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obs-websocket 5.0.1 Protocol

Main Table of Contents

General Intro

obs-websocket provides a feature-rich RPC communication protocol, giving access to much of OBS's feature set. This document contains everything you should know in order to make a connection and use obs-websocket's functionality to the fullest.

Design Goals

  • Abstraction of identification, events, requests, and batch requests into dedicated message types
  • Conformity of request naming using similar terms like Get, Set, Get[x]List, Start[x], Toggle[x]
  • Conformity of OBS data field names like sourceName, sourceKind, sourceType, sceneName, sceneItemName
  • Error code response system - integer corrosponds to type of error, with optional comment
  • Possible support for multiple message encoding options: JSON and MessagePack
  • PubSub system - Allow clients to specify which events they do or don't want to receive from OBS
  • RPC versioning - Client and server negotiate the latest version of the obs-websocket protocol to communicate with.

Connecting to obs-websocket

Here's info on how to connect to obs-websocket

Connection steps

These steps should be followed precisely. Failure to connect to the server as instructed will likely result in your client being treated in an undefined way.

  • Initial HTTP request made to the obs-websocket server.

    • The Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header can be used to tell obs-websocket which kind of message encoding to use. By default, obs-websocket uses JSON over text. Available subprotocols:
      • obswebsocket.json - JSON over text frames
      • obswebsocket.msgpack - MsgPack over binary frames
  • Once the connection is upgraded, the websocket server will immediately send an OpCode 0 Hello message to the client.

  • The client listens for the Hello and responds with an OpCode 1 Identify containing all appropriate session parameters.

    • If there is an authentication field in the messageData object, the server requires authentication, and the steps in Creating an authentication string should be followed.
    • If there is no authentication field, the resulting Identify object sent to the server does not require an authentication string.
    • The client determines if the server's rpcVersion is supported, and if not it provides its closest supported version in Identify.
  • The server receives and processes the Identify sent by the client.

    • If authentication is required and the Identify message data does not contain an authentication string, or the string is not correct, the connection is closed with WebSocketCloseCode::AuthenticationFailed
    • If the client has requested an rpcVersion which the server cannot use, the connection is closed with WebSocketCloseCode::UnsupportedRpcVersion. This system allows both the server and client to have seamless backwards compatability.
    • If any other parameters are malformed (invalid type, etc), the connection is closed with an appropriate close code.
  • Once identification is processed on the server, the server responds to the client with an OpCode 2 Identified.

  • The client will begin receiving events from obs-websocket and may now make requests to obs-websocket.

  • At any time after a client has been identified, it may send an OpCode 3 Reidentify message to update certain allowed session parameters. The server will respond in the same way it does during initial identification.

Connection Notes

  • If a binary frame is received when using the obswebsocket.json (default) subprotocol, or a text frame is received while using the obswebsocket.msgpack subprotocol, the connection is closed with WebSocketCloseCode::MessageDecodeError.
  • The obs-websocket server listens for any messages containing a request-type field in the first level JSON from unidentified clients. If a message matches, the connection is closed with WebSocketCloseCode::UnsupportedRpcVersion and a warning is logged.
  • If a message with a messageType is not recognized to the obs-websocket server, the connection is closed with WebSocketCloseCode::UnknownOpCode.
  • At no point may the client send any message other than a single Identify before it has received an Identified. Doing so will result in the connection being closed with WebSocketCloseCode::NotIdentified.

Creating an authentication string

obs-websocket uses SHA256 to transmit authentication credentials. The server starts by sending an object in the authentication field of its Hello message data. The client processes the authentication challenge and responds via the authentication string in the Identify message data.

For this guide, we'll be using supersecretpassword as the password.

The authentication object in Hello looks like this (example):

    "challenge": "+IxH4CnCiqpX1rM9scsNynZzbOe4KhDeYcTNS3PDaeY=",
    "salt": "lM1GncleQOaCu9lT1yeUZhFYnqhsLLP1G5lAGo3ixaI="

To generate the authentication string, follow these steps:

  • Concatenate the websocket password with the salt provided by the server (password + salt)
  • Generate an SHA256 binary hash of the result and base64 encode it, known as a base64 secret.
  • Concatenate the base64 secret with the challenge sent by the server (base64_secret + challenge)
  • Generate a binary SHA256 hash of that result and base64 encode it. You now have your authentication string.

For real-world examples of the authentication string creation, refer to the obs-websocket client libraries listed on the README.

Message Types (OpCodes)

The following message types are the low-level message types which may be sent to and from obs-websocket.

Messages sent from the obs-websocket server or client may contain these first-level fields, known as the base object:

  "op": number,
  "d": object
  • op is a WebSocketOpCode OpCode.
  • d is an object of the data fields associated with the operation.

Hello (OpCode 0)

  • Sent from: obs-websocket
  • Sent to: Freshly connected websocket client
  • Description: First message sent from the server immediately on client connection. Contains authentication information if auth is required. Also contains RPC version for version negotiation.

Data Keys:

  "obsWebSocketVersion": string,
  "rpcVersion": number,
  "authentication": object(optional)
  • rpcVersion is a version number which gets incremented on each breaking change to the obs-websocket protocol. Its usage in this context is to provide the current rpc version that the server would like to use.

Example Messages: Authentication is required

  "op": 0,
  "d": {
    "obsWebSocketVersion": "5.0.1",
    "rpcVersion": 1,
    "authentication": {
      "challenge": "+IxH4CnCiqpX1rM9scsNynZzbOe4KhDeYcTNS3PDaeY=",
      "salt": "lM1GncleQOaCu9lT1yeUZhFYnqhsLLP1G5lAGo3ixaI="

Authentication is not required

  "op": 0,
  "d": {
    "obsWebSocketVersion": "5.0.1",
    "rpcVersion": 1

Identify (OpCode 1)

  • Sent from: Freshly connected websocket client
  • Sent to: obs-websocket
  • Description: Response to Hello message, should contain authentication string if authentication is required, along with PubSub subscriptions and other session parameters.

