API: POST /replication/api/task/create
API 名称: create_replication_task
- 中文:创建集群同步任务
- English:create replication task
{ "name": "计划", "localProjectId": "bkrepo", "replicaObjectType": "REPOSITORY", "replicaTaskObjects": [ { "localRepoName": "maven-local", "remoteProjectId": "bkrepo", "remoteRepoName": "maven-local", "repoType": "MAVEN", "packageConstraints": [ { "packageKey": "gav://com.alibaba:fastjson", "versions": ["1.2.47","1.2.48"] } ], "pathConstraints": [] } ], "replicaType": "SCHEDULED", "setting": { "rateLimit": 0, "includeMetadata": true, "conflictStrategy": "SKIP", "errorStrategy": "CONTINUE", "executionStrategy": "IMMEDIATELY", "executionPlan": { "executeImmediately": true } }, "remoteClusterIds": ["651095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d13532361c","329fbcda45944fb9ae5c2573acd7bd2a"], "enabled": true, "description": "test replica task", "record" : true, "recordReserveDays" : 30 }
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description name string 是 无 计划名称 replication name localProjectId string 是 无 本地项目ID the local project Id replicaObjectType enum 是 无 [REPOSITORY,PACKAGE,PATH] replication object type replicaTaskObjects object 是 无 同步对象信息 replication object info replicaType enum 是 SCHEDULED [SCHEDULED,REAL_TIME] replication type setting object 是 无 计划相关设置 task setting remoteClusterIds list 是 无 远程集成节点id the remote cluster node ids enabled bool 是 true 计划是否启动 do task enabled description sting 否 无 描述 description record bool 是 true 是否记录分发详细日志 is record replica detail recordReserveDays long 是 30 分发详细日志保留天数 replica detail reserve days -
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description localRepoName string 是 无 本地仓库名称 the local repoName remoteProjectId string 是 无 远程项目id the remote project Id remoteRepoName string 是 无 远程仓库名称 the remote repoName repoType enum 是 无 [DOCKER,MAVEN,NPM, ...] repository type packageConstraints list 否 无 包限制 package constraints pathConstraints list 否 无 路径限制 path constraints -
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description rateLimit long 是 0 分发限速 rate limit includeMetadata bool 是 true 是否同步元数据 do include metadata conflictStrategy enum 是 SKIP [SKIP,OVERWRITE,FAST_FAIL] conflict strategy errorStrategy enum 是 CONTINUE [CONTINUE,FAST_FAIL] error strategy executionStrategy enum 是 IMMEDIATELY [IMMEDIATELY,SPECIFIED_TIME,CRON_EXPRESSION] execution strategy executionPlan object 是 无 调度策略 execution plan -
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description executeImmediately bool 是 true 立即执行 execute immediately executeTime time 否 无 执行时间执行 execute time cronExpression string 否 无 cron表达式执行 cron expression -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": { "id": "609b573353ccce752bf9b85f", "key": "784e49c5ba974a1e8ac503a840f65eb5", "name": "测试分发计划", "projectId": "bkrepo", "replicaObjectType": "REPOSITORY", "replicaType": "SCHEDULED", "setting": { "rateLimit": 0, "includeMetadata": true, "conflictStrategy": "SKIP", "errorStrategy": "CONTINUE", "executionStrategy": "IMMEDIATELY", "executionPlan": { "executeImmediately": true } }, "remoteClusters": [ { "id": "651095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d13532361c", "name": "shanghai" }, { "id": "329fbcda45944fb9ae5c2573acd7bd2a", "name": "beijing" } ], "description": "for test", "lastExecutionStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastExecutionTime": "2020-03-16T12:00:00.000", "nextExecutionTime": "2020-03-17T12:00:00.000", "executionTimes": 5, "enabled": true, "record" : true, "recordReserveDays" : 30, "createdBy" : "system", "createdDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371", "lastModifiedBy" : "system", "lastModifiedDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371" }, "traceId": null }
API: GET /replication/api/task/info/{key}
API 名称: get_task_info
- 中文:查询任务信息
- English:get task info
请求体 此接口无请求体
