Question. Consider the employee database of Figure 2.17. What are the appropriate primary keys?
Answer. click to expand
person_name, person_name, company_name
Question. Consider the foreign-key constraint from the dept_name
attribute of instructor
to the department
relation. Give examples of inserts and deletes to these relations that can cause a violation of the foreign-key constraint.
Answer. click to expand
Inserting the
tuple$t$ such that$t.{\textrm{dept} _{-} \textrm{name}} = \textrm{"Medical"}$
Deleting thedepartment
tuple$(\textrm{Elec. Eng.}, \textrm{Taylor}, 85000)$
Question. Consider the time_slot relation. Given that a particular time_slot can meet more than once in a week, explain why day and start_time are part of the primary key of this relation, while end_time is not.
Answer. click to expand
The attributes
are part of the primary key since a particular class will most likely meet on several different days and may even meet more than once in a day. However,end_time
is not part of the primary key since a particular class that starts at a particular time on a particular day cannot end at more than one time.
Question. In the instance of instructor
shown in Figure 2.1, no two instructors have the same name. From this, can we conclude that name
can be used as a superkey (or primary key) of instructor
Answer. click to expand
No. Although the name
can uniquely identify the tuple of the given instance of the relation, this is not a general case.
Question. What is the result of first performing the Cartesian product of student
and advisor
, and then performing a selection operation on the result with the predicate s_id
= ID? (Using the symbolic notation of relational algebra, this query can be written as
Answer. click to expand
All possible pairs generated by combining one
tuple and oneadvisor
tuple will be produced by Cartesian product. By performing the selection operation, only tuples thats_id
attribute in the portion ofadvisor
tuple equals to ID attribute in the portion ofstudent
tuple. Therefore, a student who has at least one advisor will appear a corresponding number of times in the result.
Question. Consider the employee database of Figure 2.17. Give an expression in the relational algebra to express each of the following queries:
- Find the name of each employee who lives in city "Miami".
- Find the name of each employee whose salary is greater than $100000.
- Find the name of each employee who lives in "Miami" and whose salary is greater than $100000.
Answer. click to expand
$\Pi_{\textrm{person} \_ \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{city} = \textrm{Miami}} (\textrm{employee}))$
b.$\Pi_{\textrm{person} \_ \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{salary} > \$ 100000} (\textrm{works}))$
c.$\Pi_{\textrm{person} \_ \textrm{name}} (\textrm{employee} \bowtie_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name }} = \textrm{ works}.\textrm{\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name }} \wedge \textrm{ city} = \textrm{Miami } \wedge \textrm{ salary} > \$ 100000} \textrm{works})$
Question. Consider the bank database of Figure 2.18. Give an expression in the relational algebra for each of the following queries:
- Find the name of each branch located in "Chicago".
- Find the ID of each borrower who has a loan in branch "Downtown".
Answer. click to expand
$\Pi_{\textrm{branch} _{-} \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{branch} _{-} \textrm{city} = \textrm{"Chicago"}} (\textrm{branch}))$
b.$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}} (\sigma_{\textrm{branch} _{-} \textrm{name} = \textrm{"Downtown"}} (\textrm{borrower} \bowtie_{\textrm{borrower}.\textrm{loan} _{-} \textrm{number} = \textrm{loan}.\textrm{loan} _{-} \textrm{number}} \textrm{\textrm{loan}}))$
Question. Consider the employee database of Figure 2.17. Give an expression in the relational algebra to express each of the following queries:
- Find the ID and name of each employee who does not work for "BigBank"
- Find the ID and name of each employee who earns at least as much as every employee in the database.
