For this fork:
- Removed stub/placeholder comments
- Changed
: class
to: AnyObject
as it was deprecated by Apple - Reformated code and changed code styles using default settings from
- Used
swiftlint --fix
- Swift 5.3 compatible
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
- Fixed @testable import for project names containing spaces
- Added example unit tests for the sample use case in:
- View controller
- Interactor
- Presenter
- Updated for the latest Xcode 8.3.3 and Xcode 9.0 beta
- Updated to work with Swift 3 and Swift 4
- Improved routing whether you use segues or not
- Improved data passing using the all new data store protocol
- Separated the routing process into two phases: navigation and data passing, with a clean interface
- Removed the need for configurator in favor of cleaner setup
- Combined input and output protocols to remove duplication
- Renamed protocols with better names
- Swiftier models with nested enums and structs
- Use optionals to prevent crash in the VIP cycle when the scene is no longer in memory
- Works whether you use storyboards to build your UI or not
- View controller class names are now recognized when specifying class names in storyboards
- Updated unit tests for Swift 3
- Nest model structs instead of using underscore
- Swift 3 compatible
- Added @testable import to unit test files
- Fixed bug to get main bundle in view controller unit test setup
- Added missing router input protocol conformance to router template
- Added Unit Tests template to generate XCTest unit test files for:
- View controller
- Interactor
- Presenter
- Worker
- Added the Scene template to generate the following Clean Swift components:
- View Controller
- Interactor
- Presenter
- Router
- Worker
- Models
- Configurator
- These components can also be generated individually