Navigate to http://localhost:8153/ using your web browser
[Instructor gives over of GoCD user interface]
- Main landing page
- Agents
- Environments
We’re going to use the wizard to create our first pipeline. Later in the workshop you’ll see other ways.
Create new pipeline (note: it’s not required to use these names but if you don’t you may need to edit code snippets and other settings later)
- Pipeline Name: Application
- Pipeline Group: Development
[Instructor gives an overview of material options on next page]
- Material Type: Git
- URL: /gitrepo/application
- Branch: master
[Instructor gives overview of Stage / Job / Task]
- Stage Name: BuildApplication
- Job Name: Build
- Task Type: More…
- Command: /bin/bash
- Why bash instead of calling it directly?
- Arguments: (each on own line)
- -c
- application/
[Instructor gives overview of pipeline editing admin screen
- Expandable menu showing pipeline / stage / job
- Must drill into job to see tasks
- Project Management
- Materials
- Environment Variables
- Parameters
Navigate to home page and unpause Application pipeline
[Instructor talks about polling intervals in java agents]
- Click on stage bar to drill into Pipeline
[Instructor gives overview of page]
- Job Listing
- Tabs
- Stage History
Click on job name to drill into job [Instructor gives overview of page]
- Console
- Other tabs
Click ‘ADMIN’ in top menu ,select ‘Pipelines’.
Navigate back to the admin screen for the Application pipeline
Click on Stages tab, then Add new stage
- Stage Name: UnitTest
- JobName: UnitTest
- TaskType: More…
- Command: /bin/bash
- Arguments: (one per line)
- -c
- unit_test/
Click ‘Add new stage’
- Stage Name: Package
- JobName: MakePackage
- TaskType: More…
- Command: /bin/bash
- Arguments: (one per line)
- -c
- application/
On the tree on the left, click the arrow next to ‘Package’ to expand
Click the ‘MakePassage’ job
Click on ‘Artifacts’ tab [Instructor gives overview of page]
- Source: installer.tgz
- Destination:
- Type: Build Artifact
Navigate back to home page and run pipeline
Drill into Package job and look at the Artifacts tab
- [instructor use slides to teach about linear vs parallel pipelines]
- [instructor use slides to teach about configuration in external repo]
Navigate to ‘Admin’ -> ‘Config XML’
- Type or paste code snippet below the line - then save
<config-repo plugin="yaml.config.plugin">
<git url="/gitrepo/gocd-configuration" />
In the gocd-configuration directory that you cloned during setup, rename verification.gocd.yaml.start to verification.gocd.yaml
Commit the file, and push it to the origin repo
git add .; git commit -m 'some comment'; git push
Navigate to the home page (Note: if you called your first pipeline something other than ‘Application; you’re going to get an error)
Click ‘Admin’ -> ‘Pipelines’
- Notice that the new pipeline shows up here, but all of the options are greyed out
- Notice that ‘delete’ is now greyed out for ‘Application’
[Instructor use the Application pipeline to introduce the concept of ‘Fetch Artifact’]
[Instructor show the documentation for GoCD YAML plugin] -
Look at the yaml for the Application pipeline (whitespace matters in yaml)
- fetch: pipeline: Application stage: Package job: MakePackage is_file: yes source: installer.tgz
- Note: Why did we tar it when GoCD would have zipped it for us? Zip doesn’t maintain permissions and we have an executable script in our installer.
Add a task to execute the installer
- /bin/bash -c installer/ FunctionalTesting
- Commit and push the code changes
Navigate to GoCD homepage, drill into console output from the job to show the artifact being fetched. Note the versioning in the path to the artifact.
(note: instructions will become increasingly vague on purpose. This is to encourage learning how to navigate the documentation and learn by example)
Create a new stage called FunctionalTest which executes functional_test/ on 3 agents simultaneously
Commit and push the changes to git
Navigate to the GoCD homepage and execute the pipeline
- Drill into the new stage and note the number of jobs run
- Drill into the console for each job and note the output from the shell script
Create a UAT pipeline that uses the same deployment script and has a manual second stage for approval. (hint, there's nothing special about an "approval" stage, it usually just does something like "echo approved" and is marked as manual)
Drill into UAT and manually execute the second stage
Create a new pipeline called DeployStaging in a new pipeline group call Operations. Use both FunctionalTesting and UserAcceptance as materials. Fetch the installer from the Application pipeline without using it as a material.