- Choose project topic (Calise)
- Create individual Github accounts and join KSU-HMI class organization (ALL)
- Create a code repository in KSU-HMI organization and ensure each member has 'Admin' role (Ann)
- Create a readme.md file and commit any appropriate changes (Bunmi)
- Update readme.md file with project description and goals (Bunmi, Calise)
- Create projectroadmap.md file (Ann)
- Explore project-related Python codes and ensure they run properly
- Clone an existing repository to the team page (Calise)
- Update tasks for each sprint on the projectroadmad.md file (Ann, Calise)
- https://github.com/ByrneThomas/Medication_-Reminder_-For_The-_Elderly.git - This is a related repository that may be utilized as a base code. It provides some fundamental and basic codes resulting in outputs similar to some of the key features of our project.
- https://github.com/jlimcode/medipal - This repository has multiple codes for the different features of the project.
- More repositories: https://github.com/davidaholmes94/Medication_Reminder https://github.com/ksu-hmi/Remind_Rx https://github.com/PatchMixolydic/PillTracker
- Make updates and commit changes via the appropriate Github organization (ALL)
- Change the name of the app in the base code (Bunmi)
- Add code for a notes tab for users to store healthcare provider and pharmacy-related information (Calise)
- Correctly update the section that sets and alerts reminders (Ann)
- Add code for viewing saved notes in the app (Calise)
- Each member must commit changes for at least 6 codes that are of significant sizes (ALL)
- Update the task lists in the projectroadmap.md file by completing and/or adding emerging tasks throughout the project time period (ALL)
- Change the background and foreground color scheme for the clock (Shanil)
- Update and refine the project codes as in Sprint #2 until the end-product application runs effectively (ALL)
- Create a single PowerPoint slide introducing the project
- Prepare for the Final presentation (ALL)
- Schedule time with the team to record the Final presentation on Teams (Calise)
- Create PowerPoint slides for presentation (ALL)