diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 469e8f92..bf919c60 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-### TKO (“Technical Knockout”)
+# TKO (“Technical Knockout”)
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@@ -11,72 +11,135 @@
-**TKO** houses the monorepo of [Knockout](https://github.com/knockout/knockout).
-### Getting Started
+1. [Intro](#intro)
+2. [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+ 1. [Download](#download)
+ 1. [Reference](#download-reference)
+ 2. [Compatibility build](#download-compatibility)
+ 3. [Over CDN](#download-cdn)
+ 2. [Usage / import](#usage)
+ 1. [ESM](#imports-esm)
+ 2. [IIFE](#imports-iife)
+ 3. [CommonJS](#imports-cjs)
+ 4. [MJS](#imports-mjs)
+ 3. [Sites](#sites)
+3. [Using the Monporepo](#monorepo)
+ 1. [Test suit](#tests)
+4. [Objectives](#objectives)
+5. [Roadmap](#roadmap)
+6. [License](#license)
+7. [Shoutouts](#shoutouts)
+## Getting Started
+**TKO** serves as a foundation for `Knockout 4` which goal is to become a drop-in replacement and a feature-rich expansion of already existing KnockoutJS (3+) while adhering new standards and paradigms of web developmentent. Its built on top of current KnockoutJS featurelist while being [mostly compatible](https://www.tko.io/3to4) with it, further about it and build differences at [download](#download) section.
+### Download
To install use one of the usual package managers e.g.
+#### Reference build:
- $ `yarn add @tko/build.reference`
- $ `npm install @tko/build.reference`
+This is the canonical build without compatibilities with older KnockoutJS versions
-Over CDN
+#### Compabibility build:
+- $ `yarn add @tko/build.knockout`
+- $ `npm install @tko/build.knockout`
+This Knockout build has some backwards compatibility that is not in the reference build. See the build differences, here: https://tko.io/3to4
-- Reference Build: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tko/build.reference@4.0.0-alpha8/dist/build.reference.min.js
+#### Over CDN
+> **Note**: Latest version available is `alpha8`
-#### Knockout Build
-The Knockout build has some backwards compatibility that is not in the reference build. See the build differences, here: https://tko.io/3to4
+- *Reference* Build: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tko/build.reference@4.0.0-alpha8/dist/build.reference.min.js
+- *Compatibility* Build: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tko/build.knockout@4.0.0-alpha8/dist/build.knockout.min.js
-It's available as `@tko/build.knockout`, and over CDN:
-- Knockout Build https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tko/build.knockout@4.0.0-alpha8/dist/build.knockout.min.js
+### Using TKO in a project
+Currently there is no default package root import due to availability of different builds listed below. Every TKO build supports all listed below module types:
+* ESM
-### Using the Monorepo
+ ```js
+ import ko from "@tko/build.reference/dist/index.js"
+ ```
-| Command | Effect |
-| ------- | ------ |
-| $ `git clone git@github.com:knockout/tko` | Clone the repository.
-| $ `npm install -g yarn` otherwise | Ensure yarn is globally available
-| $ `yarn` | Install local node packages and link tko modules
-| $ `yarn test` | Run all tests. See below.
-| $ `yarn watch` | Run all tests and watch for changes. See below.
-| $ `yarn build` | Build tko\[.module\]\[.es6\]\[.min\].js files, where `.es6` version has not been transpiled
-| $ `lerna publish` | Bump versions and publish to npm registry
+ `ko` is default export so feel free to change import name on your desired.
-Checkout `package.json => scripts` for more commands that can be executed with `yarn {command}`.
-In each individual `packages/*/` directory, you can also run (presuming `rollup` and `karma` are installed globally):
+ ```js
+ import "@tko/build.reference/dist/browser.js"
+ // or use already minified bundle
+ import "@tko/build.reference/dist/browser.min.js"
+ ```
-| Command | Effect |
-| --- | --- |
-| $ `karma COMMAND ../../karma.conf.js [--once]` | Test the local package, where COMMAND is e.g. `start` or `run`
-| $ `rollup -c ../../rollup.config.js` | Build the package into the local `dist/`
+ Imported namespace is available *only* as `tko`.
