [[0,w_width],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[w_width*3-w,None]]):
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz[0]:zz[1], hh2[0]:hh2[1], ww2[0]:ww2[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split64(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ w_pos = [w*3/8-w_width/2,
+ w*5/8-w_width/2]
+ h_pos = [h*3/8-h_width/2,
+ h*5/8-h_width/2]
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_pos[0],z_pos[0]+z_width],[z_pos[1],z_pos[1]+z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_pos[0],h_pos[0]+h_width],[h_pos[1],h_pos[1]+h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_pos[0],w_pos[0]+w_width],[w_pos[1],w_pos[1]+w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine64(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = int(np.ceil(float(z) / 4))
+ h_width = int(np.ceil(float(h) / 4))
+ w_width = int(np.ceil(float(w) / 4))
+ splitzstart = splits[0].shape[0]/2-z_width/2
+ splithstart = splits[0].shape[1]/2-h_width/2
+ splitwstart = splits[0].shape[2]/2-w_width/2
+ i = 0
+ for zz,zz2 in zip([[0,z_width],[z_width,z_width*2],[z_width*2,z_width*3],[z_width*3-z,None]],
+ [[0,z_width],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[z_width*3-z,None]]):
+ for hh,hh2 in zip([[0,h_width],[h_width,h_width*2],[h_width*2,h_width*3],[h_width*3-h,None]],
+ [[0,h_width],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[h_width*3-h,None]]):
+ for ww,ww2 in zip([[0,w_width],[w_width,w_width*2],[w_width*2,w_width*3],[w_width*3-w,None]],
+ [[0,w_width],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[w_width*3-w,None]]):
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz2[0]:zz2[1], hh2[0]:hh2[1], ww2[0]:ww2[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
diff --git a/training/detector/valsplit.npy b/training/detector/valsplit.npy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6aa141
Binary files /dev/null and b/training/detector/valsplit.npy differ
diff --git a/training/prepare.py b/training/prepare.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5473dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/prepare.py
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import numpy as np
+from config_training import config
+from scipy.io import loadmat
+import numpy as np
+import h5py
+import pandas
+import scipy
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
+from skimage import measure
+import SimpleITK as sitk
+from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation,generate_binary_structure
+from skimage.morphology import convex_hull_image
+import pandas
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from functools import partial
+import sys
+from step1 import step1_python
+import warnings
+def resample(imgs, spacing, new_spacing,order=2):
+ if len(imgs.shape)==3:
+ new_shape = np.round(imgs.shape * spacing / new_spacing)
+ true_spacing = spacing * imgs.shape / new_shape
+ resize_factor = new_shape / imgs.shape
+ imgs = zoom(imgs, resize_factor, mode = 'nearest',order=order)
+ return imgs, true_spacing
+ elif len(imgs.shape)==4:
+ n = imgs.shape[-1]
+ newimg = []
+ for i in range(n):
+ slice = imgs[:,:,:,i]
+ newslice,true_spacing = resample(slice,spacing,new_spacing)
+ newimg.append(newslice)
+ newimg=np.transpose(np.array(newimg),[1,2,3,0])
+ return newimg,true_spacing
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('wrong shape')
+def worldToVoxelCoord(worldCoord, origin, spacing):
+ stretchedVoxelCoord = np.absolute(worldCoord - origin)
+ voxelCoord = stretchedVoxelCoord / spacing
+ return voxelCoord
+def load_itk_image(filename):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ contents = f.readlines()
+ line = [k for k in contents if k.startswith('TransformMatrix')][0]
+ transformM = np.array(line.split(' = ')[1].split(' ')).astype('float')
+ transformM = np.round(transformM)
+ if np.any( transformM!=np.array([1,0,0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])):
+ isflip = True
+ else:
+ isflip = False
+ itkimage = sitk.ReadImage(filename)
+ numpyImage = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itkimage)
+ numpyOrigin = np.array(list(reversed(itkimage.GetOrigin())))
+ numpySpacing = np.array(list(reversed(itkimage.GetSpacing())))
+ return numpyImage, numpyOrigin, numpySpacing,isflip
+def process_mask(mask):
+ convex_mask = np.copy(mask)
+ for i_layer in range(convex_mask.shape[0]):
+ mask1 = np.ascontiguousarray(mask[i_layer])
+ if np.sum(mask1)>0:
+ mask2 = convex_hull_image(mask1)
+ if np.sum(mask2)>1.5*np.sum(mask1):
+ mask2 = mask1
+ else:
+ mask2 = mask1
+ convex_mask[i_layer] = mask2
+ struct = generate_binary_structure(3,1)
+ dilatedMask = binary_dilation(convex_mask,structure=struct,iterations=10)
+ return dilatedMask
+def lumTrans(img):
+ lungwin = np.array([-1200.,600.])
