This folder contains a set of benchmarks to evaluate and compare the performance of Cpp-Taskflow with the following task programming frameworks:
To compile the benchmark sources,
enable the option TF_BUILD_BENCHMARKS
in cmake build:
~$ mkdir build # create a build folder under cpp-taskflow/
~$ cd build
~$ make
After you successfully compile all benchmark sources, executables will be available in the respective folder of an application. Currently, we provide the following applications:
- Graph Traveral: traverses a direct acyclic graph
- Wavefront: propagates computations in a two-dimensional (2D) grid
- Linear Chain: computes a linear chain of tasks
- Binary Tree: traverse a complete binary tree
- Matrix Multiplication: multiplies two matrices
- MNIST: trains a neural network-based image classfier on the MNIST dataset
We have provided a python wrapper to help configure the benchmark of each application, including thread count, rounds to average, tasking methods, and plot.
~$ chmod 755 # change the permission to execute
~$ ./ -h # show the help message
For example, the following command benchmarks
Cpp-Taskflow (tf), OpenMP (omp), and TBB (tbb)
on graph traversal, wavefront, and linear chain applications
across 1, 4, 8, and 16 threads,
with data collected in an average of ten runs.
Results are illustrated in a plot and saved to result.png
~$ ./ -m tf omp tbb \
-b graph_traversal wavefront linear_chain \
-t 1 4 8 16 \
-r 10 \
-p true \
-o result.png
When the program completes, you will see a combined plot of all specified benchmarsk. The x-axis represents the growth of problem size and the y-axis denotes the runtime in millisecond.