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description key string 是 无 任务唯一key task key -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": { "id": "609b573353ccce752bf9b85f", "key": "784e49c5ba974a1e8ac503a840f65eb5", "name": "测试分发计划", "projectId": "bkrepo", "replicaObjectType": "REPOSITORY", "replicaType": "SCHEDULED", "setting": { "rateLimit": 0, "includeMetadata": true, "conflictStrategy": "SKIP", "errorStrategy": "CONTINUE", "executionStrategy": "IMMEDIATELY", "executionPlan": { "executeImmediately": true } }, "remoteClusters": [ { "id": "651095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d13532361c", "name": "shanghai" }, { "id": "329fbcda45944fb9ae5c2573acd7bd2a", "name": "beijing" } ], "description": "for test", "lastExecutionStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastExecutionTime": "2020-03-16T12:00:00.000", "nextExecutionTime": "2020-03-17T12:00:00.000", "executionTimes": 5, "enabled": true, "record" : true, "recordReserveDays" : 30, "createdBy" : "system", "createdDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371", "lastModifiedBy" : "system", "lastModifiedDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371" }, "traceId": null }
字段 | 类型 | 说明 | Description |
id | string | 任务唯一id | task id |
key | string | 任务唯一key | task key |
name | string | 任务名称 | task name |
projectId | string/所属项目id | task projectId | |
replicaObjectType | enum | 是 | 无 |
replicaType | enum | [SCHEDULED,REAL_TIME] | replica type |
setting | object | 计划相关设置 | task setting |
remoteClusters | set | 远程集成节点信息 | the remote cluster node info |
description | string | 任务描述信息 | task description |
lastExecutionStatus | enum | [RUNNING,SUCCESS,FAILED] | task last execution status |
lastExecutionTime | date | 上次执行时间 | task last execution time |
nextExecutionTime | date | 下次执行时间 | task next execution time |
executionTimes | long | 执行次数 | execution times |
enabled | bool | 是 | true |
record | bool | 是否记录分发详细日志 | is record replica detail |
recordReserveDays | long | 分发详细日志保留天数 | replica detail reserve days |
createdBy | string | 创建者 | create user |
createdDate | string | 创建时间 | create time |
lastModifiedBy | string | 上次修改者 | last modify user |
lastModifiedDate | string | 上次修改时间 | last modify time |
API: GET /replication/api/task/detail/{key}
API 名称: get_task_detail
- 中文:查询任务信息
- English:get task detail
请求体 此接口无请求体
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description key string 是 无 任务唯一key task key -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": { "task": { "id": "609b573353ccce752bf9b85f", "key": "784e49c5ba974a1e8ac503a840f65eb5", "name": "测试分发计划", "projectId": "bkrepo", "replicaObjectType": "REPOSITORY", "replicaType": "SCHEDULED", "setting": { "rateLimit":0, "includeMetadata":true, "conflictStrategy": "SKIP", "errorStrategy": "CONTINUE", "executionStrategy": "IMMEDIATELY", "executionPlan":{ "executeImmediately":true } }, "remoteClusters": [ { "id": "651095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d13532361c", "name": "shanghai" }, { "id": "329fbcda45944fb9ae5c2573acd7bd2a", "name": "beijing" } ], "description": "for test", "lastExecutionStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastExecutionTime": "2020-03-16T12:00:00.000", "nextExecutionTime": "2020-03-17T12:00:00.000", "executionTimes": 5, "enabled": true, "createdBy" : "system", "createdDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371", "lastModifiedBy" : "system", "lastModifiedDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371" }, "objects": [ { "localRepoName": "npm-local", "remoteProjectId": "bkrepo", "remoteRepoName": "npm-local", "repoType": "NPM", "packageConstraints": [ { "packageKey": "npm://helloworld", "versions": ["1.0.0","1.0.1"] } ], "pathConstraints": [] } ] }, "traceId": null }
字段 类型 说明 Description task object 同步任务基础信息 task info objects list 同步对象列表 task objects -
task字段说明 同上
字段 类型 说明 Description localRepoName string 本地仓库名称 local repo name remoteProjectId string 远程项目id remote project id remoteRepoName string 远程仓库名称 remote repo name repoType enum [MAVEN,DOCKER,NPM,...] local repo type packageConstraints list 包限制 package constraints pathConstraints list 路径限制 path constraints
API: GET /replication/api/task/page/{projectId}?name=test&lastExecutionStatus=SUCCESS&enabled=true&sortType=CREATE_TIME&pageNumber=0&pageSize=20
API 名称: list_task_page
- 中文:分页查询任务
- English:list task page
请求体 此接口无请求体
