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+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
+community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
+identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
+and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
+diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
+community include:
+- Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+- Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+- Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
+ and learning from the experience
+- Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
+ overall community
+Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
+- The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
+ advances of any kind
+- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+- Public or private harassment
+- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
+ address, without their explicit permission
+- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+ professional setting
+## Enforcement Responsibilities
+Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
+acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
+or harmful.
+Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
+decisions when appropriate.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
+an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
+Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
+posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
+All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
+reporter of any incident.
+## Enforcement Guidelines
+Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
+the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
+### 1. Correction
+**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
+unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
+**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
+clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
+behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
+### 2. Warning
+**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
+of actions.
+**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
+interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
+those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
+includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
+like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
+permanent ban.
+### 3. Temporary Ban
+**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
+sustained inappropriate behavior.
+**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
+communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
+private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
+with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
+Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
+### 4. Permanent Ban
+**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
+standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
+individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
+**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
+the community.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
+version 2.0, available at
+Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
+enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity).
+[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
+https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at
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Tackle is a cloud-native application that assesses your applications to determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring. Tackle also helps you to plan the migration of your applications to an enterprise Kubernetes platform.
Tackle uses an interactive questionnaire for the assessment. The assessment process enables key stakeholders to gather information about applications, to discuss risks flagged by Tackle, and to reach a consensus in formulating recommendations for each application.
Installing Tackle
Installing the Tackle Operator
You download and install the Tackle Operator on an Enterprise Kubernetes Platform cluster.
You can create multiple instances of the Tackle application in the same namespace by specifying a unique name for each instance in the tackle.yaml file.
In the Kubernetes dashboard, click Workloads → Deployments to verify the installation.
Logging in to the Tackle web console
You can log in to the Tackle web console.
You must have the Tackle application installed.
In the Kubernetes dashboard, click Services → Ingresses.
Click the Endpoint of the tackle-sample ingress to launch the Tackle web console in a new browser window.
Enter tackle in the Username or email field, password in the Password field, and click Log in.
You must change the default password of the tackle user.
Tackle web console services
Tackle web console provides the following services:
Application inventory
Application inventory
The Application inventory page enables you to perform the following tasks:
Manage your application portfolio.
Define and manage application dependencies.
Link applications to the business services that they support.
Describe and categorize applications by using tags.
You can assess your applications on the Application inventory page.
The assessment helps you determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring.
The assessment is an interactive questionnaire that gathers information and identifies possible risks and their severity.
You can review a completed assessment on the Application inventory page.
The following information is collected from each reviewer:
Proposed action: Proposed action for the application, for example, replatforming or rehosting.
Effort estimate: How much effort is involved in migrating the application, based on the proposed action and the identified risks.
Business criticality: How critical the application is to your business on a scale of 1 to 10.
Work priority: Your work priority estimate for the proposed action on a scale of 1 to 10.
The Reports page displays the results of the reviews.
The Reports page displays the results of the application assessments and reviews and can help you to plan your migration.
The reports provide information about the following:
Suitability of applications for containerization.
Possible risks and severity.
Adoption plan based on estimated effort, work priority, and application dependencies.
The Controls page enables you to manage the following entities:
Stakeholder: A stakeholder is an individual with an interest in an application or a subject matter expert.
Stakeholder group: A stakeholder group is a group of related stakeholders. A stakeholder can belong to one or more stakeholder groups. Stakeholder groups are used to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
Job function: A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You use a predefined job function or create a new job function.
Business service: A business service is an attribute of an application, for example, credit card service, transportation, or IT support. You can use a predefined business service or create a new business service.
Tag: A tag is an attribute of an application. Tags are an extensible and flexible way to add metadata to applications. Tags are grouped under a parent tag type. You can use a predefined tag or create a new tag.
Tag type: A tag type defines the rank and background color of a group of related tags.
Managing users and credentials
You can manage Tackle users and passwords by using the Keycloak admin console.
Accessing the Keycloak admin console
When you install Tackle, a Keycloak admin user is created. You must obtain the admin user name and password to log in to the Keycloak admin console. The credentials are stored in the tackle-keycloak secret.
You must have cluster-admin privileges.
Run the following command to obtain the admin credentials:
$ kubectl get secret tackle-keycloak -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Example output
ADMIN_PASSWORD: <password>
Launch a browser and navigate to https://<www.example.com>/auth, specifying the Tackle cluster URL.
