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Weighted Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model

This repo extends sklearn.mixture.BayesianGaussianMixture to support weighted training examples.

Complies with API

  • sample_weight is a vector, same length as X. It must be >=1 corresponding to duplicates or counts of observations otherwise the GMM model does not make sense.

example notebook

import numpy as np
from dpm.dpgmm import WeightedDPGMM

# make some data

num_clusters = 10
N = 200

x_means = 20 * np.random.rand(1, num_clusters, 2) - 10
y = np.random.randint(num_clusters, size=N)
x = .08 * np.random.randn(N, 1, 2)

temp = np.zeros((N, num_clusters, 1))
temp[np.arange(N), y, :] = 1

x = (x + x_means * temp).sum(1)
sample_weight = np.random.randint(1, 50, size=len(x))

# train the model

model = WeightedDPGMM(n_components=20, max_iter=1000, verbose=1)
yhat = model.fit_predict(x, sample_weight=sample_weight)

True vs Inferred Clusters

True vs Inferred Clusters

Run Time Comparison to Regular Unweighted Implementation

Distribution over 20 trials. As we expect, each iteration is proportional to the number of samples. So if we bin the input then we get a speed up. More input points and larger bin sizes result in more gains (with loss of accuracy obvi).

This is with the following model parameters: max_iter=1000, tol=1e-6, covariance_type="diag"

from timeit import timeit

tol = 1e-6
num_iters = 1000
cov_type = "diag"

def run_model(x,w,seed):
    model = WeightedDPGMM(n_components=20, verbose=0, max_iter=num_iters, tol=tol, covariance_type=cov_type,random_state=seed)
    labels = model.fit_predict(x, sample_weight=w)
def run_model_unweighted(x,seed):
    model = BayesianGaussianMixture(n_components=20, verbose=0, max_iter=num_iters, tol=tol, covariance_type=cov_type,random_state=seed)
    labels = model.fit_predict(x)
def time_model(x,w=None,kind="weighted",number = 1, seed = None):
    if kind == "weighted":
        dt =  timeit(lambda: run_model(x,w,seed),number=number)
        dt =  timeit(lambda: run_model_unweighted(x,seed),number=number)
    return dict(dt = dt/number, kind=kind, size = len(x))

out = []
r = 0
x_df = make_data()

for i in tqdm.trange(50):
    for num_points in tqdm.tqdm(np.logspace(3,4,30),leave=False):
        x_sample = x_df.sample(int(num_points))
        x = x_sample.loc[:,["x","y"]].values
        o = time_model(x,w=None,kind="unweighted",seed= seed)
        o["og_size"] = int(num_points)

        x_df_rounded = x_sample.round(r).groupby(["x","y"]).size().to_frame("weight").reset_index()
        x = x_df_rounded.loc[:,["x","y"]].values
        w = x_df_rounded.loc[:,"weight"].values
        o = time_model(x,w=w,kind="weighted",seed = seed)
        o["og_size"] = int(num_points)

run time test notebook

True vs Inferred Clusters