Installation of the required components for CUDA support in the Gadgetron generally requires 3 steps:
- Installation of the CUDA driver
- Installation of the CUDA compiler and libraries
On Ubuntu 14.04, CUDA and required drives can be found in the restricted repositories. Simply:
Enable multiverse and restricted packages. In /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb trusty universe multiverse restricted
deb-src trusty universe multiverse restricted
deb trusty-updates universe multiverse restricted
deb-src trusty-updates universe multiverse restricted
Install latest kernel (only if CUDA needed):
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic
sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-virtual
When asked install maintainers version of menu.lst.
sudo reboot now
Install kernel headers for your current kernel (for nvidia driver):
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
Install nvidia driver:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-331
Install nvidia cuda toolkit:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
On Ubuntu 12.04, the components can easily be installed using a deb packpage provided by NVIDIA:
sudo sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1204_5.5-0_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cuda
Follow the instructions. When you are done with the installation you may
want to add the following to your ~/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib64
export CULA_ROOT="/usr/local/cula"
export CULA_INC_PATH="$CULA_ROOT/include"
export CULA_BIN_PATH_32="$CULA_ROOT/bin"
export CULA_BIN_PATH_64="$CULA_ROOT/bin64"
export CULA_LIB_PATH_32="$CULA_ROOT/lib"
export CULA_LIB_PATH_64="$CULA_ROOT/lib64"
You are now ready to compile and run CUDA (and CULA) applications. You may want to download the CUDA SDK from Nvidia to validate your installation but this is not required.