- (conda package) Update conda module
- (nonlinear) Implement Uniform conditioning
- (nonlinear) Implement localization
- (nonlinear) Implement calc cdf function using pygslib.gslib.__plot.probplt
- (nonlinear) Add upper and lower tail CDF model fitting tool
- (blockmodel) implement grade tonnage report and block cdf
- (gslib) complete variogram3d and python interface
- (gslib) create an Ipython interface with widgets for friendly variogram modeling
- (blockmodel) implement grade tonnage report and block cdf
- (user manual) Update user manual and find a way to update faster the user manual (probably a separate git repo for doc sphinx?). Using shinx page on git\docs
- (user manual) Simplify examples
- (general) Review interface and improve user experience
- (general) Add GUI for ipython
- (general) Add default plot parameters accessible via **kwargs arguments.
- (drillhole) Implement the prototype Drillhole generator _v3.ipynb. This is to drill drilholes in simulated block models.
- (drillhole) Implement bench composite.
- (drillhole) Add a dictionary with drillholes names, traces and properties for faster programming in class members and to create user's reports. Add summary of drillholes in Drillhole class.
- (drillhole) Create export in other formats, example inventor (see vtkIVWriter).
- (drillhole) Create a dictionary with warning and errors in validations and do only one warning.
- (drillhole) Remove one interval survey error, fix it automatically and generate warning.
- (blockmodel) Reimplement the block fill with vtkUniformGrid, this is similar to vtkImage but is the base for AMR objects
- (blockmodel) Implement block subcells (AMR or Datamine style?)
- (blockmodel) Implement implicit modeler functions using vtkImplicitModeller
- (blockmodel) Implement block split
- (gslib,blockmodel) Add VTK export of debug data in KT3D function, including search ellipse and target block/point
- (vtk, general) Send data directly to Paraview using Collaboration
- (gslib) implement kriging with proportions. This is to support paper
- (gslib) implement a simplified gslib kriging function for better maintenance and implementation. Separate from search and other functions.
- (gslib) consider rewriting new non gslib kriging module in cython or fortran
- (gslib) implement simulation programs
- (gslib) implement cokriging
- (general) Create script to install Paraview python module. Add file "paraview.pth" with text "C:{ParaView path}\bin\Lib\site-packages"
- (vtk) Replace save polydata (for points) in vtk legacy and add save/read polydata (for surfaces) in xml
- (vtk) Add boolean operations (find alternative to vtkbooleanoperationpolydatafilter, e.j. vtkImplicitBoolean)
- (vtk) Implement Unfolding with vtkwarpvector (hint, vector interpolation (angle + scallar) required)
- (vtk) Add slice operation
- (vtk) Replace pyevtk with vtk.util.numpy_support
- (vtk) Add export 3D grid (centroids points / no blocks)
- (drillhole) Generate reposts with reportlab??? for example for log files. Or use pygslib.charttable to creat nice plots in Ipython
- Add explicit interface (blocks) for external or dummy procedures in FORTRAN code. This is creating this warning
Could not found the body of interfaced routine
- Check compilation warning
getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'
- Check compilation warnings
Warning: Possible change of value in conversion
andType mismatch in argument
. This already created some issues in some of the FORTRAN programs by transferring Real*8 to Real arrays. - Clean a bit the code
Warning: Label 4 at (1) defined but not used
andWarning: Unused dummy argument
. - Initialize arrays
Warning: '####' may be used uninitialized in this function
- test dtype of dict parameters at python level to avoid dtype complains and error from fortran at gslib.kt3d function
- review cython c declarations to avoid rounding error. Use
cdef double
instead ofcdef float
. - Implement constants at python level to define integer inputs like variogram types, type of desurvey, kriging options, etc.