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Marc Hermans edited this page Apr 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the BlockOut wiki!

What is BlockOut?

BlockOut is a Minecraft library/mod based on Minecraft Forge. Its main purpose is to provide a common UI Framework to other mods. It is feature rich and takes a lot of the complicated work away from the programmers of the using mods.


BlockOut features several important and lesser important features:

  • Datadriven UI's. It's UI's can be made in XML, JSON and for people who do not want to use any of these languages they can also be made in plain JAVA, Kotlin or SCALA.
  • Databound UI's. To reduce the code that needs to be written for each UI. Key elements of each of the controls (called elements) can be bound to a property of a DataContext. This works both one and two way.
  • Event handled UI's. BlockOut uses ID based event handlers that are passed to the UI construction mechanism to prevent facilitate callbacks back into the mods code without having to write dedicated classes.
  • Automatic synchronization. BlockOut synchronizes its UI's automatically between Client and Server, meaning that two Player who have the same UI open, see the same things happening. The same Progression values, the same Tabs etc.
  • Automatic Container Generation. BlockOut automatically generates a Container for each UI (even if it does not contain any Slots at all). The Slots for this are generated automatically from the UI data.

BlockOut Wiki





New control guides:

Guide 1: Creating a new Control

Guide 2: Creating a new Controlfactory

Guide 3: Creating a new ControlConstructionDataBuilder

Guide 4: Registering your new Control to BlockOut

Existing controls:

Simple Controls

Hosting Controls

UIs and Containers:

Section to be created

Styles and Resources:

Guide 1: Styles, resources and static elements.

Debugging BlockOut

Guide 1: Debugging BlockOut

General Information:

Styles and Resources:

Collection 1: Resource types.

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