+ newimg = (img-lungwin[0])/(lungwin[1]-lungwin[0])
+ newimg[newimg<0]=0
+ newimg[newimg>1]=1
+ newimg = (newimg*255).astype('uint8')
+ return newimg
+def savenpy(id,annos,filelist,data_path,prep_folder):
+ resolution = np.array([1,1,1])
+ name = filelist[id]
+ label = annos[annos[:,0]==name]
+ label = label[:,[3,1,2,4]].astype('float')
+ im, m1, m2, spacing = step1_python(os.path.join(data_path,name))
+ Mask = m1+m2
+ newshape = np.round(np.array(Mask.shape)*spacing/resolution)
+ xx,yy,zz= np.where(Mask)
+ box = np.array([[np.min(xx),np.max(xx)],[np.min(yy),np.max(yy)],[np.min(zz),np.max(zz)]])
+ box = box*np.expand_dims(spacing,1)/np.expand_dims(resolution,1)
+ box = np.floor(box).astype('int')
+ margin = 5
+ extendbox = np.vstack([np.max([[0,0,0],box[:,0]-margin],0),np.min([newshape,box[:,1]+2*margin],axis=0).T]).T
+ extendbox = extendbox.astype('int')
+ convex_mask = m1
+ dm1 = process_mask(m1)
+ dm2 = process_mask(m2)
+ dilatedMask = dm1+dm2
+ Mask = m1+m2
+ extramask = dilatedMask - Mask
+ bone_thresh = 210
+ pad_value = 170
+ im[np.isnan(im)]=-2000
+ sliceim = lumTrans(im)
+ sliceim = sliceim*dilatedMask+pad_value*(1-dilatedMask).astype('uint8')
+ bones = sliceim*extramask>bone_thresh
+ sliceim[bones] = pad_value
+ sliceim1,_ = resample(sliceim,spacing,resolution,order=1)
+ sliceim2 = sliceim1[extendbox[0,0]:extendbox[0,1],
+ extendbox[1,0]:extendbox[1,1],
+ extendbox[2,0]:extendbox[2,1]]
+ sliceim = sliceim2[np.newaxis,...]
+ np.save(os.path.join(prep_folder,name+'_clean.npy'),sliceim)
+ if len(label)==0:
+ label2 = np.array([[0,0,0,0]])
+ elif len(label[0])==0:
+ label2 = np.array([[0,0,0,0]])
+ elif label[0][0]==0:
+ label2 = np.array([[0,0,0,0]])
+ else:
+ haslabel = 1
+ label2 = np.copy(label).T
+ label2[:3] = label2[:3][[0,2,1]]
+ label2[:3] = label2[:3]*np.expand_dims(spacing,1)/np.expand_dims(resolution,1)
+ label2[3] = label2[3]*spacing[1]/resolution[1]
+ label2[:3] = label2[:3]-np.expand_dims(extendbox[:,0],1)
+ label2 = label2[:4].T
+ np.save(os.path.join(prep_folder,name+'_label.npy'),label2)
+ print(name)
+def full_prep(step1=True,step2 = True):
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+ #preprocess_result_path = './prep_result'
+ prep_folder = config['preprocess_result_path']
+ data_path = config['stage1_data_path']
+ finished_flag = '.flag_prepkaggle'
+ if not os.path.exists(finished_flag):
+ alllabelfiles = config['stage1_annos_path']
+ tmp = []
+ for f in alllabelfiles:
+ content = np.array(pandas.read_csv(f))
+ content = content[content[:,0]!=np.nan]
+ tmp.append(content[:,:5])
+ alllabel = np.concatenate(tmp,0)
+ filelist = os.listdir(config['stage1_data_path'])
+ if not os.path.exists(prep_folder):
+ os.mkdir(prep_folder)
+ #eng.addpath('preprocessing/',nargout=0)
+ print('starting preprocessing')
+ pool = Pool()
+ filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(data_path)]
+ partial_savenpy = partial(savenpy,annos= alllabel,filelist=filelist,data_path=data_path,prep_folder=prep_folder )
+ N = len(filelist)
+ #savenpy(1)
+ _=pool.map(partial_savenpy,range(N))
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ print('end preprocessing')
+ f= open(finished_flag,"w+")
+def savenpy_luna(id,annos,filelist,luna_segment,luna_data,savepath):
+ islabel = True
+ isClean = True
+ resolution = np.array([1,1,1])
+# resolution = np.array([2,2,2])
+ name = filelist[id]
+ Mask,origin,spacing,isflip = load_itk_image(os.path.join(luna_segment,name+'.mhd'))
+ if isflip:
+ Mask = Mask[:,::-1,::-1]
+ newshape = np.round(np.array(Mask.shape)*spacing/resolution).astype('int')
+ m1 = Mask==3
+ m2 = Mask==4
