- How do I communicate with Haskell from JavaScript?
- How do I inject some custom CSS into the Window?
- How do I log some debug information?
If you're using stack:
# --flag webviewhs:light is redundant as it is listed in the stack.yaml file.
# However, it is shown here for demonstration purposes.
stack build --flag webviewhs:light && \
stack exec -- how-do-i-communicate-with-haskell-from-javascript && \
stack exec -- how-do-i-inject-some-custom-css-into-the-window && \
stack exec -- how-do-i-log-some-debug-information
If you're using cabal:
cabal sandbox init && \
cabal sandbox add-source ../ && \
cabal --require-sandbox install -j --constraint="webviewhs +light" && \
cabal --require-sandbox exec -- how-do-i-communicate-with-haskell-from-javascript && \
cabal --require-sandbox exec -- how-do-i-inject-some-custom-css-into-the-window && \
cabal --require-sandbox exec -- how-do-i-log-some-debug-information
(C) 2018 David Lettier
Copyright (c) 2017 Serge Zaitsev