+!pip install kornia
+!pip install kornia-rs
Image anti-alias with local features
+import io
+import requests
+def download_image(url: str, filename: str = "") -> str:
+= url.split("/")[-1] if len(filename) == 0 else filename
+ filename # Download
+ = io.BytesIO(requests.get(url).content)
+ bytesio # Save file
+ with open(filename, "wb") as outfile:
+ outfile.write(bytesio.getbuffer())
+return filename
+= "https://github.com/kornia/data/raw/main/drslump.jpg"
+ url download_image(url)
+First, lets load some image.
+%matplotlib inline
+import kornia as K
+import kornia.feature as KF
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import torch
= torch.device("cpu")
+ device
+= K.io.load_image("drslump.jpg", K.io.ImageLoadType.RGB32, device=device)[None, ...]
+ img_original
+ plt.figure() plt.imshow(K.tensor_to_image(img_original))
+= img_original.shape
+ B, CH, H, W
+= 4
+ DOWNSAMPLE = K.geometry.resize(img_original, (H // DOWNSAMPLE, W // DOWNSAMPLE), interpolation="area")
+ img_small
+ plt.figure() plt.imshow(K.tensor_to_image(img_small))
+Now, lets define a keypoint with a large support region.
+def show_lafs(img, lafs, idx=0, color="r", figsize=(10, 7)):
+= KF.laf.get_laf_pts_to_draw(lafs, idx)
+ x, y =figsize)
+ plt.figure(figsizeif isinstance(img, torch.Tensor):
+ = K.tensor_to_image(img)
+ img_show else:
+ = img
+ img_show
+ plt.imshow(img_show)
+ plt.plot(x, y, color)return
+= torch.tensor([[150.0, 0, 180], [0, 150, 280]]).float().view(1, 1, 2, 3)
+ laf_orig = laf_orig / float(DOWNSAMPLE)
+ laf_small
+=(6, 4))
+ show_lafs(img_original, laf_orig, figsize=(6, 4)) show_lafs(img_small, laf_small, figsize
Now lets compare how extracted patch would look like when extracted in a naive way and from scale pyramid.
+= 32
+ PS with torch.no_grad():
+= KF.extract_patches_from_pyramid(img_original, laf_orig.to(device), PS)
+ patches_pyr_orig = KF.extract_patches_simple(img_original, laf_orig.to(device), PS)
+ patches_simple_orig
+= KF.extract_patches_from_pyramid(img_small, laf_small.to(device), PS)
+ patches_pyr_small = KF.extract_patches_simple(img_small, laf_small.to(device), PS)
+ patches_simple_small
+# Now we will glue all the patches together:
+def vert_cat_with_margin(p1, p2, margin=3):
+= p1.size()
+ b, n, ch, h, w return torch.cat([p1, torch.ones(b, n, ch, h, margin).to(device), p2], dim=4)
+def horiz_cat_with_margin(p1, p2, margin=3):
+= p1.size()
+ b, n, ch, h, w return torch.cat([p1, torch.ones(b, n, ch, margin, w).to(device), p2], dim=3)
+= vert_cat_with_margin(patches_pyr_orig, patches_pyr_small)
+ patches_pyr = vert_cat_with_margin(patches_simple_orig, patches_simple_small)
+ patches_naive
+= horiz_cat_with_margin(patches_naive, patches_pyr) patches_all
Now lets show the result. Top row is what you get if you are extracting patches without any antialiasing - note how the patches extracted from the images of different sizes differ.
+Bottom row is patches, which are extracted from images of different sizes using a scale pyramid. They are not yet exactly the same, but the difference is much smaller.
+=(10, 10))
+ plt.figure(figsize0, 0])) plt.imshow(K.tensor_to_image(patches_all[
+Lets check how much it influences local descriptor performance such as HardNet
+= KF.HardNet(True).eval()
+ hardnet = (
+ all_patches =0)
+ torch.cat([patches_pyr_orig, patches_pyr_small, patches_simple_orig, patches_simple_small], dim1)
+ .squeeze(=1, keepdim=True)
+ .mean(dim
+ )with torch.no_grad():
+= hardnet(all_patches)
+ descs = torch.cdist(descs, descs)
+ distances print(distances.cpu().detach().numpy())
[[0. 0.16867691 0.8070452 0.52112377]
+ [0.16867691 0. 0.7973113 0.48472866]
+ [0.8070452 0.7973113 0. 0.59267515]
+ [0.52112377 0.48472866 0.59267515 0. ]]
+So the descriptor difference between antialiased patches is 0.09 and between naively extracted – 0.44
+ + + +