The fundamental concept of Intel® XeTLA revolves around micro-kernels, which are used to compute submatrices (also known as tiles) of output, using advanced GPU instructions like 2D block load/store and DPAS. This approach allows developers to solely focus on their algorithm design, including task division, fusion, and memory heirarchial usage, while offloading the complexity of GEMM computation into template-based building blocks.
There are two groups of API to imeplement GEMM, brgemm (mirco-kernels) in group level and GEMM in kernel level for developers.
API level | API name |
kernel | gpu::xetla::kernel::gemm_t |
group | gpu::xetla::group::brgemm_t |
To create a customized GEMM kernel, the following steps should be considered:
- Define a mirco-kernel,
, including the workgroup and subgroup division, which is the core of your GEMM - Define
that specifies what you want to fuse in register level after GEMM computation, such as relu, and how to write out GEMM results - Combine micro-kernel with epilogue together to create a functinal
For a runnable code example, you can refer to the code in the 01_basic_gemm, which also includes explanations of the idea behind the implementation.
Before launching the GPU kernel, it should be decided how to map entire GEMM computation into GPU by workgroup and subgroup. To efficient utilize the GPU resource, it's improtant to consider factors such as the shape of the operation, data type, and hardware specifications of the GPU.
constexpr uint32_t wg_tile_m = 256;
constexpr uint32_t wg_tile_n = 256;
constexpr uint32_t sg_tile_m = 32;
constexpr uint32_t sg_tile_n = 64;
In this example, the input for GEMM is a matrix with dimensions (4096, 4096), and the output matrix has the same dimensions. With the specified workgroup and subgroup sizes, we can map the GEMM operation into (16, 16) workgroups, where each workgroup has (8, 4) subgroups respectively. Each subgroup will be executed by a hardware thread. And this logic is defined as below code example, these number is used for NDRange
//Workload mapping, linear mapping will be used in the code
uint32_t group_range_m = (matrix_m + wg_tile_m - 1) / wg_tile_m;
uint32_t group_range_n = (matrix_n + wg_tile_n - 1) / wg_tile_n;
//Each subgroup will be executed in one hardware thread
//Calculate how many threads in a workgroup
uint32_t local_range_m = (wg_tile_m + sg_tile_m - 1) / sg_tile_m;
uint32_t local_range_n = (wg_tile_n + sg_tile_n - 1) / sg_tile_n;
//Ndrange and workgroup shape
cl::sycl::range<3> GroupRange {1, group_range_m, group_range_n};
cl::sycl::range<3> LocalRange {1, local_range_m, local_range_n};
cl::sycl::nd_range<3> NDRange(GroupRange * LocalRange, LocalRange);
//Recommended that you use the helper function to caculate NDRange, it is convenient.
cl::sycl::nd_range<3> get_nd_range(uint32_t matrix_m, uint32_t matrix_n);
Now, the GPU kernel is starting from parallel_for
with specific workgroups and subgroups.
cl::sycl::nd_range<3> NDRange = gemm_op_t::get_nd_range(matrix_m, matrix_n);
cgh.parallel_for(NDRange, [=](nd_item<3> item) SYCL_ESIMD_KERNEL {
The micro-kernel is a crucial component of GEMM, and correctly setting it is essential to its implementation.
To help developers customize their micro-kernels, the brgemm_select_t
class provides a simple interface as below.
In this template, the memory layout, computation engine and workgroup/subgourp shape will be provided and the developer can
decide the location of input and output matrix which is either from global or shared local memory.
template <typename dtype_a,
typename dtype_b,
mem_layout mem_layout_a,
mem_layout mem_layout_b,
mem_space mem_space_a,
mem_space mem_space_b,
int alignment_a,
int alignment_b,
typename dtype_acc,
typename tile_shape,
int accum_step,
mma_engine engine,
gpu_arch arch>
class brgemm_selector_t {};
are the memory data type of matrix A and Bmem_layout_a
are the memory layout of matrix A and B, can be eithermem_layout::row_major
are the memory space of matrix A and B, can be eithermem_space::global
are the memory alignment of matrix A and B, in unit of element count.dtype_acc
is the accumulate data type of mma compute.tile_shape
is the problem size of each group and subgroup.accum_step
is the size of how many elements will be compuated in the inner loop.engine
is the computing engine: xmx, fpu..arch
is the intel hardware architecture: Xe, Xe2...
The fusion of post-operations, such as bias add
, relu
, gelu
, after GEMM computation can significantly reduce unnecessary memory transitions and greatly improve performance. In Intel® XeTLA, the epilogue
is specifically designed to seamlessly integrate post-operations into the GEMM computation at the register level.Beside the fusion, the epilogue
is also used to update the buffer c
or data conversion and fusing with some post-processing ops, such as bias add
, relu
, gelu
template <typename epilogue_policy,
typename tile_shape,
typename mem_desc_c>
class epilogue_t {};
tells the epilogue behavior, as well as the related configurations, such astile_op_t
, ...tile_op_t
is the post-processing ops that can be fused together withbrgemm
. When there are multiple post-processing ops, Intel® XeTLA provideschained_tile_op_t<tile_op_0, tile_op_1, ...>
to fuse all the tile ops first, then feed intoepilogue_t
is the method to update bufferc
, can be eitherresult_overwrite
is the problem size of each group and subgroup.mem_desc_c
is the description of bufferc
, which includesmemory data type
,memory space
andmemory layout
In example 03_gemm_fusion, a chain of operations is effectively fused into the GEMM computation.
First, using pre-defined post-operations bias_add
and relu
, and then pass it to epilogue_policy::tile_op_t
using tile_op_t = chained_tile_op_t<
relu_op_t, // apply elementwise ReLU
bias_op_t // apply elementwise BiasAdd
After configuration of BRGEMM and epilogue, it's simple to build entire GEMM with:
- assigning tasks to each group, setting working boundaries and starting position accordingly.
- ordering the execution of workgroup within the kernel
- performing any synchronization in between that may be necessary
- performing any necessary group remapping logic to maximize data locality
As below interface, GEMM is constructd by dispatch_policy
, brgemm
and epilogue
template <typename dispatch_policy,
typename brgemm_t,
typename epilogue_t>
class gemm_t {};
using gemm_op_t = gpu::xetla::kernel::gemm_t<
gpu::xetla::kernel::dispatch_policy_default<gpu_arch::Xe>, brgemm_t,
is the kernel launch attribute, which includes the hardware architecture tag, group remapping information, and special parameters for task splitting, e.g.,l3_kslicing
can be used to split the group-level problem along theK
dimension in order to get higher occupancy.brgemm_t
is the brgemm operation as describe above.epilogue_t
is the epilogue operation as describe above.
Finally, the actual data will be passed using gemm_op_t::arguments_t, and all of these configurations will be instantiated during the compilation stage for the actual kernel.
typename gemm_op_t::arguments_t arg(matrix_n, matrix_k,
matrix_m, A, matrix_k, B, matrix_n, C, matrix_n);
gemm_op_t gemm_op;
xetla_exec_item<3> ei(item);
gemm_op(ei, arg);