- [ldlsat] pack all ocaml modules into "Ldlsat" for modularity
- [ldlsat] support DIMACS CNF
- [toysat] add a new simple SAT solver, called toysat
- DPLL w/o any smart heuristics
- support DIMACS CNF for reading/writing propositional formulas
- note: "ldlsimp --sat" now uses toysat, while ldlsat remains fully relying on mona
- [ldlmc] support reachability checking (
ldlmc --reachability
) - add man pages for ldlsat/ldlmc
- [ldlsimp] resolve (@0d72177)
simp_uniq and simp_equiv in ldlsimp.ml now correctly simplify formulas in a recursive-descent manner.
(note these remain inefficient and need further improvement.)
- add grammar in svg/html into docs/grammar
- add Dockerfile
- [ldl2re] fix incorrect handling of the "last" modal formula (@0368e67)
initial public release.