Log in to the Keycloak admin console with the admin user name and password.
Changing the default password
You must change the default password of the tackle user.
You must have cluster-admin privileges
You must have the Keycloak admin user name and password.
Log in to the Keycloak admin console at https://<www.example.com>/auth, specifying the Tackle cluster URL.
Locate the tackle user in the Tackle realm. See Searching for users in the Keycloak documentation.
You can create, import, tag, and modify your applications in the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
Creating an application
You can create an application on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the application.
Description: Optional. Description of the application.
Business service: Optional. You can select a business service that describes the application.
Tags: Optional. You can select one or more tags.
Comments: Optional. Comments about the application.
Click Create.
The new application is displayed on the Application inventory page.
Expand the application to view its tags and comments.
Importing applications
You can import one or more applications into the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console by using a CSV file.
You cannot create tags or business services by importing a CSV file. Specified tags or business services must exist in the web console before you import the applications.
The CSV file contains the following fields:
Record Type 1:
Describes an application or application dependencies.
Required for all records.
The following values are allowed for Record Type 1:
1: Application: This option has the following fields:
Application Name: Required.
Description: Optional.
Comments: Optional.
Business Service: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag Type <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
You can import up to 20 Tag Type <x> and Tag <x> fields.
2: Application dependencies: This option requires the following fields:
Application Name
Dependency: Must be the same as the Application Name of the dependency.
Dependency Direction: Allowed values are northbound and southbound.
All other fields are empty.
Table 1. CSV example
Record Type 1
Application Name
Dependency Direction
Business Service
Tag Type 1
Tag 1
Tag Type 2
Tag 2
Tag Type 3
Tag 3
Vendor management
Required for purchase order processing and accounts payable
Finance and HR
Operating System
Requisitions, purchase orders, goods received
Requisition to receipt
Finance and HR
Operating System
To be retired at the end of the financial year
Finance and HR
General Ledger
Finance and HR
Operating System
Human Resources
Go live scheduled for Q3
Finance and HR
Operating System
Valid CSV file.
Specified business services, tag types, and tags created in the web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu in the toolbar and select Import.
Browse to the CSV file and click Open.
Click Import.
The imported applications are displayed on the Application inventory page .
Managing application imports
You can manage application imports on the Application import page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu in the toolbar and select Manage imports.
The Application import page displays a list of application imports.
Click the Options menu beside an application import and select one of the following options:
Delete deletes the application import.
View error report displays a table of application import errors.
Export errors enables you to save the application import errors as a CSV file.
Updating the tags assigned to an application
You can add or remove tags assigned to an application on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Edit icon beside an application.
Add or delete tags and click Save.
Expand the application to view the updated tags.
Updating the business service assigned to an application
You can update the business service assigned to an application on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
The business service must exist on the Controls page.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Edit icon beside an application.
Select a business service and click Save.
The updated business service is displayed in the Business service column of the application.
Managing application dependencies
You can add, delete, and view application dependencies in the Manage dependencies window on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu beside an application and select Manage dependencies.
To add dependencies, select applications in the northbound or southbound dependencies fields.
To remove dependencies, delete selected applications in the northbound or southbound dependencies fields.
Click Close to save and close.
Managing assessments
You can start, edit, review, and delete application assessments in the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
Starting an assessment
You start an application assessment on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Select an application that does not have a Completed assessment status and click the Assess button in the toolbar.
Select individual stakeholders or stakeholder groups and then click Next.
Select responses to questions on each page of the Application assessment wizard and then click Next.
All questions are mandatory.
When you have completed all the responses, click Save to save the assessment or Save and review to start the assessment review process.
The Assessment status of each assessed application is Completed.
Editing an assessment
You can make an application assessment on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
An application must have a Completed assessment status.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Select an application with a Completed assessment status and click the Assess button in the toolbar.
Click Continue to confirm that you want to edit the assessment.
After you have updated your responses, click Save to save the assessment or Save and review to start the assessment review process.
Reviewing an assessment
You review an application assessment on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
An application must have a Completed assessment status and a Not started review status.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Select an application with a Completed assessment status and a Not started review status and click the Review button in the toolbar.
Review the assessment in the Assessment summary section on the Review page.
The Assessment summary table contains a Risk column that indicates the severity of the risk associated with each response.
Select a Proposed action and an Effort estimate.
Set values for Business criticality and Work priority.
Optional: Enter comments in the Comments field.