Data Keys:

  "rpcVersion": number,
  "authentication": string(optional),
  "eventSubscriptions": number(optional) = (EventSubscription::All)
  • rpcVersion is the version number that the client would like the obs-websocket server to use.
  • eventSubscriptions is a bitmask of EventSubscriptions items to subscribe to events and event categories at will. By default, all event categories are subscribed, except for events marked as high volume. High volume events must be explicitly subscribed to.

Example Message:

  "op": 1,
  "d": {
    "rpcVersion": 1,
    "authentication": "Dj6cLS+jrNA0HpCArRg0Z/Fc+YHdt2FQfAvgD1mip6Y=",
    "eventSubscriptions": 33

Identified (OpCode 2)

  • Sent from: obs-websocket
  • Sent to: Freshly identified client
  • Description: The identify request was received and validated, and the connection is now ready for normal operation.

Data Keys:

  "negotiatedRpcVersion": number
  • If rpc version negotiation succeeds, the server determines the RPC version to be used and gives it to the client as negotiatedRpcVersion

Example Message:

  "op": 2,
  "d": {
    "negotiatedRpcVersion": 1

Reidentify (OpCode 3)

  • Sent from: Identified client
  • Sent to: obs-websocket
  • Description: Sent at any time after initial identification to update the provided session parameters.

Data Keys:

  "eventSubscriptions": number(optional) = (EventSubscription::All)
  • Only the listed parameters may be changed after initial identification. To change a parameter not listed, you must reconnect to the obs-websocket server.

Event (OpCode 5)

  • Sent from: obs-websocket
  • Sent to: All subscribed and identified clients
  • Description: An event coming from OBS has occured. Eg scene switched, source muted.

Data Keys:

  "eventType": string,
  "eventIntent": number,
  "eventData": object(optional)
  • eventIntent is the original intent required to be subscribed to in order to receive the event.

Example Message:

  "op": 5,
  "d": {
    "eventType": "StudioModeStateChanged",
    "eventIntent": 1,
    "eventData": {
      "studioModeEnabled": true

Request (OpCode 6)

  • Sent from: Identified client
  • Sent to: obs-websocket
  • Description: Client is making a request to obs-websocket. Eg get current scene, create source.

Data Keys:

  "requestType": string,
  "requestId": string,
  "requestData": object(optional),


Example Message:

  "op": 6,
  "d": {
    "requestType": "SetCurrentProgramScene",
    "requestId": "f819dcf0-89cc-11eb-8f0e-382c4ac93b9c",
    "requestData": {
      "sceneName": "Scene 12"

RequestResponse (OpCode 7)

  • Sent from: obs-websocket
  • Sent to: Identified client which made the request
  • Description: obs-websocket is responding to a request coming from a client.

Data Keys:

  "requestType": string,
  "requestId": string,
  "requestStatus": object,
  "responseData": object(optional)
  • The requestType and requestId are simply mirrors of what was sent by the client.

requestStatus object:

  "result": bool,
  "code": number,
  "comment": string(optional)
  • result is true if the request resulted in RequestStatus::Success. False if otherwise.
  • code is a RequestStatus code.
  • comment may be provided by the server on errors to offer further details on why a request failed.

Example Messages: Successful Response

  "op": 7,
  "d": {
    "requestType": "SetCurrentProgramScene",
    "requestId": "f819dcf0-89cc-11eb-8f0e-382c4ac93b9c",
    "requestStatus": {
      "result": true,
      "code": 100

Failure Response

  "op": 7,
  "d": {
    "requestType": "SetCurrentProgramScene",
    "requestId": "f819dcf0-89cc-11eb-8f0e-382c4ac93b9c",
    "requestStatus": {
      "result": false,
      "code": 608,
      "comment": "Parameter: sceneName"

RequestBatch (OpCode 8)

  • Sent from: Identified client
  • Sent to: obs-websocket
  • Description: Client is making a batch of requests for obs-websocket. Requests are processed serially (in order) by the server.

Data Keys:

  "requestId": string,
  "haltOnFailure": bool(optional) = false,
  "executionType": number(optional) = RequestBatchExecutionType::SerialRealtime
  "requests": array<object>
  • When haltOnFailure is true, the processing of requests will be halted on first failure. Returns only the processed requests in RequestBatchResponse.
  • Requests in the requests array follow the same structure as the Request payload data format, however requestId is an optional field.

RequestBatchResponse (OpCode 9)

  • Sent from: obs-websocket
  • Sent to: Identified client which made the request
  • Description: obs-websocket is responding to a request batch coming from the client.

Data Keys:

  "requestId": string,
  "results": array<object>


These are enumeration declarations, which are referenced throughout obs-websocket's protocol.

Enumerations Table of Contents



The initial message sent by obs-websocket to newly connected clients.

  • Identifier Value: 0
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by a newly connected client to obs-websocket in response to a Hello.

  • Identifier Value: 1
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The response sent by obs-websocket to a client after it has successfully identified with obs-websocket.

  • Identifier Value: 2
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by an already-identified client to update identification parameters.

  • Identifier Value: 3
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by obs-websocket containing an event payload.

  • Identifier Value: 5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by a client to obs-websocket to perform a request.

  • Identifier Value: 6
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by obs-websocket in response to a particular request from a client.

  • Identifier Value: 7
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by a client to obs-websocket to perform a batch of requests.

  • Identifier Value: 8
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The message sent by obs-websocket in response to a particular batch of requests from a client.

  • Identifier Value: 9
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0



For internal use only to tell the request handler not to perform any close action.

  • Identifier Value: 0
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Unknown reason, should never be used.

  • Identifier Value: 4000
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The server was unable to decode the incoming websocket message.

  • Identifier Value: 4002
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A data field is required but missing from the payload.

