(defattrs :bg-green {:fill "#a0ffa0"})
(defattrs :bg-yellow {:fill "#ffffa0"})
(defattrs :bg-pink {:fill "#ffb0a0"})
(defattrs :bg-cyan {:fill "#a0fafa"})
(defattrs :bg-purple {:fill "#e4b5f7"})
(defn draw-group-label-header
"Creates a small borderless box used to draw the textual label headers
used below the byte labels for remotedb message diagrams.
Arguments are the number of colums to span and the text of the
[span label]
(draw-box (text label [:math {:font-size 12}]) {:span span
:borders #{}
:height 14}))
(defn draw-remotedb-header
"Generates the byte and field labels and standard header fields of a
request or response message for the remotedb database server with
the specified kind and args values."
[kind args]
(draw-group-label-header 5 "start")
(draw-group-label-header 5 "TxID")
(draw-group-label-header 3 "type")
(draw-group-label-header 2 "args")
(draw-group-label-header 1 "tags")
(next-row 18)
(draw-box 0x11 :bg-green)
(draw-box 0x872349ae [{:span 4} :bg-green])
(draw-box 0x11 :bg-yellow)
(draw-box (text "TxID" :math) [{:span 4} :bg-yellow])
(draw-box 0x10 :bg-pink)
(draw-box (hex-text kind 4 :bold) [{:span 2} :bg-pink])
(draw-box 0x0f :bg-cyan)
(draw-box (hex-text args 2 :bold) :bg-cyan)
(draw-box 0x14 :bg-purple)
(draw-box (text "0000000c" :hex [[:plain {:font-weight "light" :font-size 16}] " (12)"])
[{:span 4} :bg-purple])
(draw-box (hex-text 6 2 :bold) [:box-first :bg-purple])
(doseq [val [6 6 3 6 6 6 6 3]]
(draw-box (hex-text val 2 :bold) [:box-related :bg-purple]))
(doseq [val [0 0]]
(draw-box val [:box-related :bg-purple]))
(draw-box 0 [:box-last :bg-purple]))
(draw-remotedb-header 0x4702 9)
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0x2104 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 1]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x14)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 1]) {:span 4})
(draw-gap "Cue and loop point bytes")
(draw-box nil :box-below)
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0x36 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "num" [:math] [:sub "hot"]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "num" [:math] [:sub "cue"]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 2]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x14)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 2]) {:span 4})
(draw-gap "Unknown bytes" {:min-label-columns 6})