Click Submit review.
The Review status of each application is Completed.
Expand the application to view the review results.
Copying and applying assessments and reviews
You copy an assessment or assessment and review from a single application and apply them to multiple applications on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
You can apply assessments and reviews to groups of related applications, for example, applications written in Java or belonging to the same business service.
An application must have a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses, depending on whether you are copying an assessment or an assessment and review.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu beside an application with a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
Select Copy assessment or Copy assessment and review.
Optional: In the dialog box, click Name to select a filter, for example, Tag, and select a tag, for example, Java, to display a filtered list of applications.
Select the applications to which you want to apply the copied assessment or assessment and review.
If a selected application has an existing assessment or review, select the Yes, continue check box to confirm that existing assessments and reviews will be overwritten.
Click Copy.
The selected applications display a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
Deleting an assessment
You delete an application assessment on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console. Deleting an assessment deletes its review.
An application must have a Completed assessment status.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu beside an application with a Completed assessment status and select Discard assessment.
Click Continue to confirm the deletion.
The Assessment and Review status of the application are Not started.
Managing controls
The Controls page of the Tackle web console enables you to manage stakeholders, stakeholder groups, job functions, business services, and tags.
Creating a stakeholder
You can create a stakeholder on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
The stakeholder must have a valid email address.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Stakeholders tab and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Email: Email address of the stakeholder.
Display name: Name of the stakeholder.
Job function: Optional. You can select a predefined job function or type a job function to create it.
Groups: Optional. You can select one or more stakeholder groups from a list of stakeholder groups that you have created.
Click Create.
The new stakeholder is displayed on the Stakeholders tab.
Expand the stakeholder to view the stakeholder groups to which the stakeholder belongs.
Creating a stakeholder group
You can create stakeholder groups on the Controls page of the Tackle web console. Stakeholder groups enable you to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Stakeholder groups tab and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the stakeholder group.
Description: Optional. Description of the stakeholder group.
Member(s): Optional. You can select one or more stakeholders to add to the group.
Click Create.
The new stakeholder group is displayed on the Stakeholder groups tab.
Expand the stakeholder group to view the group members.
Creating a job function
A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You can use a predefined job function or create a new job function on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Job functions tab and then click Create new.
Enter the Name of the job function and click Create.
The new job function is displayed on the Job functions tab.
Creating a business service
A business service is an attribute of an application. You can create a business service on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Business services tab and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the business service.
Description: Optional: Description of the business service.
Owner: Optional: Select a stakeholder.
Click Create.
The new business service is displayed on the Business services tab.
Creating a tag type
You can create a tag type on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
A tag type is the parent of a group of related tags. The tag type defines the rank and background color of the tags on the Application inventory page.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Tags tab and then click Create tag type.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the tag type.
Rank: The rank determines the order in which the tags are displayed.
Color: The color is displayed as the background color for all tags associated with this tag type.
Click Create.
The new tag type is displayed on the Tags tab.
Creating a tag
You can create a tag on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
Tags are an extensible and flexible way to add metadata to applications. Tags are added to applications on the Application inventory page.
Tags belong to a parent tag type that determines the display order and color of the tags. You can use a predefined tag type or create a new tag type.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Tags tab and then click Create tag.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the tag.
Tag type: Select a tag type.
Click Create.
The new tag is displayed under its tag type on the Tags tab.
About reports
You can view a report of the assessments and reviews on the Reports page of the Tackle web console.
The Reports page contains the following sections:
Current landscape
This section displays all applications according to their risk levels.
Adoption candidate distribution
This section lists the assessed applications with the following columns:
Criticality is based on the Business criticality value of the review.
Priority is based on the Work priority value of the review.
Effort is based on the Effort estimate value of the review.
Decision is based on the Proposed action value of the review.
By default, all applications are selected. You can clear some of the application check boxes to filter the report.
Suggested adoption plan
This section displays a suggested adoption plan based on effort, priority, and dependencies.
Identified risks
This section lists the severe risks identified in the assessments for all applications.
Upgrading the Tackle application
You manually upgrade instances of the Tackle application.
Upgrading from version 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
You manually upgrade an instance of the Tackle application from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.
You must have project administrator privileges.
For each step, specify the namespace and the Tackle instance name.
