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Copy pathLater.applescript
520 lines (459 loc) · 18.6 KB
By Chris Sauve of [pxldot](http://pxldot.com).
See README for details.
*)property usesFlagsForScheduling : true -- true or false, true flags any tasks that the script runs onproperty methodForScheduling : "Start" -- Options are "Start" or "Due"property useGrowlForAlerts : true -- true or falseproperty promptForUserOptions : true -- will change after first runproperty timesUsedSinceError : 0-- Get the selection FIRST and then exit if nothing is selected.tell application "OmniFocus" tell content of first document window of front document set tasksSelected to value of (selected trees where (class of its value is not item) and (class of its value is not folder)) if length of tasksSelected is 0 then display alert "You didn't select any OmniFocus tasks." return end if end tellend tellif promptForUserOptions then display dialog ¬ "Would you like to automatically flag the tasks on which you run this script?" buttons {"No, Don't Flag", "Yes, Use Flags"} default button 2 giving up after 60 set decisionOnFlags to button returned of result if decisionOnFlags is "No, Don't Flag" then set usesFlagsForSceduling to false display dialog "Would you like to use Due or Start dates for scheduling?" buttons {"Due", "Start"} default button 2 set methodForScheduling to button returned of result set promptForUserOptions to falseend iftry set inputDialog to "To when would you like to defer this task?" if timesUsedSinceError = 0 then set inputDialog to (inputDialog & " Note: you can use relative days (i.e., \"1w 4d 2pm\"), absolute dates (i.e., \"Jan 19 14:00\") or weekdays (i.e., \"Sat 5pm\"), just as in OmniFocus.") display dialog ¬ inputDialog default answer "1d 12am" set timeDeferred to text returned of resulton error errorText number errorNumber if errorNumber is -128 then return end ifend try-- Escape to manually choose start and due dates, regardless of the default (start with the input with that word)set escapeToStart to (timeDeferred starts with "start")set escapeToDue to (timeDeferred starts with "due")set escapeToBoth to (timeDeferred contains "start") and (timeDeferred contains "due")set startFirst to trueif escapeToBoth then set startFirst to (offset of "start" in timeDeferred) < (offset of "due" in timeDeferred) set my text item delimiters to {"start ", "start", "due ", "due"} set adjustedInput to every text item of timeDeferred set fixedInput to {} repeat with i from 1 to (length of adjustedInput) if not ((item i of adjustedInput is "") or (item i of adjustedInput is in " ")) then set the end of fixedInput to item i of adjustedInput end if end repeat if length of fixedInput is not 2 then return set desiredDate1 to getDate(item 1 of fixedInput) set desiredDate2 to getDate(item 2 of fixedInput) if (desiredDate2 is -1) or (desiredDate1 is -1) then returnelse set desiredDate1 to getDate(timeDeferred) if desiredDate1 is -1 then returnend if-- Do the actual work of setting the date and the flag, if necessarytell application "OmniFocus" repeat with i from 1 to (length of tasksSelected) tell item i of tasksSelected if escapeToBoth then if startFirst then set start date of it to desiredDate1 set due date of it to desiredDate2 else set due date of it to desiredDate1 set start date of it to desiredDate2 end if else if ((methodForScheduling is "Start") and not escapeToDue) or escapeToStart then set start date of it to desiredDate1 else set due date of it to desiredDate1 end if if usesFlagsForScheduling then set its flagged to true end tell end repeatend tell--//////// Understanding the date and time given in plain english ////////--on englishTime(dateDesired) if dateDesired is "0" then return 0 set monthFound to 0 set weekdayFound to 0 -- Solves an issue with the treatment of leading zeros for the minutes (i.e., 12:01am) set minuteLeadingZero to false -- Figures out if the user excluded any of the components set timeMissing to false set daysMissing to false set weeksMissing to false -- Sets up the delimiters for different items set timeDelimiters to {"am", "pm", "a", "p", ":"} set dayDelimiters to {"days", "day", "d"} set weekDelimiters to {"weeks", "week", "w"} set monthDelimiters to {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"} set weekdayDelimiters to {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"} set specialRelativeDayDelimiters to {"Today", "Tomorrow", "at"} set otherDelimiters to {" ", "th", "st", "rd", "nd", "start", "due", "both"} set inThe to "unknown" set