The following includes a brief analysis of heuristics and other search algorithms used in solving the air cargo transport problems
This problem has the following setup: two cargos C1, C2; two planes P1, P2; and two destinations: SFO and JFK.
- SFO has C1 and P1
- JFK has C2 and P2
- SFO has cargo C2
- JFK has cargo C1
The optimal solution has 6 steps:
- Load(C1, P1, SFO)
- Load(C2, P2, JFK)
- Fly(P2, JFK, SFO)
- Unload(C2, P2, SFO)
- Fly(P1, SFO, JFK)
- Unload(C1, P1, JFK)
The following table shows the performance of various algorithms.
No. | Algorithm | Expansions | Goal Tests | New Nodes | Steps | Time (s) |
1 | BFS | 43 | 56 | 180 | 6 | 0.046 |
2 | BFTS | 1458 | 1459 | 5960 | 6 | 1.362 |
3 | DFS | 21 | 22 | 84 | 20 | 0.0198 |
4 | DLS | 101 | 271 | 414 | 50 | 0.124 |
5 | UCS | 55 | 57 | 224 | 6 | 0.054 |
6 | R-BFS | 4229 | 4230 | 17023 | 6 | 3.94 |
7 | G-BFGS | 7 | 9 | 28 | 6 | 0.007 |
8 | A* h1 | 55 | 57 | 224 | 6 | 0.06 |
9 | A* hIgnore | 41 | 43 | 170 | 6 | 0.039 |
10 | A* hLevelsum | 45 | 47 | 188 | 6 | 2.37 |
The fastest performance is with the Greedy Best First Graph Search with h1 heuristic algorithm. This expands the fewest number of nodes (7) and fewest goal tests (9) and, as a result, has the lowest execution time (0.007 seconds). This is because the G-BFGS expands the node closest to the goal (assuming that it will lead to the quickest search). It evaluates nodes using the nodes using just the heuristic function, i.e. f(n) = h(n)
The second problem has: three cargos (C1, C2, C3); three airports (SFO, JFK, ATL); and three planes (P1, P2, P3).
- SFO has C1 and P1
- JFK has C2 and P2
- ATL has C3 and P3
- JFK has cargo C1
- SFO has cargo C2 and C3
The optimal solution has 9 steps:
- Load(C3, P3, ATL)
- Fly(P3, ATL, SFO)
- Unload(C3, P3, SFO)
- Load(C2, P2, JFK)
- Fly(P2, JFK, SFO)
- Unload(C2, P2, SFO)
- Load(C1, P1, SFO)
- Fly(P1, SFO, JFK)
- Unload(C1, P1, JFK)
No. | Algorithm | Expansions | Goal Tests | New Nodes | Steps | Time (s) |
1 | BFS | 3343 | 4609 | 30509 | 9 | 18.34 |
2 | BFTS | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
3 | DFS | 624 | 625 | 5602 | 619 | 4.475 |
4 | DLS | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
5 | UCS | 4853 | 4855 | 44041 | 9 | 18.52 |
6 | R-BFS | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
7 | G-BFGS | 998 | 1000 | 8982 | 21 | 3.786 |
8 | A* h1 | 4853 | 4855 | 44041 | 9 | 18.463 |
9 | A* hIgnore | 1450 | 1452 | 13303 | 9 | 5.586 |
10 | A* hLevelsum | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
In this problem as well, the Greedy Best-First Graph Search with h1 heuristic performs best, timing at 3.786 seconds; however, it does not find the optimal solution! The optimal solution of 9 steps is found by Breadth First Search or A-star with ignoring pre-conditions heuristic, though both of them take just a little bit longer than G-BFGS. BFS eventually finds its goal at a finite depth d, but takes longer; however it runs into space/memory constraints if d is large. A* with ignore heuristic performs better, finding the optimal solution in 9 step, with far fewer node expansions than BFS. One would prefer this A* with ignore heuristic over other algorithms as it finds optimal solution.
The second problem has: four cargos (C1, C2, C3, c4); four airports (SFO, JFK, ATL, ORD); and only two planes (P1, P2).
- SFO has C1 and P1
- JFK has C2 and P2
- ATL has cargo C3
- ORD has cargo C4
- JFK has cargo C1 and C3
- SFO has cargo C2 and C4
The optimal solution has 12 steps:
- Load(C2, P2, JFK)
- Fly(P2, JFK, ORD)
- Load(C4, P2, ORD)
- Fly(P2, ORD, SFO)
- Unload(C4, P2, SFO)
- Load(C1, P1, SFO)
- Fly(P1, SFO, ATL)
- Load(C3, P1, ATL)
- Fly(P1, ATL, JFK)
- Unload(C3, P1, JFK)
- Unload(C2, P2, SFO)
- Unload(C1, P1, JFK)
No. | Algorithm | Expansions | Goal Tests | New Nodes | Steps | Time (s) |
1 | BFS | 14663 | 18098 | 129631 | 12 | 137.74 |
2 | BFTS | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
3 | DFS | 408 | 409 | 3364 | 392 | 2.787 |
4 | DLS | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
5 | UCS | 18223 | 18225 | 159618 | 12 | 92.97 |
6 | R-BFS | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
7 | G-BFGS | 5578 | 5580 | 49150 | 22 | 29.007 |
8 | A* h1 | 18223 | 18225 | 159618 | 12 | 95.79 |
9 | A hIgnore* | 5040 | 5042 | 44944 | 12 | 27.59 |
10 | A* hLevelsum | - | - | - | - | Timedout |
In this problem, the Depth First Search performs the fastest with just 2.78 seconds; however the solution is highly unoptimal at a wieldy 392 steps. But the A-star with ignore preconditions heuristic really shines here, with an optimal solution at 12 steps, and a very reasonable 27.59 seconds, the second best time. For large search problems such as this one, A* with ignore precondition ignores any preconditions for all actions, and thus every action becomes applicable in every state, and a goal fluent can be achieved in a single step.
AIMA - Uninformed Search Strategies (Chap 3.4), Informed Search Strategies (Chap 3.5)