Update the keycloak deployment of the Tackle instance:
$ kubectl set image -n <namespace> deployment/<tackle_instance>-keycloak keycloak-theme=quay.io/konveyor/tackle-keycloak-init:1.2.0
Update the application-inventory-rest deployment:
$ kubectl set image -n <namespace> deployment/<tackle_instance>-application-inventory-rest \
+ <tackle_instance>-application-inventory-rest=quay.io/konveyor/tackle-application-inventory:1.2.0-native
Update the controls-rest deployment:
$ kubectl set image -n <namespace> deployment/<tackle_instance>-controls-rest \
+ <tackle_instance>-controls-rest=quay.io/konveyor/tackle-controls:1.2.0-native
Update the pathfinder-rest deployment:
$ kubectl set image -n <namespace> deployment/<tackle_instance>-pathfinder-rest \
+ <tackle_instance>-pathfinder-rest=quay.io/konveyor/tackle-pathfinder:1.2.0-native
Update the ui deployment:
$ kubectl set image -n <namespace> deployment/<tackle_instance>-ui \
+ <tackle_instance>-ui=quay.io/konveyor/tackle-ui:1.2.0
Log in to the web console and click the Help icon beside the user name to verify the upgrade.
The About Tackle window opens and displays the version number.
Upgrading from version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
You manually upgrade an instance of the Tackle application from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.
You must have project administrator privileges.
For each step, specify the namespace and the Tackle instance name.
Update the keycloak deployment of the Tackle instance:
Tackle is a cloud-native application that assesses your applications to determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring. Tackle also helps you to plan the migration of your applications to an enterprise Kubernetes platform.
Tackle uses an interactive questionnaire for the assessment. The assessment process enables key stakeholders to gather information about applications, to discuss risks flagged by Tackle, and to reach a consensus in formulating recommendations for each application.
When you install Tackle, a Keycloak admin user is created. You must obtain the admin user name and password to log in to the Keycloak admin console. The credentials are stored in the tackle-keycloak secret.
You must have cluster-admin privileges.
Run the following command to obtain the admin credentials:
$ kubectl get secret tackle-keycloak -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Tackle web console provides the following services:
Application inventory
Application inventory
The Application inventory page enables you to perform the following tasks:
Manage your application portfolio.
Define and manage application dependencies.
Link applications to the business services that they support.
Describe and categorize applications by using tags.
You can assess your applications on the Application inventory page.
The assessment helps you determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring.
The assessment is an interactive questionnaire that gathers information and identifies possible risks and their severity.
You can review a completed assessment on the Application inventory page.
The following information is collected from each reviewer:
Proposed action: Proposed action for the application, for example, replatforming or rehosting.
Effort estimate: How much effort is involved in migrating the application, based on the proposed action and the identified risks.
Business criticality: How critical the application is to your business on a scale of 1 to 10.
Work priority: Your work priority estimate for the proposed action on a scale of 1 to 10.
The Reports page displays the results of the reviews.
The Reports page displays the results of the application assessments and reviews and can help you to plan your migration.
The reports provide information about the following:
Suitability of applications for containerization.
Possible risks and severity.
Adoption plan based on estimated effort, work priority, and application dependencies.
The Controls page enables you to manage the following entities:
Stakeholder: A stakeholder is an individual with an interest in an application or a subject matter expert.
Stakeholder group: A stakeholder group is a group of related stakeholders. A stakeholder can belong to one or more stakeholder groups. Stakeholder groups are used to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
Job function: A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You use a predefined job function or create a new job function.
Business service: A business service is an attribute of an application, for example, credit card service, transportation, or IT support. You can use a predefined business service or create a new business service.
Tag: A tag is an attribute of an application. Tags are an extensible and flexible way to add metadata to applications. Tags are grouped under a parent tag type. You can use a predefined tag or create a new tag.
Tag type: A tag type defines the rank and background color of a group of related tags.
You copy an assessment or assessment and review from a single application and apply them to multiple applications on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
You can apply assessments and reviews to groups of related applications, for example, applications written in Java or belonging to the same business service.
An application must have a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses, depending on whether you are copying an assessment or an assessment and review.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu beside an application with a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
Select Copy assessment or Copy assessment and review.
Optional: In the dialog box, click Name to select a filter, for example, Tag, and select a tag, for example, Java, to display a filtered list of applications.
Select the applications to which you want to apply the copied assessment or assessment and review.
If a selected application has an existing assessment or review, select the Yes, continue check box to confirm that existing assessments and reviews will be overwritten.
Click Copy.
