The tensorflow_hub
library can be installed alongside TensorFlow 1
and TensorFlow 2. We recommend that new users start with TensorFlow 2
right away, and current users upgrade to it.
Use pip to
install TensorFlow 2 as usual.
(See there for extra instructions about GPU support.)
Then install tensorflow-hub
next to it.
$ pip install "tensorflow>=2.0.0"
$ pip install tensorflow-hub
The TF1-style API of TensorFlow Hub works with the v1 compatibility mode of TensorFlow 2.
The tensorflow_hub
library requires TensorFlow version 1.7 or greater.
We strongly recommend to install it with TensorFlow 1.15, which defaults to TF1-compatible behavior but contains many TF2 features under the hood to allow some use of TensorFlow Hub's TF2-style APIs.
$ pip install "tensorflow~=1.15"
$ pip install tensorflow-hub
The pip packages tf-nightly
and tf-hub-nightly
are built automatically
from the source code on github, with no release testing. This lets
developers try out the latest code without
building from source.