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Handling source files that have an amount field vs files with separate credit & debit fields

klequis edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 12 revisions

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Some source files have a structure with credit & debit fields

description debit credit
Grocery Store 30
Store Refund -50

The following must happen

  • Determine if the row is a credit or debit by checking the values in both fields
    • if credit === (0 || '') it is a debit
    • if debit === (0 || '') it is a credit
  • Return the value from credit or debit that is not (0 || '')

Pseudo Code

if fidleName === 'amount'

if hasCreditDebitField === true
  creditValue = // get from doc using colMap
  debitValue = // get from doc using colMap

if creditValue === (0 || '') && debitValue === (0 || '')
  // That's an error. Not sure how that would impact rest of data
  // transformation so throw an error
if creditValue !== (0 || '') && debitValue !== (0 || '')
  // Also error as above

let finalValue

// is it a debit
if creditValue === (0 || '') && debitValue !== (0 || '')
  // it is a debit
  if debitValue > 0
    debitValue = debitValue * -1
    finalValue = debitValue

// is it a credit
if debitValue === (0 || '') && creditValue !== (0 || '')
  if creditValue < 0
    creditValue = creditValue * -1
    finalValue = creditValue

older. keep for now

description debit credit
Grocery Store 30
Store Refund -50

The following must happen to move this data to the transactions collection debit

  • A debit must be made negative before put into the debit column
  • A zero must be placed in the credit column


  • A credit must be made positive before put into the credit column
  • A zero must be placed in the debit column

Logic In this case credit and debit have their own columns so we don't need to know if the value is a credit or debit and therefore the fieldValue will be the value as per fieldName. However, two other considerations come in:

  1. we must take into consideration the value of account.reverseSignAmount.
  2. if an empty string is passed it zero should be retuned
// if receive empty string return 0
if (R.isEmpty(fieldValue) {
  return 0
// reverse sign or don't
return reverseSignAmount ? fieldValue * -1 : fieldValue

Note: I have not yet seen a case that had separate debit & credit columns where debits were negative and credits were positive.

Some source files have a single amount field that contains debits and credits in the same column

description amount
Grocery Store -30
Store Refund 50

The following must happen

If a negative value in amount column

  • The value goes in transactions.debit and a zero is put in

If a positive value in the amount column

  • The value goes in the credit column and a zero goes in transactions.debit


// In this case we need to make different decisions for credit and debit. If the
if (fieldName === 'credit') {
  // fieldName='credit' but fieldValue is negative, fieldValue is not a credit so return 0. 
  return fieldValue > 0 ? fieldValue : 0
if (fieldName = 'debit' {
  // if fieldName='debit' but findValue is positive, fieldValue is not a debit so return 0.
  return fieldValue < 0 ? fieldValue : 0

Note: I have not seen a case that had a single amount field and credits were negative and debits positive.