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Reflection Factory

  • Since 3.2.0.

Writing a factory class for each and every service that has dependencies can be tedious, particularly in early development as you are still sorting out dependencies.

laminas-servicemanager ships with Laminas\ServiceManager\AbstractFactory\ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory, which provides a reflection-based approach to instantiation, resolving constructor dependencies to the relevant services. The factory may be used as either an abstract factory, or mapped to specific service names as a factory:

use Laminas\ServiceManager\AbstractFactory\ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory;

return [
    /* ... */
    'service_manager' => [
        'abstract_factories' => [
        'factories' => [
            'MyModule\Model\FooModel' => ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory::class,
    /* ... */

Mapping services to the factory is more explicit and performant.

The factory operates with the following constraints/features:

  • A parameter named $config typehinted as an array will receive the application "config" service (i.e., the merged configuration).
  • Parameters typehinted against array, but not named $config, will be injected with an empty array.
  • Scalar parameters will result in the factory raising an exception, unless a default value is present; if it is, that value will be used.
  • If a service cannot be found for a given typehint, the factory will raise an exception detailing this.

$options passed to the factory are ignored in all cases, as we cannot make assumptions about which argument(s) they might replace.

Once your dependencies have stabilized, we recommend writing a dedicated factory, as reflection can introduce performance overhead; you may use the generate-factory-for-class console tool to do so.

Handling well-known services

Some services provided by Laminas components do not have entries based on their class name (for historical reasons). As examples:

  • Laminas\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface maps to the service name ConsoleAdapter,
  • Laminas\Filter\FilterPluginManager maps to the service name FilterManager,
  • Laminas\Hydrator\HydratorPluginManager maps to the service name HydratorManager,
  • Laminas\InputFilter\InputFilterPluginManager maps to the service name InputFilterManager,
  • Laminas\Log\FilterPluginManager maps to the service name LogFilterManager,
  • Laminas\Log\FormatterPluginManager maps to the service name LogFormatterManager,
  • Laminas\Log\ProcessorPluginManager maps to the service name LogProcessorManager,
  • Laminas\Log\WriterPluginManager maps to the service name LogWriterManager,
  • Laminas\Serializer\AdapterPluginManager maps to the service name SerializerAdapterManager,
  • Laminas\Validator\ValidatorPluginManager maps to the service name ValidatorManager,

To allow the ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory to find these, you have two options.

The first is to pass an array of mappings via the constructor:

$reflectionFactory = new ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory([
    \Laminas\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface::class     => 'ConsoleAdapter',
    \Laminas\Filter\FilterPluginManager::class           => 'FilterManager',
    \Laminas\Hydrator\HydratorPluginManager::class       => 'HydratorManager',
    \Laminas\InputFilter\InputFilterPluginManager::class => 'InputFilterManager',
    \Laminas\Log\FilterPluginManager::class              => 'LogFilterManager',
    \Laminas\Log\FormatterPluginManager::class           => 'LogFormatterManager',
    \Laminas\Log\ProcessorPluginManager::class           => 'LogProcessorManager',
    \Laminas\Log\WriterPluginManager::class              => 'LogWriterManager',
    \Laminas\Serializer\AdapterPluginManager::class      => 'SerializerAdapterManager',
    \Laminas\Validator\ValidatorPluginManager::class     => 'ValidatorManager',

This can be done either in your configuration file (which could be problematic when considering serialization for caching), or during an early phase of application bootstrapping.

For instance, with laminas-mvc, this might be in your Application module's bootstrap listener:

namespace Application

use Laminas\ServiceManager\AbstractFactory\ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory;

class Module
    public function onBootstrap($e)
        $application = $e->getApplication();
        $container = $application->getServiceManager();

        $container->addAbstractFactory(new ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory([
            /* ... */

For Mezzio, it could be part of your config/container.php definition:

$container = new ServiceManager();
(new Config($config['dependencies']))->configureServiceManager($container);
// Add the following:
$container->addAbstractFactory(new ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory([
    /* ... */

The second approach is to extend the class, and define the map in the $aliases property:

namespace Application;

use Laminas\ServiceManager\AbstractFactory\ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory;

class ReflectionAbstractFactory extends ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory
    protected $aliases = [
        \Laminas\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface::class     => 'ConsoleAdapter',
        \Laminas\Filter\FilterPluginManager::class           => 'FilterManager',
        \Laminas\Hydrator\HydratorPluginManager::class       => 'HydratorManager',
        \Laminas\InputFilter\InputFilterPluginManager::class => 'InputFilterManager',
        \Laminas\Log\FilterPluginManager::class              => 'LogFilterManager',
        \Laminas\Log\FormatterPluginManager::class           => 'LogFormatterManager',
        \Laminas\Log\ProcessorPluginManager::class           => 'LogProcessorManager',
        \Laminas\Log\WriterPluginManager::class              => 'LogWriterManager',
        \Laminas\Serializer\AdapterPluginManager::class      => 'SerializerAdapterManager',
        \Laminas\Validator\ValidatorPluginManager::class     => 'ValidatorManager',

You could then register it via class name in your service configuration.


You may also use the Config Abstract Factory, which gives slightly more flexibility in terms of mapping dependencies:

  • If you wanted to map to a specific implementation, choose the ConfigAbstractFactory.
  • If you need to map to a service that will return a scalar or array (e.g., a subset of the 'config' service), choose the ConfigAbstractFactory.
  • If you need a faster factory for production, choose the ConfigAbstractFactory or create a custom factory.


This feature was inspired by a blog post by Alexandre Lemaire.