NOTE: This is still work in progress.
Here we give a brief tutorial on the concept of "monadic reflection", targeted towards programmers.
You might be interested in this concept if...
- you are an author of an existing library for functional programming (FP) with effects
- you are an author of a future library for FP / fibers / coroutines / effects / ...
- you are generally inclined to learn about FP concepts, effects, continuations and more
There are a few important concepts that we will encounter and explain separately. Feel free to only skim over the corresponding sections, if you are already familiar with them:
- (Side) Effects
- Monads
- Continuation-Passing Style
When reasoning about programs, it often makes sense to distinguish between two kinds of programs: pure and impure.
We call a program pure if it simply computes and returns a result, without depending on or modifying the state of the world.
The following expressions are examples of pure programs:
def e1 = 42
def e2 = 1 + 2
def e3 = x => x + 1
def e4 = e3(e1)
As you can see also functions like e3
can be pure expressions. Even calling a function can be pure: all we do here is to compose pure fragements by passing one to another. Sometimes this style of composition is said to be "the essence of (pure) functional programming".
We call a program impure or "having side effects" if, besides computing a result it depends on or modifys the state of the world.
The following expressions are examples of impure programs:
def e5 = println("hello")
def e6 = readLine().toInt
def e7 = throw new Exception("Boom")
def e8 = e3(e6)
Printing to (example e5
) or reading from the console (example e6
) has effects on the outside world. The same goes for programs that throw exceptions (example e7
): they do not simply return a value but cause a non-local transfer of the control flow.
Finally, even though the function e3
is pure, the composed expression e8
is impure because evaluating the argument will read from the console. Furthermore, maybe confusingly we say that the expression val e9 = () => e6
is pure -- the effects of e9
are latent. Passing around e9
itself doesn't cause any side effects. However, calling e8()
reveals the latent effect of reading from the console and is thus impure.
State of the World The term "state of the world" is purposefully vague. It can be interpreted as mutable state, files, the current time, databases, network, the current frames on the stack, and many more.
One important idea of functional programming is to reason about programs as values. To say it in the words of Paul Levy,
a value is while a computation does. Values like 42
or true
simply exist. Mentioning them or passing them around does
not do anything -- in particular it does not cause any (side) effects. In contrast, e6
is a computation that does something. Mentioning it will trigger the side effect of reading from the console.
scala> e6 + e6
// typing 1<ENTER> 2<ENTER> into the terminal
res: Int = 3
Another common example for side effects are exceptions. The following program will serve us as a running example in the remainder of this tutorial.
def raise[A](): A = throw new Exception("Division by zero")
def safeDiv(x: Int, y: Int): Int =
if (y == 0) raise() else return (x / y)
def prog = {
val res1 = safeDiv(1, 2);
val res2 = safeDiv(1, 0);
res1 + res2
Calling raise()
is an impure program, and so is prog
Historically, the concept of monads has been introduced by researchers to describe the meaning of programs that have side effects. It later has been discovered as a program structuring principle that equips programmers with the power to define their own effects. To the current day, in the Scala language, monads are often used in order to separate the description of a program from actually running it. Importantly, this separation allows programmers to reason about programs as values.
There are many introductions to monads out there, so here we just want to give a brief glimpse at the concept and establish terminology.
Informally, a monad is a type M[_]
with the following methods:
trait M[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B]
def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
Sometimes those methods have different names (for example pure
is sometimes called return
, unit
, or point
; and flatMap
is sometimes called bind
or >>=
One example of such a type is Option
where the method pure
is called Some
A nice (and essential) part about monadic programs is that they can be composed into larger programs.
That is, if we (only) know that M
is a monad, we can use flatMap
to compose two programs.
In the following example we concretely use the Option
monad to express our above running example:
def pure[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
def raise[A](): Option[A] = None
def safeDiv(x: Int, y: Int): Option[Int] =
if (y == 0) raise() else pure(x / y)
def prog =
safeDiv(1, 2).flatMap { res1 =>
safeDiv(1, 0).flatMap { res2 =>
pure(res1 + res2)
In fact, in Scala we can use for-comprehensions to write prog
in a a bit more concise way:
for {
res1 <- safeDiv(1, 2)
res2 <- safeDiv(1, 0)
res3 <- pure(res1 + res2)
} yield res3
Given flatMap
and pure
, we can always implement the method
def map[B](f: A => B): M[B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
Using map, we can rewrite the example once more to
safeDiv(1, 2).flatMap { res1 =>
safeDiv(1, 0).map { res2 => res1 + res2 }
or using for-comprehensions:
for {
res1 <- safeDiv(1, 2)
res2 <- safeDiv(1, 0)
} yield res1 + res2
Another programming language concept, related to effects, is continuation-passing style (or short "CPS"). A program written in CPS has a very special shape: Functions do not return anything, instead they get a function (the continuation) as an additional parameter, which they call with the resulting value.
