All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changelog.
- #15 Add support to setup ulimit (max file opened) in apache exporter service @emepege
- #16 Support for debian bullseye @emepege
- #11 Fixed syntax error @mbenabda
- Added 0.8.0 arguments format support @mbenabda
- #8 Upgraded to latest Ansible, molecule and other test dependencies @frantsao
- #8 Added Debian Buster support @frantsao
- #8 Moved logging from file to journal (breaking) @frantsao
- #8 Renamed role @frantsao
- #7 Optional logrotate configuration (breaking) @frantsao
- Download and configure apache exporter @jdvega
- First release @jdvega