From 47ded1040bddcee10ad26cd6e3ab50b3754434cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: soywiz Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 15:17:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update CI test --- .github/workflows/TEST.yml | 37 +++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/TEST.yml b/.github/workflows/TEST.yml index 61c9590dfb..8dee8497cc 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/TEST.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/TEST.yml @@ -41,33 +41,30 @@ jobs: #GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dkotlin.compiler.execution.strategy=in-process -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=3 steps: - { uses: actions/checkout@v4 } - - { name: Use Node.js 20.x, uses: actions/setup-node@v4, with: { node-version: 20.x } } - - { name: Setup Deno, uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1, with: { deno-version: "1.44.4" } } - - { name: Configure parallel in, run: "echo org.gradle.parallel=true >>" } - - { name: Replace gradle wrapper, run: "sed 's/-all/-bin/g' gradle/wrapper/ > gradle/wrapper/; cp gradle/wrapper/ gradle/wrapper/" } - - { if: "${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-') }}", name: Install freeglut3 & openal, run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install freeglut3-dev libopenal-dev xvfb } - - { if: "${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-') }}", name: Run Xvfb in Background, run: "Xvfb :99 &" } - - { if: "${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows-') }}", name: Download and unzip opengl, shell: cmd, run: "curl -L -o && unzip && unzip -d korge" } - - { name: Set up JDK, uses: actions/setup-java@v4, with: { distribution: "${{ env.JAVA_DISTRIBUTION }}", java-version: "${{ env.JAVA_VERSION }}" } } + - { name: Setup Deno, uses: denoland/setup-deno@916edb9a40fd86d1ff57b758807ebe57242f7407, with: { deno-version: "1.44.4" } } # + - { name: Install freeglut3 & openal, if: "${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-') }}", run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install freeglut3-dev libopenal-dev xvfb } + - { name: Run Xvfb in Background, if: "${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-') }}", run: "Xvfb :99 &" } + - { name: Download and unzip opengl, if: "${{ startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows-') }}", shell: cmd, run: "curl -L -o && unzip && unzip -d korge" } + - { name: Set up JDK, uses: actions/setup-java@6a0805fcefea3d4657a47ac4c165951e33482018, with: { distribution: "${{ env.JAVA_DISTRIBUTION }}", java-version: "${{ env.JAVA_VERSION }}" } } # - { name: Prepare Gradle, uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@417ae3ccd767c252f5661f1ace9f835f9654f2b5 } # - { name: Start gradle, run: ./gradlew } - - { if: "${{ matrix.precompileTask }}", name: "Building ${{ matrix.precompileTask }} classes", run: "./gradlew --stacktrace --parallel ${{ matrix.precompileTask }}" } + - { name: "Building ${{ matrix.precompileTask }} classes", if: "${{ matrix.precompileTask }}", run: "./gradlew --stacktrace ${{ matrix.precompileTask }}" } #- { name: Testing JVM on windows, shell: cmd, run: "CALL gradlew.bat --parallel jvmTest", env: { EGL_LOG_LEVEL: debug, LIBGL_DEBUG: verbose, LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE: true, MESA_DEBUG: true } } - - { if: "${{ matrix.testTask }}", name: "Run ${{ matrix.testTask }} tests", run: "./gradlew ${{ matrix.testTask }}", env: { EGL_LOG_LEVEL: debug, LIBGL_DEBUG: verbose, LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE: true, MESA_DEBUG: true } } - - { if: "${{ matrix.buildTasks }}", name: "Run ${{ matrix.buildTasks }}", run: "./gradlew ${{ matrix.buildTasks }}" } + - { name: "Run ${{ matrix.testTask }} tests", if: "${{ matrix.testTask }}", run: "./gradlew ${{ matrix.testTask }}", env: { EGL_LOG_LEVEL: debug, LIBGL_DEBUG: verbose, LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE: true, MESA_DEBUG: true } } + - { name: "Run ${{ matrix.buildTasks }}", if: "${{ matrix.buildTasks }}", run: "./gradlew ${{ matrix.buildTasks }}" } - name: Enable KVM if: "${{ matrix.enableAndroid }}" run: | echo 'KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0666", OPTIONS+="static_node=kvm"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-kvm4all.rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules sudo udevadm trigger --name-match=kvm - - { name: "Run Android Tests", if: "${{ matrix.enableAndroid }}", uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2, with: { "api-level": 21, "script": "./gradlew connectedCheck" } } + - { name: "Run Android Tests", if: "${{ matrix.enableAndroid }}", uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@f0d1ed2dcad93c7479e8b2f2226c83af54494915, with: { "api-level": 21, "script": "./gradlew connectedCheck" } } # - { name: Archive Test Results, if: failure(), uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4, with: { name: "test-results-${{ matrix.os }}", retention-days: 21, path: "**/build/reports", if-no-files-found: ignore } } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: Check sandbox compiles, run: "./gradlew :korge-sandbox:jvmJar" } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: Publish to maven local, run: ./gradlew --parallel publishJvmLocal publishKotlinMultiplatformPublicationToMavenLocal } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: e2e test, working-directory: e2e/e2e-test, run: ./gradlew checkReferencesJvm --stacktrace } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e && failure() }}", name: Archive E2E Test Results, uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4, with: { name: e2e-test-results-linux-jvm, retention-days: 21, path: "**/e2e/e2e-test/build/screenshots", if-no-files-found: ignore } } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: e2e multi test and hotreload, working-directory: e2e/e2e-test-multi, run: "./gradlew --watch-fs --warn --configuration-cache --configuration-cache-problems=warn compileKotlinJvm" } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: e2e multi test runJvmAutoreload, working-directory: e2e/e2e-test-multi, run: "./gradlew --configuration-cache :client:runJvmAutoreload" } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: e2e multi test packageJvmFatJar, working-directory: e2e/e2e-test-multi, run: "./gradlew --configuration-cache :client:packageJvmFatJar" } - - { if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", name: Check publication includes iOS, run: ./gradlew checkModulePublication } + - { name: Check sandbox compiles, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", run: "./gradlew :korge-sandbox:jvmJar" } + - { name: Publish to maven local, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", run: ./gradlew --parallel publishJvmLocal publishKotlinMultiplatformPublicationToMavenLocal } + - { name: e2e test, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", working-directory: e2e/e2e-test, run: ./gradlew checkReferencesJvm --stacktrace } + - { name: Archive E2E Test Results, if: "${{ matrix.e2e && failure() }}", uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4, with: { name: e2e-test-results-linux-jvm, retention-days: 21, path: "**/e2e/e2e-test/build/screenshots", if-no-files-found: ignore } } + - { name: e2e multi test and hotreload, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", working-directory: e2e/e2e-test-multi, run: "./gradlew --watch-fs --warn --configuration-cache --configuration-cache-problems=warn compileKotlinJvm" } + - { name: e2e multi test runJvmAutoreload, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", working-directory: e2e/e2e-test-multi, run: "./gradlew --configuration-cache :client:runJvmAutoreload" } + - { name: e2e multi test packageJvmFatJar, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", working-directory: e2e/e2e-test-multi, run: "./gradlew --configuration-cache :client:packageJvmFatJar" } + - { name: Check publication includes iOS, if: "${{ matrix.e2e }}", run: ./gradlew checkModulePublication }