  • Identifier Value: 4003
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A data field's value type is invalid.

  • Identifier Value: 4004
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A data field's value is invalid.

  • Identifier Value: 4005
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The specified op was invalid or missing.

  • Identifier Value: 4006
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The client sent a websocket message without first sending Identify message.

  • Identifier Value: 4007
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The client sent an Identify message while already identified.

Note: Once a client has identified, only Reidentify may be used to change session parameters.

  • Identifier Value: 4008
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The authentication attempt (via Identify) failed.

  • Identifier Value: 4009
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The server detected the usage of an old version of the obs-websocket RPC protocol.

  • Identifier Value: 4010
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The websocket session has been invalidated by the obs-websocket server.

Note: This is the code used by the Kick button in the UI Session List. If you receive this code, you must not automatically reconnect.

  • Identifier Value: 4011
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A requested feature is not supported due to hardware/software limitations.

  • Identifier Value: 4012
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0



Not a request batch.

  • Identifier Value: -1
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A request batch which processes all requests serially, as fast as possible.

Note: To introduce artificial delay, use the Sleep request and the sleepMillis request field.

  • Identifier Value: 0
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A request batch type which processes all requests serially, in sync with the graphics thread. Designed to provide high accuracy for animations.

Note: To introduce artificial delay, use the Sleep request and the sleepFrames request field.

  • Identifier Value: 1
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A request batch type which processes all requests using all available threads in the thread pool.

Note: This is mainly experimental, and only really shows its colors during requests which require lots of active processing, like GetSourceScreenshot.

  • Identifier Value: 2
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0



Unknown status, should never be used.

  • Identifier Value: 0
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


For internal use to signify a successful field check.

  • Identifier Value: 10
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The request has succeeded.

  • Identifier Value: 100
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The requestType field is missing from the request data.

  • Identifier Value: 203
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The request type is invalid or does not exist.

  • Identifier Value: 204
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Generic error code.

Note: A comment is required to be provided by obs-websocket.

  • Identifier Value: 205
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The request batch execution type is not supported.

  • Identifier Value: 206
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A required request field is missing.

  • Identifier Value: 300
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The request does not have a valid requestData object.

  • Identifier Value: 301
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Generic invalid request field message.

Note: A comment is required to be provided by obs-websocket.

  • Identifier Value: 400
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A request field has the wrong data type.

  • Identifier Value: 401
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A request field (number) is outside of the allowed range.

  • Identifier Value: 402
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


A request field (string or array) is empty and cannot be.

  • Identifier Value: 403
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


There are too many request fields (eg. a request takes two optionals, where only one is allowed at a time).

  • Identifier Value: 404
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


An output is running and cannot be in order to perform the request.

  • Identifier Value: 500
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


An output is not running and should be.

  • Identifier Value: 501
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


An output is paused and should not be.

  • Identifier Value: 502
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


An output is not paused and should be.

  • Identifier Value: 503
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


An output is disabled and should not be.

  • Identifier Value: 504
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Studio mode is active and cannot be.

  • Identifier Value: 505
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Studio mode is not active and should be.

  • Identifier Value: 506
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The resource was not found.

Note: Resources are any kind of object in obs-websocket, like inputs, profiles, outputs, etc.

  • Identifier Value: 600
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The resource already exists.

  • Identifier Value: 601
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The type of resource found is invalid.

  • Identifier Value: 602
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


There are not enough instances of the resource in order to perform the request.

  • Identifier Value: 603
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The state of the resource is invalid. For example, if the resource is blocked from being accessed.

  • Identifier Value: 604
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The specified input (obs_source_t-OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT) had the wrong kind.

  • Identifier Value: 605
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The resource does not support being configured.

This is particularly relevant to transitions, where they do not always have changeable settings.

  • Identifier Value: 606
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The specified filter (obs_source_t-OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_FILTER) had the wrong kind.

  • Identifier Value: 607
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Creating the resource failed.

  • Identifier Value: 700
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Performing an action on the resource failed.

  • Identifier Value: 701
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Processing the request failed unexpectedly.

Note: A comment is required to be provided by obs-websocket.

  • Identifier Value: 702
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


The combination of request fields cannot be used to perform an action.

  • Identifier Value: 703
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0



Subcription value used to disable all events.

  • Identifier Value: 0
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the General category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 0)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Config category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 1)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Scenes category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 2)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Inputs category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 3)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Transitions category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 4)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Filters category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 5)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Outputs category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 6)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the SceneItems category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 7)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the MediaInputs category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 8)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive the VendorEvent event.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 9)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive events in the Ui category.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 10)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Helper to receive all non-high-volume events.

  • Identifier Value: (General | Config | Scenes | Inputs | Transitions | Filters | Outputs | SceneItems | MediaInputs | Vendors | Ui)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive the InputVolumeMeters high-volume event.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 16)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive the InputActiveStateChanged high-volume event.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 17)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive the InputShowStateChanged high-volume event.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 18)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Subscription value to receive the SceneItemTransformChanged high-volume event.

  • Identifier Value: (1 << 19)
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Events Table of Contents

General Events


OBS has begun the shutdown process.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


An event has been emitted from a vendor.

A vendor is a unique name registered by a third-party plugin or script, which allows for custom requests and events to be added to obs-websocket. If a plugin or script implements vendor requests or events, documentation is expected to be provided with them.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
vendorName String Name of the vendor emitting the event
eventType String Vendor-provided event typedef
eventData Object Vendor-provided event data. {} if event does not provide any data

Config Events


The current scene collection has begun changing.

Note: We recommend using this event to trigger a pause of all polling requests, as performing any requests during a scene collection change is considered undefined behavior and can cause crashes!

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneCollectionName String Name of the current scene collection


The current scene collection has changed.

