List remote repositories
gogh repos [flags]
--archived Show only archived repositories
--color string Colorize the output; It can accept 'auto', 'always' or 'never' (default "auto")
--fork Show only forks
--format string The formatting style for each repository; it can accept "spec", "url", "json" or "table" (default "table")
-h, --help help for repos
--limit int Max number of repositories to list. -1 means unlimited (default 30)
--no-archived Omit archived repositories
--no-fork Omit forks
--order sort Directions in which to order a list of items when provided an sort flag; it can accept "ASC" or "DESC"
--private Show only private repositories
--public Show only public repositories
--relation strings The relation of user to each repository; it can accept "owner", "organizationMember" or "collaborator" (default [owner,organizationMember])
--sort string Property by which repository be ordered; it can accept "CREATED_AT", "NAME", "PUSHED_AT", "STARGAZERS" or "UPDATED_AT"
- gogh - GO GitHub project manager