Extract tools from TEI-encoded abstracts against a matching list.
Build with Maven
mvn clean package
java -jar target/ToolXtractor-full.jar -byTool -dir data/DH/xml/2015/ -inputTools src/main/resources/tools_teresah.txt
Usage: java -jar ToolXtractor-full.jar
Results will be a list of abstracts with each tool used
Results will be a list of tools with each abstract they are mentioned in
-dir <arg>
Provide path to directory to parse
-inputTools <arg>
A txt file with list of the tools (1 tool per line)
-stopwords <arg>
A txt file with list of the stopwords (toolnames that you don't want to appear in the results) (1 tool per line)
Reverse the order of the result (by default ascending order)
Add extra verbose information
By default, we use case for matching tool names, by using this option, we will ignore the case
For the SSH Open Marketplace, we have a script to create relations between entities. This option creates an output
that can be used with such script. It is a different way to show the results.
In a directory called output_annotation/
, the TEI files will be created with annotation of the tools found within
a <rs>
We provide two sample datasets in this repository, both encoded in TEI:
- Papers from DH conferences 2015–2020, licenced under CC BY and retrieved from ADHO's GitHub page: https://github.com/ADHO/
- Articles from DH Quarterly, licenced under CC BY-ND and retrieved via the official download link: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/data/dhq-xml.zip (placed in the folder
$ java -jar target/ToolXtractor-full.jar -byTool -dir data/DH/xml/2015/ -inputTools src/main/resources/tools_teresah.txt -stopwords src/main/resources/stopwords.txt -reverse
Start parsing the directories
Finished parsing the directories (in 1849ms)
Start searching in the files
Finish searching in the files (in 270ms)
There are 19 items listed below, and each have their own linked items
Identifier: Gephi (11)
-- SIMPSON_John_Edward_Building_Better_Linked_Data___Ontol.xml
-- KITAMOTO_Asanobu_Senga__Participatory_Curation_and_the_.xml
-- HAMMOND_Jeremy_Social_Media_Data__Twitter_Scraping_on_N.xml
-- LIU_Jyi_Shane_A_Study_of_Symbolic_Element_Network_in_Na.xml
-- HEUSER_Ryan_James_Knowledge_Networks__Juxtaposed__Disci.xml
-- FALK_Michael_Gregory_Modelling_Genre_Using_Character_Ne.xml
-- SULA_Chris_Alen_Visual_First_Amendment__A_Case_Study_in.xml
-- BROWNE_Jeremy_LinkedIn_circa_2000_BCE__Towards_a_Networ.xml
-- SIMPSON_John_Edward_Exploring_Large_Datasets_with_Topic.xml
-- POIBEAU_Thierry_Generating_Navigable_Semantic_Maps_from_Social_Sciences_Corpora.xml
-- JAKACKI_Diane_Katherine_Pedagogical_Hermeneutics_and_Te.xml
Identifier: MALLET (6)
-- LESTER_Connie_Lee_Using_Multiple_Strategies_To_Find_Con.xml
-- ORGANISCIAK_Peter_Remembering_books__A_within_book_topi.xml
-- SIMPSON_John_Edward_Exploring_Large_Datasets_with_Topic.xml
-- JOHNSON_ROBERSON_Chris_A_Susurrant__A_Tool_for_Algorith.xml
-- SCH_CH_Christof_Topic_Modeling_French_Crime_Fiction.xml
-- HOWE_Tonya_Novels_in_Context__A_TEI_Database_of_Primary.xml
Identifier: Versioning Machine (1)
-- J_NICKE_Stefan_A_Distant_Reading_Visualization_for_Vari.xml
Identifier: KORA (1)
-- WATRALL_Ethan_Mbira__A_Platform_to_Build__Serve__and_Su.xml
Total time 2124ms