The selected applications display a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You can use a predefined job function or create a new job function on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Job functions tab and then click Create new.
Enter the Name of the job function and click Create.
The new job function is displayed on the Job functions tab.
You can create stakeholder groups on the Controls page of the Tackle web console. Stakeholder groups enable you to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Stakeholder groups tab and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the stakeholder group.
Description: Optional. Description of the stakeholder group.
Member(s): Optional. You can select one or more stakeholders to add to the group.
Click Create.
The new stakeholder group is displayed on the Stakeholder groups tab.
Expand the stakeholder group to view the group members.
You can import one or more applications into the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console by using a CSV file.
You cannot create tags or business services by importing a CSV file. Specified tags or business services must exist in the web console before you import the applications.
The CSV file contains the following fields:
Record Type 1:
Describes an application or application dependencies.
Required for all records.
The following values are allowed for Record Type 1:
1: Application: This option has the following fields:
Application Name: Required.
Description: Optional.
Comments: Optional.
Business Service: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag Type <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
You can import up to 20 Tag Type <x> and Tag <x> fields.
2: Application dependencies: This option requires the following fields:
Application Name
Dependency: Must be the same as the Application Name of the dependency.
Dependency Direction: Allowed values are northbound and southbound.
All other fields are empty.
Table 1. CSV example
Record Type 1
Application Name
Dependency Direction
Business Service
Tag Type 1
Tag 1
Tag Type 2
Tag 2
Tag Type 3
Tag 3
Vendor management
Required for purchase order processing and accounts payable
Finance and HR
Operating System
Requisitions, purchase orders, goods received
Requisition to receipt
Finance and HR
Operating System
To be retired at the end of the financial year
Finance and HR
General Ledger
Finance and HR
Operating System
Human Resources
Go live scheduled for Q3
Finance and HR
Operating System
Valid CSV file.
Specified business services, tag types, and tags created in the web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu in the toolbar and select Import.
Browse to the CSV file and click Open.
Click Import.
The imported applications are displayed on the Application inventory page .
You can create multiple instances of the Tackle application in the same namespace by specifying a unique name for each instance in the tackle.yaml file.
In the Kubernetes dashboard, click Workloads → Deployments to verify the installation.
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.
Tackle is a cloud-native application that assesses your applications to determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring. Tackle also helps you to plan the migration of your applications to an enterprise Kubernetes platform.
Tackle uses an interactive questionnaire for the assessment. The assessment process enables key stakeholders to gather information about applications, to discuss risks flagged by Tackle, and to reach a consensus in formulating recommendations for each application.
When you install Tackle, a Keycloak admin user is created. You must obtain the admin user name and password to log in to the Keycloak admin console. The credentials are stored in the tackle-keycloak secret.
You must have cluster-admin privileges.
Run the following command to obtain the admin credentials:
$ kubectl get secret tackle-keycloak -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Tackle web console provides the following services:
Application inventory
Application inventory
The Application inventory page enables you to perform the following tasks:
Manage your application portfolio.
Define and manage application dependencies.
Link applications to the business services that they support.
Describe and categorize applications by using tags.
You can assess your applications on the Application inventory page.
The assessment helps you determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring.
The assessment is an interactive questionnaire that gathers information and identifies possible risks and their severity.
You can review a completed assessment on the Application inventory page.
The following information is collected from each reviewer:
Proposed action: Proposed action for the application, for example, replatforming or rehosting.
Effort estimate: How much effort is involved in migrating the application, based on the proposed action and the identified risks.
Business criticality: How critical the application is to your business on a scale of 1 to 10.
Work priority: Your work priority estimate for the proposed action on a scale of 1 to 10.
The Reports page displays the results of the reviews.
The Reports page displays the results of the application assessments and reviews and can help you to plan your migration.
The reports provide information about the following:
Suitability of applications for containerization.
Possible risks and severity.
Adoption plan based on estimated effort, work priority, and application dependencies.
The Controls page enables you to manage the following entities:
Stakeholder: A stakeholder is an individual with an interest in an application or a subject matter expert.
Stakeholder group: A stakeholder group is a group of related stakeholders. A stakeholder can belong to one or more stakeholder groups. Stakeholder groups are used to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
Job function: A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You use a predefined job function or create a new job function.
Business service: A business service is an attribute of an application, for example, credit card service, transportation, or IT support. You can use a predefined business service or create a new business service.