Answer. click to expand
I guess finding ID is an errata;
$\Pi_{\textrm{person} _{-} \textrm{name}} (\textrm{employee}) - \Pi_{\textrm{person} _{-} \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{company} _{-} \textrm{name} = \textrm{"BigBank"}} (\textrm{works}))$
$\Pi_{i.\textrm{person} _{-} \textrm{name}} (\rho_{i} (\textrm{works}) \bowtie_{i.\textrm{salary} \geq j.\textrm{salary} \wedge i.\textrm{person} _{-} \textrm{name} \neq j.\textrm{person} _{-} \textrm{name}} \rho_{j} (\textrm{works})))$
Question. The division operator of relational algebra, "
$t$ is in$\Pi_{R-S}(r)$ - For every tuple
$t_s$ in$s$ , there is a tuple$t_r$ in$r$ satisfying both of the following:$t_r[S] = t_s[S]$ $t_r[R - S] = t$
- Write a relational algebra expression using the division operator to find the IDs of all students who have taken all Comp. Sci. courses. (Hint: project takes to just ID and course_id, and generate the set of all Comp. Sci. course_ids using a select expression, before doing the division.)
- Show how to write the above query in relational algebra, without using division. (By doing so, you would have shown how to define the division operation using the other relational algebra operations.)
Answer. click to expand
$\Pi_{\textrm{id}} (\Pi_{\textrm{id}, \textrm{course} _{-} \textrm{id}} (\textrm{takes}) \div \Pi_{\textrm{course} _{-} \textrm{id}} (\sigma_{\textrm{dept} _{-} \textrm{name} = \textrm{Comp. Sci.}} (\textrm{course})))$
b.$r \leftarrow \Pi_{\textrm{id},\textrm{course} _{-} \textrm{id}} (\textrm{takes})$
$s \leftarrow \Pi_{\textrm{course} _{-} \textrm{id}} (\sigma_{\textrm{dept} _{-} \textrm{name} = \textrm{Comp. Sci.}} (\textrm{course}))$
$\Pi_{\textrm{id}} (\textrm{takes}) - \Pi_{\textrm{id}} (\Pi_{\textrm{id}, \textrm{course} _{-} \textrm{id}} (\Pi_{\textrm{id}} (\textrm{takes}) \times s) - r) $
Question. Describe the differences in meaning between the terms relation and relation schema.
Answer. click to expand
The term relation
refers to the table with its elements (called tuples), i.e. a set of tuples and relation schema
indicates the list of attributes (columns) that describes relation.
Question. Consider the advisor
relation shown in the schema diagram in Figure 2.9, with s_id
as the primary key of advisor
. Suppose a student can have more than one advisor
. Then, would s_id
still be a primary key of the advisor
relation? If not, what should the primary key of advisor
Answer. click to expand
No. If two instructors are advising the same student, then two advisors would have the same
. Since the ID of an instructor is unique,i_id
should be the primary key if an instructor is possible to advise at most one student.
Question. Consider the bank database of Figure 2.18. Assume that branch names and customer names uniquely identify branches and customers, but loans and accounts can be associated with more than one customer.
- What are the appropriate primary keys?
- Given your choice of primary keys, identify appropriate foreign keys.
Answer. click to expand
a. branch_name
loan_number, branch_name
ID, loan_number
account_number, branch_name
ID, account_number
is the foreign key fromborrower
, referencingcustomer
is the foreign key fromdepositor
, referencingaccount
is the foreign key fromaccount
, referencingbranch
is the foreign key fromborrower
, referencingloan
Question. Construct a schema diagram for the bank database of Figure 2.18.
Question. Consider the employee database of Figure 2.17. Give an expression in the relational algebra to express each of the following queries:
- Find the ID and name of each employee who works for "BigBank".
- Find the ID, name, and city of residence of each employee who works for "BigBank".
- Find the ID, name, street address, and city of residence of each employee who works for "BigBank" and earns more than $10000.
- Find the ID and name of each employee in this database who lives in the same city as the company for which she or he works.
Answer. click to expand
I guess finding ID is an errata;
$\Pi_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{company}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{BigBank}} (\textrm{employee} \bowtie_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{works}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{works}))$
b.$\Pi_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}, \textrm{city}} (\sigma_{\textrm{company}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{BigBank}} (\textrm{employee} \bowtie_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{works}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{works}))$
c.$\Pi_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}, \textrm{street}, \textrm{city}} (\sigma_{\textrm{company}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{BigBank} \wedge \textrm{salary} > \$10000} (\textrm{employee} \bowtie_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{works}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{works}))$
d.$\Pi_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{city} = \textrm{company}.\textrm{city}} (\textrm{employee} \bowtie_{\textrm{employee}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{works}.\textrm{person}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{works} \bowtie_{\textrm{works}.\textrm{company}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{company}.\textrm{company}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{company} ))$
Question. Consider the bank database of Figure 2.18. Give an expression in the relational algebra for each of the following queries:
- Find each loan number with a loan amount greater than $10000.