Note: If polling has been paused during CurrentSceneCollectionChanging, this is the que to restart polling.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneCollectionName String Name of the new scene collection


The scene collection list has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneCollections Array<String> Updated list of scene collections


The current profile has begun changing.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
profileName String Name of the current profile


The current profile has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
profileName String Name of the new profile


The profile list has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
profiles Array<String> Updated list of profiles

Scenes Events


A new scene has been created.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the new scene
isGroup Boolean Whether the new scene is a group


A scene has been removed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the removed scene
isGroup Boolean Whether the scene was a group


The name of a scene has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
oldSceneName String Old name of the scene
sceneName String New name of the scene


The current program scene has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene that was switched to


The current preview scene has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene that was switched to


The list of scenes has changed.

TODO: Make OBS fire this event when scenes are reordered.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
scenes Array<Object> Updated array of scenes

Inputs Events


An input has been created.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
inputKind String The kind of the input
unversionedInputKind String The unversioned kind of input (aka no _v2 stuff)
inputSettings Object The settings configured to the input when it was created
defaultInputSettings Object The default settings for the input


An input has been removed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input


The name of an input has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
oldInputName String Old name of the input
inputName String New name of the input


An input's active state has changed.

When an input is active, it means it's being shown by the program feed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
videoActive Boolean Whether the input is active


An input's show state has changed.

When an input is showing, it means it's being shown by the preview or a dialog.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
videoShowing Boolean Whether the input is showing


An input's mute state has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
inputMuted Boolean Whether the input is muted


An input's volume level has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
inputVolumeMul Number New volume level in multimap
inputVolumeDb Number New volume level in dB


The audio balance value of an input has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the affected input
inputAudioBalance Number New audio balance value of the input


The sync offset of an input has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
inputAudioSyncOffset Number New sync offset in milliseconds


The audio tracks of an input have changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
inputAudioTracks Object Object of audio tracks along with their associated enable states


The monitor type of an input has changed.

Available types are:




  • Complexity Rating: 2/5

  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1

  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
monitorType String New monitor type of the input


A high-volume event providing volume levels of all active inputs every 50 milliseconds.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputs Array<Object> Array of active inputs with their associated volume levels

Transitions Events


The current scene transition has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionName String Name of the new transition


The current scene transition duration has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionDuration Number Transition duration in milliseconds


A scene transition has started.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionName String Scene transition name


A scene transition has completed fully.

Note: Does not appear to trigger when the transition is interrupted by the user.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionName String Scene transition name


A scene transition's video has completed fully.

Useful for stinger transitions to tell when the video actually ends. SceneTransitionEnded only signifies the cut point, not the completion of transition playback.

Note: Appears to be called by every transition, regardless of relevance.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionName String Scene transition name

Filters Events


A source's filter list has been reindexed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sourceName String Name of the source
filters Array<Object> Array of filter objects


A filter has been added to a source.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sourceName String Name of the source the filter was added to
filterName String Name of the filter
filterKind String The kind of the filter
filterIndex Number Index position of the filter
filterSettings Object The settings configured to the filter when it was created
defaultFilterSettings Object The default settings for the filter


A filter has been removed from a source.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sourceName String Name of the source the filter was on
filterName String Name of the filter


The name of a source filter has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sourceName String The source the filter is on
oldFilterName String Old name of the filter
filterName String New name of the filter


A source filter's enable state has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sourceName String Name of the source the filter is on
filterName String Name of the filter
filterEnabled Boolean Whether the filter is enabled

Scene Items Events


A scene item has been created.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene the item was added to
sourceName String Name of the underlying source (input/scene)
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item
sceneItemIndex Number Index position of the item


A scene item has been removed.

This event is not emitted when the scene the item is in is removed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene the item was removed from
sourceName String Name of the underlying source (input/scene)
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item


A scene's item list has been reindexed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene
sceneItems Array<Object> Array of scene item objects


A scene item's enable state has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item
sceneItemEnabled Boolean Whether the scene item is enabled (visible)


A scene item's lock state has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item
sceneItemLocked Boolean Whether the scene item is locked


A scene item has been selected in the Ui.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item


The transform/crop of a scene item has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneName String The name of the scene the item is in
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item
sceneItemTransform Object New transform/crop info of the scene item

Outputs Events


The state of the stream output has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
outputState String The specific state of the output


The state of the record output has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
outputState String The specific state of the output
outputPath String File name for the saved recording, if record stopped. null otherwise


The state of the replay buffer output has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
outputState String The specific state of the output


The state of the virtualcam output has changed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
outputState String The specific state of the output


The replay buffer has been saved.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
savedReplayPath String Path of the saved replay file

Media Inputs Events


A media input has started playing.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input


A media input has finished playing.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input


An action has been performed on an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
inputName String Name of the input
mediaAction String Action performed on the input. See ObsMediaInputAction enum

Ui Events


Studio mode has been enabled or disabled.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Data Fields:

Name Type Description
studioModeEnabled Boolean True == Enabled, False == Disabled


Requests Table of Contents

General Requests


Gets data about the current plugin and RPC version.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
obsVersion String Current OBS Studio version
obsWebSocketVersion String Current obs-websocket version
rpcVersion Number Current latest obs-websocket RPC version
availableRequests Array<String> Array of available RPC requests for the currently negotiated RPC version
supportedImageFormats Array<String> Image formats available in GetSourceScreenshot and SaveSourceScreenshot requests.
platform String Name of the platform. Usually windows, macos, or ubuntu (linux flavor). Not guaranteed to be any of those
platformDescription String Description of the platform, like Windows 10 (10.0)


Gets statistics about OBS, obs-websocket, and the current session.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
cpuUsage Number Current CPU usage in percent
memoryUsage Number Amount of memory in MB currently being used by OBS
availableDiskSpace Number Available disk space on the device being used for recording storage
activeFps Number Current FPS being rendered
averageFrameRenderTime Number Average time in milliseconds that OBS is taking to render a frame
renderSkippedFrames Number Number of frames skipped by OBS in the render thread
renderTotalFrames Number Total number of frames outputted by the render thread
outputSkippedFrames Number Number of frames skipped by OBS in the output thread
outputTotalFrames Number Total number of frames outputted by the output thread
webSocketSessionIncomingMessages Number Total number of messages received by obs-websocket from the client
webSocketSessionOutgoingMessages Number Total number of messages sent by obs-websocket to the client


Broadcasts a CustomEvent to all WebSocket clients. Receivers are clients which are identified and subscribed.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
eventData Object Data payload to emit to all receivers None N/A


Call a request registered to a vendor.