+* CommonJS
+ ```js
+ const ko = require("@tko/build.reference/dist/index.cjs")
+ ```
+* MJS
+ ```js
+ import ko from "@tko/build.reference/dist/index.mjs"
+ ```
+ `ko` is default export so feel free to change import name on your desired.
+> **Note**: you can check imported TKO version by looking at its namespace attribute `.version` in runtime.
-#### Testing with `yarn test` and `yarn watch`
-The `yarn test` and `yarn watch` commands can be used in the root directory, where it will run across all tests, or alternatively in any `packages/*/` directory to run tests
-specific to that package.
+### Sites
-Optional arguments to `yarn test` include:
+Currently there are 2 points of interest which further would be considered a wiki:
+- https://tko.io - wiki specifically for TKO (*not Knockout 4*)
+- https://brianmhunt.github.io/knockout - Work In Profress wiki/docs for Knockout
+## Using the Monorepo
+The default package manager for monorepo currently is `npm` with the addition of [Lerna](https://lerna.js.org/docs/getting-started) as a viable choice for monorepo management.
+First thing at getting familiar with the project monorepo is to look at `./Makefile` at project root. Since its a separate file spanning entire repo, we will cover only the most commonly used commands:
+| Command | Effect |
+| ------- | ------ |
+| $ `git clone git@github.com:knockout/tko` | Clone the repository.
+| $ `make` | Install all dependencies, build *reference* and *compatibility* versions of TKO at `builds/*/dist/*` without any transpilation. It is the `default` makefile behavior calling `all` directive.
+| $ `make clean` | empties build directories `.../dist/*` and `package-lock.json`'s inside of every `package/*` and `builds/*`
+| $ `npm i` | Install local node packages and link tko modules
+| $ `make test` | Run all tests. See below.
+| $ `make publish-unpublished` | Bump versions and publish to npm registry
+In each individual `packages/*/` directory, you can also run (presuming `esbuild` and `karma` are installed globally):
+| Command | Effect |
+| --- | --- |
+| $ `make test` | Test the local package, abstraction of `npx karma start ../../tools/karma.conf --once`
+| $ `make` | Build the package into the local `dist/`
-- `--sauce` — use Sauce Labs to test a variety of platforms; requires an account at Sauce Labs and `SAUCE_USERNAME` and `SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY` to be set in the environment.
-- `--noStartConnect` — Do not start a new Sauce Connect proxy instance for every
-test; requires that Sauce Connect be already running.
+### Test suit
-#### `visual.html`
+make test
-Note that running `karma` or `rollup` will create a `visual.html` file that shows the proportional size of imports into each package.
+Testing suit is build around Karma and Jasmine. The `make test` command can be used in the root directory, where it will run across all tests, or alternatively in any `packages/*/` directory to run tests specific to that package from their respective `spec` folders.
-### Objectives
+## Objectives
TKO aims to become a base for future versions of Knockout. The objectives include:
-- Modularization into ES6 and separate projects, with compilation using an ES6 compiler like [Rollup](http://rollupjs.org/). This solves several problems with Knockout, including:
+- Modularization into ES6 and separate projects, with compilation using an ES6 compiler like [esbuild](https://esbuild.github.io/). This solves several problems with Knockout, including:
- Some folks want to roll-their-own with e.g. removing components
- Compilation is now with Closure compiler, which is actually transliterating – meaning the *debug* and *minified* versions have different code paths (mostly in the form of things exposed in *debug* being missing in the *minified* version)
- The compilation of Knockout is just concatenation, leading to difficulties with maintainance, severance, and replacement
@@ -89,16 +152,16 @@ TKO aims to become a base for future versions of Knockout. The objectives inclu
- Quality plugins have lots of boilerplate for compilation, release, documentation, and testing
-## Next steps
+## Roadmap / Next steps
There's an [issue for that](https://github.com/knockout/tko/issues/1).
-## License
+## License
MIT license - [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
-## Shout Outs
+## Shout Outs