Our Origin testnet faucet provides OGN for developers on TestNets. The faucet is deployed at faucet.staging.originprotocol.com
- faucet: Web application that implements a faucet for Origin tokens.
- lib: Common code.
- test: Unit tests.
You can start the faucet using either docker or lerna.
Use origin-box to start an origin-js container.
docker-compose up origin-js
Start the server in the origin-js container
docker exec -w /app/token origin-js node src/app.js --network_ids=999
Make sure to have Postgres installed and running locally.
Run migration files to create the DB tables.
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://origin:origin@localhost/origin
lerna run migrate --scope origin-faucet
Bootstrap lerna
lerna bootstrap
Start a local blockchain
lerna run start --scope origin --stream
Start the faucet server
lerna run start --scope origin-faucet --stream
The server should start and you can point your browser to http://localhost:5000 to access the faucet web UI.