howManyNumbersInputted to 0 set numList to {} -- See if they included AM/PM if isNumberIdentifier("a", dateDesired) then set inThe to "AM" if isNumberIdentifier("p", dateDesired) then set inThe to "PM" -- See if they gave an absolute date formatted in YY.MM.DD or some other similar format set my text item delimiters to specialRelativeDayDelimiters & otherDelimiters & timeDelimiters set checkInput to every text item of dateDesired set checkInputCleaned to {} repeat with i from 1 to (length of checkInput) if item i of checkInput is not "" then set the end of checkInputCleaned to item i of checkInput end if end repeat set theDateCheck to item 1 of checkInputCleaned if (theDateCheck contains ".") or (theDateCheck contains "-") or (theDateCheck contains "/") then set todaysDate to (current date) set time of todaysDate to 0 set targetDate to my understandAbsoluteDate(theDateCheck) if targetDate = -1 then return -1 set my text item delimiters to "" if length of checkInputCleaned is 1 then return (targetDate - todaysDate) as number else set theTime to items 2 thru -1 of checkInputCleaned set numList to {} set timeStoreLocation to length of theTime repeat while timeStoreLocation > 0 try -- If the minutes have a leading zero, just combine them with the hours if (numList = {}) and ((item timeStoreLocation of theTime) starts with "0") then set the end of numList to ((item (timeStoreLocation - 1) of theTime) & (item timeStoreLocation of theTime)) as number set minuteLeadingZero to true set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 2 else -- Otherwise, get the numbers only set tempNum to (item timeStoreLocation of theTime) as number if tempNum ≠ 0 then set the end of numList to tempNum set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 1 end if end try end repeat set theTime to figureOutTheTime(numList, false, true, true, minuteLeadingZero) set theTime to understandTheTime(theTime, inThe, false) return (targetDate + theTime - todaysDate) as number end if end if -- See if they gave an absolute date, a relative one, or a day of the week repeat with i from 1 to (length of monthDelimiters) if dateDesired contains (item i of monthDelimiters) then set monthFound to i exit repeat end if if i ≤ (length of weekdayDelimiters) then if dateDesired contains (item i of weekdayDelimiters) then set weekdayFound to i end if end if end repeat -- Getting rid of all the bits I could imagine being around the numbers set text item delimiters to (specialRelativeDayDelimiters & monthDelimiters & weekDelimiters & dayDelimiters & timeDelimiters & otherDelimiters) set inputList to every text item of dateDesired -- Resetting delimiters set text item delimiters to {""} repeat with i from 1 to (length of inputList) if item i of inputList is "-" and (character 1 of item (i + 1) of inputList is in "123456789") then set item (i + 1) of inputList to item i of inputList & item (i + 1) of inputList end if end repeat -- Count how many numbers were given repeat with i from 1 to (length of inputList) if (item i of inputList) is not "" then try set tempItem to (item i of inputList) as integer if class of tempItem is integer then set howManyNumbersInputted to howManyNumbersInputted + 1 end try end if set tempItem to "" end repeat -- Get the numbers of the input — start from the back to get the minutes first set timeStoreLocation to length of inputList repeat while timeStoreLocation > 0 try -- If the minutes have a leading zero, just combine them with the hours if (numList = {}) and ((item timeStoreLocation of inputList) starts with "0") then set the end of numList to ((item (timeStoreLocation - 1) of inputList) & (item timeStoreLocation of inputList)) as number set minuteLeadingZero to true set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 2 else -- Otherwise, get the numbers only try set tempNum to (item timeStoreLocation of inputList) as number if tempNum ≠ 0 then set the end of numList to tempNum end try set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 1 end if end try end repeat -- Reverse it so the order is from biggest to smallest time increment set numList to reverse of numList if (monthFound is 0) and (weekdayFound is 0) then -- If the user gave a relative date... tell dateDesired set daysMissing to not my isNumberIdentifier("d", it) set weeksMissing to not my isNumberIdentifier("w", it) if (howManyNumbersInputted - ((not daysMissing) as integer) - ((not weeksMissing) as integer)) = 0 then set timeMissing to true end tell -- Figure out how many weeks if not weeksMissing then set weeksDeferred