Tag: A tag is an attribute of an application. Tags are an extensible and flexible way to add metadata to applications. Tags are grouped under a parent tag type. You can use a predefined tag or create a new tag.
Tag type: A tag type defines the rank and background color of a group of related tags.
You copy an assessment or assessment and review from a single application and apply them to multiple applications on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
You can apply assessments and reviews to groups of related applications, for example, applications written in Java or belonging to the same business service.
An application must have a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses, depending on whether you are copying an assessment or an assessment and review.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu beside an application with a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
Select Copy assessment or Copy assessment and review.
Optional: In the dialog box, click Name to select a filter, for example, Tag, and select a tag, for example, Java, to display a filtered list of applications.
Select the applications to which you want to apply the copied assessment or assessment and review.
If a selected application has an existing assessment or review, select the Yes, continue check box to confirm that existing assessments and reviews will be overwritten.
Click Copy.
The selected applications display a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You can use a predefined job function or create a new job function on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Job functions tab and then click Create new.
Enter the Name of the job function and click Create.
The new job function is displayed on the Job functions tab.
You can create stakeholder groups on the Controls page of the Tackle web console. Stakeholder groups enable you to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Stakeholder groups tab and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the stakeholder group.
Description: Optional. Description of the stakeholder group.
Member(s): Optional. You can select one or more stakeholders to add to the group.
Click Create.
The new stakeholder group is displayed on the Stakeholder groups tab.
Expand the stakeholder group to view the group members.
You can import one or more applications into the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console by using a CSV file.
You cannot create tags or business services by importing a CSV file. Specified tags or business services must exist in the web console before you import the applications.
The CSV file contains the following fields:
Record Type 1:
Describes an application or application dependencies.
Required for all records.
The following values are allowed for Record Type 1:
1: Application: This option has the following fields:
Application Name: Required.
Description: Optional.
Comments: Optional.
Business Service: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag Type <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
You can import up to 20 Tag Type <x> and Tag <x> fields.
2: Application dependencies: This option requires the following fields:
Application Name
Dependency: Must be the same as the Application Name of the dependency.
Dependency Direction: Allowed values are northbound and southbound.
All other fields are empty.
Table 1. CSV example
Record Type 1
Application Name
Dependency Direction
Business Service
Tag Type 1
Tag 1
Tag Type 2
Tag 2
Tag Type 3
Tag 3
Vendor management
Required for purchase order processing and accounts payable
Finance and HR
Operating System
Requisitions, purchase orders, goods received
Requisition to receipt
Finance and HR
Operating System
To be retired at the end of the financial year
Finance and HR
General Ledger
Finance and HR
Operating System
Human Resources
Go live scheduled for Q3
Finance and HR
Operating System
Valid CSV file.
Specified business services, tag types, and tags created in the web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu in the toolbar and select Import.
Browse to the CSV file and click Open.
Click Import.
The imported applications are displayed on the Application inventory page .
You can create multiple instances of the Tackle application in the same namespace by specifying a unique name for each instance in the tackle.yaml file.
In the Kubernetes dashboard, click Workloads → Deployments to verify the installation.
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.
Tackle is a cloud-native application that assesses your applications to determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring. Tackle also helps you to plan the migration of your applications to an enterprise Kubernetes platform.
Tackle uses an interactive questionnaire for the assessment. The assessment process enables key stakeholders to gather information about applications, to discuss risks flagged by Tackle, and to reach a consensus in formulating recommendations for each application.
When you install Tackle, a Keycloak admin user is created. You must obtain the admin user name and password to log in to the Keycloak admin console. The credentials are stored in the tackle-keycloak secret.
You must have cluster-admin privileges.
Run the following command to obtain the admin credentials:
$ kubectl get secret tackle-keycloak -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v | base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Tackle web console provides the following services:
Application inventory
Application inventory
The Application inventory page enables you to perform the following tasks:
Manage your application portfolio.
Define and manage application dependencies.
Link applications to the business services that they support.
Describe and categorize applications by using tags.
You can assess your applications on the Application inventory page.
The assessment helps you determine an appropriate migration strategy for each application, for example, rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring.
The assessment is an interactive questionnaire that gathers information and identifies possible risks and their severity.
You can review a completed assessment on the Application inventory page.
The following information is collected from each reviewer:
Proposed action: Proposed action for the application, for example, replatforming or rehosting.
Effort estimate: How much effort is involved in migrating the application, based on the proposed action and the identified risks.