- Find the ID of each depositor who has an account with a balance greater than $6000.
- Find the ID of each depositor who has an account with a balance greater than $6000 at the "Uptown" branch.
Answer. click to expand
$\Pi_{\textrm{loan}\_\textrm{number}} (\sigma_{\textrm{amount} > \$10000} (\textrm{loan}))$
b.$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}} (\sigma_{\textrm{balance} >\$6000} ( \textrm{depositor} \bowtie_{\textrm{depositor}.\textrm{account}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{account}.\textrm{account}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{account}))$
c.$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}} (\sigma_{\textrm{balance} > \$6000 \wedge \textrm{branch}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{Uptown}} ( \textrm{depositor} \bowtie_{\textrm{depositor}.\textrm{account}\_\textrm{name} = \textrm{account}.\textrm{account}\_\textrm{name}} \textrm{account}))$
Question. List two reasons why null values might be introduced into a database.
Answer. click to expand
Null values in a database can arise due to various reasons, but here are two common ones:
Missing Information: Null values may be introduced when data is incomplete or missing. For example, if a user does not provide a value for a certain field when filling out a form or if a sensor fails to capture data, the corresponding database entry may contain a null value for that field.
Optional Fields: Null values can also be intentionally introduced to represent optional fields that are not applicable or not provided. In database design, certain fields may be designated as nullable, meaning they can accept null values. This allows flexibility in data entry and accommodates situations where certain information may not be available or relevant for every record.
Question. Discuss the relative merits of imperative, functional, and declarative languages.
Answer. click to expand
Merits of imperative languages
Easy to read
Conceptual model (solution path) is very easy for beginners to understand.
Characteristics of specific applications can be taken into account. for more
Mertis of functional languages
Lazy Evaluation
Seamless Parallel Programming for more
Merits of declarative languages
easy to use (since you only tell what you need).
Question. Write the following queries in relational algebra, using the university schema.
- Find the ID and name of each instructor in the Physics department.
- Find the ID and name of each instructor in a department located in the building "Watson".
- Find the ID and name of each student who has taken at least one course in the "Comp. Sci." department.
- Find the ID and name of each student who has taken at least one course section in the year 2018.
- Find the ID and name of each student who has not taken any course section in the year 2018.
Answer. click to expand
$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}, \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{dept}_{-}\textrm{name} = \textrm{Physics}} (\textrm{instructor}))$
b.$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}, \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{building} = \textrm{Watson}} (\textrm{instructor} \bowtie_{\textrm{instructor}.\textrm{dept}_{-}\textrm{name} = \textrm{department}.\textrm{dept}_{-}\textrm{name}} \textrm{department} ))$
c.$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}, \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{dept}_{-}\textrm{name} = \textrm{Comp. Sci.}} (\rho_{S} (\textrm{student} \bowtie_{\textrm{student}.\textrm{ID} = \textrm{takes}.\textrm{ID}} \textrm{takes} ) \bowtie_{S.\textrm{course}_{-}\textrm{id} = \textrm{course}.\textrm{course}_{-}\textrm{id}} \textrm{course}))$
d.$\Pi_{\textrm{student}.\textrm{ID}, \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{year} = 2018} (\textrm{student} \bowtie_{\textrm{student}.\textrm{ID} = \textrm{takes}.\textrm{ID}} \textrm{takes}))$
e.$\Pi_{\textrm{ID}, \textrm{name}} (\textrm{student}) - \Pi_{\textrm{student}.\textrm{ID}, \textrm{name}} (\sigma_{\textrm{year} = 2018} \textrm{student} (\bowtie_{\textrm{student}.\textrm{ID} = \textrm{takes}.\textrm{ID}} \textrm{takes}))$