A vendor is a unique name registered by a third-party plugin or script, which allows for custom requests and events to be added to obs-websocket. If a plugin or script implements vendor requests or events, documentation is expected to be provided with them.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
vendorName String Name of the vendor to use None N/A
requestType String The request type to call None N/A
?requestData Object Object containing appropriate request data None {}

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
vendorName String Echoed of vendorName
requestType String Echoed of requestType
responseData Object Object containing appropriate response data. {} if request does not provide any response data


Gets an array of all hotkey names in OBS

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
hotkeys Array<String> Array of hotkey names


Triggers a hotkey using its name. See GetHotkeyList

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
hotkeyName String Name of the hotkey to trigger None N/A


Triggers a hotkey using a sequence of keys.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
?keyId String The OBS key ID to use. See None Not pressed
?keyModifiers Object Object containing key modifiers to apply None Ignored
?keyModifiers.shift Boolean Press Shift None Not pressed
?keyModifiers.control Boolean Press CTRL None Not pressed
?keyModifiers.alt Boolean Press ALT None Not pressed
?keyModifiers.command Boolean Press CMD (Mac) None Not pressed


Sleeps for a time duration or number of frames. Only available in request batches with types SERIAL_REALTIME or SERIAL_FRAME.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sleepMillis Number Number of milliseconds to sleep for (if SERIAL_REALTIME mode) >= 0, <= 50000 N/A
sleepFrames Number Number of frames to sleep for (if SERIAL_FRAME mode) >= 0, <= 10000 N/A

Config Requests


Gets the value of a "slot" from the selected persistent data realm.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
slotName String The name of the slot to retrieve data from None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
slotValue Any Value associated with the slot. null if not set


Sets the value of a "slot" from the selected persistent data realm.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
slotName String The name of the slot to retrieve data from None N/A
slotValue Any The value to apply to the slot None N/A


Gets an array of all scene collections

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
currentSceneCollectionName String The name of the current scene collection
sceneCollections Array<String> Array of all available scene collections


Switches to a scene collection.

Note: This will block until the collection has finished changing.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneCollectionName String Name of the scene collection to switch to None N/A


Creates a new scene collection, switching to it in the process.

Note: This will block until the collection has finished changing.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneCollectionName String Name for the new scene collection None N/A


Gets an array of all profiles

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
currentProfileName String The name of the current profile
profiles Array<String> Array of all available profiles


Switches to a profile.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
profileName String Name of the profile to switch to None N/A


Creates a new profile, switching to it in the process

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
profileName String Name for the new profile None N/A


Removes a profile. If the current profile is chosen, it will change to a different profile first.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
profileName String Name of the profile to remove None N/A


Gets a parameter from the current profile's configuration.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
parameterCategory String Category of the parameter to get None N/A
parameterName String Name of the parameter to get None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
parameterValue String Value associated with the parameter. null if not set and no default
defaultParameterValue String Default value associated with the parameter. null if no default


Sets the value of a parameter in the current profile's configuration.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
parameterCategory String Category of the parameter to set None N/A
parameterName String Name of the parameter to set None N/A
parameterValue String Value of the parameter to set. Use null to delete None N/A


Gets the current video settings.

Note: To get the true FPS value, divide the FPS numerator by the FPS denominator. Example: 60000/1001

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
fpsNumerator Number Numerator of the fractional FPS value
fpsDenominator Number Denominator of the fractional FPS value
baseWidth Number Width of the base (canvas) resolution in pixels
baseHeight Number Height of the base (canvas) resolution in pixels
outputWidth Number Width of the output resolution in pixels
outputHeight Number Height of the output resolution in pixels


Sets the current video settings.

Note: Fields must be specified in pairs. For example, you cannot set only baseWidth without needing to specify baseHeight.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
?fpsNumerator Number Numerator of the fractional FPS value >= 1 Not changed
?fpsDenominator Number Denominator of the fractional FPS value >= 1 Not changed
?baseWidth Number Width of the base (canvas) resolution in pixels >= 1, <= 4096 Not changed
?baseHeight Number Height of the base (canvas) resolution in pixels >= 1, <= 4096 Not changed
?outputWidth Number Width of the output resolution in pixels >= 1, <= 4096 Not changed
?outputHeight Number Height of the output resolution in pixels >= 1, <= 4096 Not changed


Gets the current stream service settings (stream destination).

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
streamServiceType String Stream service type, like rtmp_custom or rtmp_common
streamServiceSettings Object Stream service settings


Sets the current stream service settings (stream destination).

Note: Simple RTMP settings can be set with type rtmp_custom and the settings fields server and key.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
streamServiceType String Type of stream service to apply. Example: rtmp_common or rtmp_custom None N/A
streamServiceSettings Object Settings to apply to the service None N/A


Gets the current directory that the record output is set to.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
recordDirectory String Output directory

Sources Requests


Gets the active and show state of a source.

Compatible with inputs and scenes.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source to get the active state of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
videoActive Boolean Whether the source is showing in Program
videoShowing Boolean Whether the source is showing in the UI (Preview, Projector, Properties)


Gets a Base64-encoded screenshot of a source.

The imageWidth and imageHeight parameters are treated as "scale to inner", meaning the smallest ratio will be used and the aspect ratio of the original resolution is kept. If imageWidth and imageHeight are not specified, the compressed image will use the full resolution of the source.