Business criticality: How critical the application is to your business on a scale of 1 to 10.
Work priority: Your work priority estimate for the proposed action on a scale of 1 to 10.
The Reports page displays the results of the reviews.
The Reports page displays the results of the application assessments and reviews and can help you to plan your migration.
The reports provide information about the following:
Suitability of applications for containerization.
Possible risks and severity.
Adoption plan based on estimated effort, work priority, and application dependencies.
The Controls page enables you to manage the following entities:
Stakeholder: A stakeholder is an individual with an interest in an application or a subject matter expert.
Stakeholder group: A stakeholder group is a group of related stakeholders. A stakeholder can belong to one or more stakeholder groups. Stakeholder groups are used to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
Job function: A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You use a predefined job function or create a new job function.
Business service: A business service is an attribute of an application, for example, credit card service, transportation, or IT support. You can use a predefined business service or create a new business service.
Tag: A tag is an attribute of an application. Tags are an extensible and flexible way to add metadata to applications. Tags are grouped under a parent tag type. You can use a predefined tag or create a new tag.
Tag type: A tag type defines the rank and background color of a group of related tags.
You copy an assessment or assessment and review from a single application and apply them to multiple applications on the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console.
You can apply assessments and reviews to groups of related applications, for example, applications written in Java or belonging to the same business service.
An application must have a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses, depending on whether you are copying an assessment or an assessment and review.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu beside an application with a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
Select Copy assessment or Copy assessment and review.
Optional: In the dialog box, click Name to select a filter, for example, Tag, and select a tag, for example, Java, to display a filtered list of applications.
Select the applications to which you want to apply the copied assessment or assessment and review.
If a selected application has an existing assessment or review, select the Yes, continue check box to confirm that existing assessments and reviews will be overwritten.
Click Copy.
The selected applications display a Completed assessment status or Completed assessment and review statuses.
A job function is an attribute of a stakeholder. You can use a predefined job function or create a new job function on the Controls page of the Tackle web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Job functions tab and then click Create new.
Enter the Name of the job function and click Create.
The new job function is displayed on the Job functions tab.
You can create stakeholder groups on the Controls page of the Tackle web console. Stakeholder groups enable you to assign multiple stakeholders to review an assessment.
In the Tackle web console, click Controls.
Click the Stakeholder groups tab and then click Create new.
Complete the following fields:
Name: Name of the stakeholder group.
Description: Optional. Description of the stakeholder group.
Member(s): Optional. You can select one or more stakeholders to add to the group.
Click Create.
The new stakeholder group is displayed on the Stakeholder groups tab.
Expand the stakeholder group to view the group members.
You can import one or more applications into the Application inventory page of the Tackle web console by using a CSV file.
You cannot create tags or business services by importing a CSV file. Specified tags or business services must exist in the web console before you import the applications.
The CSV file contains the following fields:
Record Type 1:
Describes an application or application dependencies.
Required for all records.
The following values are allowed for Record Type 1:
1: Application: This option has the following fields:
Application Name: Required.
Description: Optional.
Comments: Optional.
Business Service: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag Type <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
Tag <1..20>: Optional. Must exist in the web console.
You can import up to 20 Tag Type <x> and Tag <x> fields.
2: Application dependencies: This option requires the following fields:
Application Name
Dependency: Must be the same as the Application Name of the dependency.
Dependency Direction: Allowed values are northbound and southbound.
All other fields are empty.
Table 1. CSV example
Record Type 1
Application Name
Dependency Direction
Business Service
Tag Type 1
Tag 1
Tag Type 2
Tag 2
Tag Type 3
Tag 3
Vendor management
Required for purchase order processing and accounts payable
Finance and HR
Operating System
Requisitions, purchase orders, goods received
Requisition to receipt
Finance and HR
Operating System
To be retired at the end of the financial year
Finance and HR
General Ledger
Finance and HR
Operating System
Human Resources
Go live scheduled for Q3
Finance and HR
Operating System
Valid CSV file.
Specified business services, tag types, and tags created in the web console.
In the Tackle web console, click Application inventory.
Click the Options menu in the toolbar and select Import.
Browse to the CSV file and click Open.
Click Import.
The imported applications are displayed on the Application inventory page .
You can create multiple instances of the Tackle application in the same namespace by specifying a unique name for each instance in the tackle.yaml file.
In the Kubernetes dashboard, click Workloads → Deployments to verify the installation.
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.