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RGFN: Reaction-GFlowNet

Code for "RGFN: Synthesizable Molecular Generation Using GFlowNets" [arXiv]. Repository based on

RGFN is a generative model for designing diverse, high-reward small molecules. All produced molecules are highly likely to be synthesizable through the proposed synthesis pathways and cost ~100x less than those produced by competing methods. This is achieved by operating exclusively in the space of high-yield chemical reactions and low-cost reactants.

Graphical abstract

This repository allows users to reproduce experiments described in the associated paper and easily extend the framework to use custom oracles for optimization, e.g. by specifying a different protein target for the GPU-accelerated docking.


To create the conda environment, run the following commands:

conda create --name rgfn python=3.11.8 -y
conda activate rgfn

# If using CUDA (NOTE: this assumes CUDA 11.8, replace with your CUDA version):
pip install torch==2.3.0 --index-url
pip install dgl==2.2.1+cu118 -f

# If using CPU:
pip install torch==2.3.0 --index-url
pip install dgl==1.1.2 -f

pip install -e .

# Optional development tools:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

For convenience all experiments will be logged to experiments directory. If you want to store the experiments results on other partition, you can create a symlink to the desired location:

ln -s <your_path> experiments

(Optional) Setup Vina-GPU-2.1

Before following the instructions below, please read these important notes:

  1. The user-specified workspace directory must be a full path.
  2. The Vina-GPU-2.1 docking proxy requires a system-wide installation of CUDA to work on GPU (loaded by, e.g., module load cuda/11.8).
  3. The script installs Boost 1.83.0 to the workspace directory. If you would like to use a different version of boost, you will need to modify the script.

To set up QV2GPU for use in the QV2GPU rescoring proxy, run the following command:

sh scripts/ <workspace_directory>

The default installation path points to quickvina_dir. To make this work with your Vina-GPU-2.1 installation path, you can create a symlink:

ln -s <your-Vina-GPU-2.1_installation_path> quickvina_dir

(Optional) Setup Gnina

To set up Gnina for use in the Gnina rescoring proxy, run the following command:

sh external/

NOTE: Gnina rescoring changes the range of rewards to (0, 1). Because of that, it will be necessary to adjust Reward.beta parameter when compared to standard docking. Assuming the default beta of 4 for docking scores, a reasonable value would be 48, the default beta for the senolytic proxy.

(Optional) Setup REINVENT priors

To setup environment for REINVENT priors, run the following commands:

pip install xxhash==3.4.1 molvs==0.1.1 tensorboard==2.16.2 tomli==2.0.1 pathos==0.3.2 numpy==1.26.4 mmpdb==2.1

# If using CUDA (NOTE: this assumes CUDA 11.8, replace with your CUDA version):
pip install torchvision==0.18.1+cu118 --no-deps --index-url

# If using CPU:
pip install torchvision==0.18.1 --no-deps --index-url

To download the code for REINVENT priors, run the following command:

sh external/

Note that the reinvent repository is heavy (~2GB). If you want to decrease its size after it has been downloaded remove external/reinvent/.git directory (~1.2GB) and unused priors from external/reinvent/priors (~0.7GB).

In the case of issues with libxrender library, install it with conda:

conda install xorg-libxrender

or with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libxrender1

(Optional) Setup GNEprop proxies

Note that GNEprop is part of a not-yet published project, and access to the code and the models is restricted. In particular, you will need an access to a private github repository for the instructions below to work.

To setup environment for GNEprop proxies, run the following commands:

pip install descriptastorus==2.6.1 "ray[tune]==2.31.0" ax-platform==0.4.0 matplotlib==3.9.0 seaborn==0.13.2 umap-learn==0.5.6 pytorch-lightning==1.9.5
pip install lightning-bolts==0.7.0 --no-deps

To download the code for GNEprop model, run the following command:

sh external/

You also need to download the models manually from google drive and put them inside external/gneprop/models. The code will look for the checkpoints in that location.

Finally, note that GNEprop requires a system-wide installation of CUDA to work on GPU (loaded by, e.g., module load cuda/11.8).


To train the RGFN using sEH proxy, run:

python --cfg configs/rgfn_seh_proxy.gin

The script will dump the results under experiments/rgfn_seh_proxy/<timestamp> directory. Our code uses gin-config package that allows for lightweight models configuration along with dependency injection.

Project Structure


Under rgfn.api, the repository provides a flexible API that clearly separates the GFlowNet components. The states, actions and action spaces can be represented as an arbitrary classes, which allows for easy implementation of GFlowNets with non-static environments (e.g. with dynamic action spaces).

  • Base class for environments. It provides a minimal and flexible interface that can be used to implement environments with dynamic action spaces. An action space is a set of possible actions that can be taken from a state in forward (forward action space) and backward (backward action space) direction. The reward is decoupled from the environment, so that environment should only describe the possible transitions between states. The environment can be reversed to enable backward sampling of the trajectories.
  • A base class for policies. Given the current batch of states, a policy samples corresponding actions. It also computes the log probabilities when chosen actions and following states are provided.
  • A base class for samplers. A sampler samples trajectories from the environment using a policy.
  • A trajectory is a sequence of states and actions sampled by a sampler using the environment and the policy. Every state has a corresponding forward and backward action space which describe the possible actions that can be taken from that state. Trajectories are stored in a batch manner. The terminal states in the trajectories are assigned with rewards.
  • A class representing the reward function. The reward function is a function of a proxy output that takes a batch of states and computes rewards that are used to train the policy.
  • A base class for proxies. A proxy is a function that takes a batch of states and computes values that are then used to compute the reward.
  • A base class for GFN objectives. An objective is a function that takes a batch of trajectories and computes the loss (objective)
  • A base class for replay buffers. A replay buffer stores terminal states or trajectories and can sample them in backward direction using the provided sampler.


Under rgfn.shared, the repository provides shared utilities that are used across the different GFlowNets implementations, e.g. Trajectory Balance Objective, Conditioned Trajectory Balance Objective, uniform policy, cached proxy base class, random samplers, reward_prioritized buffer, etc.


Under rgfn.gfns, the repository provides the implementation of the GFlowNets.


  title={RGFN: Synthesizable Molecular Generation Using GFlowNets},
  author={Koziarski, Micha{\l} and Rekesh, Andrei and Shevchuk, Dmytro and van der Sloot, Almer and Gai{\'n}ski, Piotr and Bengio, Yoshua and Liu, Cheng-Hao and Tyers, Mike and Batey, Robert A},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.08506},