All notable changes to the "kubescape" extension will be documented in this file.
- Updated @kubescape/install version (v0.4.2) - fixes a bug where control structure has changed in regolibrary, causing a failure in scan report parsing.
Major changes
- Updated to latest @kubescape/install
- Using newer Kubescape version and report format (v2)
Minor fixes
- Documentation update
- Mac fix
Major changes!
- Remove file diagnostics on close
- Initialize extension once, cache results
- No problem duplication
- Allow kubescape binary override
- Override framework dir and allow custom frameworks
- Download framework, offline scanning
- Introduce version tiers
- fix: Don't run scanning when there is no real file in the system.
- Redownload logic fixes
- Bug fix
Add kubescape version validation Kubescape version are now being checked The version tier could be 'stable' or 'latest' (configurable) Doctor will report installed version as well
Using the extension path as default location for kubescape unless specified otherwise.
Add option to list supported frameworks
Show progress when downloading kubescape and enable cancel operation
- Address CVE-2021-23566 in nanoid
- Support newer json from kubescape
- Make sure to wait for kubescape to be downloaded.
- Minor readme and workflow changes
- Support path expansion
- Fix for windows machines
- Scan when new yaml files are being open.
- Use warnings instead of errors. Sometimes errors on yaml files can cause build problems for projects. It is better to use warnings instead.
- Kubescape logo update
- Ensure kubescape location when exists in path.
- Always set the location of kubescape - even if comes from system path.
- Always show scan progress (notification / window)
- Create output channel for kubescape
- Support multiple scanning frameworks The framework to use for scanning can now be set in the extension configuration.
- Initial version
- Scaning yaml files using nsa framework