Compatible with inputs and scenes.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source to take a screenshot of None N/A
imageFormat String Image compression format to use. Use GetVersion to get compatible image formats None N/A
?imageWidth Number Width to scale the screenshot to >= 8, <= 4096 Source value is used
?imageHeight Number Height to scale the screenshot to >= 8, <= 4096 Source value is used
?imageCompressionQuality Number Compression quality to use. 0 for high compression, 100 for uncompressed. -1 to use "default" (whatever that means, idk) >= -1, <= 100 -1

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
imageData String Base64-encoded screenshot


Saves a screenshot of a source to the filesystem.

The imageWidth and imageHeight parameters are treated as "scale to inner", meaning the smallest ratio will be used and the aspect ratio of the original resolution is kept. If imageWidth and imageHeight are not specified, the compressed image will use the full resolution of the source.

Compatible with inputs and scenes.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source to take a screenshot of None N/A
imageFormat String Image compression format to use. Use GetVersion to get compatible image formats None N/A
imageFilePath String Path to save the screenshot file to. Eg. C:\Users\user\Desktop\screenshot.png None N/A
?imageWidth Number Width to scale the screenshot to >= 8, <= 4096 Source value is used
?imageHeight Number Height to scale the screenshot to >= 8, <= 4096 Source value is used
?imageCompressionQuality Number Compression quality to use. 0 for high compression, 100 for uncompressed. -1 to use "default" (whatever that means, idk) >= -1, <= 100 -1

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
imageData String Base64-encoded screenshot

Scenes Requests


Gets an array of all scenes in OBS.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
currentProgramSceneName String Current program scene
currentPreviewSceneName String Current preview scene. null if not in studio mode
scenes Array<Object> Array of scenes


Gets an array of all groups in OBS.

Groups in OBS are actually scenes, but renamed and modified. In obs-websocket, we treat them as scenes where we can.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
groups Array<String> Array of group names


Gets the current program scene.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
currentProgramSceneName String Current program scene


Sets the current program scene.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Scene to set as the current program scene None N/A


Gets the current preview scene.

Only available when studio mode is enabled.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
currentPreviewSceneName String Current preview scene


Sets the current preview scene.

Only available when studio mode is enabled.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Scene to set as the current preview scene None N/A


Creates a new scene in OBS.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name for the new scene None N/A


Removes a scene from OBS.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene to remove None N/A


Sets the name of a scene (rename).

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene to be renamed None N/A
newSceneName String New name for the scene None N/A


Gets the scene transition overridden for a scene.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionName String Name of the overridden scene transition, else null
transitionDuration Number Duration of the overridden scene transition, else null


Gets the scene transition overridden for a scene.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene None N/A
?transitionName String Name of the scene transition to use as override. Specify null to remove None Unchanged
?transitionDuration Number Duration to use for any overridden transition. Specify null to remove >= 50, <= 20000 Unchanged

Inputs Requests


Gets an array of all inputs in OBS.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
?inputKind String Restrict the array to only inputs of the specified kind None All kinds included

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputs Array<Object> Array of inputs


Gets an array of all available input kinds in OBS.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
?unversioned Boolean True == Return all kinds as unversioned, False == Return with version suffixes (if available) None false

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputKinds Array<String> Array of input kinds


Gets the names of all special inputs.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
desktop1 String Name of the Desktop Audio input
desktop2 String Name of the Desktop Audio 2 input
mic1 String Name of the Mic/Auxiliary Audio input
mic2 String Name of the Mic/Auxiliary Audio 2 input
mic3 String Name of the Mic/Auxiliary Audio 3 input
mic4 String Name of the Mic/Auxiliary Audio 4 input


Creates a new input, adding it as a scene item to the specified scene.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene to add the input to as a scene item None N/A
inputName String Name of the new input to created None N/A
inputKind String The kind of input to be created None N/A
?inputSettings Object Settings object to initialize the input with None Default settings used
?sceneItemEnabled Boolean Whether to set the created scene item to enabled or disabled None True

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemId Number ID of the newly created scene item


Removes an existing input.

Note: Will immediately remove all associated scene items.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to remove None N/A


Sets the name of an input (rename).

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Current input name None N/A
newInputName String New name for the input None N/A


Gets the default settings for an input kind.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputKind String Input kind to get the default settings for None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
defaultInputSettings Object Object of default settings for the input kind


Gets the settings of an input.

Note: Does not include defaults. To create the entire settings object, overlay inputSettings over the defaultInputSettings provided by GetInputDefaultSettings.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to get the settings of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputSettings Object Object of settings for the input
inputKind String The kind of the input


Sets the settings of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to set the settings of None N/A
inputSettings Object Object of settings to apply None N/A
?overlay Boolean True == apply the settings on top of existing ones, False == reset the input to its defaults, then apply settings. None true


Gets the audio mute state of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of input to get the mute state of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputMuted Boolean Whether the input is muted


Sets the audio mute state of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to set the mute state of None N/A
inputMuted Boolean Whether to mute the input or not None N/A


Toggles the audio mute state of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to toggle the mute state of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputMuted Boolean Whether the input has been muted or unmuted


Gets the current volume setting of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to get the volume of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputVolumeMul Number Volume setting in mul
inputVolumeDb Number Volume setting in dB


Sets the volume setting of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to set the volume of None N/A
?inputVolumeMul Number Volume setting in mul >= 0, <= 20 inputVolumeDb should be specified
?inputVolumeDb Number Volume setting in dB >= -100, <= 26 inputVolumeMul should be specified


Gets the audio balance of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to get the audio balance of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputAudioBalance Number Audio balance value from 0.0-1.0


Sets the audio balance of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to set the audio balance of None N/A
inputAudioBalance Number New audio balance value >= 0.0, <= 1.0 N/A


Gets the audio sync offset of an input.

Note: The audio sync offset can be negative too!

