Governance meeting held Feb 26 2019 @ 3PM UTC in grin/Lobby on Gitter, full chat transcript here. Meeting lasted ~ 90 min.
Notes are truncated, and conversations sorted based on topic and not always chronological. Quotes are edited for brevity and clarity, and not always exact.
Community attendance:
- antiochp
- catheryne_n_twitter
- coolman_kurt_twitter
- davidburkett
- garyyu
- hashmap
- ignopeverell
- jaspervdm
- kargakis
- miketwenty1_twitter
- nijynot
- noble_block_twitter
- plrehm_twitter
- quentinlesceller
- tromp
- umma08
- yeastplume
(apologies if I missed someone - open a PR or contact @lehnberg to add)
Proposed agenda accepted.
- Fund spending transparency report not created yet, no spends yet.
- ignopeverell: Catheryne has sent me a contract yesterday that I need to review. We'll have to pay 1/3 of the total amount up front, the rest to come at the end. Hopefully we'll have this set up this week.
- No new proposals yet.
- Hall of fame proposal is in process of being implemented by @nijynot.
- ignopeverell: I don't think there's been any more progress, which is likely partly my fault as I haven't replied yet to setup the first interview. Hopefully I can get back to that this week as well.
- tromp: I did one interview on risk, then suggested to bring in Yeastplume on another (more wallet focussed).
- Previous write-up by @lehnberg:
Regarding PR, I'd say no pr@ centralization / gatekeeping, although I really appreciate the help we’ve been offered. But as I told the owner of the PR company in person, part of what makes Grin “Grin” is that we're community driven and non-hierarchical. It sends a strange message in my opinion when a community project has a PR agency co-ordinating interview requests. I think we've been doing okay managing PR, media and positioning so far, with an irreverent underdog attitude that journalists seem to like and doesn’t come off as try-hard. We’re earnest, and in my opinion do not struggle to receive accurate news coverage. It feels more something like an ICO project, a foundation, or a VC company would need rather than an open source project. /my two cents.
- noble_block_twitter: Sounds like coordinating media interviews is not really a want/need at the moment. I'll still support the project in whatever way I can, and will leave the door open if this ever becomes a headache. In the meanwhile, should I just point to gitter to coordinate if I have someone come asking?
- ignopeverell: I think that's a good assumption.
- garyyu: I propose to offer Igno and Antioch full-time jobs for Grin development.
- Full proposal
- I strongly prefer this to be "full time jobs" rather than "time based" or "tasked based" as @lehnberg had previously suggested. If the offer is not a stable and long-term job, it's difficult for part of us to make that hard decision to quit the current day job!
- yeastplume: Given the cash flow situation (or lack of one) there's no way grin can offer a full time job to anyone. The money isn't there, and there's no point pretending to anyone that we can give them a stable and secure job. It's much safer all around to consider chunks of work for an amount of time. More like a contract from the dev's perspective.
- hashmap: specific chunks of work or chunks of times? I’m more inclined towards the later. Full time job sounds unrealistic atm, time-limited contracts is closer to reality.
- igno: same
- quentinlesceller: same
- kargakis: time sounds better
- jaspervdm: offering a long term job also comes with some centralization risk
- yeastplume: I think 3-6 months is good, as long as the money is there. I did 6 for the last campaign to avoid having to go back into fundraising too soon, but 3 month chunks is probably appropriate if there is some inwards cash flow (even if it's unreliable). I've done 3 months stints a few times with 4 kids and a mortgage and payments. It's risky employment.
- ignopeverell: I would personally favor starting with a 3 months donation for @antiochp and go from there, once we're happy with that we can start looking at other candidates like myself depending on funds.
- so the first proposal to be voted on would be: donation from the general fund to @antiochp for 3 months of work at $10k/month.
- antiochp: Most if not all of that time would be presumably working on dandelion and relative lock times and other features as deemed fit by the council.
- The meeting agreed unaninmously, aside from one dissenter (@miketwenty_twitter) who had no substantial reason for disagreeing.
Donation of $30k to Antioch Peverell (@antiochp) from the main dev fund, to facilitate Antioch working full time on Grin protocol development as they see fit for a period of 3 months.
Meeting adjourned.