to item 1 of numList else set weeksDeferred to 0 end if -- Figure out how many days if not daysMissing then set daysDeferred to howManyDays(numList, weeksMissing) else if dateDesired contains "Tomorrow" then -- Special case where they put "tomorrow" set daysDeferred to 1 else -- If they exclude it entirely or put "Today" set daysDeferred to 0 end if end if -- Figure out the time set timeDeferredTemp to figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, daysMissing, weeksMissing, minuteLeadingZero) -- Understand the meaning of the time component set timeDeferred to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing) -- Creating the time deferred based on minutes and hours calculated if timeDeferred ≥ 0 then set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred + daysDeferred * days + weeksDeferred * weeks else set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred end if -- end of relative date-only code else if (weekdayFound > 0) and (monthFound is 0) then if length of numList < 1 then set timeMissing to true -- Same as if the day and the week were missing on a relative date set timeDeferredTemp to figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, true, true, minuteLeadingZero) set timeDeferred to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing) set daysDeferred to daysFromTodayToWeekday(weekdayFound) if timeDeferred ≥ 0 then set totalTimeDeferred to daysDeferred * days + timeDeferred else set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred end if else -- If the user gave an absolute date... if length of numList < 2 then set timeMissing to true -- Same as if the day were there but week wasn't on a relative date set timeDeferredTemp to figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, false, true, minuteLeadingZero) set timeDeferred to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing) set timeFromTodayUntilDesired to figuringTimeToDesiredDay(monthFound, (item 1 of numList)) if timeDeferred ≥ 0 then set totalTimeDeferred to timeFromTodayUntilDesired + timeDeferred else set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred end if end if return totalTimeDeferred end englishTimeon isNumberIdentifier(possibleIdentifier, containerString) set numberIdentifier to true set identifierIsInContainer to false set positionOfLastIdentifier to 0 set charList to every character of containerString repeat with i from 1 to (length of charList) if (item i of charList) = possibleIdentifier then set identifierIsInContainer to true set positionOfLastIdentifier to i end if end repeat if (positionOfLastIdentifier is 0) or (positionOfLastIdentifier is 1) then set numberIdentifier to false else set characterBefore to character (positionOfLastIdentifier - 1) of containerString set numBefore to 0 try set numBefore to characterBefore as integer end try if (characterBefore is not " ") and (class of numBefore is not integer) then set numberIdentifier to false end if return numberIdentifierend isNumberIdentifieron howManyDays(numList, weeksMissing) if not weeksMissing then set daysDeferred to item 2 of numList else set daysDeferred to item 1 of numList end if return daysDeferredend howManyDayson figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, daysMissing, weeksMissing, minuteLeadingZero) if not timeMissing then if minuteLeadingZero then set timeDeferredTemp to item -1 of numList else set text item delimiters to "" set timeDeferredTemp to ((items -1 thru (1 + ((not daysMissing) as integer) + ¬ ((not weeksMissing) as integer)) of numList) as text) as integer end if else set timeDeferredTemp to 0 end if return timeDeferredTempend figureOutTheTimeto understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing) if timeMissing then set timeDeferred to 0 else if timeDeferredTemp > 2400 then -- If the time is greater than the 24 hour clock... display alert "Please try again: the time you entered was not a valid time of day." set timeDeferred to -1 else if timeDeferredTemp = 2400 then -- If the time is equal to 2400... set timeDeferred to days else if timeDeferredTemp ≥ 100 then -- if they entered the time as a full hour:minute pair (with or without AM/PM and with or without the colon) set minutesDeferred to (((characters -2 thru -1 of (timeDeferredTemp as text)) as text) as integer) set hoursDeferred to (((characters 1 thru -3 of (timeDeferredTemp as text)) as text) as integer) -- Figuring out the minutes and hours in the time given (minutes are last two numbers) if inThe = "PM" then -- For any number specifically designated as PM set