By default it is assumed that you only intend to use CodeIgniter to manage one application, which you will build in your application directory. It is possible, however, to have multiple sets of applications that share a single CodeIgniter installation, or even to rename or relocate your application directory.
If you would like to rename your application directory you may do so
as long as you open application/Config/Paths.php file and set its name using
the $application_directory
$application_directory = 'application';
It is possible to move your application directory to a different
location on your server than your web root. To do so open
your main index.php and set a full server path in the
$application_directory = '/path/to/your/application';
If you would like to share a common CodeIgniter installation to manage several different applications simply put all of the directories located inside your application directory into their own sub-directory.
For example, let's say you want to create two applications, named "foo" and "bar". You could structure your application directories like this:
applications/foo/ applications/foo/config/ applications/foo/controllers/ applications/foo/libraries/ applications/foo/models/ applications/foo/views/ applications/bar/ applications/bar/config/ applications/bar/controllers/ applications/bar/libraries/ applications/bar/models/ applications/bar/views/
To select a particular application for use requires that you open your
main index.php file and set the $application_directory
variable. For
example, to select the "foo" application for use you would do this:
$application_directory = 'applications/foo';
Each of your applications will need its own index.php file which calls the desired application. The index.php file can be named anything you want.