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description projectId string 是 无 项目id project id name string 否 无 任务名称,支持前缀模糊匹配 task name lastExecutionStatus enum 否 无 上次执行状态 last execution status enabled bool 否 无 任务启停状态 do task enabled sortType enum 否 CREATED_TIME [CREATED_TIME,LAST_EXECUTION_TIME,NEXT_EXECUTION_TIME] sort by time pageNumber int 是 无 当前页 page number pageSize int 是 无 分页数量 page size -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": { "pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 1, "totalRecords": 18, "totalPages": 2, "records": [ { "id": "609b573353ccce752bf9b85f", "key": "784e49c5ba974a1e8ac503a840f65eb5", "name": "testTask", "projectId": "bkrepo", "replicaObjectType": "REPOSITORY", "replicaType": "SCHEDULED", "setting": { "rateLimit":0, "includeMetadata":true, "conflictStrategy": "SKIP", "errorStrategy": "CONTINUE", "executionStrategy": "IMMEDIATELY", "executionPlan": { "executeImmediately":true } }, "remoteClusters": [ { "id": "651095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d13532361c", "name": "shanghai" }, { "id": "329fbcda45944fb9ae5c2573acd7bd2a", "name": "beijing" } ], "description": "for test", "lastExecutionStatus": "SUCCESS", "lastExecutionTime": "2020-03-16T12:00:00.000", "nextExecutionTime": "2020-03-17T12:00:00.000", "executionTimes": 5, "enabled": true, "createdBy" : "system", "createdDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371", "lastModifiedBy" : "system", "lastModifiedDate" : "2020-03-16T12:13:03.371" } ] }, "traceId": null }
API: DELETE /replication/api/task/delete/{key}
API 名称: delete_task
- 中文:删除任务
- English:delete task
请求体 此接口无请求体
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description key string 是 无 任务唯一key task key -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": null, "traceId": null }
API: POST /replication/api/task/toggle/status/{key}
API 名称: toggle_status_task
- 中文:任务启停状态切换
- English:task toggle status
请求体 此接口无请求体
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description key string 是 无 任务唯一key task key -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": null, "traceId": null }
API: POST /replication/api/task/copy
API 名称: copy_replication_task
- 中文:复制集群同步任务
- English:copy replication task
{ "name": "task_copy", "key": "e8d095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d1353239h8", "description": "copy replica task" }
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description name string 是 无 计划名称 replication name key string 是 无 任务唯一key task unique key description sting 否 无 描述 description -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": null, "traceId": null }
API: POST /replication/api/task/update
API 名称: update_replication_task
- 中文:更新集群同步任务
- English:update replication task
{ "key": "计划唯一key", "name": "更新后的名称", "localProjectId": "bkrepo", "replicaObjectType": "REPOSITORY", "replicaTaskObjects": [ { "localRepoName": "maven-local", "remoteProjectId": "bkrepo", "remoteRepoName": "maven-local", "repoType": "MAVEN", "packageConstraints": [ { "packageKey": "gav://com.alibaba:fastjson", "versions": ["1.2.47","1.2.48"] } ], "pathConstraints": [] } ], "remoteClusterIds": ["651095dfe0524ce9b3ab53d13532361c","329fbcda45944fb9ae5c2573acd7bd2a"], "description": "test replica task", "record" : true, "recordReserveDays" : 30 }
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description key string 是 否 唯一key replication task key name string 是 无 计划名称 replication name localProjectId string 是 无 本地项目ID the local project Id replicaObjectType enum 是 无 [REPOSITORY,PACKAGE,PATH] replication object type replicaTaskObjects object 是 无 同步对象信息 replication object info remoteClusterIds list 是 无 远程集成节点id the remote cluster node ids description sting 否 无 描述 description record bool 是 true 是否记录分发详细日志 is record replica detail recordReserveDays long 是 30 分发详细日志保留天数 replica detail reserve days -
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description localRepoName string 是 无 本地仓库名称 the local repoName remoteProjectId string 是 无 远程项目id the remote project Id remoteRepoName string 是 无 远程仓库名称 the remote repoName repoType enum 是 无 [DOCKER,MAVEN,NPM, ...] repository type packageConstraints list 否 无 包限制 package constraints pathConstraints list 否 无 路径限制 path constraints -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": null, "traceId": null }
API: POST /replication/api/task/execute/{key}
API 名称: execute_replication_task
- 中文:手动执行集群同步任务
- English:execute replication task
请求体: 此接口无请求体
字段 类型 是否必须 默认值 说明 Description key string 是 否 唯一key replication task key -
{ "code": 0, "message": null, "data": null, "traceId": null }