A flyout is a lightweight popup container, typically styled as a small box with a nub (pointer). Flyouts provide a container for navigation, actions, and menu options.
Read more about when and how to use the Flyout component on the website.
yarn add @hig/flyout
import Flyout, { anchorPoints } from "@hig/flyout";
import "@hig/flyout/build/index.css";
content={<p>Any content can go in here.</p>}
<Button title="Open flyout" />
Using render props for additional customization
When a function is provided to props.content
, it will be given a payload containing:
hideFlyout {function()}
- An action that will hide the flyout when called
content={({ hideFlyout }) => (
<p>Any content can go in here.</p>
<button type="button" onClick={hideFlyout}>
Click to hide
<Button title="Open flyout" />
When a function is provided to props.panel
, it will be given a payload containing:
innerRef {function(HTMLElement)}
- A required ref that's used to position the flyout
must be set properly for the flyout to render correctly.
hideFlyout {function()}
- An action that will hide the flyout when called
[content] {JSX}
- Rendered JSX via
- Rendered JSX via
[handleScroll] {function(UIEvent)}
- The handler provided to
- The handler provided to
[maxHeight] {number}
- The value provided to
- The value provided to
panel={({ innerRef }) => (
<Flyout.Panel innerRef={innerRef}>
<p>Any content can go in here.</p>
<Button title="Open flyout" />
When a function is provided to props.content
, it will be given a payload containing:
handleClick {function(MouseEvent)}
- An event handler that will toggle the flyout's visibility
content={<p>Any content can go in here.</p>}
{({ handleClick }) => (
<CustomButton onClick={handleClick} />