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File metadata and controls

35 lines (34 loc) · 4.61 KB

List of environment variables

    $ fileobj --env
    FILEOBJ_ADDRESS_RADIX       If set to "16", "10" or "8", show address in either hexadecimal, decimal or octal (equivalent to :set address). Defaults to "16" if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_BUFFER_SIZE         Set custom buffer size if larger than 0. Defaults to 0.
    FILEOBJ_BYTES_PER_LINE      Set number of bytes printed per line (equivalent to --bytes_per_line and :set bytes_per_line).
    FILEOBJ_BYTES_PER_UNIT      Set number of bytes printed per unit (equivalent to --bytes_per_unit and :set bytes_per_unit).
    FILEOBJ_BYTES_PER_WINDOW    Set number of bytes printed per window (equivalent to --bytes_per_window and :set bytes_per_window).
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_CURRENT       Set current cursor and window color. Defaults to "black,green" if undefined. Set blank string to disable. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_DEFAULT       Set default color for buffer contents. Defaults to "none" if undefined. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_FF            Set color for 0xff bytes within buffer contents. Defaults to "magenta" if undefined. Set blank string to disable. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_OFFSET        Set color for offsets in editor windows. Defaults to "none" if undefined. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_PRINT         Set color for printable bytes within buffer contents. Defaults to "cyan" if undefined. Set blank string to disable. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_VISUAL        Set color for visual region. Defaults to "red,yellow" if undefined. Set blank string to disable. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_COLOR_ZERO          Set color for zero (0) bytes within buffer contents. Defaults to "green" if undefined. Set blank string to disable. See --list_color for available colors.
    FILEOBJ_DISAS_ARCH          Set architecture name to use for d command. Defaults to "x86" if undefined, and currently only "x86" is supported.
    FILEOBJ_DISAS_PRIVATE       Set FILEOBJ_DISAS_ARCH specific data for d command. Defaults to use 64 bit mode on x86 if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_ENDIANNESS          If set to "little" or "big", set endianness for multi-bytes data (equivalent to :set le and :set be). Defaults to host endian if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_LOGICAL_BLOCK_SIZE  Set custom logical block size if larger than 0. Defaults to 0.
    FILEOBJ_USE_ASCII_EDIT      If defined, use ASCII edit mode (equivalent to :set ascii). Defaults to binary edit mode if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_USE_BACKUP          If defined, create backup files under ~/.fileobj. Backup files start with '.'. Only applies to regular files.
    FILEOBJ_USE_BYTES_BUFFER    If defined, use Python bytes based buffer for regular files (equivalent to -B).
    FILEOBJ_USE_COLOR           If set to "false", do not use color for buffer contents (equivalent to --no_color). This set to "false" is equivalent to FILEOBJ_COLOR_ZERO, FILEOBJ_COLOR_FF, FILEOBJ_COLOR_PRINT, FILEOBJ_COLOR_DEFAULT, FILEOBJ_COLOR_OFFSET set to "none" or "white". Defaults to use color if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_USE_IGNORECASE      If defined, search operation is case-insensitive (equivalent to :set ic). Defaults to case-sensitive if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_USE_LINE_SCROLL     If set to "false", enable page scroll mode. Defaults to line scroll mode.
    FILEOBJ_USE_LOWER_CASE_HEX  If defined, use lower case for alphabets in hexadecimal. Defaults to upper case.
    FILEOBJ_USE_MOUSE_EVENTS    If set to "false", do not use mouse events. Defaults to use mouse events if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_USE_READONLY        If defined, use read-only mode (equivalent to -R).
    FILEOBJ_USE_SIPREFIX        If defined, use 10^3(K) for kilo (equivalent to :set si). Defaults to 2^10(Ki) if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_USE_TEXT_WINDOW     If set to "false", do not use text window. Defaults to use text window if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_USE_TRUNCATE_SHRINK If defined, allow :truncate to shrink truncate. Defaults to disallow.
    FILEOBJ_USE_UNIT_BASED      If defined, editor operations are on per unit basis where possible. Defaults to on per byte basis.
    FILEOBJ_USE_WRAPSCAN        If set to "false", search does not wrap around the end of the buffer (equivalent to :set nows). Defaults to wrap around if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_EXT_PATH_CSTRUCT    Set configuration file path for :cstruct. Defaults to ~/.fileobj/cstruct if undefined.
    FILEOBJ_EXT_STRINGS_THRESH  Set number of minimum string length for :strings. Defaults to 3 if undefined.