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to get the audio sync offset of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputAudioSyncOffset Number Audio sync offset in milliseconds


Sets the audio sync offset of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to set the audio sync offset of None N/A
inputAudioSyncOffset Number New audio sync offset in milliseconds >= -950, <= 20000 N/A


Gets the audio monitor type of an input.

The available audio monitor types are:




  • Complexity Rating: 2/5

  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1

  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to get the audio monitor type of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
monitorType String Audio monitor type


Sets the audio monitor type of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to set the audio monitor type of None N/A
monitorType String Audio monitor type None N/A


Gets the enable state of all audio tracks of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
inputAudioTracks Object Object of audio tracks and associated enable states


Sets the enable state of audio tracks of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input None N/A
inputAudioTracks Object Track settings to apply None N/A


Gets the items of a list property from an input's properties.

Note: Use this in cases where an input provides a dynamic, selectable list of items. For example, display capture, where it provides a list of available displays.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input None N/A
propertyName String Name of the list property to get the items of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
propertyItems Array<Object> Array of items in the list property


Presses a button in the properties of an input.

Some known propertyName values are:

  • refreshnocache - Browser source reload button

Note: Use this in cases where there is a button in the properties of an input that cannot be accessed in any other way. For example, browser sources, where there is a refresh button.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input None N/A
propertyName String Name of the button property to press None N/A

Transitions Requests


Gets an array of all available transition kinds.

Similar to GetInputKindList

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionKinds Array<String> Array of transition kinds


Gets an array of all scene transitions in OBS.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
currentSceneTransitionName String Name of the current scene transition. Can be null
currentSceneTransitionKind String Kind of the current scene transition. Can be null
transitions Array<Object> Array of transitions


Gets information about the current scene transition.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionName String Name of the transition
transitionKind String Kind of the transition
transitionFixed Boolean Whether the transition uses a fixed (unconfigurable) duration
transitionDuration Number Configured transition duration in milliseconds. null if transition is fixed
transitionConfigurable Boolean Whether the transition supports being configured
transitionSettings Object Object of settings for the transition. null if transition is not configurable


Sets the current scene transition.

Small note: While the namespace of scene transitions is generally unique, that uniqueness is not a guarantee as it is with other resources like inputs.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
transitionName String Name of the transition to make active None N/A


Sets the duration of the current scene transition, if it is not fixed.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
transitionDuration Number Duration in milliseconds >= 50, <= 20000 N/A


Sets the settings of the current scene transition.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
transitionSettings Object Settings object to apply to the transition. Can be {} None N/A
?overlay Boolean Whether to overlay over the current settings or replace them None true


Gets the cursor position of the current scene transition.

Note: transitionCursor will return 1.0 when the transition is inactive.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
transitionCursor Number Cursor position, between 0.0 and 1.0


Triggers the current scene transition. Same functionality as the Transition button in studio mode.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Sets the position of the TBar.

Very important note: This will be deprecated and replaced in a future version of obs-websocket.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
position Number New position >= 0.0, <= 1.0 N/A
?release Boolean Whether to release the TBar. Only set false if you know that you will be sending another position update None true

Filters Requests


Gets an array of all of a source's filters.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
filters Array<Object> Array of filters


Gets the default settings for a filter kind.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
filterKind String Filter kind to get the default settings for None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
defaultFilterSettings Object Object of default settings for the filter kind


Creates a new filter, adding it to the specified source.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source to add the filter to None N/A
filterName String Name of the new filter to be created None N/A
filterKind String The kind of filter to be created None N/A
?filterSettings Object Settings object to initialize the filter with None Default settings used


Removes a filter from a source.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source the filter is on None N/A
filterName String Name of the filter to remove None N/A


Sets the name of a source filter (rename).

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source the filter is on None N/A
filterName String Current name of the filter None N/A
newFilterName String New name for the filter None N/A


Gets the info for a specific source filter.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source None N/A
filterName String Name of the filter None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
filterEnabled Boolean Whether the filter is enabled
filterIndex Number Index of the filter in the list, beginning at 0
filterKind String The kind of filter
filterSettings Object Settings object associated with the filter


Sets the index position of a filter on a source.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source the filter is on None N/A
filterName String Name of the filter None N/A
filterIndex Number New index position of the filter >= 0 N/A


Sets the settings of a source filter.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source the filter is on None N/A
filterName String Name of the filter to set the settings of None N/A
filterSettings Object Object of settings to apply None N/A
?overlay Boolean True == apply the settings on top of existing ones, False == reset the input to its defaults, then apply settings. None true


Sets the enable state of a source filter.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source the filter is on None N/A
filterName String Name of the filter None N/A
filterEnabled Boolean New enable state of the filter None N/A

Scene Items Requests


Gets a list of all scene items in a scene.

Scenes only

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene to get the items of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItems Array<Object> Array of scene items in the scene


Basically GetSceneItemList, but for groups.

Using groups at all in OBS is discouraged, as they are very broken under the hood. Please use nested scenes instead.

Groups only

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the group to get the items of None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItems Array<Object> Array of scene items in the group


Searches a scene for a source, and returns its id.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene or group to search in None N/A
sourceName String Name of the source to find None N/A
?searchOffset Number Number of matches to skip during search. >= 0 means first forward. -1 means last (top) item >= -1 0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item


Creates a new scene item using a source.

Scenes only

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene to create the new item in None N/A
sourceName String Name of the source to add to the scene None N/A
?sceneItemEnabled Boolean Enable state to apply to the scene item on creation None True

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item


Removes a scene item from a scene.

Scenes only

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A


Duplicates a scene item, copying all transform and crop info.

