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リーグ概要/League Overview


(ロボカップの他のリークと同じように)小型機リーグは3つの異なる委員会(実行委員会技術委員会組織委員会)で運営されている。これらの委員会はそれぞれ異なる責任を負う。各委員会の委員はロボカップ小型機リーグの公式ウェブサイト( で確認できる。
The Small Size League (like every other league of the RoboCup) is run by close cooperation of three different committees (executive committee, technical committee and organizing committee), all with a different set of responsibilities. The members of the respective committees can be found on the official RoboCup Small Size League website (

In practice, there is no strict separation between the technical and the organizing committee. Members of both committees often work together on the joint set of tasks.

Additionally, the members of the local organizing committee organize the RoboCup event for all leagues.

実行委員会/Executive Committee

Executive committee members are responsible for the long term goals of the Small Size League and thus have also contact to other leagues as well as to the RoboCup federation. The executive committee presents the Small Size League and its achievements to the RoboCup federation every year and gets feedback to organize the league. Executive committee members are elected by the board of trustees of the RoboCup federation. They serve 3-year terms.


技術委員会/Technical Committee

The technical committee of the Small Size League is responsible for the technical aspects of the RoboCup, such as maintaining the rules and the shared software. All members are elected by the team leaders of the teams which have participated in the previous competition.


組織委員会/Organizing Committee

The organizing committee of the Small Size League is responsible for preparing and organizing the competition. This mainly includes making the schedule, performing the qualification process, and running the competition. The committee members are selected by the executive committee of the league and the RoboCup trustees.

(訳者注記) "Qualification Process"(出場資格審査)は参加予定チームによるTeam Description Paper(TDP)ならびに評価用ビデオの提出、匿名での他チーム評価(要求された場合は加筆訂正のうえ再提出)からなる一連のプロセスを指し、世界大会出場のための前提条件となる。

地域の組織委員会/Local Organizing Committee

The local organizing committee is responsible for planning and executing the event itself in accordance with the needs of the different leagues. This includes setting up the team areas (fields, network, tables, whiteboard, screens, etc.), creating a schedule for the event and implementing a safety and security concept.



The Small Size League is divided into two divisions with separate tournaments, namely division A and division B. Division A is aimed at advanced teams whereas new and/or less competitive teams can play in division B. Each team will only play in one of those two divisions.

出場資格審査で使う資料を提出する時、各チームは簡潔な理由をつけてどちらのディヴィジョンで競技したいかも選択すること。組織委員会のメンバーは最終的な決定をする。出場資格審査の方法に関する情報はロボカップ小型機リーグの公式ウェブサイト( で確認できる。
When submitting the qualification material, the team also chooses a preferred division including a short rationale. The members of the organizing committee will have the final word. Information about the qualification process can be found on the official RoboCup Small Size League website (

A summary of differences between the two divisions can be found in the Appendix.

Divisions allow for more radical advancements in the Small Size League without drastically raising the entry barrier for new teams. Additionally, they also considerably increase the amount of matches between teams of similar skill.