+ Mask = m1+m2
+ xx,yy,zz= np.where(Mask)
+ box = np.array([[np.min(xx),np.max(xx)],[np.min(yy),np.max(yy)],[np.min(zz),np.max(zz)]])
+ box = box*np.expand_dims(spacing,1)/np.expand_dims(resolution,1)
+ box = np.floor(box).astype('int')
+ margin = 5
+ extendbox = np.vstack([np.max([[0,0,0],box[:,0]-margin],0),np.min([newshape,box[:,1]+2*margin],axis=0).T]).T
+ this_annos = np.copy(annos[annos[:,0]==int(name)])
+ if isClean:
+ convex_mask = m1
+ dm1 = process_mask(m1)
+ dm2 = process_mask(m2)
+ dilatedMask = dm1+dm2
+ Mask = m1+m2
+ extramask = dilatedMask ^ Mask
+ bone_thresh = 210
+ pad_value = 170
+ sliceim,origin,spacing,isflip = load_itk_image(os.path.join(luna_data,name+'.mhd'))
+ sliceim = lumTrans(sliceim)
+ sliceim = sliceim*dilatedMask+pad_value*(1-dilatedMask).astype('uint8')
+ bones = (sliceim*extramask)>bone_thresh
+ sliceim[bones] = pad_value
+ sliceim1,_ = resample(sliceim,spacing,resolution,order=1)
+ sliceim2 = sliceim1[extendbox[0,0]:extendbox[0,1],
+ extendbox[1,0]:extendbox[1,1],
+ extendbox[2,0]:extendbox[2,1]]
+ sliceim = sliceim2[np.newaxis,...]
+ np.save(os.path.join(savepath,name+'_clean.npy'),sliceim)
+ if islabel:
+ this_annos = np.copy(annos[annos[:,0]==int(name)])
+ label = []
+ if len(this_annos)>0:
+ for c in this_annos:
+ pos = worldToVoxelCoord(c[1:4][::-1],origin=origin,spacing=spacing)
+ if isflip:
+ pos[1:] = Mask.shape[1:3]-pos[1:]
+ label.append(np.concatenate([pos,[c[4]/spacing[1]]]))
+ label = np.array(label)
+ if len(label)==0:
+ label2 = np.array([[0,0,0,0]])
+ else:
+ label2 = np.copy(label).T
+ label2[:3] = label2[:3]*np.expand_dims(spacing,1)/np.expand_dims(resolution,1)
+ label2[3] = label2[3]*spacing[1]/resolution[1]
+ label2[:3] = label2[:3]-np.expand_dims(extendbox[:,0],1)
+ label2 = label2[:4].T
+ np.save(os.path.join(savepath,name+'_label.npy'),label2)
+ print(name)
+def preprocess_luna():
+ luna_segment = config['luna_segment']
+ savepath = config['preprocess_result_path']
+ luna_data = config['luna_data']
+ luna_label = config['luna_label']
+ finished_flag = '.flag_preprocessluna'
+ print('starting preprocessing luna')
+ if not os.path.exists(finished_flag):
+ filelist = [f.split('.mhd')[0] for f in os.listdir(luna_data) if f.endswith('.mhd') ]
+ annos = np.array(pandas.read_csv(luna_label))
+ if not os.path.exists(savepath):
+ os.mkdir(savepath)
+ pool = Pool()
+ partial_savenpy_luna = partial(savenpy_luna,annos=annos,filelist=filelist,
+ luna_segment=luna_segment,luna_data=luna_data,savepath=savepath)
+ N = len(filelist)
+ #savenpy(1)
+ _=pool.map(partial_savenpy_luna,range(N))
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ print('end preprocessing luna')
+ f= open(finished_flag,"w+")
+def prepare_luna():
+ print('start changing luna name')
+ luna_raw = config['luna_raw']
+ luna_abbr = config['luna_abbr']
+ luna_data = config['luna_data']
+ luna_segment = config['luna_segment']
+ finished_flag = '.flag_prepareluna'
+ if not os.path.exists(finished_flag):
+ subsetdirs = [os.path.join(luna_raw,f) for f in os.listdir(luna_raw) if f.startswith('subset') and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(luna_raw,f))]
+ if not os.path.exists(luna_data):
+ os.mkdir(luna_data)
+# allnames = []
+# for d in subsetdirs:
+# files = os.listdir(d)
+# names = [f[:-4] for f in files if f.endswith('mhd')]
+# allnames = allnames + names
+# allnames = np.array(allnames)
+# allnames = np.sort(allnames)
+# ids = np.arange(len(allnames)).astype('str')
+# ids = np.array(['0'*(3-len(n))+n for n in ids])
+# pds = pandas.DataFrame(np.array([ids,allnames]).T)
+# namelist = list(allnames)