That is, a function like
def double(x: Int) =
return x + x
is written as:
def double(x: Int) = k =>
k(x + x)
Here the additional argument k
is the continuation. We explicitly use return
above to highlight the connection to the call to k
Calling a function like double
as in
def quadruple(x: Int) =
return double(double(x))
is written in CPS as:
def quadruple(x: Int) = k =>
double(x) { res1 =>
double(res1) { res2 =>
Note, how each call to double
also takes a function argument that binds the result to resX
The CPS version is actually closer to the equivalent direct-style program:
def quadruple(x: Int) = {
val res1 = double(x)
val res2 = double(res1)
return res2
This illustrates one historic motivation for CPS: it makes it very clear which function is evaluated exactly in which order. In the direct style version, we can see that we first evaluate double(x)
and only when this call returns, we then evaluate double(res1)
However, there is another aspect to programs in CPS, which is much more important for this tutorial: writing a program in CPS gives us direct access to the continuation k
. It is just a function like any other and we can call it directly, call it later, not call it, call it multiple times, and so on. You might be familiar with this in the context of webprogramming, where
a concept similar to continuations is often referred to as callbacks.
To illustrate this additional power, let's look at our running example again.
Here, we first define the type of CPS
to be:
type Res
type CPS[A] = (A => Res) => Res
In general, a program that returns a value of type A
in CPS has the type (A => Res) => Res
for some answer type Res
For simplicity, in our example, we choose type Res = String
We can now express our example as follows
def raise[A](): CPS[A] = k => "Division by zero"
def safeDiv(x: Int, y: Int): CPS[Int] = k =>
if (y == 0) raise()(k) else k(x / y)
def prog: CPS[Int] = k =>
safeDiv(1, 2) { res1 =>
safeDiv(1, 0) { res2 =>
k(res1 + res2)
and run it with:
def run[A](p: CPS[A]): Unit =
println(p(a => a.toString))
run { prog } // prints "Division by zero"
If we compare the running example written in monadic style using flatMap
and in CPS, we can recognize a similarity.
In fact, in Scala the curried function application safeDiv(1, 2) { res1 => ... }
is syntactic sugar for the equivalent
safeDiv(1, 2).apply { res1 => ... }
, showing that the only difference is the name of the function (that is, flatMap
vs. apply
). It is thus very easy to turn our CPS
type into a monad. We simply define an extension method for flatMap
and a function pure
def pure[A](a: A): CPS[A] = k => k(a)
extension [A](prog: CPS[A])
def flatMap[B](f: A => CPS[B]): CPS[B] = k => prog.apply(a => f(a).apply(k))
def map[B](f: A => B): CPS[B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
Now again, we can also use for-comprehensions to write prog
def prog: CPS[Int] =
for {
res1 <- safeDiv(1, 2)
res2 <- safeDiv(1, 0)
} yield res1 + res2
From the previous example, we can learn that CPS is a monad. However, the example also shows that it is not just any monad.
Since the only difference between flatMap
and apply
really is the name, the CPS monad can express arbitrary other monads.
It is this power, that has earned it the name "The Mother of all Monads".
We can, for instance, very easily re-define:
type Res = Option[Int]
which allows us to express raising exceptions
def raise[A](): CPS[A] = k => None
def run(prog: CPS[Int]) = prog(a => Some(a))
Alternatively, we can choose
type Res = List[Int]
which allows us to embed the List monad and express non-determinism.
def chooseFrom[A](l: List[A]): CPS[A] = k => l.flatMap(k)
def example: CPS[Int] = for {
flip1 <- chooseFrom(List(true, false))
flip2 <- chooseFrom(List(true, false))
res <- if (flip1 && flip2) 0 else 1
} yield res
def run(prog: CPS[Int]) = prog(a => List(a))
run(example) // results in List(0, 1, 1, 1)
These examples illustrate the super powers of the CPS monad. We can compose programs arbitrarily in the CPS monad using
its flatMap
method. Simply by chosing another type for Res
, we can suddenly express arbitrary other effects!
Why should you care as a programmer about all of this? Well... Monads are a powerful interface to compose effectful programs. CPS is one particularly powerful monad and allows you to decouple the use of effect operations in effectful programs from the underlying monad. Programming language design is about handing out just the right abstractions to programmers. If a language has good support for the CPS monad, it automatically also has good support for every other monad.
Importantly, with first-class support of fibers (aka user-level threads) in Project Loom, we take a giant leap towards good support for programming in the CPS monad. This might be a quite controversial statement and deserves a bit of explanation in the remainder of this tutorial.
To be continued
To be continued
To be continued
To be continued