Scenes only

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A
?destinationSceneName String Name of the scene to create the duplicated item in None sceneName is assumed

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the duplicated scene item


Gets the transform and crop info of a scene item.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemTransform Object Object containing scene item transform info


Sets the transform and crop info of a scene item.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A
sceneItemTransform Object Object containing scene item transform info to update None N/A


Gets the enable state of a scene item.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemEnabled Boolean Whether the scene item is enabled. true for enabled, false for disabled


Sets the enable state of a scene item.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A
sceneItemEnabled Boolean New enable state of the scene item None N/A


Gets the lock state of a scene item.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemLocked Boolean Whether the scene item is locked. true for locked, false for unlocked


Sets the lock state of a scene item.

Scenes and Group

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A
sceneItemLocked Boolean New lock state of the scene item None N/A


Gets the index position of a scene item in a scene.

An index of 0 is at the bottom of the source list in the UI.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemIndex Number Index position of the scene item


Sets the index position of a scene item in a scene.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A
sceneItemIndex Number New index position of the scene item >= 0 N/A


Gets the blend mode of a scene item.

Blend modes:


Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
sceneItemBlendMode String Current blend mode


Sets the blend mode of a scene item.

Scenes and Groups

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sceneName String Name of the scene the item is in None N/A
sceneItemId Number Numeric ID of the scene item >= 0 N/A
sceneItemBlendMode String New blend mode None N/A

Outputs Requests


Gets the status of the virtualcam output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active


Toggles the state of the virtualcam output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active


Starts the virtualcam output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Stops the virtualcam output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Gets the status of the replay buffer output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active


Toggles the state of the replay buffer output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active


Starts the replay buffer output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Stops the replay buffer output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Saves the contents of the replay buffer output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Gets the filename of the last replay buffer save file.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
savedReplayPath String File path


Gets the list of available outputs.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Gets the status of an output.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
outputName String Output name None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
outputReconnecting Boolean Whether the output is reconnecting
outputTimecode String Current formatted timecode string for the output
outputDuration Number Current duration in milliseconds for the output
outputCongestion Number Congestion of the output
outputBytes Number Number of bytes sent by the output
outputSkippedFrames Number Number of frames skipped by the output's process
outputTotalFrames Number Total number of frames delivered by the output's process


Toggles the status of an output.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
outputName String Output name None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active


Starts an output.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
outputName String Output name None N/A


Stops an output.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
outputName String Output name None N/A


Gets the settings of an output.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
outputName String Output name None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputSettings Object Output settings


Sets the settings of an output.

  • Complexity Rating: 4/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
outputName String Output name None N/A
outputSettings Object Output settings None N/A

Stream Requests


Gets the status of the stream output.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
outputReconnecting Boolean Whether the output is currently reconnecting
outputTimecode String Current formatted timecode string for the output
outputDuration Number Current duration in milliseconds for the output
outputCongestion Number Congestion of the output
outputBytes Number Number of bytes sent by the output
outputSkippedFrames Number Number of frames skipped by the output's process
outputTotalFrames Number Total number of frames delivered by the output's process


Toggles the status of the stream output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean New state of the stream output


Starts the stream output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Stops the stream output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Sends CEA-608 caption text over the stream output.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
captionText String Caption text None N/A

Record Requests


Gets the status of the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputActive Boolean Whether the output is active
ouputPaused Boolean Whether the output is paused
outputTimecode String Current formatted timecode string for the output
outputDuration Number Current duration in milliseconds for the output
outputBytes Number Number of bytes sent by the output


Toggles the status of the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Starts the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Stops the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
outputPath String File name for the saved recording


Toggles pause on the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Pauses the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0


Resumes the record output.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Media Inputs Requests


Gets the status of a media input.

Media States:









  • Complexity Rating: 2/5

  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1

  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the media input None N/A

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
mediaState String State of the media input
mediaDuration Number Total duration of the playing media in milliseconds. null if not playing
mediaCursor Number Position of the cursor in milliseconds. null if not playing


Sets the cursor position of a media input.

This request does not perform bounds checking of the cursor position.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the media input None N/A
mediaCursor Number New cursor position to set >= 0 N/A


Offsets the current cursor position of a media input by the specified value.

This request does not perform bounds checking of the cursor position.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the media input None N/A
mediaCursorOffset Number Value to offset the current cursor position by None N/A


Triggers an action on a media input.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the media input None N/A
mediaAction String Identifier of the ObsMediaInputAction enum None N/A

Ui Requests


Gets whether studio is enabled.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
studioModeEnabled Boolean Whether studio mode is enabled


Enables or disables studio mode

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
studioModeEnabled Boolean True == Enabled, False == Disabled None N/A


Opens the properties dialog of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to open the dialog of None N/A


Opens the filters dialog of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to open the dialog of None N/A


Opens the interact dialog of an input.

  • Complexity Rating: 1/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
inputName String Name of the input to open the dialog of None N/A


Gets a list of connected monitors and information about them.

  • Complexity Rating: 2/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Response Fields:

Name Type Description
monitors Array<Object> a list of detected monitors with some information


Opens a projector for a specific output video mix.

Mix types:


Note: This request serves to provide feature parity with 4.x. It is very likely to be changed/deprecated in a future release.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
videoMixType String Type of mix to open None N/A
?monitorIndex Number Monitor index, use GetMonitorList to obtain index None -1: Opens projector in windowed mode
?projectorGeometry String Size/Position data for a windowed projector, in Qt Base64 encoded format. Mutually exclusive with monitorIndex None N/A


Opens a projector for a source.

Note: This request serves to provide feature parity with 4.x. It is very likely to be changed/deprecated in a future release.

  • Complexity Rating: 3/5
  • Latest Supported RPC Version: 1
  • Added in v5.0.0

Request Fields:

Name Type Description Value Restrictions ?Default Behavior
sourceName String Name of the source to open a projector for None N/A
?monitorIndex Number Monitor index, use GetMonitorList to obtain index None -1: Opens projector in windowed mode
?projectorGeometry String Size/Position data for a windowed projector, in Qt Base64 encoded format. Mutually exclusive with monitorIndex None N/A