timeDeferred to ((hoursDeferred + 12) * hours + minutesDeferred * minutes) else if hoursDeferred = 12 and inThe = "AM" then -- For 12:00AM exactly set timeDeferred to minutesDeferred * minutes else -- For times in the AM (implicit or explicit) and explicit times in the PM (i.e., 16:00) set timeDeferred to (hoursDeferred * hours + minutesDeferred * minutes) end if else if timeDeferredTemp > 24 then -- If they entered the time as a single number above 24 display alert "Please try again: the time you entered was not a valid time of day." set timeDeferred to -1 else if timeDeferredTemp ≤ 24 then -- If the entered the time as a single number (with or without AM/PM) if timeDeferredTemp = 24 then -- If they entered 24 hours exactly (treat as a full extra delay) set timeDeferred to days else if (timeDeferredTemp = 12) and (inThe ≠ "AM") then -- If they entered "12" (treat it as 12PM) set timeDeferred to 12 * hours else if (timeDeferredTemp ≥ 12) or (inThe ≠ "PM") then -- For implicit and explicit AM entries and for implicit PM entries set timeDeferred to timeDeferredTemp * hours else -- For explicit PM entries set timeDeferred to (timeDeferredTemp + 12) * hours end if end if end if return timeDeferredend understandTheTimeto figuringTimeToDesiredDay(monthDesired, dayDesired) set todaysDate to (current date) set time of todaysDate to 0 -- Creating an intial date object copy todaysDate to exactDesiredDate set (day of exactDesiredDate) to dayDesired set (month of exactDesiredDate) to monthDesired if exactDesiredDate < (current date) then set (year of exactDesiredDate) to ((year of todaysDate) + 1) end if return (exactDesiredDate - todaysDate)end figuringTimeToDesiredDayon daysFromTodayToWeekday(weekdayDesired) set currentWeekday to (weekday of (current date)) as integer if currentWeekday = weekdayDesired then set daysDeferred to 0 else if currentWeekday < weekdayDesired then set daysDeferred to weekdayDesired - currentWeekday else set daysDeferred to 7 + weekdayDesired - currentWeekday end if return daysDeferredend daysFromTodayToWeekdayon understandAbsoluteDate(theText) set theDate to (current date) set the day of theDate to 1 set the month of theDate to 2 set theDate to (theDate - 1 * days) set theDate to short date string of theDate set text item delimiters to {".", "-", "/", "–", "—", "|", "\\"} set theDate to every text item of theDate set thePositions to {theDay:0, theMonth:0, theYear:0} -- Checks the positions of the date components based on January 31 of this year repeat with i from 1 to (length of theDate) tell item i of theDate if it is in "01" then set (theMonth in thePositions) to i else if it is in "31" then set (theDay in thePositions) to i else set (theYear in thePositions) to i end if end tell end repeat set theText to every text item of theText set targetDate to (current date) set time of targetDate to 0 if (length of theText is not 2) and (length of theText is not 3) then -- If they don't input at 2-3 numbers, return the error return -1 else if length of theText is 3 then -- If the input has three numbers set the year of targetDate to solveTheYear((item (theYear of thePositions) of theText) as number) else -- If the input has two numbers (left out the year) set thePositions to adjustPositionsForNoYear(thePositions) end if set the month of targetDate to (item (theMonth of thePositions) of theText) as number set the day of targetDate to (item (theDay of thePositions) of theText) as number if targetDate is less than (current date) then set the year of targetDate to (the year of (current date)) + 1 end if end if return targetDateend understandAbsoluteDateto adjustPositionsForNoYear(thePositions) if (theYear in thePositions) is 1 then set (theMonth in thePositions) to (theMonth in thePositions) - 1 set (theDay in thePositions) to (theDay in thePositions) - 1 else if yearPosition is 2 then if (theDay in thePositions) < (theMonth in thePositions) then set (theMonth in thePositions) to (theMonth in thePositions) - 1 else set (theDay in thePositions) to (theDay in thePositions) - 1 end if end if return thePositionsend adjustPositionsForNoYearto solveTheYear(num) if num ≥ 1000 then return num else return (2000 + num) end ifend solveTheYearto getDate(theInput) -- Setting the desired date based on input set desiredDate to (current date) set time of desiredDate to 0 set secondsDeferred to englishTime(theInput) if secondsDeferred = -1 then set timesUsedSinceError to 0 return -1 else set timesUsedSinceError to timesUsedSinceError + 1 end if return desiredDate + secondsDeferredend getDate