+ abbrevs = np.array(pandas.read_csv(config['luna_abbr'],header=None))
+ namelist = list(abbrevs[:,1])
+ ids = abbrevs[:,0]
+ for d in subsetdirs:
+ files = os.listdir(d)
+ files.sort()
+ for f in files:
+ name = f[:-4]
+ id = ids[namelist.index(name)]
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(d,f),os.path.join(luna_data,str(id)+f[-4:]))
+ print(os.path.join(luna_data,str(id)+f[-4:]))
+ files = [f for f in os.listdir(luna_data) if f.endswith('mhd')]
+ for file in files:
+ with open(os.path.join(luna_data,file),'r') as f:
+ content = f.readlines()
+ id = file.split('.mhd')[0]
+ filename = '0'*(3-len(str(id)))+str(id)
+ content[-1]='ElementDataFile = '+filename+'.raw\n'
+ print(content[-1])
+ with open(os.path.join(luna_data,file),'w') as f:
+ f.writelines(content)
+ seglist = os.listdir(luna_segment)
+ for f in seglist:
+ if f.endswith('.mhd'):
+ name = f[:-4]
+ lastfix = f[-4:]
+ else:
+ name = f[:-5]
+ lastfix = f[-5:]
+ if name in namelist:
+ id = ids[namelist.index(name)]
+ filename = '0'*(3-len(str(id)))+str(id)
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(luna_segment,f),os.path.join(luna_segment,filename+lastfix))
+ print(os.path.join(luna_segment,filename+lastfix))
+ files = [f for f in os.listdir(luna_segment) if f.endswith('mhd')]
+ for file in files:
+ with open(os.path.join(luna_segment,file),'r') as f:
+ content = f.readlines()
+ id = file.split('.mhd')[0]
+ filename = '0'*(3-len(str(id)))+str(id)
+ content[-1]='ElementDataFile = '+filename+'.zraw\n'
+ print(content[-1])
+ with open(os.path.join(luna_segment,file),'w') as f:
+ f.writelines(content)
+ print('end changing luna name')
+ f= open(finished_flag,"w+")
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ full_prep(step1=True,step2=True)
+ prepare_luna()
+ preprocess_luna()
diff --git a/training/run_training.sh b/training/run_training.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec7ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/run_training.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+set -e
+python prepare.py
+cd detector
+CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 python main.py --model res18 -b 32 --epochs $eps --save-dir res18
+CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 python main.py --model res18 -b 32 --resume results/res18/$eps.ckpt --test 1
+cp results/res18/$eps.ckpt ../../model/detector.ckpt
+cd ../classifier
+python adapt_ckpt.py --model1 net_detector_3 --model2 net_classifier_3 --resume ../detector/results/res18/$eps.ckpt
+CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 python main.py --model1 net_detector_3 --model2 net_classifier_3 -b 32 -b2 12 --save-dir net3 --resume ./results/start.ckpt --start-epoch 30 --epochs 130
+CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 python main.py --model1 net_detector_3 --model2 net_classifier_4 -b 32 -b2 12 --save-dir net4 --resume ./results/net3/130.ckpt --freeze_batchnorm 1 --start-epoch 121
+cp results/net4/160.ckpt ../../model/classifier.ckpt
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8743c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+def getFreeId():
+ import pynvml
+ pynvml.nvmlInit()
+ def getFreeRatio(id):
+ handle = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(id)
+ use = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle)
+ ratio = 0.5*(float(use.gpu+float(use.memory)))
+ return ratio
+ deviceCount = pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount()
+ available = []
+ for i in range(deviceCount):
+ if getFreeRatio(i)<70:
+ available.append(i)
+ gpus = ''
+ for g in available:
+ gpus = gpus+str(g)+','
+ gpus = gpus[:-1]
+ return gpus
+def setgpu(gpuinput):
+ freeids = getFreeId()
+ if gpuinput=='all':
+ gpus = freeids
+ else:
+ gpus = gpuinput
+ if any([g not in freeids for g in gpus.split(',')]):
+ raise ValueError('gpu'+g+'is being used')
+ print('using gpu '+gpus)
+ os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=gpus
+ return len(gpus.split(','))
+class Logger(object):
+ def __init__(self,logfile):
+ self.terminal = sys.stdout
+ self.log = open(logfile, "a")
+ def write(self, message):
+ self.terminal.write(message)
+ self.log.write(message)
+ def flush(self):
+ #this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility.
+ #this handles the flush command by doing nothing.
+ #you might want to specify some extra behavior here.
+ pass
+def split4(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ data = torch.Tensor.numpy(data)
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.shape
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ pad = int(np.ceil(float(z)/max_stride)*max_stride)-z
+ leftpad = pad/2
+ pad = [[0,0],[0,0],[leftpad,pad-leftpad],[0,0],[0,0]]
+ data = np.pad(data,pad,'constant',constant_values=-1)
+ data = torch.from_numpy(data)
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, :h_width, :w_width])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, :h_width, -w_width:])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, -h_width:, :w_width])
+ splits.append(data[:, :, :, -h_width:, -w_width:])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine4(output, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ splits[0].shape[0],
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ h0 = output.shape[1] / 2
+ h1 = output.shape[1] - h0
+ w0 = output.shape[2] / 2
+ w1 = output.shape[2] - w0
+ splits[0] = splits[0][:, :h0, :w0, :, :]
+ output[:, :h0, :w0, :, :] = splits[0]
+ splits[1] = splits[1][:, :h0, -w1:, :, :]
+ output[:, :h0, -w1:, :, :] = splits[1]
+ splits[2] = splits[2][:, -h1:, :w0, :, :]
+ output[:, -h1:, :w0, :, :] = splits[2]
+ splits[3] = splits[3][:, -h1:, -w1:, :, :]
+ output[:, -h1:, -w1:, :, :] = splits[3]
+ return output
+def split8(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ c, z, h, w = data.shape
+ else:
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ splits.append(data[np.newaxis, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ else:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ return np.concatenate(splits, 0)
+ else:
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine8(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = z / 2
+ h_width = h / 2
+ w_width = w / 2
+ i = 0
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_width-z,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_width-h,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_width-w,None]]:
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split16(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_pos[0],z_pos[0]+z_width],[z_pos[1],z_pos[1]+z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine16(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = z / 4
+ h_width = h / 2
+ w_width = w / 2
+ splitzstart = splits[0].shape[0]/2-z_width/2
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ i = 0
+ for zz,zz2 in zip([[0,z_width],[z_width,z_width*2],[z_width*2,z_width*3],[z_width*3-z,None]],
+ [[0,z_width],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[z_width*3-z,None]]):
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_width-h,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_width-w,None]]:
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz2[0]:zz2[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split32(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 2 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_pos = [w*3/8-w_width/2,
+ w*5/8-w_width/2]
+ h_pos = [h*3/8-h_width/2,
+ h*5/8-h_width/2]
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_pos[0],h_pos[0]+h_width],[h_pos[1],h_pos[1]+h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_pos[0],w_pos[0]+w_width],[w_pos[1],w_pos[1]+w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine32(splits, z, h, w):
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = int(np.ceil(float(z) / 2))
+ h_width = int(np.ceil(float(h) / 4))
+ w_width = int(np.ceil(float(w) / 4))
+ splithstart = splits[0].shape[1]/2-h_width/2
+ splitwstart = splits[0].shape[2]/2-w_width/2
+ i = 0
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_width-z,None]]:
+ for hh,hh2 in zip([[0,h_width],[h_width,h_width*2],[h_width*2,h_width*3],[h_width*3-h,None]],
+ [[0,h_width],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[h_width*3-h,None]]):
+ for ww,ww2 in zip([[0,w_width],[w_width,w_width*2],[w_width*2,w_width*3],[w_width*3-w,None]],
+ [[0,w_width],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[w_width*3-w,None]]):
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz[0]:zz[1], hh2[0]:hh2[1], ww2[0]:ww2[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output
+def split64(data, max_stride, margin):
+ splits = []
+ _,c, z, h, w = data.size()
+ z_width = np.ceil(float(z / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ w_width = np.ceil(float(w / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ h_width = np.ceil(float(h / 4 + margin)/max_stride).astype('int')*max_stride
+ z_pos = [z*3/8-z_width/2,
+ z*5/8-z_width/2]
+ w_pos = [w*3/8-w_width/2,
+ w*5/8-w_width/2]
+ h_pos = [h*3/8-h_width/2,
+ h*5/8-h_width/2]
+ for zz in [[0,z_width],[z_pos[0],z_pos[0]+z_width],[z_pos[1],z_pos[1]+z_width],[-z_width,None]]:
+ for hh in [[0,h_width],[h_pos[0],h_pos[0]+h_width],[h_pos[1],h_pos[1]+h_width],[-h_width,None]]:
+ for ww in [[0,w_width],[w_pos[0],w_pos[0]+w_width],[w_pos[1],w_pos[1]+w_width],[-w_width,None]]:
+ splits.append(data[:, :, zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1]])
+ return torch.cat(splits, 0)
+def combine64(output, z, h, w):
+ splits = []
+ for i in range(len(output)):
+ splits.append(output[i])
+ output = np.zeros((
+ z,
+ h,
+ w,
+ splits[0].shape[3],
+ splits[0].shape[4]), np.float32)
+ z_width = int(np.ceil(float(z) / 4))
+ h_width = int(np.ceil(float(h) / 4))
+ w_width = int(np.ceil(float(w) / 4))
+ splitzstart = splits[0].shape[0]/2-z_width/2
+ splithstart = splits[0].shape[1]/2-h_width/2
+ splitwstart = splits[0].shape[2]/2-w_width/2
+ i = 0
+ for zz,zz2 in zip([[0,z_width],[z_width,z_width*2],[z_width*2,z_width*3],[z_width*3-z,None]],
+ [[0,z_width],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[splitzstart,z_width+splitzstart],[z_width*3-z,None]]):
+ for hh,hh2 in zip([[0,h_width],[h_width,h_width*2],[h_width*2,h_width*3],[h_width*3-h,None]],
+ [[0,h_width],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[splithstart,h_width+splithstart],[h_width*3-h,None]]):
+ for ww,ww2 in zip([[0,w_width],[w_width,w_width*2],[w_width*2,w_width*3],[w_width*3-w,None]],
+ [[0,w_width],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[splitwstart,w_width+splitwstart],[w_width*3-w,None]]):
+ output[zz[0]:zz[1], hh[0]:hh[1], ww[0]:ww[1], :, :] = splits[i][zz2[0]:zz2[1], hh2[0]:hh2[1], ww2[0]:ww2[1], :, :]
+ i = i+1
+ return output