###Planning a Retirement Party
####Scenario: Your favorite librarian is retiring after 25 years of service at your organization. You are a member of the Retirement Party Planning Committee. You will work collaboratively to plan the party which will be held 3 months from now.
####Activity: Pick one person to be the "chair" of the party planning committee. The rest of the "committee" will use this person's copy of the repo to plan the party. The Chair creates a new repository called "Retirement". (2 min)
Everyone in the group should create an issue in the new repository(3 mins)
- Go to the Chair's "Retirement" repository.
- Click on "Issues" under the name of the repository.
- Click on the green "New Issue" button.
- Describe a task that needs to be done, an idea you have for the party, a question that you need answered, etc. Feel free to comment and respond to issues created by others. Remember, you can use Markdown and emojis when creating issues.
The Chair will add contributors as collaborators once they have made an issue
- Copy the user name of a contributor
- Click on the "+" at the top right of the page next to your profile icon.
- Click "New Collaborator"
- Paste the user name into the white box and click "Add Collaborator"
- Each user will have to confirm the invite through their email that is registered w/ their GitHub account.
Working together, begin labeling issues with the appropriate labels, assigning people to tasks and setting milestones. (10 mins)
To assign a label:
- Click on an issue in the "Issues" tab.
- Click the word "Labels" on the right-hand menu.
- Click on the label you want to assign.
- You can assign more than one label.
- To create a new label, click on the "Issues" tab, click "Labels" at the top. Click the green "New label" button.
To assign people:
- Click on an issue in the "Issues" tab.
- Click on "Assignees" in the right-hand menu.
- Click on the person you want to assign.
- You can assign more than one label.
To set a milestone:
- Click on the "Issues" tab.
- Click "Milestones"
- Click "Create a new Milestone"
- Enter a title, description, and set a due date for your milestone.
- Milestone names are frequently months, specific dates, but can be anything you want.
- Click green "Create Milestone" button.
- Click on the "Issues" tab again and select an issue.
- Click on "Milestones" in the right-hand menu and select the milestone you want to assign.
Fork your own copy of this repository. (2 min) (Click the "Fork" button in the top right of this page.) Make sure you're on your own forked version of this repo (you'll know it's your own version because your username will appear as part of the path in the top left).
Create folders and documents (5 min)
- Create a folder with your user name on it
- Click the "Code" tab under the name of your repository.
- Click the "Create new file" button to the left of the green "Clone or Download" button.
- Type your user name in the white box next to "project-mgmt/" then follow it with a "/" and a filename. It can be called anything you want, as long as it ends in ".md"
- Add content to your document. Refer back to the Markdown cheat sheet to add headers, links, images, etc.
- Be sure to "Commit" down at the bottom when you're done.
Request that your changes be added back to the main repository (5 min)
- Submit a pull request
- From the repository home page, click "New Pull Request" to the left of the "Create New File" button.
- Click the green "Create Pull Request" button
- Put in a title and description letting the project owner know what changes you're requesting.
- Click the green "Create Pull Request" button
Because you are a collaborator on this repository (not just a contributor) you can merge your own request. If you were only a contributor, the project owner would have to approve your request.