List local projects
gogh list [flags]
-f, --format string
Print each project in a given format, where [format] can be one of "rel-path", "rel-file-path",
"full-file-path", "url", "fields" and "fields:[separator]".
- rel-path:
A part of the URL to specify a repository. For example: ""
- rel-file-path:
A relative file path of the project from gogh roots. For example in windows:
"\kyoh86\gogh"; in other case: "".
- full-file-path
A full file path of the project. For example in Windows:
"C:\Users\kyoh86\Projects\\kyoh86\gogh"; in other case:
- url
A URL of the repository.
- fields
Tab separated all formats and properties of the project.
i.e. [full-file-path]\t[rel-file-path]\t[url]\t[rel-path]\t[host]\t[owner]\t[name]
- fields:[separator]
Like "fields" but with the explicit separator.
-h, --help help for list
--primary List up projects in just a primary root
-q, --query string Query for selecting projects
- gogh - GO GitHub project manager