local serialize = require "serialize"
-- pack serialize lua objects into a lightuserdata (use malloc internal)
-- It supports types : nil , number , boolean, lightuserdata , string , table (without recursion)
local bin = serialize.pack(...)
-- You can append some objects end of the binary block packed before
serialize.append(bin, ...)
-- unpack extract ... from bin, and free the memory.
-- If a packed bin is not serialized or dumped, unpack should be called on that bin to free memory.
-- You can only unpack binary block once.
-- You can use serialize.serialize(bin) to serialize them to one block
-- You can send the block to the other process.
local block, length = serialize.serialize(bin)
-- You can use serialize.deserialize(block) to deserialize block to variables
-- You can dump variables to a binary file.
-- It supports types as serialize.pack
serialize.dump(..., "dump.bin")
-- Then the dumped file can be loaded to variables.
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